學習啦 > 學習方法 > 初中學習方法 > 初一學習方法 > 七年級英語 > 七年級英語下冊5月月考測試題(2)


時間: 鄭曉823 分享




  1-5 ACABA 6-10 BACAA 11—15 CCACC 16—20 ABBBA

  二. 單選

  21-25 BDCCD 26-30 CDDCA 31-35 BBAAA

  三 完型答案

  36—40 DBCAB 41-45 AACBD 46-50 CCDBB

  四 閱讀理解

  51-53 BAD 54-57CDDD 58-61 CADB 62-65 DBCD

  五 詞匯

  66 .ability 67. fell 68 . carelessly 69 .ours 70.policemen’s

  71.wondering 72. fortieth /40th 73 machine 74 .teaching 75 .centuries

  六 任務型

  76. Ways/ How 77.interested 78. happy/pleased 79. breakfast 80. sleep

  81. tomorrow 82. fail 83. Remember 84 .Spend 85. housework

  七 首字母

  86. popular 87.without 88.watching 89 .but 90.why

  91.help 92 .first 93 .children 94 .never 95.brothers

  八 書面表達


  96 . It took the firemen two hours to put ou t the fire last night.

  The firemen spent two hours putting out the fire last night.

  97 My son looks forward to having a room of his own.

  98 She didn’t/doesn’t want to travel around the world any more.

  She no more wants/ wanted to…

  99 The boy started /began to practise/practising playing football at the age of six/when he was six years old.

  100. Alice was too tall to go through the door.

  Alice was so tall that she couldn’t go through the door.

  Alice wasn’t short enough to go through the door.



  第一檔:(20-17分)完全符合題目要求,觀點 正確, 要點齊全。句 式多樣,詞匯豐富。語言準確,語意連貫,表達清楚,具有邏輯性。

  第二檔:(16-13分)基本符合題目要求,觀點正確, 要點齊全。語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯基本滿足文章需要。語言基本通順,語意基本連貫,表達基本清楚。雖然有少量語言錯誤,但不影響整體理解。

  第三檔:(12-9分)部分內(nèi)容符合題目要求,要點不齊全,層次結(jié)構(gòu)不同合理。語言不夠通順,地道,表達不夠清楚,影響整體理解 。


  第五檔:(4-0分) 與題目有關內(nèi)容不多,只是簡單拼湊詞語,所寫內(nèi)容難以理解。







  聽第1段材料, 回答第11至12題。

  M: Do you like sports?

  W: Yes, I like ball games very much, especially football. I am a footbal l fan.

  M: Really? Which football star do you like best?

  W: I like Owen best

  M: Wow, the same as me. When was he born?

  W: He was born in 1979.


  On the morning of August 2nd, I was careless and lost my school bag in the reading-room of our school. There were three English books an d a pencil-case inside. Will the finder please send it either to the assistant or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. My bedroom is in Room 403, on the fourth floor of our school.


  Dear Andy,

  I am writing to you in English so I can practice. I hope you can understand it.

  I love studying here and I have many new friends. They are very friendly to me. We often have a good time chatting with each other about our school life after class.

  I have a great English teacher. His name is Michael. He’s very tall and handsome. He has brown hair and wears round glasses. Every day he gives us one class. He always wears a big smile. He likes listening to music and loves swimming. He goes to the reading club every week end with his friends because they can share books with each others in the club.

  I can’t think any more to say. Please write soon in English.

  Best wishes,






