

時(shí)間: 曉思688 分享



  Finally, we arrived in Guilin. After breakfast, we went to River Li. We listened to the guide and enjoyed the views on boat. But I found the water in River Li is dirty, many people washed clothes there. I feel angry and the trip became boring and exhausting.


  Next week I would like to go to Kaifeng and parents. Kaifeng has many great snacks, such as steamed buns, sesame seed Gaul. Kaifeng also on the famous Qingming River Park, I think it has to be very beautiful. My parents will be opened to see my uncle and live in his house one night. 譯文:下周我要和父母去開封。開封有許多非常棒的小吃,比如小籠包子、高盧燒餅。開封還有著名的清明上河園,我想那一定非常的漂亮。我和父母將會(huì)在開封見到我的叔叔,并住在他家一晚。


  Today, my sister and me to a dirty dog take a shower, sister to bring water, then used washbasin and soap, we first make the dog water wet, and then rubbed with soap and rub a rub, finally washed with clean water! The dog is white and beautiful!




  Now I am on the train to Guilin. The views are beautiful and I feel happy. Mother told me there is only one day to go to arrive in Guilin. We bought a lot of stuffs and they are heavy. So I took some bags from mother. She said I am growing up and I smiled happily.


  What a fine day today !I’m very happy in this fine day . Beaucse today I don’t have to do my homework and I can play with my good friends .There is lots of snow now ,so we make a sonw man .That’s really intersting .We play with snow to about 6:30 .Of couse I must go home now. What a fan day ! 譯文:多么好的天氣阿!在這樣的好天氣里我非常高興,因?yàn)榻裉煳也挥脤懽鳂I(yè),并且可以和朋友們出去玩。這里現(xiàn)在有很多雪,所以我們堆了一個(gè)雪人。那真的很有趣。我們玩雪,一直到晚上6:30。當(dāng)然現(xiàn)在我必須回家了。 多么有趣的一天啊!


關(guān)于寒假的小學(xué)英語日記翻譯范文一 今天終于到了桂林,我們吃過早飯后就出發(fā)去漓江。坐上了船后,我們聽著導(dǎo)游的講解,觀賞著風(fēng)景??墒俏野l(fā)現(xiàn)漓江的水很臟,有很多人在那里洗衣服。我很氣憤。在接下來的旅途中很無聊我也很疲憊。 Final