

時(shí)間: 大富0 分享

Job-seekers know from harsh experience that the toughest hurdle in a job search is getting the interview. Once you get the interview, you've got some control over the process -- at that stage, you just have to do your research, and be on your game.
The resume has a harder job than you do. It's got to get you in the door. That's why it's essential for job-seekers to avoid these five resume-killing phrases. Take a look -- are any of these toxic claims poisoning your resume now?

1."I am the best candidate for the job."
“我是適合這份工作的最佳人選?!?br/> At the resume stage, this is an irresponsible and presumptuous thing to say. Obviously, you don't know who else is applying for the job or how your qualifications stack up. Say instead, "I am very interested and believe I'm qualified for the job." Then, use the next sentence of your resume or cover letter to say how.
在簡(jiǎn)歷上說這句話是很不負(fù)責(zé)任、過于自負(fù)的行為。很明顯,你不知道還有哪些人在應(yīng)聘該職位,也不知道你的條件是否比得上別人。你可以這樣說:“我對(duì)該職位非常有興趣,并且我相信我有資格勝任此份工作?!比缓螅煤?jiǎn)歷上的下一句話或者求職信來說明你符合資格的原因。2."I have a proven track record of success."
“我有成功的經(jīng)驗(yàn)?!?br/> Apart from its 10-out-of-10 rating on the Legendary Clich scale, this sentence makes no sense. What other kind of track record is there? There's no such thing as an unproven track record. The "success" bit on the end only lowers the perceived IQ of the writer. Replace this boilerplate phrase with a story about something specific you did to help your last employer.
3. "I left this job because of disagreements with management."
“我離職的原因是和管理層不合?!?br/> I would never advise you to lie on a resume, but the problems-with-management message stands out like a neon sign on a resume and spells trouble. Instead say, "A shift in organizational priorities made this role less of a fit for me over time" or, "I'd learned a ton at that job, but it was time to go."
我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)叫你在簡(jiǎn)歷上撒謊,但是在簡(jiǎn)歷上透露和管理層有矛盾就好像是一個(gè)突兀點(diǎn),這也會(huì)給你帶來麻煩的。你可以這樣說:“隨著時(shí)間的推移,在公司組織事務(wù)上的變遷使得這份工作不再適合我?!被蛘摺拔以谀莻€(gè)工作上已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì)了很多東西,是時(shí)候邁出前進(jìn)的步伐了?!?br/> 4."I am an out-of-the-box thinker."
“我是創(chuàng)新的思想家?!?br/> The thing about true out-of-the-box thinkers is they'd never use this clich. Don't tell us that you're creative. Give us an example of your creativity, like "I revamped the Accounts Payable process and saved our company class="main">


時(shí)間: 大富0 分享
真正的創(chuàng)新思想家是不會(huì)說出這句陳詞濫調(diào)的。不要告訴我們你是有創(chuàng)意的。給我們一個(gè)你創(chuàng)新的實(shí)例吧,比如“我修正了應(yīng)付帳系統(tǒng),并為我們公司節(jié)約了一百萬美金?!?br/> 5."My qualifications are evident."
“我的資質(zhì)是顯而易見的?!?br/> Don't assume that your qualifications shine though -- spell them out for us. Employers want to know that you're qualified for this job, and that means you've got to customize your resume (as well as your cover letter) for every single opening you apply for. The extra time investment is worth it -- there's a good job available for someone, and it might as well be you!




  • 畢業(yè)生英文簡(jiǎn)歷模版

    英文簡(jiǎn)歷模板1(畢業(yè)生) Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (010) 62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com Zheng Yan ---------

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