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時(shí)間: 桂香1115 分享





  四. Look and choose.將字母標(biāo)號(hào)填入相應(yīng)單詞前的括號(hào)內(nèi)(10分)

  A B C D E

  ( ) bird ( ) duck ( ) elephant ( ) juice ( ) nose

  五.Fill in the blanks.(填空)寫(xiě)出相應(yīng)的大寫(xiě)字母或小寫(xiě)字母。(12分)

  A b D G K m

  P Q r T w Y

  六、Read and choose.把正確的答語(yǔ)的序號(hào)填在括號(hào)里。(10分)

  1 ( )How are you? A. I’m six years old.

  2( ) How old are you ? B. Here you are.

  3 ( )Can I have some water,please? C. It’s a bear .

  4 ( )What’s this ? D. I’m fine, thank you.

  5 ( )How many plates ? E. Five .

  七、Found out the words that don’t belong .找出不是同一類(lèi)的單詞,把序號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。(10分)

  ( )1. A. arm B. pencil C. nose

  ( )2. A. face B. elephant C. monkey

  ( )3. A. green B. orange C. hand

  ( )4. A. Sarah B. bag C. Mike

  ( )5. A. nine B. seven C. eye

  八.Simple selection 單項(xiàng)選擇,將正確的序號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每題


  ( )1. What’s this?

  A. Let’s play. B. I’m two years old.

  C.It’s a pig. D. Let’s go to school.

  ( ) 2. What’s that ?

  It’s ___ elephant.

  A. a B. an  C. /

  ( )3.How many plates ?

  A. It’s a dog. B. Five.

  C.Happy birthday! D. I’m five years old.

  ( )4. Colour it black!

  A.OK! B. Sure, here you are.

  C. Colour it brown! D. Cool! I like it.

  ( )5. What’s your name?

  A.My name is Wu Yifan . B. It’s a pen.

  C. Nice to meet you. D. That is a tiger.

  九、Read and choose. 將句子的序號(hào)填在相應(yīng)的圖片下。(8分)

  _____ _____ _____

  十、Place the figures in order.把下面數(shù)字從小到大排列,


  ①three ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven

  ( )→( ) →( )→( )→( )

  十一.Scene play.情景交際.把正確選項(xiàng)的序號(hào)填在前面的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題2分,共10分)

  ( )1. John: Have some eggs.

  Sarah:Thank you .


  A.This is my pen . B.You’re welcome . C.Thank you .

  ( )2. John:Hi, Sam . Happy birthday!


  A. thank you. B. here you are. C. I’m ten years old.

  ( )3. Wu Yifan:Can I have some water,please ?


  A. This one, please. B. Here you are. C. Very well,thanks.

  ( )4. Wu Yifan:Look! A funny dog!


  A. Thank you. B. Cool! I like it.  C. Bye, Wu Yifan。

  ( )5. Sarah :Mom,I’m hungry!


  A.It’s a panda. B. Let’s go to school. C. Have some bread.



  五、 找出下列各組中不屬于同一類(lèi)的單詞,將序號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。(10分 )

  ( ) 1. A. one B. name C. three

  ( ) 2. A. apple B. monkey C. orange

  ( ) 3. A. warm B. hot C. fell

  ( ) 4. A. short B. tall C. cake

  ( ) 5. A. black B. egg C. yellow

  ( ) 6. A. cut B. write C. scissors

  ( ) 7. A. sister B. boy C. long

  ( ) 8. A. green B. bike C. red

  ( ) 9. A. sad B. in C. out

  ( )10. A. Canada B. China C. English

  六、 判斷下列中英文意思是否相符。若相符打√, 不相符打×。( 10分 )

  ( ) 1. 晚上睡覺(jué)前和媽媽說(shuō):Go to school .

  ( ) 2. 李老師,這是我的母親。Miss Li , this is my father.

  ( ) 3. 描述自己的個(gè)子不高時(shí),說(shuō):I’m tall.

  ( ) 4. 這是一張課桌。This is a table.

  ( ) 5. 下午好!Good morning.

  ( ) 6. 我們?nèi)ラL(zhǎng)城吧。Let’s go to the Great Wall .

  ( ) 7. 向別人介紹自己的父親時(shí)說(shuō):This is his father.

  ( ) 8. 跟別人說(shuō)再見(jiàn)時(shí)說(shuō): See you .

  ( ) 9. 要求幫助打開(kāi)水龍頭說(shuō): Close the door.

  ( ) 10. 看我的短裙。 Look at my dress .

  七、 對(duì)號(hào)入座,請(qǐng)將II中相應(yīng)的序號(hào)填入I欄的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(10分 )

  ( ) 1. How are you today? A. My eyes are blue.

  ( ) 2. What colour are your eyes? B. He is handsome.

  ( ) 3. What does he look like? C. Yes, I am.

  ( ) 4. Do you feel happy? D. Fine,thanks.

  ( ) 5. Are you hot? E.No,I don’t.

  八、寫(xiě)出下列字母的左鄰右舍。 (10分 )

  ______Ee_______ _______Hh_______ ______ Ll______

  ______Rr ______ ______ Zz______







