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  Dear World:


  My son starts school today.


  It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.


  You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost.


  He's been boss of the backyard.


  I have always been around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.


  But now--things are going to be different.


  This morning, he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow.


  To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage.


  So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.


  Teach him - but gently, if you can.


  Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every crooked politician there is a dedicated leader; that for every enemy there is a friend.


  Teach him the wonders of books.


  Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.


  Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.


  Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.


  Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul.


  Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob...and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right.


  Teach him gently, World, but don't coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.


  This is a big order, World, but see what you can do.


  He's such a nice little fellow.





  My Dear Stuart,


  We are overjoyed at your generously long letter. We have been rather worried about you since your reticent Xmas card from Spain. We thought that your indignation at the Fascist terrors might have made you join the Spanish Republican army on leaving Oxford. In that case, the world would certainly gain a hero, but we might (O horrible thought!) lose a friend. You can imagine our relief to hear from you again.


  We are very, very sorry indeed to hear about your viva. we do hope that it will not be prejudicial to your chances of getting a job. As your favorite Walter Raleigh used to say, Oxford final schools and the Last Judgement are two examinations, not one. You are quite right to take the whole thing lightly.

  關(guān)于你大學口語入學口試的事,我們感到十分遺憾。真希望它不會影響你找工作。正如你的Walter Raleigh曾說的,牛津的畢業(yè)考試不等于末日審判,它們是兩種考試。你不把這事放在心上是對的。

  We shall be here for another four or five months yet. My scholarship expires this August, and we shall sail home in September. Not that we have homes to return to! Our houses, spared by the shell-fire, have been looted and gutted of all their valuable contents. Our respective families have taken refuge in mountains honeycombed with bandits. My wife lost her mother, and I myself have no prospect whatsoever of getting decent jobs in China. Still, one's lot is with one's own people; I don't mind roughing it a bit. The revolution of the Fortune's wheel might bring us up, and, as Goethe was fond of saying, abwarten Sie. You see, I spare my own patriotic heroics.

  我們在這還要待四五個月。我的獎學金在八月到期,九月份我們將坐船回家。可不是因為我們有家可歸!我們的房子雖免于戰(zhàn)火,但值錢的家當被洗劫一空。我們倆各自的家庭也都在滿是土匪的山上尋求避難之處。我的妻子失去了她的母親,我對自己在中國找到體面的工作也不抱任何希望。但個人的命運是和民族的命運連在一起的。我并不介意生活得艱苦一些。會時來運轉(zhuǎn)的,像歌德常說的abwarten Sie(德語,等待吧)。你看,我就不說那些愛國主義豪言壯語了。

  Yes, my clairvoyant Stuart, I have been working entirely on my own. I have tried to read French literature systematically downwards, beginning with Villon, and already got as far as the mid-nineteenth century. I have also laboriously tackled the German romantics. I am reading Taine's novel Graindorge and Novalis's Fragmente. Besides, I have not neglected my English and Chinese studies. I am reading——no, I am not going to tell you my reading debauches. This paragraph reads already like a snippet from that model letter of a schoolboy to his parents ("or parent according to circumstances") in Anstey's Vice Versa.

  得承認,你很有遠見。我目前完全在自學。我在系統(tǒng)地用心讀法國文學,從維龍開始,已經(jīng)讀到十九世紀中期。我也在費力地啃一些德國小說。我在讀泰納的 Graindorge和諾瓦利斯的《哲學片段》。此外,我也并未荒廢英語和漢語的學習。我在看——不,我還是不告訴你我縱情閱讀的內(nèi)容了。這段文字讀來已然像是摘自Anstey的Vice Versa《父親的教訓》中小學生給父母的(或其中之一的,視情況而定)范例書信了。

  The baby is burstingly fat. She already boasts of six teeth (each tooth meaing a week or so of worries and sleeplessness on her part as well our own). She is very naughty and mutinous and self-willed, altogether an ugly customer to deal with. She will be able to walk a little next month.


  You are a disquieting feller, my dear Stuart. You always give me the impression of some impending catastrophe. Why this sudden "treachery" to your "former interests"? You seem to have a "gout trop facilement degoute". Your mind seems to slough its idea as frequently as the snakes their skins. No doubt you will call me smug and incorrigible. Do keep me abreast of your lastest developments.

  親愛的Stuart,你是個不讓人放心的家伙。你總給人一種大難臨頭的感覺。這次你對“舊的愛好”的“叛變”是怎么回事?仿佛你有種gout trop facilement degoute(法語,有種愛改變口味的習慣),你擺脫舊想法的頻率猶如蛇蛻皮。無怪乎你稱我是不可一世又不可救藥。請務必要讓我知道你的最新進展。

  My wife sends you her best wishes, to which I say ditto. Write to me at your earliest convenience.


  Yours ever,


  Chung-shu Tchi'ien


  P.S. My wife wants me to tell you that the baby is really "her father's daughter". She loves nothing so much as books——to tear and nibble at, certainly not to read. She has already destroyed a German primer, not to mention innumberable tradesmen's circulars and booklets. She throws away her toys to grab at the books we happen to be reading.



  Dear Tiger Whiskers’ parents and children:

  Remember our first meeting? August 30, 2016 was the first day we met formally. From your exciting and surprising expressions, for the first time I had a sense of happiness and luck as your English teacher. From the first day on, we began to embrace the beautiful September !



  To meet with you is by chance also inevitable. Because in fact I just knew that I would meet you three days just before you came back to school, I was both nervous and excited. The first thing I did was to contact with your head teacher Miss Qi and ask her for your names and photos. Then I thought about English names for you, because it is important to remember a person's name.The ideal situation is to remember both your names and your appearance, but time is limited, I can only try to remember the most. Combine your Chinese names with English names, is also not an easy job. so I came up with a good idea, try to make your Chinese names sound like your English names, for example I gave the first English name Mary, which sounds a little like “meng” in the Chinese name “ Zhang Meng”. In this way I spent an hour and a half getting your English names of 21 people. I used up all my memory resources and sometimes checked on line . I had remembered both your Chinese and English names after I finished the last name “Charlie”!


  “Life, is a grand meeting. If you know, please cherish! ” This is the first sentence I shared with you. I wanted to give you a big surprise for the first time. So I spent three days preparing School Starting Gift Packages : a study file bag for each of you, in this bag there are some school things I selected for you especially, such as markers, exercise books and nice English notebooks; There is also a letter I wrote to you for the first time and a personal information questionnaire. Each file bag I have posted a name tag, on which I wrote both your Chinese and English names; I also posted a label on the notebook, you will write both your Chinese and English names on your own . When I handed the learning portfolio to your hands, you had a surprising expressions on your faces, some students even cheered; when I told you about your English names, you were happier and more surprised, most of you had your first English names, after that it also proved that you love it very much ,you try to remember each other's names, and share your English names with your family and friends .At this time I issued a challenge: who can remember all the English names within a week? Some of you made it in less than three days, most of you can call other’s names in a week or so. Because you are very clever, you found the secret between the English and Chinese names. You usually call each other’s name during the break, put into practice the things you learn and practice makes perfect. It is so easy for you to remember the names! The ceremony we met for the first time was so warm and grand!

  “人生,是一場盛大的遇見。若你懂得,就請珍惜!” 這是我送給你們的第一句話。第一次和你們見面,我想給你們一個大大的驚喜。于是,我花了三天的時間,特地為你們準備了開學大禮包:為你們每人建立一個學習檔案袋,檔案袋里是我為你們精挑細選的一些學習用品,如熒光筆、英語作業(yè)本和精美的英語筆記本,還有寫給你們的第一封短信和一張個人信息調(diào)查表。每一個檔案袋我都貼好了名字標簽,標簽上是我手寫的中英文名字;本子上我也貼好了標簽,名字由你們自己寫。當我把學習檔案袋交到你們手中時,你們露出了驚訝的表情,有的同學甚至歡呼起來;當告訴我為你們?nèi)〉挠⑽拿謺r,你們更加高興和驚喜,你們的大部分人第一次有了自己的英文名字,后面也證明你們都很喜歡它,你們互相記著彼此的名字,和家人及朋友分享著你們的英文名字呢。我不失時機地發(fā)出挑戰(zhàn):在一個星期內(nèi),誰能記住全班所有人的英文名字。有的人不到三天就記住了,大部分人在一星期左右都能叫出對方的名字。因為你們很聰明,發(fā)現(xiàn)了中英文名字之間的秘密,平時在課間都叫著對方的英文名字,學以致用,熟能生巧,記住名字就是這么簡單!我們第一次見面的儀式是這么熱烈而隆重!

  In the first short letter I wrote to you: in the past,you may feel very happy, a little painful or had mixed feelings about learning English. Anyway, experience is a treasure. Let bygones be bygones! Now, we start our English learning journey: let’s enjoy ourselves in the sea of wonderful English songs ,singing happily all the way; let’s learn phonics, speak English naturally and fluently; let’s step into the wonderful English picture story books, to experience the beauty of language...... let’s speak together, sing together, perform together, talk together, play together and go into the wonderful world of English!

  在給你們的第一封短信中,我寫道:過去,你們學習英語也許很快樂,也許有點痛苦,或許喜憂參半,不管怎樣,經(jīng)歷了就是一筆財富。讓一切都過去吧!( Let bygones be bygones ! )現(xiàn)在,我們重新開始我們的英語學習旅程:讓我們徜徉在美妙的英語歌曲海洋里,一路歡歌;讓我們一起學習自然拼讀,自然而流利地說英語;讓我們一起走進那美妙的英語繪本故事里,去體會語言的美妙……讓我們一起說、一起唱、一起演、一起講、一起玩,一起走進奇妙的英語世界吧!

  First, we embraced the September with songs. We learned five new morning chanting songs, three class songs .Every Wednesday morning, we will have a happy hug with songs, and then in the following days we will continue to review these beautiful memories. In the first song Together, we work together, play together, learning ways to get along and finding out what life’s about; In the second song Everybody Jump , we jump, climb, swing and clap together, play football and play seesaw in the playground, we have fun and joy; In the third song Rig A Jig Jig , walking down the street, I chanced to meet a very good friend, so we clapped our hands and stomped our feet together, We even climbed on a train and tooted the horn; The fourth song Billy Boy tells us the story of a lovely and naughty boy: he has been to seek a wife, She’s the joy of his life, but she’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother; The autumn came, we sang the Autumn Song: Autumn’s here. That time of year. The leaves are falling everywhere. The sap will flow. The fruit has grown. The birds fly south,‘Cause it’s warmer there.... Dream It Possible , Right Here Waiting and A Little Love were the classic English songs we repeatedly sang in September. We expressed determination of " I will run, I will climb, I will soar, I'm undefeated , Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord, so I'll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars"; We experienced the true love of " Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; Whatever it takes, Or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you,"; We understood the true heart of " A little love, a little kiss ,a little hug, a little gift ,all of little something ,these are our memories”.

  第一,我們用歌曲擁抱九月。我們學會了五首晨誦歌曲,3首課堂歌曲。在每周三的清晨,我們都會和歌曲來個快樂的擁抱,然后在接下來的日子里我們會不斷地重溫這美好的回憶。在第一首歌曲《在一起》里:我們一起學習,一起玩 ,學習相處的方法,找到生活的真諦;在第二首歌《每個人跳一跳》,我們一起跳,爬,蕩秋千和拍手,一起在操場上踢足和玩蹺蹺板,我們玩得開心而快樂;第三首歌《玩一玩,樂一樂》,走在街上,我偶然遇見一個很好的朋友,于是我們一起拍手,一起跺腳,我們還我們爬上火車,吹著喇叭; 第四首歌《比利男孩》給我們講述了一個可愛而淘氣的男孩:他一直在尋找一個妻子,她是他生命中的快樂 ,但她是一個年輕的小女孩,不能離開她的母親;秋天來了,我們唱起了《秋日之歌》:秋天來了,一年中的那個時候,到處都是落葉,有會流的汁液,果實成熟了,鳥兒往南,因為那里更溫暖……《夢想成真》、《此情可待》和 《一點愛》是我們在九月反復歌唱的經(jīng)典英文歌曲,我們用歌聲表達了“我奔跑,我攀登,我展翅翱翔,我絕不低頭,掙脫自我的桎梏,撥動琴弦,不停追尋天際,直到夢想成真,滿眼群星”的決心;體會了“無論你在何地,無論你做何事, 我就在這里等候你;不管怎么樣,不管我多心碎, 我就在這里等候你”的真愛;懂得了“一點愛,一個吻,輕輕的擁抱,小小的禮物,所有的點滴小事,都是只屬于我們的回憶”的真心。

  Second, we learned phonics happily. We firstly reviewed the pronunciation and spelling of the 26 letters, especially the specification of every letter’s writing, and especially some letters that it is easy for you to write wrongly, we practiced over and over again, then your writing became more and more standard, more and more beautiful day by day, when you saw your writing finally obtained the "excellent" evaluation, you gave us a bright smile. Secondly, we focus on the study of 5 vowels of phonics, we almost every day spelt letters and words happily, sometimes read with rhythm, sometimes sang happily, those words and sentences have been learnt by us while playing, so dictation of words is a piece of cake! Because practice make perfect!


  Third, we walked into the wonderful English picture storybooks: do you remember the first story The Very Hungry Caterpillar we read together ? The caterpillar in the story is also yourself ! You are hungry and thirsty for knowledge, you accumulate energy, day by day, month by month, you accumulate richly and break forth vastly, until you break the final cocoon and become a butterfly, a beautiful butterfly, dancing between heaven and earth! As hungry as you continue reading a lot of picture storybooks, such as brown bear, brown bear, what do you see, City and the 5 stories related the vowels. In October we will continue to read more wonderful and profound stories like caterpillars!


  Fourth, we also went into a beautiful fairy tale world: we read a simple classic fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, which is a story about the prince looking for the real princess. Although the story is a bit ridiculous, but from the experience of the Prince and Princess we knew that it is not easy to get happiness,we have to struggle, experience setbacks and failures, constantly seeking to overcome difficulties and dangers, finally we can make it.


  Fifth, we traveled in English Original movies: In the film Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte, the spider, weaves words for Wilbur, the pig . These words are: Some Pig, Terrific, Radiant, Humble .I will weave these words for you in later years! We can also be each other's Charlotte, let us respect each other, encourage each other and face challenge together base on our mutual development and success!


  Apart from this, we studied our English textbooks. because of the above-mentioned rich and accurate studies, It’s much easier for us to learn our text books and the time is greatly reduced but we gain much more.


  The wonderful world of English is really unforgettable! September is not the end, but a new beginning. In October, we will continue to roam in a more beautiful and more challenging English world.

  這么美妙的英語世界 真是讓人流連忘返啊!九月不是結(jié)束,而是一個新的開始。十月,我們將繼續(xù)徜徉在更加美妙而且更有挑戰(zhàn)的英文世界里。









