學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初一學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 七年級英語 > 初一英語暑假作業(yè)樂園答案詳解2015(3)


時間: 雪珠631 分享


  三 閱讀理解。(10`)

  A. Mr. Wu正在讓七年級一班的學(xué)生閱讀一篇關(guān)于鴕鳥的文章,你也來試試吧!

  1-5 C D A B B

  B. 七年級一班的學(xué)生正在進(jìn)行閱讀比賽,你也來試試看吧!

  1. When it open its tail.

  2. In the forests of southern Yunnan Province.

  3. use, to make

  4. 它繞著它的女友跳舞,好象是說

  5. D

  四 詞匯(20`)

  A. Millie正在做家庭作業(yè)她有幾個單詞不會寫,你來幫助她一把吧!

  1. amazing 2. lightning 3. elephants 4. frightened 5. himself

  B. Mille不知道該用什么形式的詞來填空,你來幫他一把吧!

  1. without 2. unusual 3. took 4. careful 5. to do

  6. its 7. surprised 8. children's 9. funny 10. lovely


  1. have no 2. Is there anything 3. return, to 4. How interesting the

  5. is fond of 6. took me, to play 7. belongs to 8. take good care of

  9. When do 10. dislikes


  一、 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:

  1. ourselves 2. twelfth 3. careless 4. friendly 5. robbers

  二、 選擇題: B C A B A B C A C B C D B D C

  三、 動詞填空: 1. sing 2. are climbing 3. won't come 4. lives 5. to run , caught 6. will find 7. to finish , working 8. to kill

  四、 完成句子: 1. What fine 2. Shall go 3. long,does, take , to do 4. having a good time 6. the way to ,

  五、 完形填空: B A A C C C D D B B

  六、 閱讀理解: D B B A C A D A D C

  七、 書面表達(dá):(略)



  1.pouring 2.able 3.collecting 4.visitors

  5.award 6.organizing 7.result 8.abilities

  9.dangerous,safety 10.himself