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  Because you are too good and I can't honestly say I love you. 只因你太美好而令我無法坦白說出我愛你。這句經(jīng)典愛情英文說說是不是很讓你感動呢?那么還有哪些經(jīng)典愛情英文說說呢?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的經(jīng)典愛情英文說說,希望大家喜歡!


  1) 缺席了你的從前,卻不想缺席你的未來。

  Missing you once upon a time, but don't want to miss your future.

  2) 我不要短暫的溫存,只要你一世的陪伴。

  I the short-time tenderness, as long as you life-long companion.

  3) 因為知道不能沒有你,所以我會更珍惜。

  Because you know that we can not live without you, so I'll be more cherish it.

  4) 在茫茫人海中行走,像魚一樣不能回頭。

  Walking in the boundless huge crowd, like a fish cannot turn back.

  5) 愛一個人很難,放棄自己心愛的人更難。

  Love a person is difficult, give up his beloved people more difficult.

  6) 愿天上的每一個流星,都為你而閃耀天際。

  Let the sky every meteor, shining and the sky for you.

  7) 思念可以讓你流淚,思念也可以讓人含笑。

  Missing is can make you cry, also can let a person with a smile.

  8) 把手放開,不是不愛,而是把愛藏在心中。

  Open up, not don't love, but hide love in heart.

  9) 承諾再多,做不到,那也只不過還是謊言。

  Promise more, can't do, that also is just a lie.

  10) 只因你太美好,令我無法坦白說出我愛你。

  Because you are too good, I can't honestly say I love you.


  1) 催淚的叮嚀,溫柔的神情,卻又讓我動情。

  One tear, gentle expression, but let me emotional.

  2) 每天我的動力就是見到你,并和你說說話。

  My power is to see you every day and talk with you.

  3) 你就是我最困難時的那位永遠支持我的人。

  You are my most difficult when the person who always support me.

  4) 老婆,我一生最幸福的事情就是我娶了你。

  Wife, my life the most happy thing is I married you.

  5) 只要你一直在我身邊,其他東西不再重要。

  As long as you are always by my side, other thing no longer important.

  6) 建筑在別人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。

  Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.

  7) 只因你太美好而令我無法坦白說出我愛你。

  Because you are too good and I can't honestly say I love you.

  8) 我繞了整個地球。只為找到你。別無所求。

  I circle the entire earth. Just to find you. Don't ask for.

  9) 和寂寞對話,只是不愿意相信你已經(jīng)離開。

  And lonely dialogue, just don't want to believe you have left.

  10) 每個人有自己的宿命,一切又與他人何干。

  Everyone has their own destiny, and all others gan.


  1) 因為思念,月亮被注入了人類濃郁的情感。

  Miss, because the moon was injected with human emotions.

  2) 愛情使人忘記時間,時間也使人忘記愛情。

  Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love.

  3) 不知道,愛你,算不算是一個貼心的理由?

  Don't know, I love you, is a kind of reason?

  4) 只有在思念的時候,孤獨才顯得特別美麗。

  5) Only in the miss, the loneliness is especially beautiful.


  6) Love is, let a person think, and then use a lifetime to forget.


  People will always be old, I hope, you're still by my side.

  7) 我愿意愛你,照顧你,保護你,一生一世。

  I am willing to love you, take care of you, protect you, the rest of her life.

  8) 不需言語,讓我用行動告訴你,什么叫愛。

  Without words, and let me use the action to tell you, what is love.

  9) 我的愛情,長了蛀蟲,句子大全http://Www.1juzI.coM/我的愛情,出了毛病。

  My love, long borers, my love, out of order.

  10) 有些人說不出哪里好,但就是誰都替代不了!

  Some people say a where good, but is who all don't replace!

  11) 開始很美,過程很累,結(jié)局很悲,清醒很難。

  Start is very beautiful, process is very tired, end is very sad, awake is difficult.

  12) 你是我生命中所能經(jīng)歷的,最最深切的感覺!

  Can experience, you are my life the most deep feeling!

  13) 有時候,放棄愛情比抓住它需要更多的勇氣。

  Sometimes, give up love than it requires more courage to seize it.

  14) 他說愛你的時候,是無心之過,別輕易感動。

  He said love you, is not intentional of, don't easily moved.

  15) 舊城里看不見陽光,你和我一個夢長得好像。

  In the old city can't see the sun, you and me looks just a dream.

  16) 不曉得如何愛你,看著你,是我唯一的方式。

  Don't know how to love you, look at you, is my only way.

  17) 青青子衿,悠悠我心;但為君故,思念至今。

  Qingqing child class, leisurely my heart; But for you so, missing ever since.

  18) 只有你知我的情緒,也只有你能帶給我情緒。

  Only you know my mood, only you can also bring my mood.

  19) 在每一個有你相伴的夜,不再過于寂寥冷清。

  In every night have you accompany, no longer lonely too cold and cheerless.

  20) 只要和你一起,我不管要付出怎樣大的代價。

  As long as together with you, I no matter how big price to pay.

  21) 除了愛你。我想不出能使我繼續(xù)活著的理由。

  In addition to love you. I can't think of to make me a reason to continue to live.

  22) 無論相隔多遙遠,對你思念的心,永不停歇。

  No matter how far apart, for you the yearning heart, never stop.

  23) 愛情是風(fēng)花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。

  Love is sentimental, frustrated people can't afford to play.

  24) 當(dāng)你決定不再在乎的時候,生活就好起來了。

  When you decided to no longer care about, life is good.

  25) 你的名字寫滿在我心里。就讓我永遠愛你吧!

  Your name in my heart. Let I love you forever!

  26) 我愛你用我舊愁里的熱情和孩童時代的忠誠。

  I love you with my enthusiasm and loyalty in his childhood in the old sorrow.

  27) 你有地圖么?因為我剛在你的眼神中迷失了。

  Do you have a map? Because I just lost in your eyes.

  28) 除了愛你,我想不出能使我繼續(xù)活著的理由。

  In addition to love you, I can't think of can make me a reason to continue to live.

  29) 你所知道的不要全說,你所聽到的不要全信。

  You don't tell all you know, don't believe all you hear.

  30) 對于你,我始終只能以陌生人的身份去懷念。

  For you, I always can only be as a stranger to miss.

  31) 夢已逝,心已碎,留下只是在為離開做準(zhǔn)備。

  The dream is gone, the heart has been broken, leaving just in preparing to leave.

  32) 我的愛人是我愛的人,愛我的人是我愛的人!

  My lover is the person I love, love me the person is the person I love!

  33) 愛情,是自身的圓滿,我不再缺少些甚么了。

  Love, is own complete, I no longer lack some what.

  34) 喜歡的歌,靜靜地聽,喜歡的人,遠遠地看!

  Like the song, listen, of the person you like, watching from a distance!

  35) 你的名字寫滿在我心里,就讓我永遠愛你吧!

  Your name in my heart, let I love you forever!

  36) 不論怎么說,思念都是一筆巨大的精神財富。

  No matter how to say, missing is a great spiritual wealth.

  37) 如果流年開出一朵花,我的思念會不會結(jié)果。

  If we open a flower, my thoughts will result.

  38) 愛是藏不住的,閉上嘴巴,眼睛也會說出來。

  Love is hid, shut your mouth, eyes also will say it.

  39) 好好照顧自己,我不想等到下輩子再來愛你。

  Take good care of yourself, I don't want to wait until the next life to love you again.

  40) 所謂的假如,所謂的如果,也只是自欺欺人!

  If, if, also just deluding themselves!


Because you are too good and I cant honestly say I love you. 只因你太美好而令我無法坦白說出我愛你。這句經(jīng)典愛情英文說說是不是很讓你感動呢?那么還有哪些經(jīng)典愛情英文說說呢?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的經(jīng)典愛情英文說說,希望大家喜