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  Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

  Section A (1a-2d)


  1. 語(yǔ)言知識(shí)目標(biāo):


  camp, lake, beach, badminton, sheep, as, natural, butterfly, visitor, tired, stay, stay up late.


 ?、?mdash;Where did you do last weekend, Lucy?

  —I went to summer camp.

 ?、?—How was your weekend?

  —Pretty good, thanks

 ?、?—I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.

  ④ —How interesting!

  2) 能了解以下語(yǔ)法:learn to talk about recent past events.

  2. 情感態(tài)度價(jià)值觀目標(biāo)




  1. 教學(xué)重點(diǎn):

  1) Key vocabulary.

  2) Talk about recent past events

  2. 教學(xué)難點(diǎn):

  1) Talk about recent past events

  2) Practice students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


  Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision

  Point to the previous Saturday and Sunday on a wall calendar and say, Saturday and

  Sunday are the weekend. This is last weekend. Then tell some things you did last weekend such as,/ cleaned my house over the weekend. Use quick sketches (in the

  board along with gestures to demonstrate the meaning of each activity,

 ?、? 1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

  Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to tell what they see. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: did my homework, went to the cinema, went boating, camped by the lake, went to the beach, played badminton.

  Point out the numbered list of activities. Say each one again and ask students to repeat.

  Then ask students to match each activity with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each activity next to the words. Point out the sample answer.

  Check the answers.

  Ⅲ. Listening

  Work on 1b

  This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

  Point to the activities in the picture in activity la. Ask students to tell what the person did in each picture. For example, She played badminton, or Lucy went to the cinema. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

  Play the recording a second time. This time say. Listen to the recording and write the days and times Lucy did each thing under the pictures. Point out the sample answer under the picture of Lucy playing badminton; on Saturday morning.

  Correct the answers.

 ?、? Pairwork

  Work on 1c

  This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

  Point to the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

  Say, Now work with a partner. Student A, pretend to be Lucy. Student B, ask questions about what Lucy did on different days and times over the weekend. Talk about the activities in the picture.

  Students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language or pronunciation support as needed,

  Ⅴ. Listening

  Work on 2a:

  This activity gives students practice in understanding the key vocabulary in spoken conversation.

  Point to the five sentences and ask a student to read these sentences to the class.

  Say, You will hear recording of a conversation. The people will talk about some of the activities and people, but they will not talk about others. Please underline the words you hear on the recording.

  Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

  Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to underline each word that is said on the tape. Point out the sample answer, grandmother.

  Correct the answers.1grandma 2 homework 3 English 4 farm 5 cows

 ?、? Listening

  Work on 2b:

  This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

  Call attention to the pictures of Carol, Becky, and Jack and ask students to identify each person by name.

  Say, Now I will play the recording again. Listen to the students talking about what they did over the weekend. Write C for Carol, B for B Becky or J for Jack next to each statement in activity 2a. The first one has been done for you.

  Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

  Point out the sample answer, S, in statement 1. Say, Sonia visited her grandmother. Play the recording again. Ask students to write a letter in front of each statement to show what each person did.

  Check the answers. B B C J J

  Ⅶ. Pair work

  Ask and answer in pairs.

  Point to the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

  Say, Now work with a partner. Student A, ask questions about what, who or where , Student B answers. Students work in pairs

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 ?、? Role-play the conversation.

  1. Ask Ss to look at conversation in 2d. Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and

  find the answer to these questions:

 ?、?What did Lisa do on her weekend?

  ② What did Paul do on his weekend?

  2. Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversations.

  3. Have several pairs perform their conversations for the rest of the class.


  1. Copy new words twice.

  2. Write about what you did last weekend.


  Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteeth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a great deal of machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer. Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.






4.人教版七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)u(píng)nit 2教案
