學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初三學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 九年級(jí)英語 > 2017年秋季學(xué)期初三英語上冊(cè)期中考試卷


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  第I卷(客觀性試題 共55分)

 ?、? 單項(xiàng)選擇。(共20分,每小題1分)

  1. Excuse me, is the supermarket far from here? It’s _____.

  A 7 minutes walk B 7 minutes’ walk C 7 minute walk D 7 minute’s walk

  2.The idea of “Sunshine Sport”makes it possible for kids to do _____about sports as long as one

  hour every day.

  A pleasant something B anything pleasant C nothing pleasant D something pleasant

  3. Who is laughing in the room? _____must be Lucy.

  A She B It C This D He

  4. -Harbin is really a beautiful city and there are many places of interest.

  -So it is . Why not stay here for _____ two days?

  A other B others C another D the other

  5. There isn’t _____ airport near where I live. _____ nearest airport is 110 kilometers away.

  A a ; The B an ; / C an ;The D a ; /

  6.How much does it cost to build the school library? Four _____ yuan.

  A million B millions C millions of D million of

  7. -Oh, so many people in the amusement park!

  -Nobody likes to stay at home ___Sunday morning .

  A in B on C at D for

  8. This maths problem is _____ that one.

  A so easy as B as difficult as C much difficult that D less easier than

  9. -Could you tell me_____ to have the picnic?- Near the south beach.

  A .what B .why C .when D where

  10. A new bridge will _____ across the river.

  A be building B be build C build D be built

  11. I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me ____ in bed.

  A staying B to stay C stayed D to staying

  12.A small group of us tried to _____ a club for the children here.

  A think up B show up C set up D used up

  13. -Is Karl’s car a very new one?- No, he’s _____ it since more than four years ago.

  A got B had C bought D borrowed

  14.He talked about the people and things _____ interested him greatly during his stay here

  A which B that C who D what

  15.-Whose knife is this? -It _____mark. Mine is in my bag.

  A belongs B is C belongs to D may

  16.The fire was finally _____ with the help of the firemen.

  A cut down B put out C put away D take away

  17.-Nice to see you. I _____ you for a long time.- I _____ in Nanjing . I have just come back.

  A hadn’t seen ; am B haven’t ; was C didn’t see ; will be D haven’t ; have been

  18. ___ pretty your dress is!

  A What B What a C How D How a

  19.Before she went to Australia, she spent as much time as she could ____ English.

  A practicing; speaking B to practice ; speaking C practice ; speaking D practiced ; speaking

  20.She’s already back., _______?

  A doesn’t she B isn’t she C hasn’t she D has she

 ?、? 完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分)


  In America, on school and work days, breakfast in most homes is often a hurried meal of milk, bread, juice or coffee. Some people even don’t have it in order to get to 21 or school on time. Others just stop at coffee shops for coffee. But on weekends, 22 are quite different. People usually get up late, so they have enough time to have a large with eggs, home-fried potatoes and bread.

  Lunch is just a 23 break from the day’s work rather than a large, long meal. It usually lasts 24 half an hour or an hour , so family members do not have time to 25 home. Most people have a sandwich or a hamburger, and fruit or ice cream for lunch. 26 people either take their lunches to work in the brown paper “lunch bag”, 27 eat a sandwich at a fast-food restaurant. Children 28 to bring the “lunch box”.

  Dinner is the most 29 meal of the day in the United States. At this meal, most American families can sit down 30 . It is usually a hot, large meal and it is quite different from lunch, which is often cold and quick. 31 usually cooked dinner for their families in the past. Today, 32 , with more women working and as a result of women’s liberation , men are doing more in the 33 . Dinners all over America are quite 34 ,but most people have a meat dish, a vegetable, and rice or bread. Milk, water and soft drinks are common at dinner, but wine is only for 35 occasions . Dinner is usually eaten between 5:30p.m.and 7:00p.m.and often in restaurants. Most Americans enjoy themselves at this time.

  ( )21 A hospitals B shops C work D factories

  ( )22 A things B activities C reports D prices

  ( )23 A real B long C boring D short

  ( )24 A only B exactly C nearly D almost

  ( )25 A leave B get C return D drive

  ( )26 A Careful B Clever C Famous D Working

  ( )27 A and B or C but D so

  ( )28 A forget B stop C prefer D decide

  ( )29 A important B serious C terrible D common

  ( )30 A quietly B straight C early D together

  ( )31 A Men B Parents C Women D Children

  ( )32 A whenever B however C whatever D wherever

  ( )33 A wining-room B kitchen C study D garden

  ( )34 A strange B simple C healthy D different

  ( )35 A special B traditional C usual D ordina ry

  III. 閱讀理解(共20分,每小題1分)

  根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容, 從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇一個(gè)最佳答案。

  Passage 1

  If we want to deal with the association between boys and girls properly , here are some “dos and don’ts” for you to follow.

  Keep a normal and healthy state of mind .Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very natural for the boys and girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many friends as possible. We should keep touch with the other sex in public instead of in secret.

  Don’t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out. First of all , you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you . As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.

  Don’t fall into the ditch of early love. The boys and girls in adolescence are rich in feelings. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is fully ripe. Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of early love.

  36 The main idea of the passage is to _________

  A tell students to keep away from early love.

  B give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls.

  C tell students how to make friends.

  D teach boys how to talk with girls.

  37. We should keep touch with the other sex in the following ways EXCEPT _______

  A with a good state of mind . B in real friendship C in public D in secret

  38 If you are a shy person, you can ______

  A find friends with the same interest and hobby first B only have a few friends of the same sex .

  C not make friends with the other sex. D not fall in love with other students easily .

  39 What does the underlined word “ditch” mean?

  A 波浪 B 泥潭 C 圈套 D迷惑

  40 A person in adolescence is ___

  A complicated in feelings B good at making friends

  C old enough to fall in love D eas y to regard the friendship as a sign of love.


  We pick up your children at school

  and give them a safe place to play,do

  homework,and learn after school.

  Experienced Teachers/Lunch & Snacks/Toys & Books

  Ages 6 to 12

  Our Programs:

  *Languages *Math *Computer *Music

  Open 11:00 a. m.to 7:00 p. m.,Mon.to Fri.

  26 Market Road,Star City

  (between First Street and Second Street,next to the Flower Market)


  41. What can’t children learn in Little Rabbit?

  A. Art. B. Music. C. Computer. D. Languages.

  42. Mrs. Green can send her daughter Lucy to Little Rabbit except _____________.

  A.6:00 p.m. on Friday B. 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday

  C. 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday D. 12:00 a.m. on Monday

  43. Little Rabbit will be open for ____________ in a week.

  A. 4 hours B. 8 hours C. 20 hours D. 40 hours

  44. Who can have fun and learn in Little Rabbit?

  A. Mike, a school boy of 13. B. Mary, an eight-year-old girl.

  C. Cathy, an experienced teacher. D. Linda, a housewife without work.

  45. Where’s Little Rabbit?

  A. It’s on Second Street. B. It’s on First Street.

  C. It’s on Market Road. D. It’s in the Flower Market.

  Passage 3

  Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence ( 暴力)in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan!

  What is School Watch?

  School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom and you do the same for them.

  Is it for everyone?

  Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.

  What else can it do?

  School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help schoolmates who have problems with their homework.

  Who is the Best School Watcher?

  Our school will look for the Best School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one! How do you start?

  To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade. If you want to get more information, check the official website at com.

  46. The members of School Watch are probably _____

  A teenagers B parents C policemen D reporters

  47.School Watch can help its members ______

  A save the environment B organize sports activities

  C improve the quality of school life D study well

  48. Anyone can become a member of school watch because ___

  A everyone may have problems

  B everyone can give help to others

  C everyone needs to make some friends

  D everyone can have a good time

  49.If you want to be a member of school watch, you should ______

  A check the website

  B be good at your schoolwork.

  C talk to the director of the plan in your grade

  D finish your homework on time

  50. The best school watcher will get a lot of prizes from _____ every year.

  A the school B the website C the organization D the grade

  Passage 4

  Dear Alice,

  I just received your letter. And I was very surprised to know that you decided to drop out of school and wanted to be a model(模特).

  Being a model for a living is not easy. In fact, a famous person like me has a lot of problems that you coul dn’t see. I can’t eat what I like, even though I’m very hungry. Keeping thin makes me look more beautiful on the stage because no one would like to see a heavy model.

  Besides, I have to wear a heavy coat in the hot sun, in a swimming suit in the cold air. And practicing walking nicely every day is tiring for me.

  You might say I made much money from modeling. But my dear niece (侄女), you have to know that money is nothing, knowledge is everything. School is important and everyone should go to school for a certain period of time. The longer they stay at school, the better they will be. Very often, I hope I can give up my job and continue my studies at school. But it is very difficult for me to go back to school again. I am too old to go back to school now.

  You are a pretty young girl with a bright future. You only have one year to finish yo ur studies in high school. A year is really short. Please do consider my words carefully before you d ecide. Of course, there is only one thing I care about, and that is your happiness.



  51. What was Emma surprised about?

  A. Alice wanted to keep thin.

  B. Alice decided not to do modeling.

  C. Alice ate too much and became a heavy girl.

  D. Alice decided not to finish her studies at school.

  52. Emma can’t go back to school again, because _______________.

  A. she is tired of being a student

  B. she wants to make more money from modeling

  C. she is so old that she has missed the best time in school

  D. she has done a good job and makes a lot of money as a model

  53. How long does Alice still have to study in high school?

  A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years. D. The longer, the better.

  54. Emma only cares about________________.

  A. Alice’s beauty B. Alice’s happiness C. Alice’s age D. Alice’s swimming suit

  55. From the letter we know that __________________.

  A. Emma is a famous model B. Emma likes being a model for a living

  C. Alice will go on her studies in high school D. Emma can eat what she likes when she is very hungry

  第II卷(主觀性試題 共95分)

  Ⅰ. 補(bǔ)全 對(duì)話:


  A: What time shall we get home then?

  B: Why not?

  C: Do you have any plan for this weekend?

  D: Then we’ll sleep all day on Sunday .

  E: It sounds like a busy weekend.

  F: I’m afraid not.

  G: What time is it going to start?

  A: 56______

  B: Well, Mike, do you want to go swimming

  in the park on Saturday?

  A: 57__ and we can also go boating for a while.

  B: Then ,there’s a party.

  A: Party ? What party?

  B: Have you forgotten? Ruth invited us to

  dinner on Saturday night.

  A: I have forgotten 58___

  B: Maybe late. Ruth wants to go out after dinner to a place where we can dance


  B: Oh, not all day. There will be a football match on TV on Sunday morning . I don’t think you would like to miss it.

  A: Of course not. And in the afternoon, we’ll go to the cinema.

  There will be a new film .

  B: Yes, A: 60______

  B: Our weekends are always busy.

  ( B ) 在下面對(duì)話的空白處填入恰當(dāng)話題,話語可以是句子短語或詞,使對(duì)話完整(共10 分 每空2分 )

  Mike: It’s raining again, John. I really want to go skating today.

  John: Oh , well. Hey, 61_________

  Mike: Century Amusement Park? Yes, I went there last year, and you? John: No, I haven’t .

  62______ and I don’t want to ask my parents for so much money. But I really want to go there.

  Mike: Well. You could find a part-time job to make some money.

  John: Sound s great! But 63____________

  Mike: Look, there’s some job information in today’s newspaper. Look here it says “ Babysister wanted , Three-year-old boy needs taking care of 5 pm ~7pm from Mon. to Fri.”

  John: Great !It suits me well. I love children . Let me write down the address.273 Center Street, across from Children’s Hospital. 64__________________________

  Mike: No, only about 10 minutes by bus .

  John: I can’t wait to get the job. Would you like to go with me this afternoon?

  Mike: Of course, 65_____________________________

  John: It’s very k ind of you .

 ?、?. 句子翻譯(共20分)


  66.這里以前有條清澈的小河。There ____ ______ be a clean river.

  67. 我聽說加拿大人說法語。I hear that English _____ _______ in Canada.

  68.水太臟,我們不能引用。The water is _____ ______ that we can’t drink it.

  69.這學(xué)期他在英語方面取得了進(jìn)步。He _____ _____ in English this term.




  (B) 閱讀下面短文,將短文中畫線部分的句子譯成中文,(共6 分每小題2分)

  73When people became good at doing the things they like to do , they have found themselves. Many young people are good at doing things they do not like. 74Some young people would like to do something that they are not good at. Also some of them don’t think they are good at anything and don’t know what they would like to do. None of them are happy. 75It is impossible to decide whether one likes something until one has tried it. Trying something new is important. Give each idea a fair chance. If you have decided to try out something new, also decided how long you will keep trying it then you can make a fair decision.

  III. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式完成短文。(共10分,每小題1分)

  take ,by, call, seven, late, born ,neither, good ,join, worry ,run ,much

  My son Joey was 76 with club feet(畸形腳) .The doctors told us that he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. 77 the time he was eight , you wouldn’t know he had a problem when you saw him walk.

  The children in our neighborhood ran around playing. And Joey would 78 them , run and play, too. We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be able to run as 79 as the other children. So he didn’t know .In 80grade he decided to go out for the cross country team, every day he worked harder and ran 81 than any of the others .

  Although the whole team runs , only the top seven 82 score for the school. We didn’t tell him he probably would never be on the team ,so he didn’t know. He went on running four to five miles a day, every day even the day he had a high fever. I was 83 ,so I went to see him after school . I found him running alone, I asked him how he felt, “Okay,” he said . He had another two miles to go , yet he looked straight ahead and kept running .

  We never told him he couldn’t run miles with a high fever. So he didn’t know. Two weeks 84, the names of the team runners were 85 , Joey was Number Six on the list . Joey was on the team! He was in seventh grade. We never told him he couldn’t do it. so he didn’t know. He just did it.!

  IV.閱讀理解(共30分,每小題2分) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容要求完成任務(wù)。

  Passage 1閱讀短文,回答問題。

  Surfing is the name for riding ocean waves on special boards. Did you know that surfing has been around for more than 200 years? At first the sport was rougher and harder than it is today.

  For one thing the early surfboards were heavy. They weighed as much as 150 pounds. A surfer needed great strength just to get the board from the beach to the water! Also the early surfers didn’t ride standing up. They rode just lying on their stomachs. That was the only way to control the large board.

  Those surfers lived in the islands of Polynesia, in the South Pacific. In 1778 the surfers took the sport to Hawaii. There surfing quickly became popular. The beaches and waves of Hawaii are perfect for surfing.

  In 1970 George Freeth was the first person to ride a wave in the United States. He surfed in Redondo Beach in California. For years the sport of surfing spread slowly. In the 1950s surfing was known as a young people’s sport because mostly young people seemed to enjoy it. In 1961 rules for surfers were written. The surfers themselves, along with some surfboard companies, made up the rules.

  Today surfers are looked upon as sportsmen. Southern California is still the surfing center of the United States. Thousands of people surf there. Thousands more are fans of famous surfers. Surfing is here to stay.

  Surfers must still be strong. To surf, a person should be able to swim well, both on top of and under the water. A surfer must also be able to float for a long time. A good surfer must keep his or her eyes open at all times, even underwater.

  86 Was surfing an easy sport at first?

  87 How did the early surfers control the surfboard?

  88 Why did the sport of surfing quickly become popular in Hawaii?

  89 Who made up the rules for surfers?

  90 What is the main idea of this passage?

  Passage 2 填寫表格每空一詞。

  Mobile phones are everywhere and sometimes they can be very annoying. Most public places have mobile phone rules. So try to keep your phone ringer as low as possible or put it on vibration mode(震動(dòng)模式 )in public. A good time to leave your phone at home would be at school or when visiting a hospital. If you need to make or take a call while in a meeting or at a restaurant or a theater, leave the room. If you are waiting for a call, get a seat near the door to minimize the interruption(減少干擾.) It is polite to let others know that in the beginning. When you get a call and you are w ith friends, keep the call shout and speak quietly. A good way to make sure that people don’t interrupt you and others is to tell your friends when it’s a good time to call.

  Places or situations Mobile phone 91 _____

  _______92most public places Keep your phone ringer as low as possible or put it on vibration mode

  At school or in a hospital 93________ your phone at home

  In a meeting , or at a restaurant or at a theater Leave the 94_____ if you need to make a call.

  95 ______you wait for a call, get a seat at the door.

  Passage 3 閱讀短文

  從A –E七個(gè)句子中選擇正確選項(xiàng)還原到文中,使短文內(nèi)容完整正確。

  96 ______ . Usually the question is asked of a man on the go, a man hurriedly walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. 97_____ He will probably say, “Fine, I’m all right.” But maybe the question would make him a little uncomfortable. If you are a good friend , you may have seen something in his face or his walk that he didn’t notice that morning. 98________ First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right . While you go happily on your way asking someone else “How do you feel?” 99____ It’s quite all right , for example, to ask “How do you feel?” if you’re visiting a close friend in hospital. But if he or she is walking on both legs, hurrying to take a train , or sitting at his or her desk working ,do not ask him that silly question.

  When George Bernard Shaw, a famous writer of plays, was in his eighties, someone asked him, how do you feel? Shaw said, “100_____ ”

  A. Young man , when you reach my age, either you feel all right or you’re dead.

  B. One foolish question I can’t stand is “How do you feel ?”

  C. It starts worrying him a little

  D Every question has its time and place.

  E So what do you expect him to say?

  Ⅴ.書面表達(dá)(共20分) (將答案寫在答題紙的相應(yīng)位置上)

  A 根據(jù)要求完成小作文。詞數(shù):約30詞(5分)

  假如你要參加學(xué)校舉行的英語辯論賽, 其中一辯論題是關(guān)于中學(xué)生穿校服的利與弊。請(qǐng)你為正反方分別列舉三種觀點(diǎn)。

  B 根據(jù)要求完成大作文。 詞數(shù):60-80詞(15分)




  Ⅰ. 1~5 BDBCC 6~10 ABBDD 11~15 BCBDC 16~20 CBCBB

 ?、?21~25 CADAC 26~30 DBCAD 31~35 CBBDA

 ?、? 36~40 BDABD 41~45ABDBC 46~50 ACBCA 51~55 DCABA


 ?、?56~60 CBADE

  61 Have you ever been to Century Amusement Park?

  62 It costs too much/It’s too dear./ The price is too high.

  63 How can I get a part – time job? 64Is it far from here? 65I’d love/like to.

 ?、?66 used to 67 is spoken 68so dirty 69 made progress70 Smoking isn’t allowed here.

  71 Can you tell me who the picture was drawn/ who drew the picture.

  72She has been away from Beijing for three days .

  73 當(dāng)人們擅長做他們喜歡做的事時(shí), 他們就找到了自我。

  74 一些年輕人愿意做他們不擅長做的事。

  75 直到一個(gè)人嘗試了某個(gè)東西才有可能決定是否喜歡它。

 ?、? 76 born 77 By 78 join 79 well80 seventh 81 more

  82 took 83worried 84 later 85 called

 ?、? 86 No,it isn’t .87 By lying on their stomaches

  88 Because the beaches and waves of Hawaii are perfect for surfing

  89The surfers and some surboard companies

  90 The history of surfing 91 rules 92 In 93Leave 94 room 95 If

  96~100 BECDA
