

時間: 嘉馨975 分享




  ( )1.eleven excuse twelve seven ( )2.excuse plus student use ( )3.think thirteen their thank ( )4.Chinese Japanese please Miss ( )5.cups bags pens boys ( )6.buses oranges apples boxes ( )7.English uncle morning thank ( )8.where who what which ( )9.bird girl her teacher( )10.Chinese much teacher school


  1.“Where are my pen and pencil?”“ in your desk.”

  2.Ask that woman. I think it’s picture.

  3. four plus three? It’s seven.

  4. is that? That’s Miss Gao.

  5.Lucy and Lily look same.


  ( )1.He often helps with English.

  A.her,her B.she,her C.her,she D.she,she

  ( )2.How many are there in your school?

  A.woman teacher B.women teacher C.woman teachers D.women teachers

  ( )3.“Are you ?”“Yes,we are brothers.”

  A.twin,twin B.twins,twins C.twins,twin D.twin,twins

  ( )4.David goes to school every day.

  A.by a bike B.by his bike C.on his bike D.on bike

  ( )5.Are in the same class?

  A.you,he and I B.you,I and he C.he,you and I D.I,you and he

  ( )6.There’s “u” in the word “use”.

  A.a B.an C.the D.×

  ( )7.“ your brother’s number?” “4”.

  A.What’s B.How many C.How D.How old

  ( )8.That’s bus.

  A.English B.his C.Japanese D.he

  ( )9.“Thank you very much.”“ ”.

  A.That’s right. B.Thank you. C.Oh,yes,all right D.That’s all right.

  ( )10. a bird. name is Polly.

  A.Its,Its B.It’s,Its C.It’s,It’s D.Its,It’s


  1.Is everyone here today? (today)

  2.She’s in Row One.(就劃線部分提問) (she)



  1. The football under the table is (he).

  2. Helen (visit) her grandparent on Sunday.

  3. Did you (watch) a film last week .

  4. I'd like (have) a party.

  5. They are (water) flowers at home .

  6. We (milk) cows ahd picked apples on a farm .

  7. Helen's family (be) at home last Sunday .

  8. Please open (they) for _ (I ).

  9. The new mirror is (she).

  10. Jim likes (watch) TV very much .

  11. They (go) to a farm on Christmas Day .

  12. (do) Ben and Mike (go) to school together ?

  13. SuYang is (look) for (she) camera now .

  14. New Year's Day is (come).

  15. We (help) her with (do) housework just now .

  16. She (like) (listen) to music.

  17. People (go) to the park every morning .

  18. Listen! The girl (sing) over there .

  19. Mike (have)a blue balloon . And I (have) a green one .

  20. There (be) some bread on the plate .Can I (have) some ?

  21. Let’s (clean) the windows.

  22. When’s (he) birthday ?

  23. Now the children are (sing) the song .

  24. Ben often (have) breakfast at seven in the morning .

  25. I (be) at school a moment ago ,I (be) at home now .

  26. The girl (visit) Doctor Wang last month .

  27. Sunday is the (one) day of a week.

  28. Can you help (she) (do) housework?

  29. Listen ! The little girl is (cry).

  30. The man in a white shirt is the park (keep).

  31. There was an (excite) volleyball match in their school last week.

  32. They are going to have a Sports Day on the (twenty-one) of December.

  33. Would you like (any) bread ?

  34. My birthday’s on the (three) of November.

  35. Today is (Teachers) Day.

  36. Mike (not) like listening to music.

  37. WangBing (give) Ben a new model plane as a birthday present yesterday.

  38. Do you like (collect) stamps ?

  39. Where are you (CD) ? They (be) in the desk yesterday evening.

  40. There (be) a pair of (glass) on the sofa now .

  41. All the workers are very (excite).

  42. The race is very (excite) .

  43. She (draw) pictures every week .

  44. Your shoes (be) there just now .

  45. Go and ask (he) the way .

  46. We are (have) a birthday party .

  47. There (be) a big cake and some candles .

  48. It is the (five) of October .

  49. My birthday’s coming . Let’s (has) a party .

  50. We are now (live) in China .

  51. How many (apple) are there ?

  52. (Ben) birthday is on the second day of January.

  53. Helen (have) a birthday party at home .

  54. Ben and Jim usually (go) home together.

  55. Would you like (come) my birthday party .

  56. They are (talk) about Ben’s birthday .

  57. It (be) the Children’s Day last week .

  58. Today is the (two) day of school .

  59. Tom (go) to school every day.

  60. What you (do) yesterday?

  61. I (sweep) the floor now .

  62. You can take bus 5. (number)

  63. Mr. Ma (watch) a film with my friends on Wednesdays.

  64. Don’t worry ,I’ll look after ( she) baby.

  65. GaoShan can (speak) loudly.

  66. I want to (visit ) the farm .

  67. He (have) a brother and a sister .

  68. Peter likes (make) model ships.

  69. We have different (hobby).

  70. Nancy dances (beautiful) .

  71. Today is the (15) of December .

  72. The students are getting very (exciting).

  73. What holiday (come) after New Year’s Day ?

  74. he usually (go) shopping at Spring Festival?

  75. They (go) to (visit) relatives and friends last National Day.

  76. (not put ) on that sweater ,because(因為) it’s hot today .

  77. I like (watch) the moon .But I don’t (eat) moon cakes .

  78. Can you (play) with lanterns ? No, I .

  79. Look ,Sang Lan is (stand) up .

  80. Whose ruler is brown ,yours or (me)?

  81. What (do) you do last Sunday?

  82. We (have) a chat in the evenings.

  83. Look at (we) new classroom ,please.

  84. Did you (watch ) a film on Saturday ?

  85. Whose sweater is this ? It’s (she).

  86. SuYang (like) listening to music .

  87. Tom (be) in the classroom just now .

  88. My birthday is on the (one) of November.

  89. (blow) out the candles ,please.

  90. They are (watch) a running race.

  91. Yang Ling’s uncle (live) in a town near Nanjing .

  92. Yesterday afternoon, they (have) a chat in the garden .

  93. We did some (china) dances.

  94. Last week ,there (be) an Art Festival at Yang Ling’s School.

  95. Look! Mary is (run) to her mother .

  96. What did you do ? We (make) a lot of (color) kites and flew

  97. They often go for a (walk) in the park .

  98. (I) shirt’s black, but (you ) are white .

  99. (she )cat’s thin , but (he) is fat.

  100. (we) pens are long , but (they) are short .



  1. Gao shan is thiner than his brother.

  2. Are your hair as long as hers?

  3. Yang Ling’s uncle is stronger and tall than her father.

  4. There are a little dog and two cats under the tree.

  5. My mum say Jimmy is also her child.

  6. I am three months older than he.

  7. Go along the street, and turn left at second crossing.

  8. You can take bus No.2 and got off at the third stop.

  9. I want to buy a interesting book about football.

  10. Where’s Nanjing and Suzhou? In Jiangsu .

  11. He is asking YangLing how to get to there.

  12. It’s about two kilometer away.

  13. Sorry. How can I get to the History Museum?

  14. We are same age.

  15. He is on holiday in china.

  16. They play the football every day.

  17. How many building are there in the street?

  18. I told him to took bus No.3 in front of the cinema.

  19. Su Yang’s and Su Hai’s cousin is thinner than them.

  20. Last week, there is a Sports Festival at our school.

  21. Christmas is on 25th of December.

  22. She reads as better as us.

  23. Shall we started our lesson now?

  24. It’s about a kilometer way.

  25. The weather in winter is as colder as in spring.

  26. It often rain in spring there.

  27. I very much like autumn.

  28. How many green watch can you see on the shell?

  29. Which season are you like best?

  30. It is half past then in Sunday morning.

  31. The boys and girls are talk about the football match.

  32. Are you still in the bed?

  33. Nancy is going to play piano at the concert.

  34. I see a Beijing opera show last year.

  35. What are you go to do tomorrow?

  36. There are some orange juice in the glass.

  37. Tom is going to play basketball and his friends.

  38. The weather in New York is cold than in Nanjing.

  39. You need buy a new school bag.

  40. Peter likes make model planes at home.

  41. There are a hill, a lake and many trees near our house.

  42. I would like to know many about you.

  43. David and Mike likes watching football games.

  44. Mike’s parents are all doctors.

  45. What are you going to do in Sunday morning?

  46. Do you have breakfast at six? Yes, I have.

  47. I’m going to play the game and some friends.

  48. I read English for a hour every morning.

  49. There are two windows on the wall.

  50. The woman in black is old than Mrs. Black.

  51. We want to met Miss Gao on Sunday.

  52. How many maps are there in the study? There’s two.

  53. Is Tom ride a bike? Yes, he is.

  54. My brother is good in Chinese.

  55. He like playing football very much.

  56. Do you have any problems of your homework?

  57. How about go for a walk with us?

  58. Your mother looks young than her mother.

  59. Jim is not as stronger as the other boys.

  60. Is Yang Ling’s kite higher than Liu Tao?

  61. Helen is doing well in PE than Nancy.

  62. I want to buy some presents to my friends.

  63. One of us are in the room.

  64. This is their plans for the weekend.

  65. I like read books about music.

  66. He often do homework at home.

  67. The girl in the yellow bowl is watching the snow.

  68. Gao Shan is siting by the window.

  69. I have some writing paper an a envelope.

  70. My favourite subject are Maths and Science.

  71. Do he have any cousins?

  72. Who goes to school earlier, you and David?

  73. My mother look younger than my aunt.

  74. David swims fast than Jim.

  75. Please turn right at the five crossing.

  76. I would like to do your penfriend.

  77.I usually go rowing and fish.








小學六年級階段的英語語法比較簡單,除了疑問句中會出現(xiàn)倒裝句結(jié)構,其他情況下,語言結(jié)構和中文句式的差異不大。學習啦小編在此整理了六年級英語練習題,供大家參閱,希望大家在閱讀過程中有所收獲! 六年級英語練習題1 一、語音:挑出


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