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Unit 1 School and Friends


be from來自 over there 在那里 homeroom teacher 指導教師

visiting student 訪問生 show ... around 帶領...參觀

have lessons 上課 have fun 玩的愉快 play sports 進行體育活動

guessing game 猜謎游戲 play a guessing game 玩猜謎游戲

shopping list 購物單

Class Four 四班 welcome to ... 歡迎來到...

get books 借書 plan their lessons 備課 have science classes 上科學科

let’sdo sth. 咱們做某事吧

It’sone’s turn to do sth. Now. 現(xiàn)在輪到某人做某事了。

on the wall 在墻上 buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 給某人買某物

get sth for sb. 為某人取(買,拿)某物


——What’s your name? (特殊疑問句,用于詢問對方的名字,句中的what’s 是what is 的縮寫形式。)

——My name is ... / I’m(I am)...

How are you? 你好嗎? I’m fine. And you? 我很好,你呢?

——Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興。(第一次見面時相互問候的用語。) ——Nice to meet you, too.見到你也很高興

Good morning。早上好。 Let’s ... 咱們...吧。

——Excuse me. May I have /borrow ...抱歉/打擾。我可以借...嗎? ——Hereyou are. 給你。

——May I ...

——(肯定回答)OK. /Sure./ Certainly./Of course./ Yes, you may.

——(否定回答) Sorry./ No, you may not.

注意: may not 無縮寫形式。

You are welcome! 不客氣!

See you later./See you. 再見。

What about sth(what about doing sth) 某物(做某事)怎么樣?

This is?? 這是?? (此句式有兩種用法:

1.向別人介紹你身邊的你熟悉而對方不認識或者不熟悉的人時。2 介紹近處的物品時。) Her/his name is ?? 她/他的名字是??

注意:表示“在幾班”時,用“班級(第一個字母必須大寫)+阿拉伯數(shù)字或基數(shù)詞(第一個字母必須大寫)”。如 Class 2= Class Two

Here is my list. 此句是由here構成的倒裝句,起強調作用。


(1) 主語是人稱代詞,用部分倒裝。結構為: Here/There +主語+謂語動詞+其他

如: Here you are. 給你。

(2) 若主語不是人稱代詞,用全部倒裝。結構為: Here/There +謂語動詞+主語+其他。

如:Here comes the bus. 公共汽車來了。



Unit 2 Colours and Clothes


Light blue 淺藍色 look at?? 看?? come out 出現(xiàn)(I come out after the rain. High in thesky.)

in the sky 在天空中 just right 剛剛好,正好 (be)ready for??準備去?? catch a cold 感冒 go back 回去 put on 穿上

get well with 和??很相配,協(xié)調 take??all out of 把所有的?取出

look so pretty 看上去很漂亮 in black and white 身穿黑白相間的衣服 write??about??寫關于??的??

around the world 全世界 uniforms for work 工作服

go shopping 去購物 at the shopping centre 在購物中心

mix??and??把??和??混在一起 just right正合適,剛剛好

What colour??什么顏色(對顏色進行提問)

at 1:00 p.m.


Sth. is too+形容詞(原形)+for sb. 某物對某人來說太??

Whose scarf is this? 用來詢問物品歸誰所有,用于對物主代詞或者名詞所有格提問。句型轉換時,若后有名詞,要將名詞一起提前。

單數(shù)名詞+ is this/that/ it?

結構:whose+ 復數(shù)名詞+are these/those/they?

不可數(shù)名詞+is it?

Be ready for sth. 和be ready to do sth.有時可互換。如:

I am ready for lunch.= I am ready to have lunch. 現(xiàn)在我準備好吃午飯了。

How many colours do you see ? 你能看到多少顏色?

My favorite colour is ?? 我最喜歡的顏色是??

Say goodbye to sb.向某人問好。Say yes/no to sb. 向某人說行/不行。

I’mso+形容詞+to do sth.+其他。 做某事我很?? 如:

I’mso glad to see you. 見到你我很高興。


Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings


play with 和??一起玩 make?? for?? 為??做??

do one’s homework 做作業(yè) listen to 聽?? on foot 步行

wave one’s hand 揮手 see red 火冒三丈 be angry 生氣

a bit 有點兒,稍微 stand against?? 靠著??站stand upon站在??上面

one donut a day 一天一個面包圈 see a doctor 看醫(yī)生

have a cold 感冒 stay at home 呆在家里 have a rest 休息一下

look cool/cute/funny/different 看起來很酷/很可愛/很滑稽/不同

short black hair 黑色短發(fā)use??for??用??表示??(We use many colors for our feelings.)

make sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

take medicine 吃藥stay home=stay athome 呆在家里


1 ——Howtall is he/she ? 他/她多高?——He/Sheis ??meters tall. 他/她身高??米。

2 How do you feel ?你感覺怎么樣? I’m/feel ?? 我感覺??

3 What’s wrong?= what’s the matter? 怎么了?

4 I have a headache/stomacheache. 我頭疼/肚子疼。

5 You’d(you had) better do?? 你最好做??

6 Are you OK? 你還好嗎? 7 Let’s go and see a doctor. 咱們去看醫(yī)生吧。

8 What does he/she look like? 他/她長什么樣?結構為:whatdo/does + 主語+look like?某人長什么樣?

9. like常見固定搭配:

Like to do sth. (表示具體的某一次動作) I like to visit Tom today. 今天我想拜訪Tom. Likedoing sth. (表示習慣性、一般性動作)I like reading. 我喜歡讀書。

Would like to do sth. (表示想要做某事) I would like to go out for a walk. 我想出去散步。

10. I wear glasses. 我戴著眼鏡。a pair of glasses 一副眼鏡


Unit 4 Food and Restaurants


have a salad 吃色拉 make a salad 做色拉 a glass of juice 一杯果汁 put??on?? 把??放在??上面 a cup of tea 一杯茶

be full of??充滿 write down 寫下來 have to 不得不

want to do sth. 想要做某事 take sb. to ?? 帶著某人去??

at the market 在市場 look good 看起來不錯 how much 多少錢

be ready to do sth. 準備好做某事 in the restaurant 在餐館里

something to drink 喝的東西 a can/bottle/glass/cup of?? 一聽/瓶/玻璃杯/杯?? cornerstore 便利店

take down 拿下,取下(P58Take one down. Pass it around. 19 bottles of water on the wall. )

pass around 分發(fā),傳送 be away 不在,離開

get enough rest 得到充分的休息 watch TV 看電視

every day 每天 for example 例如 be short for??的簡稱

no problem 沒問題


1. It’s time for +名詞 常用語催促對方做某事

It’stime (for sb.) to do sth. 該到(某人)做某事的時間了。

2. what’s for 三餐/下午茶/飯后甜點?表示三餐/下午茶/飯后甜點吃什么?

3. be full of 充滿??

4. 1)對于would like sth.?提出的建議或要求, 肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No,

thanks/thank you.

2)對于wouldyou like to do sth.? 肯定回答:yes./sure. I’d like/love to. 否定回答: I’d like to, but??.表委婉拒絕。

5. take sb. to someplace 帶著某人去某地

6. how much +be+名詞?用于詢問價格。

7. can I help you? 我能幫助你么?此為服務性行業(yè)人員的常用語。

類似的說法還有: May I help you? what can I do for you?

Is there anything I can do for you?

help 的常用短語: help sb. (to) do sth. 幫助某人做某事

help sb. with sth. 幫助某人某事 ask sb. for help向某人求助

8. pass it around。把它分發(fā)下去。

Pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb. 把某物遞給某人

9. don’t watch too much TV! 不要看太多電視!

Too much “太多”,修飾不可數(shù)名詞或放在動詞之后。 Too many “太多”,修飾可數(shù)名詞。


Unit 5 Family and Home


the Smith family 史密斯一家 talk on the police radio用警用對講機講話 Jenny’s family 詹尼的家庭

walk to school 步行去學校

on weekends 在周末 play football 踢足球

be close with 與??親近 be ready to 準備好做??

work hard at school 努力學習 in front of 在??前面

go on a picnic=have a picnic 去野餐 a basket of 一籃子??

lots of 許多 look out 小心,注意 set the table 擺放餐具

have a birthday party 舉行生日聚會 make a birthday card 制作生日卡片

on the front (of) 在??的正面 happy birthday 生日快樂


1. we are the Smith family. 我們是史密斯一家。


The Browns are friendly to everyone. 布朗一家對每個人都很友好。

2. what does she do ?


What +do/does+主語+do? What’s one’sjob?

3. she is walking to school. 她正步行去學校。

Walk to school= go to school on foot 步行去學校

4. I have no brothers or sisters. 我沒有兄弟姐妹。結構為:主語+have/has +no+名詞。

相當于 主語+don’t have+名詞。 例如:

I have no money.= I don’t have any money.

注意:or 用于否定句中,意思為“和”, 在肯定句中則用and 表示“和”。

例如:I have no food or water. 我沒有食物和水。

5. I can talk to him about everything. 我可以跟他說一切事情。

Talk to/with sb. 與某人談話 talk about sb./sth. 談論某人/某事

6. The chair is in front of the desk. 椅子在桌子前面。

in front of 在??的前面,強調一個物體在另一個物體外部的前面。

in the front of 在??的前部,強調一個物體在另一個物體內部的前面。

7. how old are you ?

how +old+be+主語?用來詢問年齡,其答語為:主語+be+數(shù)詞+years old.

同義句為:what’s +one’s age? 在口語中一般不詢問女士年齡。

8. ??it’s called a lucky birthday. ??它被叫做一個幸運的生日。

be called 被叫做 He is called Li Ming. 他被叫做李明。




冀教版初一下冊英語Unit 1測試試題及答案






