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  1. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within ______ of children.

  A. stretch B. expand C. reach D. extend 2. The two girls are so alike that strangers find _____ difficult to tell one from the other.

  A. it B. them C. her D. that 3. Pandas are _____ to the mountains of central China and only about 1,000 remain in the wild.

  A. native B. sensitive C. relate D. familiar 4. —He is good at a lot of things but it doesn’t mean he is perfect.

  — ___________ Actually no one is.

  A. What’s going on? B. Let’s get going. C. Thank goodness. D. I’m with you on that. 5. — How did you like John’s exhibition of paintings last weekend?

  — To tell you the truth, his paintings didn’t ________ me much.

  A. refer to B. appeal to C. belong to D. occur to 6. — Did you catch the first bus this morning?

  —No. It had left the stop _________ I got there.

  A. in the time B. at the time C. by the time D. during the time 7. The shocking news made me realize ______ terrible problems we would face.

  A. that B. how C. what D. why 8. She stormed into the boss’ office ________ about her co-worker’s behavior.

  A. complaining B. complained C. having complained D. to complain 9.Wechat intends to radically change the way ______ people use mobilephones.

  A. / B. which C. why D. who 10. It rained heavily overnight and not until this morning __________.

  A. had it stopped B. did it stop C. stopped it D. it stopped 11. I’m sorry I’m busy now. If I ____ time, I would certainly go to the movies with you.

  A. have B. had C. have had D. had had 12. — Did you go to last night’s concert?

  — Yes. And the girl playing the violin at the concert _______ all the people present with her excellent ability.

  A. impressed B. compared C. conveyed D. observed 13. They are smiling. There ______ much trouble solving the problem.

  A. couldn’t be B. mustn’t be C. can’t have been D. mustn’t have been 14. ________ by many potential customers, the salesman had to gather his courage and sell the product in different ways.

  A. Having denied B. Denying C. Being denied D. Having been denied 15. — What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.

  牋 W— _____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

  A. It’s up to you B. Glad to hear that C.You can’t miss it D. It just depends 第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分.滿分30分)

  閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從16 - 35各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。

  A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. He had 16 a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom for many months. Knowing his father could well 17 it, he told him that was all he wanted.

  18 Graduation Day came near, the young man expected that his father had bought the gift. 19 , on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his own study and told him how 20 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, and somewhat 21 , the young man opened the box and found a lovely book. 22 , he raised his voice at his father, and said, " 23 all your money you give me a book?" and rushed out of the house 24 the book in his study.

  Many years passed. The young man did not contact his father 25 one day he received a telegram 26 him his father had passed away and willed all of his 27 to his son. When he arrived at his father's, sudden sadness and regret 28 his heart. He began to 29 his father's important papers and saw the still gift-wrapped book, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the book and began to 30 the pages. His father had carefully 31 a verse(詩), “And if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask him?” Suddenly, a car key 32 from the back of the book. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the 33 dealer who had the sports car he had 34 . On the tag was the 35 of his graduation, and the words: PAID IN FULL.

  16. A. excepted B. enjoyed C. admired D. owned

  17. A. offer B. keep C. support D. afford

  18. A. As B. While C. Since D. Although

  19. A. However B. Finally C. Quietly D. Actually

  20. A. encouraged B. comfortable C. proud D. moved

  21. A. excited B. nervous C. interested D. disappointed

  22. A. Angrily B. Eagerly C. Calmly D. Anxiously

  23. A. At B. With C. By D. From

  24. A. toasting B. putting C. forgetting D. leaving

  25. A. after B. until C. since D. because

  26. A. asking B. announcing C. telling D. discovering

  27. A. treasures B. possessions C. wealth D. eagerness

  28. A. filled B. caught C. attacked D. beat

  29. A. pick up B. remind of C. search through D. refer to

  30. A. clean B. turn C. read D. count

  31. A. made B. written C. underlined D. designed

  32. A. lost B. appeared C. showed D. dropped

  33. A. old B. new C. same D. special

  34. A. remembered B. desired C. found D. met

  35. A. word B. picture C. place D. date




  The London Eye 4D Film Experience started in August and is included in the London Eye ticket price. It is a fantastic 4D film to entertain you before your trip on the London Eye. The 4D effects are great.

  No Extra Cost to You

  That’s right; you buy your ticket for the London Eye and 4D cinema experience. Merlin Entertainments, the London Eye owners, spent 5 million creating the film and building the 4D cinema and wanted to improve the value for money of the London Eye.

  What to Expect

  The 4D Cinema entrance is in the ticket hall. So after buying your ticket, go straight to it, where you’ll be given a pair of glasses. About 160 visitors will pass through the 4D cinema every 8 minutes so don’t worry about waiting time. People in the bright pink cinema are all standing on four levels. The top level is designed for wheelchairs.

  London Eye 4D Film

  Put on your glasses and enjoy yourself. The story is about a little girl visiting London with her father and she wants to be higher to get a better view so she comes to the London Eye. It differs from watching the 3D film for all your senses are involved. When it snows on screen, you feel it snows in the cinema. And when you watch the fireworks, you can really smell them.

  For a short film, less than four minutes, before the main attraction you think you’ve come for, you are going to love this free extra. I stood there with my mouth wide open at the end as many others did. It’s fantastic! The effects are the Hollywood standard as no expense is spared. I was lucky enough to try the film three times on the first day and I still want to go back again.

  36. What does the author mainly tell us in this passage?

  A. He mainly introduces the 4D film of Merlin Entertainments.

  B. He mainly introduces the London Eye entertainment centre.

  C. He mainly tells us his experiences while creating the 4D film.

  D. He mainly introduces to us how to take part in the 4D film.

  37. Why did the Merlin Entertainments build the 4D film cinema?

  A. Because it wanted to attract more visitors to London.

  B. Because it wanted to increase the value of the London Eye.

  C. Because it could provide more entertainments for visitors.

  D. Because it could earn more money from the public in the UK.

  38. Where could people get into the 4D film cinema?

  A. Under the London Eye. B. In the Hollywood. C. In the ticket hall. D. In the ticket centre. 39. While seeing a 4D film, people will feel ________.

  A. greatly frightened B. much worried C. sweet smell D. as if they were on the scene 40. According to the passage, a 4D film probably lasts about ________.

  A. 4 seconds B. 8 seconds C. 4 minutes D. 8 minutes


  I stole your dog today. No, I didn’t set a foot on your house, but from the condition of your dog, I can imagine what it looks like…the word “rubbish” comes to mind.

  I found her along a road, with a heavy chain wrapped around her neck, still attached to rotten boards from her doghouse. Not only did I know that most of the town people had already ignored her, judging by where I found her, but I knew that if she had gotten into the Woods, the "cross" that she dragged behind her would have wrapped around a tree until starvation or thirst killed her. She has a beautiful name now. Already in the first week she has come to look more like she should. Her eyes sparkle and she has learned to wag her tail in greeting. She has stopped flinching (畏縮) when I make a sudden movement, because she knows now that I won’t beat her, in fact, she rarely leaves my side. She’s even become brave enough to bark at a cat and today I watched from the window as she attempted to play with the other dogs. No, it’s clear she does not miss you or her former life on a chain.

  It’s not clear yet whether she'll remain here or whether I’ll find her a loving home where she can count on more individual attention than I can give her, but one thing is certain, this is one bit of stolen “property” who is never returning to you. So sue me, accuse me, plead with the courts that she is rightfully yours ... I'm convinced this is the best “crime” I’ve ever committed. Hardly anything has pleased me more than the day I stole your dog. I need only look into her beautiful brown eyes to know that she’d defend my decision with her life. If we have one prayer, it is that you will not replace her, and if we have one special day to celebrate together, it is the day I stole your dog and the day she stole my heart. 41. What's the author's attitude towards the former owner of the dog? A. Puzzled. B. Angry. C. Shocked. D. Satisfied. 42. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. the dog is not lovely B. the dog tried to find a kind master C. the dog was treated badly by its former master D. the author will be charged with stealing a dog 43. All the following statements showed us the dog's recovery from her nature except _______. A. playing with other dogs B. barking at a cat C. not missing her former master D. waving her tail to make greetings 44. What did the author think of his theft? A. He was afraid of being punished. B. He thought he had to do it. C. He believed that the law would allow him to do so. D. He did it with pride.

  45. What’s the purpose did the author write the passage?

  A. To warn the people in the town not to keep dogs.

  B. To prove his love to the dog to her former owner.

  C. To explain to the police why the dog were in the Woods.

  D. To ask people to find the dog a loving home and a owner who loves dogs.


  We all know that eating junk food can make us fat. However, a new study suggests that it can do more than that – it can also make us lazy, reported CBS News. In the study, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, US divided 32 female rats into two groups. The first group was fed a diet of healthy food such as corn and fish, while the second was given a diet of highly processed (加工的) food rich in sugar, namely “junk food”. Within three months, the rats in the second group were already much fatter than those on the healthy diet. And when researchers trained the rats to do simple tasks, they found even more differences between the two groups rather than weight. During the task – pushing a lever (杠桿) to receive a reward of sugar water – the rats on the junk food diet were found to be less willing to move, and they took longer breaks between each push than the lean rats did. “It is as if the rat is thinking ‘This is too much work’,” Aaron Blaisdell, leader of the study, told the Los Angeles Times. But what about the possibility that the fat rats were less passionate about getting sugar water because they were already eating lots of sugar in their daily diet? That’s why researchers repeated the tests by rewarding fat rats with plain water when they were extremely thirsty. However, the results came out just the same. According to researchers, these differences suggest that junk food changed the chemistry in the rats’ brains. The experiment didn’t end there. After six months, the rats’ diets were switched, and the overweight rats were given a healthy diet for nine days. However, this change didn’t help reduce their weight or improve their ability to perform tasks, which means the effects of their junk food diet persisted (持續(xù)存在). “There’s no quick fix,” said Blaisdell. For a long time, we’ve believed that people become fat because they are lazy. But this study has proven the opposite to be true as well, which indicates that laziness and obesity are a “vicious cycle (惡性循環(huán))”. So, if you constantly feel tired, lacking any urge to get up from your chair, it could be that you’ve been studying too hard. But you should also pay attention to your diet.

  46. During the first three months of the experiment by researchers at the University of California, ______.

  A. rats from the healthy diet group ate nothing but corn and fish

  B. rats on the junk food diet ate more than those on healthy diet

  C. rats on the healthy food diet performed better at simple tasks than those on the junk food diet

  D. rats on the junk food diet seemed uninterested in sugary food

  47. The researchers rewarded thirsty rats with plain water in the lever test to ______. A. help them control their weight B. test whether fat rats lost interest in the test because they had taken enough sugar

  C. change the diet habits of fat rats D. find out the influence of sugar on rats’ brains

  48. The underlined word “there” refers to ______. A. after the rats on the junk food diet had worked hard to get sugar water B. after the type of food rats prefer had been identified C. after a quick cure for obesity had been found D. after the fact that fatter rats are lazier than lean rats had been found 49. We can conclude from the article that ______. A. fat people are usually lazier than lean people B. people should switch between different types of diets to keep healthy C. being overweight and being lazy can feed into each other D. laziness is the main cause of weight problems

  50. Which of the following is Not Right according to the passage?

  A. Eating junk food can make us fat.

  B. Researchers got different results after repeated the tests to fat rats.

  C. For a long time, we’ve believed that people become fat because they are lazy.

  D. If you constantly feel tired or study too hard, you need to pay attention to your diet.


  For a long time being happy was considered something that just happened, and there was nothing special about it. Now we know that getting along with other people is something that we can work at. It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better. One way is being unselfish, not wanting everything from our friends. Another way is to look for good points, not bad ones in other people. It is surprising how successful this treasure hunt can be.   You don’t have to be spineless(沒有骨氣的) in order to be popular. In fact, you will be liked and respected if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights. But do it politely and pleasantly. Being friendly and polite to your group, to other people and to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you is one way to develop a good character.   You can not expect to be perfect, and you must learn not to be unhappy when you make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is to be blamed unless he refuses to learn from them. Many young people become discouraged when they know in themselves qualities that they do not like—selfishness, laziness, and other unpleasant qualities. Just remember that we all have some of these faults and have to fight against them.   At the same time, it is important to remember that, while you are probably no worse than others, the best way to be happy is to think yourself above other people. When something is wrong, it is good sense to try to make it right. Perhaps you don’t like a teacher or a classmate. Try to see why and look at yourself, too, to be sure that you are not doing anything to make that person dislike you. Some day, things may turn out all right and then you will have to learn to get along the best with situation, without thinking too much about it. Worrying never helps in a situation you can’t change. 51.One of the two ways the author suggested for us to get along with others is _____.   A. to draw attention of our friends   B. to demand the best share of everything   C. to look for treasure in order to be successful   D. to pay more attention to other people’s good points 52. According to the passage, if one wants to be popular he has to _____.   A. be polite and friendlyB. give up some rights   C. avoid arguing with other peopleD. be ready to change his or her character 53.The passage shows that there is no perfect person but everyone should be blamed if he _____. A. is no better than others B. is selfish and lazy   C. does not draw a lesson from his own fault   D. is very happy about his unpleasant quality .The passage implies that in order to be a happy person, one should consider oneself _____.   A. no better than others   B. not the same as others   C. as having something better than others   D. as having better chances than others .The purpose for the writer to write the passage is to _____.   A. train you to be perfect   B. show you the way to be happy   C. tell you how to act when you dislike a person   D. teach you how to be popular among your friends河?xùn)|區(qū)2016年考試Ashley Power’s mother bought a computer for her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet regularly, but she couldn’t find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. And one day she thought, “If I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”

  So, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her own website, called GooseHead. Young people got excited when they searched on this website and step by step they introduced the site to others and made more friends. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.

  After a few years, the website closed down. Then Ashley, who lives in Los Angeles, was asked to write a book called GooseHead Guide to Life. It's safe to say that this is a book for teens that they'll enjoy. The book is about how to design a website and start a business. It begins with a section called “All about Ashley,” where Ashley tells readers what it is like to be the boss of a company when you are only sixteen. “I was so happy. But it was crazy in a lot of ways. I was stressed. I mean, I was only sixteen — I didn’t even have a car! If you were sixteen and you had your own company, you’d be stressed, too!”

  In an interview Ashley gave advice to teenagers who wanted to start their own business, “Just be strong and have your dreams and work hard at them. And don’t listen when people tell you that you can’t do it, because I heard ‘no’ a lot. Just keep going until you hear ‘yes’!”

  56.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us? (within 10 words)

  57. What does the underlined word “launched” mean in English? (within 2 words)

  58. According to Paragraph 3, what did Ashley do after GooseHead closed down?(within 10 words)

  59. How did Ashley feel as a young boss of a company? (within 5 words)

  60. According to Ashley’s advice to success, what do you think is the most important?Why? (within 15 words)

  第二節(jié):書面表達(dá) (滿分 25分)

  61. 假如你是李津,你在報(bào)上看到天津電視臺(tái)今年將舉辦“外國人學(xué)中文”才藝大賽。你的美國朋友Peter正在天津大學(xué)學(xué)中文,你覺得他應(yīng)去試一試。請按以下要點(diǎn)給他寫信告知此事,并表示可以提供幫助。








  3.參考詞匯:才藝大賽 talent show

  Dear Peter,

  How’s everything going?

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Jin
