學習啦 > 學習方法 > 初中學習方法 > 初三學習方法 > 九年級英語 > 2016九年級英語下冊UNIT11測試題(2)


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  Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇相應的語句。每個句子讀一遍。

  1. Jason makes his living by farming.

  2. The Greens are on holiday in Paris.

  3. It took me two hours longer than usual to get to my office because of the traffic jam.

  4. Mary bought a ten-dollar silk tie for six dollars.

  5. Oh, what a beautiful dress!

 ?、? 聽短對話,選擇正確的答案。每段對話讀兩遍。

  6. M: Mom, can I buy some bananas?

  W: What for?

  M: To feed the monkeys.

  W: Oh, no way, dear! Feeding is not allowed here.

  7. M: Move left. A little left. One more step. . . Ready? Smile! Okay! Good!

  W: I don’t want to take any more. It takes so long to take one picture.

  8. M: Hi, Sally! What’s your favorite sport?

  W: My favorite summer sport is tennis. And I like skating in winter. How about you?

  M: My favorite sport is playing football. To be honest, I like watching football games best.

  9. M: How shall we go to Dalian, by plane or by bus?

  W: Well, I thought we should go traveling by ship for a change. So I bought two ship tickets.

  M: Oh, great! That’s a surprise for me. I love the sea.

  10. M: Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can find a bank?

  W: A bank? Yes, there is one on the corner of Victoria Street and Hilton Road, next to the post office.

  M: Thank you very much. Goodbye!

 ?、? 聽長對話,選擇最佳答案。每段對話讀兩遍。


  M: Excuse me. I’ve lost my schoolbag. I wonder if it has been found.

  W: Can you tell me what color it is?

  M: Sure. It’s purple.

  W: Do you have anything in it?

  M: Yes, I have a pencil-box, a notebook and some textbooks in it.

  W: Where did you last have it?

  M: In the bookstore.

  W: May I have your telephone number? If someone finds it, we will phone you.

  M: Sure. It’s 5897457. Thank you.

  W: You’re welcome.


  M: Hey, Sarah. Don’t forget to turn off the lights. It saves electricity.

  W: Oh, I know. I usually do that. I was just in a hurry. Why are you so interested in the environment, Jim?

  M: I always have been. Lots of people think there’s nothing they can do, but I just read this book about it. And there are lots of things the average people can do.

  W: Like what?

  M: Well, you should turn off the shower when you are washing your hair.

  W: Oh, I’d never do that.

  M: You wouldn’t?

  W: No, I have very short hair. I’m only in the shower for a few minutes.

  M: Well, every minute helps.

  W: What else does it say?

  M: It says you should take your own bags when you go shopping.

  W: Oh, that’s not difficult. I can do that. What else?

  M: Here is a good one. It says people should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes.

  Ⅳ. 聽短文,完成下面表格,每空一詞。短文讀兩遍。

  Dr. White is an American. He is 43 years old. He teaches science in Oxford. He is always busy. Every day he gets up early and gets home very late. He is strict with himself. His favorite sport is soccer. He often plays soccer with his workmates on weekends. He says he wants to spend his next year teaching English in China.

  Jean White is his wife, and she is two years younger than her husband. She is a famous singer. In her free time she collects videos of different films. She dreams of working in Hollywood some day. If so, she will meet her favorite actors every day.


  1~5 CBCCA

  6~10 BCACB

  11~15 ABCBA

  16. Teacher 17. soccer 18. China 19. 41 20. films

  21. D would rather do sth. than do sth. 意為“寧愿做某事而不愿做某事”。故選D。

  22. A so. . . that. . .中so后跟形容詞或副詞;而such…that. . .中such修飾名詞。由第一個空后為形容詞angry可知選A。

  23. D either…or. . . “或者……或者……”;not only…but also. . . “不但……而且……”;both…and. . . “兩者都”;neither…or. . . “既不……也不……”。由后句“相反,他講德語”可知,他既不講英語,也不講法語。故選D。

  24. C make sb. do sth. “讓某人做某事”,make后跟省略to的不定式,但使役動詞make變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,后面省略的to要補上。stop doing sth. “停止做某事”;stop to do sth. “停下來去做某事”。由題意知男孩停止了哭而開始笑,故選C。

  25. A “make sb. +adj. ”意為“使某人……”。由題干中的beautiful可知應選happy。

  26. B 空格前的it指代“圍巾”,它與“制造”是被動關系,故此處用被動語態(tài)。由題意知,“買圍巾”的動作發(fā)生在過去,那么圍巾也是過去制造的。故用一般過去時的被動語態(tài)。

  27. B be famous for 意為“因……而聞名”,是固定搭配。

  28. A “the+比較級…,the+比較級…”意為“越……就越……”。

  29. A 句意:你看起來太累了,為什么不停下來去休息一下呢?Why don’t you do sth.?意為“為什么不做某事呢?”,為固定用法。stop to do sth. “停下來去做某事”;stop doing sth. “停止做某事”。根據(jù)句意可知用stop to do sth. 。故選A。

  30. B try to do sth. 意為“努力/盡力做某事”,其否定式為 try not to do sth. 。故選B。

  31. C learn 是動詞,應當用副詞well修飾,可排除A、B兩項;suggestion是可數(shù)名詞,當前面有some修飾時,應當用復數(shù)形式,可排除D項。故選C。

  32. B depend on意為“依賴,依靠”,是固定搭配。

  33. C 句意:“這鞋子不適合我,請你再給我看一雙好嗎?” “當然可以,給你。” another指“再一,又一”,因為鞋是成對的,故用pair。

  34. D 結合語境及邏輯可知,應是經(jīng)過時聽到湯姆正在說話,hear sb. doing sth. 意為“聽見某人正在做某事”,為固定用法。

  35. C too much修飾不可數(shù)名詞;much too 修飾形容詞或副詞;too many修飾復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞;沒有many too這種表達法。此處須用too many修飾復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞books,故選C。

  36. B nearly four weeks是一段時間,排除C、D兩項。“in+時間段”常用于一般將來時態(tài)的句子中;“for+時間段”常用于現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的句子中。由“I’ve been back...”可知本句為現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),故選B。

  37. A change“變化”;thing“事情”;interest“興趣”;lesson“功課”。由后文“I think we are having a different school life now!”可推知,“這學期我們學校已經(jīng)發(fā)生了很大的變化”。

  38. C yes“是”;hello“你好”;no“不”;thanks“謝謝”。由we’re asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals(吃飯時我們被要求“吃光盤子”)可推知,對浪費說“不”。故選C。

  39. D clean“使……干凈”;pay“支付”;cook“烹調(diào)”;finish“完成”。由前句中的a big waste of food可推知 “現(xiàn)在我們需要吃完我們點的食物”。

  40. A leave“離開”;reach“到達”;open“打開”;build“建造”。由we should turn off the lights(我們應當關上燈)可知leave符合題意??崭裉幩诰涞木湟猓豪纾斘覀冸x開教室時,我們應當關上燈。

  41. B busy“繁忙的”;free“空閑的”;happy“高興的”;sad“悲傷的”。grow some tomatoes and beans(種植一些西紅柿和豆類)應該是“在我們空閑的時間”,故B項符合題意。

  42. C plant“種植”;buy“買”;post“郵寄”;lend“借出”。比較所給選項的意義,再根據(jù)上下文可推測空格處所在的句子應意為:下次也許我將能郵寄給你一些我們自己種植的豆類!故選C項。

  43. D because“因為”;when“當……時”;before“在……以前”;so“因此”??崭袂耙痪?ldquo;另外,我們在下午只有兩節(jié)課”與空格后一句“我們有更多的課外活動時間”之間是因果關系,前面是原因,后面是結果。因此用so。

  44. A follow“遵守;遵循”;make“制作”;break“打破”;think“考慮”。由空格所在句的前一句I’m one of the traffic safety volunteers in our school.(我是我們學校交通安全志愿者中的一員。)可推知,“放學后,我們輪流去我們學校附近的街上,讓人們遵守交通規(guī)則”。

  45. D 本文是王偉以第一人稱的形式寫給珍妮的一封信,故此處應意為“請盡快給我回信,向我講述更多有關你們學校的事情”。I的賓格是me。故選D。

  46. B 由短文第二段中He began to think, and tried to find out why the apple fell. 可知,艾薩克•牛頓發(fā)現(xiàn)蘋果落地后開始思考并試圖發(fā)現(xiàn)蘋果落地的原因,故選B。

  47. C 由短文第三段中This set him thinking and it led to a wooden clock which kept good time. 可知詹姆斯•弗格森制作了一臺木鐘,故選C。

  48. C 由短文第四段中One day, when he was in a meeting, he suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. 可知,沃爾特•迪斯尼產(chǎn)生新的想法是在開會時,故選C。

  49. D 綜合最后一段尤其是主旨句Ideas come at any time, and the important thing is to think.(主意會在任何時候來到,重要的事情是思考。)可知應選D。

  50. A 由文中第二段的Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot tea.(進來,我給你們泡杯熱茶。)和第三段的I gave them tea and bread to protect(保護)them from the cold outside.(我給他們茶和面包來抵御外面的寒冷。)可知選A。

  51. C 由文中孩子的話語Your cups match your saucers.(你的茶杯和茶碟很配)可知孩子們對這個家庭的羨慕,由此看出他們對于該家的印象就是“富有”,故選C。

  52. A 因為孩子們離開之前根本沒有說謝謝,不可能選D;作者的丈夫有工作,排除B;客廳很安靜,令我驚訝,排除C;而整個倒數(shù)第二段說的就是,孩子們的言行讓作者感悟到了對生活的感覺,那就是:你感覺一切和諧,那也會萬事順利的,故選A。

  53. B 猜測句意要結合語意、語境和上下文,前句意為“他們的小腳印仍在我的地板上”,后句意為“我想讓它們在那里,提醒我自己有多富有”,故可推知這里是“不管它們,讓它們在那里”,故選B。

  54. D 本文講述了我給兩個孩子熱茶、面包的故事,其主旨就在于表達我對富有與否所持的觀點:你對生活的觀點決定了你是否富有,故選D。

  55. Canada. / He decides to move to Canada. 由第三段的第一句But one day, his father decides to move to Canada. 可知,Pi的父親決定搬到加拿大去。

  56. A big storm hits their ship. 由第三段第三、四句The family begin to sail on the Pacific with all the zoo animals. But a big storm hits their ship at night. 可知,當他們在太平洋上航行時,晚上一場大的暴風雨襲擊了他們的船。

  57. To keep himself alive. / Because he wants to keep himself alive. / He tries to get on well with the tiger. / Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself does not get eaten. 由第四段的第一句To keep himself alive, Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself does not get eaten. 可知,Pi一直給老虎喂食是為了與老虎融洽相處,使自己不被老虎吃掉。

  58. It discusses not only hope but also relationship between humans and nature. 由第五段的最后一句It discusses not only hope but also relationship between humans and nature. 可知,這部電影探討了希望以及人與自然的關系。

  59. 4/ Four years. / It took Li An four years to make the movie. 由最后一段的第一句It took Li An four years to make the movie. 可知,李安花費了四年時間拍這部電影。

  60. C 由答語中的“Tomorrow.”可推知問句是詢問時間,故C項符合語境。

  61. A 由答語“For two weeks.”可推知上句應詢問要待多長時間,故選A。

  62. E 由答語中的“He is really friendly.”可推知上句是詢問他是個什么樣的人,故選E。

  63. F 根據(jù)問句“What does he look like?”可知,問他長什么樣子,故選F。句意:他又高又壯。

  64. B 根據(jù)問句“Could you introduce him to me?”(你能把他介紹給我嗎?)可知此處應作肯定回答,故選B。

  One possible version:

  A Regretful Thing

  In the past three years, the life of middle school has impressed me deeply. Many stories happened. The following is one of them.

  Xiao Ming was one of my good friends. One day, a little thing caused a serious quarrel between us. From then on, we didn’t talk to each other. I hoped to make peace with him but I finally failed to do that because I was afraid of losing face. Not until he moved to another city with his parents did I know I lost my friend forever.

  The lesson I learned from this is that if you realize your mistakes, you should correct them at once, or you may leave yourself lasting regret.



2.2016九年級上冊期末統(tǒng)考 英語答案

