學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初一學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 七年級(jí)英語(yǔ) >


時(shí)間: 詩(shī)盈1200 分享




  ( ) 1--- How about going on a school trip this weekend ?

  ---That sounds __________. I like going outside

  A. boring B. easy C. interesting D. difficult

  ( )2.—Do you like ________ ?? —Yes, I do.

  A. tomato and noodle B. tomato and noodles?

  C. tomatos and noodle? D. tomatoes and noodles

  ( )3.Please give me ________ and two .?

  A. a bottle of apple juices; breads? B. a bottle of apple juice; fruit cakes?

  C. an apple juice; bread? D an apple juice, breads

  ( )4 There is _____orange on the table. _______ orange is green.?

  A. an; An B. th e; The C an; The D.the;a

  ( ) 5 Ann helps Lily with her homework _______ eight o’clock ______ Sunday

  A on ; in B in ; on C at ; on D in ; at

  ( )6 --- What day is it today? --- _________. .

  A. It’s cool B. It’s Tuesday C. It’s eight o’clock D It’s sunny.

  ( )7.There ______ a bed and two chairs in my bedroom

  A. are B. is C.has D have

  ( )8. Kevin likes animals, ______ monkeys and pandas.

  A. so B. so as C. such as D. such

  ( )9. Peter’s father and mother are not busy this evening. He wants to have dinner with ______.

  A. us B. them C. him D. her

  ( ) 10 It’s time ___ lunch

  A have B having C to have D for have

  ( )11. —______ your cousin have lunch in the dining hall?—Yes, he ______.

  A. Does; does B. Do; do C. Do; does D. Does; do

  ( )12. —Welcome to China! —______.

  A. OK B. Bye C. Fine, thanks D. Thank you

  ( )13 There is only one computer in my home, so I share it _____ my parents.

  A. in B. with C. for D. by

  ( )14. —_____ do you contact (聯(lián)系)? —By QQ.

  A. When B. How C. Where D. Who

  ( )15We go to ________ playground and play ________ football on Sunday.

  A. the; the B. a; the C. 不填; a D. the; 不填

  ( )16. —How about your _____ for the weekend? —I want to go to the beach (沙灘).

  A. dinner B. plan C. job D. lesson

  ( )17.My father has got a brother, ______ my mother hasn’t.

  A. but B. so C. and D because

  ( )18 .Sorry, there is ________ food in the fridge.

  A. a B. some C. any D no

  ( )19._________students are there in your class? Forty- four.

  A. How many B. How old C. How much

  ( )20 --- Has she got any sisters? ---- . She has got one sister.

  A. No, she hasn’t B. Yes, she has C. No, she doesn’t DYes,she does.



  Do you have hobbies(愛(ài)好)? 21 are your hobbies? I don’t know about 22 , but I have hobbies. Sports are my hobbies. 23 , I think sports are good for our health. I 24 sports every day. I like ball (球) games very much. I can play football 25 basketball. Next, I like sports because playing sports 26 a good way (方式) to make friends. I 27 table tennis. It is interesting but 28 for me. Janet likes table tennis too. It’s the favourite 29 her. Now she is my good 30 .

  ( )21. A. How B. Where .C What D. Who

  ( )22. A. it B. him C. you D. her

  ( )23. A. First B. Now C. Then D. Last

  ( )24. A. buy B. play C. start D. watch

  ( )25. A. but B. or C. so D. and

  ( )26. A are B. is C. have D. has

  ( )27. A. like B. try C. spell D. have

  ( )28. A. big B. busy C. funny D. difficult

  ( )29. A. in B. at C. of D. with

  ( )30. A. friend B. sister C. cousin D. Aunt

  三、閱讀理解。閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。(10分 )


  Hello! My name is Mike. I am from the USA. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have brea kfast at home. I eat an egg,bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have much food for lunch. I eat rice,meat and vegetables. Sometimes(有時(shí))I have noodles and dumplings(餃子).I have supper at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with our friends. We have chicken,vegetables and fruit.

  31. Mike is ______.

  A. American B. English C. Chinese D. in the USA

  32.For breakfast,Mike has _______.

  A. an egg, an apple and porridge B. an egg, bread and porridge

  C. an apple, bread and milk D. an egg, an apple and bread

  33. He has lunch _______.

  A. at school B. at home C. in a restaurant D. with his parents

  34. He has _______ for lunch.

  A. rice, meat and vegetables B. dumplings and noodles

  C. chicken, meat and fruit D. A and B

  35.Sometimes they have supper ________.

  A. at school B. in a restaurant with some friends

  C. at his friend’s home D. in a restaurant with teachers


  In many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or brea d. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.

  Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon. And dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and these meals are very simple(簡(jiǎn)單的).

  36. Many English people have _______ meals a day.

  A. two B. three C. four D. three or four

  37. People may have ________ for their breakfast.

  A. tea and eggs B. porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee

  C. tea and coffee D. bread and eggs

  38. People have lunch at _______.

  A. any time B. nine C. five D. one

  39. People don’t have ________ for their dinner.

  A. porridge B. bananas and apples C. some soup and meat D. meat and fish

  40. In many English homes dinner comes _______.

  A. at one o’clock B. in the middle of the day

  C. at noon D. at night

  四、情景交際 (共10分,每小題2分)


  A: It is Thursday today. (41)__________ B: Yes, we do.

  A: (42)__________ B: At eleven o’clock in the morning.

  A: (43)__________ B: No, it isn’t. My favorite lesson is English. (44)__________

  A: My favorite lesson is Chinese. B: (45)__________

  A: Yes, we do. B: We have an English lesson every day.

  五、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(10分 )

  46. Steven can play football very (good).

  47. Those are (they) favourite food.

  48. Please (drink) more water every day.

  493 Do you know the dog ______(call) Jimmy?

  50. Lucy and Lily (not go)to school on Sundays.

  51. There are lots of ______(plant) in the park.

  52. How much food ______(有) in the bag?

  53. Alice has got many ______(不同的) caps.

  54.We all like (玩) computer games.

  55. (露西的)mother is an English teacher.


  56. Beef is healthy food. Rice is healthy food, too. (合并為一句)

  Beef rice healthy food.

  57 Chocolate isn’t healthy. It’s my favourite food. (用連詞連接兩個(gè)句子)

  Chocolate isn’t healthy it’s my favourite food.

  58.My sister likes apples.(對(duì)畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))

  ________ ________your sister like?

  59. To have a healthy breakfast is good. (改為同義句)

  good to a healthy breakfast.

  60. Tom goes home at five thirty in the afternoon.(改為同義句)

  Tom goes home at _ _____ five in the afternoon.

  61. Does the panda come from China ?(改為肯定句)

  The panda _______ _________ China

  62.We have some juice.(變?yōu)榉穸ň??

  We________ have ___________ juice.

  63. I like Liu Qian’s magic show. I also like Fu Yandong’s magic show. (合并為一個(gè)句子)

  I like Liu Qian’s magic show _______ ________Fu Yandong’s.

  64. This kind of animal eats grass and leaves. (改為否定句)

  This kind of animal grass leaves.

  65 She’s got a flower.(一般疑問(wèn)句)

  ______ she ______ a flower?

  七、 完成句子(20分)

  66 肉和魚(yú)是健康的食物。

  Meat and fish are .

  67 你們晚飯喝雞湯嗎?

  Do you have chicken supper?

  68 我們每天吃大量的水果。

  We eat fruit every day.


  Having a good breakfast us.

  70 他不在學(xué)校做作業(yè)。

  He _____________ his homework at school.

  71 大明的家在我家旁邊。

  Daming’s home is __________________ my home.

  72 墻上沒(méi)有任何地圖。

  There _______________ maps on the wall.


  Cola is_____________ you

  74 我擅長(zhǎng)唱歌。

  I’m ________________


  ____________do you begin lessons?


  A . 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問(wèn)題。(10分)

  Dave I love animals very much. My favourite animal is cats because they are very smart (漂亮的). But I have no pets (寵物) now, because I’m so busy. When I’m not busy, I want to have a cat.21cnjy.com

  Clark I like animals too! My grandparents have a big farm. When I’m not busy, I always help them there. It’s interesting to be with the animals on the farm. But I don’t have any pets now. I can’t have pets now because I rent (租) a house. But when I have my house, I want to have a pet dog. I think it’s funny to play with him!

  Becky I also love animals! My parents often (經(jīng)常) take me to the zoo to watch the animals. There are lions, kangaroos and elephants. They come from different countries. I really love kangaroos, because they are so cute. I also love pandas. I have a pet fish at home now. It’s very smart.2•1•c•n•j•y

  76. Why does Dave like cats?


  77 Does Clark have his house?


  78. Where does Becky often go to watch the animals?


  79. What animals does Becky like?


  80. Who doesn’t have any pets now?


  B.閱讀短文判斷正誤。 正確的(T)錯(cuò)誤的(F)(10分)

  Cola is bad for our health. Cola is sweet, because it has sugar in it. Too much sugar can make you get fat. Cola can make you feel full, so you can’t eat much healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables and rice. And cola is bad for your teeth.

  Water is important to our body. Drinking water is healthy. We can get water from drink and food, especially (特別是) from fruit and vegetables. But water is the best (最好的)!


  ( ) 81. Cola is good for our health.

  ( ) 82. The word “full” means “飽的” in Chinese.

  ( ) 83. Fruit, vegetables and rice are healthy food.

  ( ) 84. Water helps us stay healthy.

  ( ) 85. We can get water from vegetables.


  時(shí)間 活動(dòng)內(nèi)容

  7:00am 起床

  7:30am 吃早飯

  8:00am—11:00am 做家庭作業(yè)

  11:30am 吃午飯

  2:00pm—5:00pm 踢足球

  6:00pm 吃晚飯

  7:00pm—9:00pm 看電視

  9:30pm 上床睡覺(jué)



  1-5 CDBCC 6-10 BBCBC 11-15 ADBBD 16-20 BADAB

  二. 完形填空(共10分,每小題1分)

  21-25 CCABD 26-30 BADCA

  三閱讀理解。31-35.A B A D B 36-40.C BDA B

  四.情景交際 (共10分,每小題2分) 41-45EACBD

  五、46 well 47 their 48 drink 49 called 50 don’t go

  51 plants 52 is there 53 different 54 playing 55 Lucy’s


  56 and are 57 but 58 What does 59 It’s have 60 half past 61 comes from 62 don’t any 63 as well as 64 doesn’t eat or 65 Has got

  七、 完成句子(10分)

  66 healthy food 67 soup for 68 a lot of 69 is good for 70 doesn’t do 71 next to

  72 aren’t any 73 bad for 74 good at singing 75 What time


  A 76Because they are very smart 77 No,he doesn’t

  78 To the zoo 79 kangaroos, pandas and fish

  80 Dave and Clark

  B閱讀短文判斷正誤。 81-85 FTTTT






  A. B. C.


  6. A. It’s a map. B. B-O-O-K. C. It’s Tom’s.

  7. A. Excuse me. B. Thank you. C. OK!

  8. A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, he is.

  9. A. A schoolbag. B. In my room. C. Green.

  10. A. It’s healthy. B. Chicken. C. At school.



  11. What color are Linda’s pens?

  A. Red. B. Black. C. Green.

  12. Where is Linda’s eraser?

  A. On the table. B. On her bookcase. C. In her pencil box.


  13. What sport can Wang Dan NOT play?

  A. Basketball. B. Ping-pong. C. Soccer.

  14. What’s her telephone number?

  A. 836-75431. B. 754-83632. C. 875-36437.

  15. What does she want (想要) to do?

  A. Play sports. B. Join a sports club. C. Watch sports games.


  Grace’s family

  ★Grace is 16._______ years old.

  ★17._______ people are in Grace’s family.

  ★Eric is Frank’s 18._______.

  ★Mary is Grace’s19._______.

  ★Dale and Cindy are 20._______.


  1. (2016•山東濟(jì)寧中考)_______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  A. A B. An C. The D. /

  2. —Is your name Mary?


  A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. Yes, I am D. No, I am not

  3. His grandfather _______ radio.

  A. isn’t like B. doesn’t likes C. doesn’t like D. don’t like

  4. (2016•濟(jì)南中考改編)—Hello, who _______ fix up(修理) the computer in our class?

  —I think Jeff can.

  A. should B. would C. must D. can

  5. —(2016•福州中考)I can’t find my eraser. May I use _______?

  —Of course.

  A. you B. your C. yours

  6. —Do you have a ruler?

  —Yes, I _______.

  A. have B. do C. does D. am

  7. _______ is my sister, and _______ are my brothers.

  A. This; that B. These; that C. This; those D. These; those

  8. —Where is my soccer ball?

  —It’s _______ the table _______ the floor.

  A. on; under B. on; on C. under; under D. under; on

  9. —Your pictures are very nice.


  A. You are right B. Thank you C. You are OK D. That’s OK

  10. —Thank you _______ your great help.

  —You are _______.

  A. for; welcome B. to; right C. of; great D. of; right

  11. I’m tidy, _______ Gina is not.

  A. and B. or C. but D. of

  12. My sister is a clerk. _______ works in a bank near here.

  A. She B. He C. I D. You

  13.—Are these your brothers?


  A. Yes, these are B. No, these are C. Yes, they aren’t D. No, they aren’txk|b|1

  14. (2016•山東菏澤中考改編)Please call me _______ 7788-898 if you have any questions.

  A. on B. at C. to D. in

  15. I _______ find my Chinese textbook. Where is it?

  A. can’t B. am not C. can D. don’t


  Mary Smith 1 a girl. 2 is a student. 3 is 4 family name and Mary is her 5 name. Her 6 number is 806-8027 and her ID number 7 8283928655. Her mother 8 a worker. She and 9 mother 10 the same.

  1. A. am B. are C. is D. aren’t

  2. A. she B. She C. He D. I

  3. A. Mary B. Smith C. Mary Smith D. Smith Mary

  4. A. her B. she C. she’s D. his

  5. A. family B. last C. middle D. first

  6. A. phone B. ID C.bus D. card

  7. A. is B. am C. are D. am not

  8. A. are B. is C. am D. aren’t

  9. A. her B. Her C. his D. His

  10. A. look B. look at C. can D. is



  Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m Li Hong. I’m an English boy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. Look, this is a picture of my family. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken White. This is my mother, Sandy Jordan. Who’s that little girl? She’s my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture? I’m the boy in blue.

  1. This is _______ family.

  A. a Chinese B. an English C. a Japanese D. an American

  2. There are _______ people(人)in the picture.

  A. one B. two C. three D. four

  3. _______ is my father.

  A. Sandy B. Ken C. Mrs White D. Mr Jordan

  4. _______ is my mother.

  A. Sandy B. Ken C. White D. Mr Jordan

  5. —What color are you in? —I am in _______.

  A. brown B. black C. blue D. red


  I love my family

  Do you know my family? Let me tell you something about it. There are three people in my family—my father, my mother and I. I love my family.

  My father is 45 years old, but he looks young. He is a Chinese teacher, but his English is very good, too. He is a good teacher and good father. My mother is 42 years old. She is a worker. She is a very good mother. My name is He Fei. I’m 13 years old. I’m a Chinese boy. I study in No.6 Middle School. I have two good friends. They are Li Chang and Zhang Xiaoxiao. I go to school on foot every day. I like English and Chinese. I study hard at school every day.

  6. There are _______ people in the family.

  A. two B. three C. four D. five

  7. He Fei’s father is _______.

  A. a doctor B. a worker C. a teacher D. a farmer

  8. He Fei goes to school _______ every day.

  A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot D. by taxi

  9. He Fei’s mother_______.

  A. is 42 years old B. is a teacher

  C. looks very young D. goes to work on foot

  10. He Fei has _______ good friends.

  A. four B. three C. two D. one


  My name is Tony Brown. I am twelve. My father is Paul Brown. My mother is Emma Brown. I have a brother. His name is Jim Brown. We all like sports and healthy food. We run every morning. We go to the sports club on Sundays. We eat fruit and vegetables every day. We are healthy.


  11. Tony’s family name is Brown.

  12. There are three people in Tony’s family.

  13. Jim Brown is Tony’s cousin.

  14. Tony’s family go to the sports club every day.

  15. Tony eats fruit but he never eats vegetables.


  Hello! My name is Mike. I am from the USA. (1) Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. (2)我不喜歡牛奶。 I have no time to (3) _______ for lunch, so I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes(有時(shí))I have noodles or dumplings. I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go to some restaurants(餐館)(4) _______ some friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.

  16. 將(1)處畫(huà)線句子譯成漢語(yǔ):


  17. 將(2)處畫(huà)線句子譯成英語(yǔ):


  18. 為(3)處選擇合適的詞組:

  A. go home B. go to home C. go homes D. at home

  19. 為(4)處選擇一個(gè)合適的介詞:

  A. for B. in C. with D. to

  20. Mike has _______ for lunch.

  A. rice, meat and vegetables B. dumplings or noodles

  C. chicken, meat and fruit D. A or B


  1. Her cat _______ (be) black and white.

  2. Does this girl _______ (has) any brothers?

  3. I have two new _______ (watch).

  4. It _______ (sound) good.

  5. He eats a lot of _______ (health) food.


  1. Jack is Mrs Brown’s son. (改為同義句)

  Mrs Brown _______ Jack’s _______.

  2. Those are desks. (改為單數(shù)句)

  That _______ _______ desk.

  3. She has a good schoolbag. (改為否定句)

  She _______ _______ a good schoolbag.

  4. His sister likes red pens. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)

  _______ his sister _______ red pens?

  5. His book is on the desk. (就畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))

  _______ _______ his book?



  姓名 劉濤

  性別 男

  年齡 12

  電話號(hào)碼 82761383

  家庭成員 祖父母、父母、叔嬸、表哥和自己

  學(xué)校 一中

  班級(jí) 一年級(jí)三班

  最喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng) 踢足球





  1. It’s A.

  2. This is a key.

  3. —Is it your pencil?

  —Yes, it is.

  4. That is a watch.

  5. —What’s this in English?

  —It’s two books.


  6. What’s this in English?

  7. Can you bring your pictures to school?

  8. Is that girl your sister?

  9. Where is your schoolbag?

  10. What do you have for lunch?



  M: Do you have pens, Linda?

  W: Yes. I have two red pens.

  M: Look! Is that your eraser on the table?

  W: No, it isn’t. My eraser is in my pencil box.


  M: What’s your name?

  W: Wang Dan.

  M: What sports can you play?

  W: Volleyball, basketball, tennis and ping-pong.

  M: Great! What’s your telephone number?

  W: 836-75431.

  M: OK. You can come to our sports club.


  Hello, boys and girls! My name is Grace. I’m ten. I have a big family. Anna Brown is my mother and Eric Brown is my father. These are my grandparents, Frank and Gina. Look at the boy. He is my brother, Dale. My aunt is Mary Brown. My uncle is King Brown. Cindy is their daughter.


  1~5 BABBC 6~10 ACABB 11~15 ACCAB

  16. ten/10 17. Nine/9 18. son 19. aunt 20. cousins

  二、1. B 結(jié)合選項(xiàng)可知題干意為“一天一蘋(píng)果,醫(yī)生遠(yuǎn)離我”。此處表示泛指,且apple的讀音以元音音素開(kāi)頭,故選B。

  2. A 問(wèn)句的主語(yǔ)為your name,故答語(yǔ)中應(yīng)用it代替,排除C、D兩項(xiàng),B項(xiàng)本身錯(cuò)誤,應(yīng)選A。

  3. C 謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞為實(shí)義動(dòng)詞的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的否定句結(jié)構(gòu)為:主語(yǔ)+don’t/doesn’t+實(shí)義動(dòng)詞原形+其他.,主語(yǔ)為第三人稱單數(shù),故選C。

  4. D should“應(yīng)該”;would“將,將會(huì)”;must“必須”;can“能,會(huì)”。由答語(yǔ)I think Jeff can.(我認(rèn)為杰夫會(huì)。)可知此處問(wèn)誰(shuí)會(huì)修理電腦,故選D。

  5. C 由第一句句意“我找不到我的橡皮了”可推知空格所在句意應(yīng)為“我可以用一下你的(橡皮)嗎?”,空格后無(wú)名詞,應(yīng)用名詞性物主代詞,故選C。

  6. B 謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞為實(shí)義動(dòng)詞的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的一般疑問(wèn)句結(jié)構(gòu)為:Do/Does+主語(yǔ)+實(shí)義動(dòng)詞原形+其他?。其肯定回答為:Yes, 主語(yǔ)+do/does.。

  7. C this/that為單數(shù)指示代詞,these/those為復(fù)數(shù)指示代詞。第一空用this指代單數(shù)名詞my sister,第二空用those指代復(fù)數(shù)名詞my brothers。

  8. D under the table意為“在桌子下面”;on the floor意為“在地板上”。

  9. B 當(dāng)別人向你表示稱贊時(shí),應(yīng)向?qū)Ψ奖硎靖兄x。

  10. A Thank you for...因……而感謝你。You are welcome.不用謝;別客氣。

  11. C 由前句句意“我很整潔”和后句句意“吉娜不整潔”可知兩句之間為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故選C。

  12. A my sister意為“我的姐姐”,是女性,其相對(duì)應(yīng)的代詞的主格應(yīng)是she,故選A項(xiàng)。

  13. D these作主語(yǔ)的一般疑問(wèn)句,回答時(shí)通常用代詞they??隙ɑ卮饡r(shí),be動(dòng)詞用肯定式;否定回答時(shí),be動(dòng)詞后加not。

  14. B “call sb. at+電話號(hào)碼”表示“撥……電話號(hào)碼給某人打電話”,為固定用法。

  15. A 由第二句句意“它在哪里?”可推知第一句句意為“我找不到我的語(yǔ)文課本了”,故選A。

  三、1. C 主語(yǔ)Mary Smith是單數(shù),故連系動(dòng)詞be用is。

  2. B 前文是a girl, 用she代替,且句中第一個(gè)單詞的首字母應(yīng)大寫(xiě)。

  3. B 因句中出現(xiàn)family name,故應(yīng)選Smith。

  4. A 用形容詞性物主代詞修飾名詞。

  5. D Mary Smith中Mary是名字(first name)。

  6. A 由806-8027知是phone number(電話號(hào)碼)。

  7. A her ID number是單數(shù),be動(dòng)詞用is。

  8. B 因her mother是單數(shù),故be動(dòng)詞用is。

  9. A her修飾名詞mother。

  10. A look the same意為“看上去一樣”;因?yàn)橹髡Z(yǔ)是復(fù)數(shù),故用動(dòng)詞原形。

  四、1. B 由句子I’m an English boy.可知此題應(yīng)選B項(xiàng)。

  2. D 短文中介紹了四個(gè)人:my father, my mother, my sister和I。

  3. B 由句子The tall man is my father. His name is Ken White.可知此題應(yīng)選B項(xiàng)。

  4. A 由句子This is my mother, Sandy Jordan.可知應(yīng)選A項(xiàng)。

  5. C 由最后一句話I’m the boy in blue.可知C項(xiàng)正確。

  6. B 由第一段中的There are three people in my family—my father, my mother and I.可知選B。

  7. C 由第二段第二句中的He is a Chinese teacher...可知選C。

  8. C 由第二段倒數(shù)第三句I go to school on foot every day.可知選C。

  9. A 由第二段中的My mother is 42 years old.可知A項(xiàng)正確。

  10. C 由短文中的I have two good friends. They are Li Chang and Zhang Xiaoxiao.可知選C。

  11. T 由第一句My name is Tony Brown.可知此句表述正確。

  12. F 由文中My name is Tony Brown.及My father is Paul Brown. My mother is Emma Brown. I have a brother. His name is Jim Brown.可知Tony家有四口人,故此句表述錯(cuò)誤。

  13. F 由文中I have a brother. His name is Jim Brown.可知此句表述錯(cuò)誤。

  14. F 由文中We go to the sports club on Sundays.可知此句表述錯(cuò)誤。

  15. F 由文中We eat fruit and vegetables every day.可知此句表述錯(cuò)誤。

  16. 現(xiàn)在我和我的父母在中國(guó)。

  17. I don’t like milk.

  18. A go home意為“回家”,home為副詞。

  19. C 介詞with意為“和……一起”。

  20. D 根據(jù)原文的I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles or dumplings.知D項(xiàng)正確。

  五、1. is 主語(yǔ)her cat是第三人稱單數(shù),連系動(dòng)詞be用is。

  2. have 謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞為實(shí)義動(dòng)詞的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)的一般疑問(wèn)句結(jié)構(gòu)為:助動(dòng)詞Do/Does+主語(yǔ)+實(shí)義動(dòng)詞原形+其他?

  3. watches 名詞watch意為“手表”。由空格前的two可知此處應(yīng)填watch的復(fù)數(shù)形式watches。

  4. sounds 主語(yǔ)it是第三人稱單數(shù),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞也用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。

  5. healthy 形容詞healthy修飾名詞food。

  六、1. is, mother 2. is a 3. doesn’t have 4. Does, like 5. Where is

  七、One possible version:

  I am Liu Tao. My last name is Liu, and my first name is Tao. I am a boy, and I am a student. I’m 12 years old. I study in No.1 Middle School. I am in Class 3, Grade 1. There are 8 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my uncle, my aunt, my cousin and me. My telephone number is 82761383. On Sundays I like playing sports. And I like soccer best.


  第Ⅰ卷 聽(tīng)力部分(20分)


  1.A. like oranges B.eat oranges

  C.drink orange

  2.A. big dress   B.big skirt      C.little dress

  3.A. a pen   B.a pencil box      C.a pencil

  4.A. My leg hurts. B.My little finger hurts.

  C.I have no little finger.

  5.A. Jim lives in China. B.Mary lives in China.

  C.Jim and I live in China.


  6.A. Noodles. B.I am really hungry.

  C.I love it very much.

  7.A. It hurts. B.I don't feel good.

  C.I'll take three.

  8.A. I am fourteen. B.Fourteen.

  C.I have fourteen.

  9.A. Me too. B.Over there.

  C.Sure,here y ou are.

  10.A. It is on the chair. B.I like your dress.

  C.Your dress is white.


  11.How does the boy feel?

  A     B     C

  12.What's wrong with the boy?

  A B C

  13.How tall is Peter?

  A    B   C

  14.What's the girl's favourite food?

  A   B   C

  15.What would the girl like for breakfast?

  A   B   C


  第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分(100分)


  21.—What's ________ matter with you?

  —I have ________ toothache.

  A.a;the B.the;/ C./;a D.the;a

  22.Do you see that good­looking young man? ________is a famous Korean film star.

  A.He B.His C.Him D.Himself

  23.A lot of foreigners________ familiar with the famous places of interest in China.

  A.am B.is C.are D.be

  24.I draw a picture ________ a new green marker pen.

  A.at B.with C.to D.on

  25.Jim ________ a book. It's in the bag.

  A.have B.has C.like D.is

  26.—Tom's father looks very serious.

  —________ he is very kind.

  A.Though B.If C.And D.But

  27.—Shall we stay home?

  —No,I'd like ________ to the cinema and see a movie.

  A.go B.goes C.to go D.going

  28.—________ do you feel?

  —I feel very cold.

  A.What B.How C.Who D.Where

  29.—Tom,supper is ready.

  —I don't want to eat________,Mum.I'm not feeling well.

  A.everything B.nothing

  C.something D.anything

  30.How many ________ can you see?

  A.boxes of apples B.boxes of apple

  C.box of apple D.boxs of apples

  31. Recently,many people dare not eat ________ because of H7N9 (禽流感).

  A.eggs or chickens B.eggs or chicken

  C.egg or chickens D.egg or chicken

  32.Mum, what are you cooking? It ________ so sweet.

  A.tastes B.feels C.sounds D.smells

  33.I saw________children in the classroom, five boys and seven girls.

  A.nine B.thirteen C.eleven D.twelve

  34.Don't forget ________ an umbrella ________ you.It's going to rain.

  A.to take;to B.taking;to

  C.to take;with D.take;with

  35.—I'm ________ to drink three glasses of water!

  —There is ________ for you.

  A.enough thirsty;food enough

  B.thirsty enough;enough water

  C.hungrily enough;water enough

  D.enough hungry;enough water


  Paul is ________(36) good friend. He is ________(37) American. He ________(38) in Beijing now. He teaches English ________(39) a middle school. He speaks English very ________(40) and he can also ________(41) a little Chinese. He is very kind ________(42) his students. His students love ________(43) very much. He often helps them ________(44) their English and they also tell him ________(45) to speak Chinese correctly(正確地).

  36.A.my B.me C.I D.us

  37.A.a B.an C.the D. from

  38.A.live B.like C.is D.for

  39.A.for B.with C.to D.in

  40.A.good B.well C.much D.more

  41.A.speak B.speaks C.does D.do

  42.A.of B.for C.to D.with

  43.A.he B.him C.his D.her

  44.A.with B.for C.on D.about

  45.A.how B.what C.why D.which



  We Look Different

  My name is Julia. I have two good friends, Linda and Gina. I'm short. I have short black hair. I have big eyes and a big mouth. Linda has long hair and big eyes. Gina is tall. She has small eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is not long or short. We are different but we are happy together. Do you have any good friends? What's the difference(差異)?

  46. How many good friends does Julia have?

  A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

  47.Julia has ________.

  A.long hair and small eyes

  B.a small mouth and big eyes

  C.big eyes and short hair

  D.long hair and big eyes

  48.Is Gin a's hair long or short?

  A.Long. B.Short.

  C.Not long or short. D.All of the above.

  49.The three girls are ______ but they are ______ together.

  A.different;sad B.the same;sad

  C.the same;happy D.different;happy

  50.What does Linda look like?

  A.She has long black hair.

  B.She has small eyes and a big mouth.

  C.She has long hair and big eyes.

  D.She has a small mouth and small eyes.


  Dear Zhang Wei,

  I'm in New York now.________(51)There are many new teachers and all of them are kind.My new English teacher is good­looking,and everyone in my class likes her very much.

  ________(52)They are Sara,Ben,Nick and Peter.Sara has long straight hair.________(53) Ben has short curly hair and he can speak French very well,because his mother is a French.Nick and Peter are twins (雙胞胎).________(54) They can sing well.

  What about your school life? ________(55)


  He Bin

  A.Please write to me soon.

  B.I like my new teacher.

  C.They look the same (一樣的).

  D.She can play the guitar well.

  E.My parents send(送) me to a new school.

  F.I have some new friends here.

  G.Ben is a little short.

  C(詞數(shù):約90;建議用時(shí):5 分鐘)

  56. A Big Mac could be a kind of ________.

  A.ice cream B.fish

  C.fruit D.hamburger

  57.How much did you need to pay for one Mc Chicken before?

  A.¥5. B.¥10. C.¥2.5. D.¥50.

  58.Which of the food or drinks does the restaurant offer with different choices?

  A.Cheeseburger; Milk Shake.

  B.Ice Cream; Coffee.

  C.Orange Juice; Coca Cola.

  D.Coca Cola; Coffee; Milk Shake.

  59.Which one is TRUE about the restaurant?

  A.It is located at 116 Goodfood Road.

  B.It is only for children.

  C.The food here can be the most delicious and the cleanest,but slow.

  D.It will be open all day and all night.

  60.When can you order takeout in the restaurant?

  A.Any time. B.From 8 to 12 o'clock.

  C.At 24 o'clock. D.In the evening.

  八 、任務(wù)型閱讀(每小題2分,共10分)


  CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food which can feed 200 million people for a year.

  Do we have too much food? Of course not.According to the UN World Food Programme, there were about 900 million hungry people all over the world in 2013.About six million children die of hunger every year.

  So think about it.We should say no to the people who waste food every day.An old saying goes, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work.”It tells us everybody must save food.

  Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food.Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Jiangsu,lost her job because she took some leftover (剩余的) food home for her son.But many people stood by her side and criticized (批評(píng)) the waste of food.

  What should we do in our daily life to stop wasting food? We can do many things to prevent it from happening.Here are some tips:

  Don't order too much food in a restaurant.Only order as much as you can eat.If you can't eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.

  Don't be too picky (挑剔的) about food.Some food may not be tasty, but it is good for our health.

  Don't keep too much food at home, especially for fruit and vegetables.


  61.How many hungry people were there all over the world in 2013?


  _________________________________________________________ __

  62.Why did Li Hong lose her job?


  ___________________________ ________________________________

  63.What should you do if you can't eat all the food you ask for?



  64.Can you keep too much food at home?


  65.What's the main idea of the passage?



  Visitors to London often eat in ________(66). Most of the owners and waiters in them are from other countries. The visitors say in these restaurants they don't ________(67) they are in England. Most o f the English people ________(68) at home as much as they can. Sometimes they will think they are in another country when they are in restaurants. When an ________(69) goes to a restaurant, he may find that he doesn't understand why ________(70) is written in French and Italian.






  73.tired,me,that,feel,mak es(.)







  根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容以“I'm Alice”為題寫(xiě)一篇英語(yǔ)短文。







  _______________________ ____________________________________



  第Ⅰ卷 聽(tīng)力部分


  一、1.Let's eat oranges.

  2.Jenny's dress is too big.

  3.May I have a pencil?

  4.I cut my little finger.

  5.M:Hello!My name is Jim.I live in China.

  二、6.What would you like for supper,Bob?

  7.What's the matter with your knee?

  8.How many dumplings do you want?

  9.May I borrow your red marker,please?

  10.Where is my white dress?

  三、11.W:Are you very happy?

  M:Yes,I have a new coat.

  12.W:Are you OK,Bob?

  M:No,I feel sick.I have a headache.

  13.W:Peter,how tall are you?

  M:I'm 1.6 metres tall.

  14.W:I don't like bread or chicken.

  M:What's your favourite food?


  15.M:What would you like for breakfast?

  W:I'd like some bread and a bottle of milk.

  四、There are a lot of fruit and food on the table.There are six apples and seven oranges.I like apples and oranges.There are also nine strawberries and twenty bananas.I don't like them.Do you like hot dogs or sandwiches? There are two hot dogs and five sandwiches on the table.Which one do you like?


  一、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A

  二、6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A

  三、11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 1 5.B

  四、16.seven 17.nine 18.bananas

  19.two 20.sandwiches

  第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分

  五、21.D 點(diǎn)撥:考查冠詞的用法。a表泛指,用在輔音音素前;the表特指。由句型What's the matter with...?可排除A和C;have a toothache為固定搭配。故選D。

  22.A 點(diǎn)撥:此處需要作句子的主語(yǔ),表示“他”使用He。故選A。

  23.C 點(diǎn)撥:本題用 ,題眼法)解答。a lot of foreigners是復(fù)數(shù),作主語(yǔ),be動(dòng)詞用are,故選C。


  25.B 點(diǎn)撥:表示“有”用have或has,主語(yǔ)Jim是第三人稱單數(shù),故選B。


  27.C 點(diǎn)撥:would like to do sth.想要做某事。


  29.D 點(diǎn)撥:由“I'm not feeling well.”可知,“我”不想吃任何東西。故選D。


  31.B 點(diǎn)撥:雞蛋是可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)為eggs;chicken 作“雞肉”講時(shí)是不可數(shù)名詞。

  32.D 點(diǎn)撥:考查系動(dòng)詞辨析。taste嘗起來(lái);feel摸起來(lái);sound 聽(tīng)起來(lái);smell聞起來(lái)。既然是問(wèn)媽媽在煮什么,不可能是品嘗,而是聞起來(lái)香,故選D。


  34.C 點(diǎn)撥:句意“不要忘記帶一把雨傘,天要下雨了。” 忘記未做的事用“forget to do sth.”;忘記做過(guò)的事用“forget doing sth.”。本題表示“未做”,故用to take。take sth.with sb.是固定搭配。

  35.B 點(diǎn)撥:考查enough的用法。enough修飾形容詞和副詞必須后置,排除A、D。enough修飾名詞既可放名詞前,也可放名詞后,但習(xí)慣上放在名詞的前面。故選B。


  37.B 點(diǎn)撥:American是以元音音素開(kāi)頭的詞,故前面應(yīng)用不定冠詞an。

  38.C 點(diǎn)撥:主語(yǔ)he是第三人稱單數(shù),故謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞也應(yīng)用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。

  39.D 點(diǎn)撥:in a middle school在一所中學(xué)。

  40.B 點(diǎn)撥:副詞well修飾動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ)speak English。

  41.A 點(diǎn)撥:can+動(dòng)詞原形,speak+語(yǔ)言。

  42.C 點(diǎn)撥:be kind to sb.對(duì)某人和藹。

  43.B 點(diǎn)撥:him作動(dòng)詞love的賓語(yǔ)。

  44.A 點(diǎn)撥:help sb.with sth.“在某方面幫助某人”。

  45.A 點(diǎn)撥:how to speak Chinese correctly怎樣正確地講漢語(yǔ)。

  七、A 46.B 點(diǎn)撥:根據(jù)文中句子“I have two good friends,Linda and Gina.”可知朱莉婭有兩個(gè)好朋友。

  47.C 點(diǎn)撥:根據(jù)文中句子“I have short black hair.I have big eyes and a big mouth.”可知朱莉婭頭發(fā)是又黑又短的,眼睛和嘴巴是大的,故選C。

  48.C 49.D 50.C

  B 51.E 52.F 53.D 54.C 55.A

  C 56.D 57.B 58.D 59.D 60.A

  八、61.There were about 900 million hungry people all over the world in 2013.

  62.Because she took some leftover food home for her son.

  63.If I can't eat all the food I order, I should take the rest of it home.

  64.No, we can't.

  65.We should save food instead of wasting it. 點(diǎn)撥:主旨大意題。由全文可知,浪費(fèi)是一種不好的現(xiàn)象,有許多人沒(méi)有食物吃,同時(shí)也有許多人死于饑餓,本文的主旨是呼吁人們要節(jié)約糧食不要浪費(fèi)。

  九、66.restaurants 67.feel 68.eat

  69.Englishman 70.everything

  十、71.What would you like to eat?

  72.How tall is the girl?

  73.That makes me feel tired.

  74.I'd like some milk.

  75.What's your favourite food?


  I'm Alice

  Hello,my name is Alice. I'm thirteen years old. I'm①a lovely girl ②with big brown eyes. My hair is short and straight.③I'm 1.56 metres tall. I have many friends,but I ④like Mary best. Pink and white are my favourite colours. My favourite clothes are skirts and sweaters. I like dumplings and noodles best.⑤What about you? Can you tell me?

  點(diǎn)評(píng):①a lovely girl意思為“一個(gè)可愛(ài)的女孩”。


  ③Sb. be...metres tall.用于表達(dá)“某人……高”。


 ?、軼hat about you?意思是“你呢?”,用于詢問(wèn)對(duì)方的情況。





