(+86) 123-456-789
Objective: Designer
Thinks creatively - developing, designing, creating, including artistic contributions
Photoshop ImageReady CSS, HTML, XHTML
Illustrator Flash Microsoft Office
InDesign Dreamweaver
Freelance Design
January 2013 - Present London, UK
•Designed look and feel for German Ariel Actilift product website
•Provided design support for PGA European Tour pitch work
•Developed mock site for usability testing for Shell dotcom
Freelance Web Design
September 2012 - Present Chicago, IL
•Organised and created exhibitionarchivesite for Columbia College’s [C]Spaces
•Contributed to detaildesign of Columbia College’s Student Organisationsites
Intern (Design /Creative) - Digitas London
February - August 2012 London, UK
•Designer on2 website redesigns forlargeUK companies (HomeServe, GAME.co.uk)
•Provided seniordesigners and artdirectors withdesignsupportand concepting
•Collaborated ona varietyof clients (Ericsson, Lloyds TSB, Delta, Nakheel.com)
•Attended client meetings whileserving theroleof a junior designer
Media/PrintTechnician - Columbia CollegeChicago
September 2010 - December 2011 Chicago, IL
•Responsibleforcreating media assets forthedepartment
•Assisting inthe general operations of theopenstudios
Marketing Assistant - KalamazooInstitute of Arts
May - August 2009 Kalamazoo, MI
•Created promotionalpieces fortheDaleChihuly’s Chihuly in Kalamazoo exhibit
•Helped develop promotionalplans and pieces forchildren’s exhibits
Columbia College Chicago Bachelorof Arts Degree - First Class
Major: InteractiveArts & Media / Minor: Marketing
GPA 3.9/4.0 - Dean's List 6consecutivesemesters (award for highacademic achievement)
2012 -“Complexity of Time” The Project Rm, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago,IL
2011 -"Student Showcase" F.U.E.L. Gallery, International Digital Media & Arts Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA
"Transition2.7" HokinGallery, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL
2010 -"I Heart Technology" Raw Space, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL
"New Americana" HokinAnnex, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL
