

時(shí)間: 鄭曉823 分享




  例 根據(jù)漢語提示完成下面的英語句子。


  What__________ this afternoon?


  What__________ this weekend?


  What__________ this evening?


  When__________ her grandma?


  Where__________ his birthday party?


  答案:1. is he going to do 2. are you going to do 3. are they going to do 4. is Helen going to visit 5. is he going to have


  1.方法點(diǎn)撥:be going to結(jié)構(gòu)的特殊疑問句:


  2.如果表示計(jì)劃到某地去,由于be going to和謂語動(dòng)詞go重復(fù),一般可以直接說be going to some place。如:

  We’re going to Hong Kong for a holiday.我們打算去香港度假。

  They’re going to China for a visit.他們打算來中國(guó)觀光。


  (時(shí)間:60分鐘 滿分:100分)


  1. —Who wants to answer the question?

  —Let me__________.

  A. to have to try

  B. have a try

  C. trying

  答案:B 解析:本題考查let sb. do sth。

  2. Xiao Lin has problems__________ this exercise.

  A. to do B. do C. doing

  答案:C 解析:本題考查have problems doing sth。

  3. Did you sleep__________ last night?

  A. well B. good C. nice

  答案:A 解析:本題考查副詞的用法。修飾動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該用副詞形式。

  4. Are you__________ after hiking to the mountain?

  A. tired B. dying C. fast

  答案:A 解析:句意:爬山后你累了嗎?

  5. —__________are Jim and Lily going hiking with their class?


  A. What B. Where C. When

  答案:C 解析:根據(jù)問答一致原則,回答是tomorrow,應(yīng)該用when來問。

  6. It__________ me ten minutes to walk to school every day.

  A. uses B. takes C. spends

  答案:C 解析:本題考查It takes sb. some time to so sth句型。

  7. There__________ classes this Sunday. So we are going to work on the farm.

  A. don’t have an

  B. are going to have

  C. aren’t going to be any

  答案:C 解析:出現(xiàn)there be結(jié)構(gòu)不能用have,排除A, B。

  8. Their ideas are wrong. We should not agree__________ them.

  A. with B. to C. on

  答案:A 解析:本題考查agree with sb短語。

  9. The pen is broken. Please show me__________.

  A. the others

  B. another

  C. other

  答案:B 解析:三者以上的另一個(gè)用another。

  10. The sun is__________ bigger than the moon.

  A. much B. many C. more

  答案:A 解析:修飾形容詞的比較級(jí)用another。


  Mrs Andrews had a very young cat, and it was the 11 first winter. One evening the cat was playing outside the home when it 12 to snow heavily. Mrs Andrews 13 it everywhere, but could not find it. So she called the police 14 said, “I lost a small black cat. Has anybody found it?”

  “No, Madam,” said the police at the other end, “But cats are really strong animals. They 15 live for days in the snow and when the snow stops or someday you find 16 , they are quite OK.”

  Mrs Andrews felt happier when she 17 this. “And,” she said, “our cat is very clever, she 18 can talk.” The policeman really wanted 19 his telephone, “Madam, perhaps she 20 to call you now.”

  11. A. cat B. cat’s C. cats’ D. cats

  12. A. began B. start C. begin D. begun

  13. A. found B. looked for C. looking for D. looks for

  14. A. or B. and C. but D. if

  15. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times

  16. A. it B. them C. us D. themselves

  17. A. listened B. sound C. heard D. saw

  18. A. almost B. always C. hardly D. most

  19. A. to take down B. to put down

  C. to put up D. to carry down

  20. A. tired B. to try C. try D. is trying

  答案:11. B 解析:本題考查名詞所有格的用法。

  12. A 解析:聯(lián)系上下文應(yīng)該用一般過去時(shí)。

  13. B 解析:本題考查look for和find的區(qū)別,look for表示找的動(dòng)作,而find表示找的結(jié)果。

  14. B 解析:連詞and表示順承關(guān)系。

  15. C 解析:“有時(shí)”用sometimes。

  16. B 解析:代指前面的cats用them。

  17. C 解析:根據(jù)上下文,“聽到”用hear。

  18. A 解析:聯(lián)系上下文“幾乎”用almost。

  19. B 解析:放下電話用put down the telephone。

  20. D 解析:出現(xiàn)now用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)。


  This is a photo of Li’s family. Look! Mr Li is sitting in a chair. He is reading a newspaper. He’s a teacher. Mrs Li is sitting on the bed. She is watching TV. Mr and Mrs Li have two sons and one daughter. Li Zhigang is at the desk. He is writing a letter. Li Zhigang and Li Zhigang are the students of No. 1 Middle School. They like playing football. Li Zhigang is their sister. She is only four. She’s sitting on the floor. She is playing with her cat.

  21. How many people are there in Mr Li’s family?

  A. Four B. Five. C. Six.

  22. What’s Mrs Li?

  A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. We don’t know.

  23. Which of the following is Not True?

  A. Mr Li is reading a newspaper.

  B. Mre Li is watching TV.

  C. Li Zhiyan is doing her homework.

  24. Who are middle school students?

  A. Mr Li and Mrs Li.

  B. Li Zhigang and Li Zhiyan.

  C. Li Zhigang and his brother.

  25. Who is the youngest in Mr Li’s family?

  A. The father B. The sons. C. The daughter.

  答案:21. B 解析:從短文中可知他們有三個(gè)孩子,一家五口人。

  22. C 解析:短文中沒有涉及Mrs Li的職業(yè)。

  23. C 解析:Li Zhigang正在與貓一起玩。

  24. C 解析:從Li Zhigang and Li Zhiwei are students of No. 1 Middle School.得知。

  25. C 解析:從Li Zhigang is their sister. She is only four.可知。



  26. There is no__________ between the twins. But they are in __________ classes.(different)

  27. I like__________(watch) TV in the evening.

  28. It’s five o’clock now. They __________(play) basketball.

  29. __________she__________ to Beijing tomorrow?(go)

  30. __________ your brother__________(have) a computer?

  31. How many__________(city) are there in China?

  32. Are these__________(knife) yours?

  33. Why not__________(come) with us?

  34. He often helps me__________(do) my homework.

  35. —How__________ your parents__________(go) to work?

  —By bike.

  答案:26. difference, different 27. watching 28. are playing 29. Is, going 30. Does, have 31. cities 32. knives 33. come 34. (to) do 35. do, go


  36. They are going to have supper together.(改為一般疑問句)

  __________ they__________ to have supper together?

  37. Are the four boys going to play cards this evening?(作否定回答)

  No, __________ __________.

  38. Why not finish your homework first?(改為同義句)

  Why__________ __________finish your homework first?

  39. It takes Rose two hours to do shopping.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)

  __________ __________does it take Rose to do shopping?

  40. The market is near No. 1 Middle School.(改為同義句)

  The market is not__________ __________ No. 1 Middle School.

  41. Li Ming is a boy’s name, __________ __________?(完成反意疑問句)

  42. He’s going to clean the house next week.(改為否定句)

  He__________ going to__________ the house next week.

  43. The blue skirt is 15 yuan and the green one is 35 yuan.

  The yellow one is 50 yuan.(改為同義句)

  The yellow shirt is__________ __________ __________of the three.

  44. Jim is the youngest in his class.(改為同義句)

  Jim is younger than__________ __________student in his class.

  45. Can you tell me how can I get to the bookshop?(改為同義句)

  Can you tell me __________ __________ __________to the bookshop?

  答案:36. Are, going 37. they aren’t 38. don’t you 39. How long 40. far from 41. isn’t it 42. isn’t clean 43. the most expensive 44. any other 45. how to get




  答案:I’m going to be an English teacher when I grow up. I’m going to teach more Chinese students to speak English. I hope to be a good teacher like Mrs. Li. So I’m going to work hard at English this term. I’m going to speak English as much as possible. In the spare time, I’m going to practice listening to English this term. I’m going to practice listening to English. I think that I’ll be very happy with my students.







為即將到來期末考試,同學(xué)們要如何準(zhǔn)備呢?接下來是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)淼年P(guān)于七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)模塊綜合檢測(cè)題及答案,希望會(huì)對(duì)大家有所幫助。 七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)模塊綜合檢測(cè)題及答案: 典例分析 例 根據(jù)漢語提示完成下面的英語句子。 1.他