

時(shí)間: 德南845 分享



  1) When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along.

  2) 當(dāng)你最終放開了過去,更好的事就會(huì)來

  3) A lot of words with Biezhao was too lazy to say.

  4) 好多話忍著憋著后來就懶得說了

  5) Is I make mean, put too much weight on your smile

  6) 是我犯賤,把你的微笑看的太重

  7) Loneliness is a pot of hot wine, burned throat also say not to export.

  8) 孤獨(dú)是壺滾燙的酒 燒壞了喉嚨

  9) If you lost I am a loser

  10) 如果失去了你 我就是個(gè)失敗者


  1) Turn the pain into power.

  2) 傷痛蛻變成力量

  3) Do not need to envy others you have me

  4) 不需要羨慕別人 你有我

  5) Company is the longest confession of love.

  6) 陪伴是最長(zhǎng)情的告白。

  7) There are many people around happy, but I am not one of this.

  8) 周圍幸福的人有很多,但是我卻不是其中一個(gè)。

  9) Initially did not know, the last not to recognize.

  10) 最初不相識(shí),最后不相認(rèn)。

  11) Since we can not be together, why the fate of the encounter.

  12) 既然不能在一起,命運(yùn)為什么安排相遇。

  13) You are my fireworks in the ways of life.

  14) 你是我生命里的煙火.

  15) Erery day is a new day.

  16) 新的每一天。

  17) Live in the future,then build what's missing.

  18) 活在未來,然后創(chuàng)造出現(xiàn)在還沒有的部分。

  19) I'm to blame too deep into the play End is a person.

  20) 怪我入戲太深,結(jié)局卻一個(gè)人。


  1) Sea birds and fish love, just an accident .

  2) 海鳥和魚的相愛,只是一場(chǎng)意外

  3) The world so big, not everyone can get the results you want.

  4) 世界那么大,不是每個(gè)人都能得到自己想要的

  5) Long time no see. Who do you like.

  6) 好久不見后來你喜歡了誰。

  7) No meeting, no story.

  8) 沒有遇見就沒有故事。

  9) A true friend is one soul in two bodies.

  10) 好友之間如同兩個(gè)軀體而只有一個(gè)靈魂

  11) Lose you win the world and how .

  12) 輸了你贏了天下又如何

  13) Be nice to people on the way up, because you will need them on your way down

  14) ——向上爬時(shí),對(duì)遇到的人好點(diǎn),因?yàn)榈粝聛頃r(shí),你還會(huì)遇到他們。

  15) Sometimes there is no way out exlep

  16) 有時(shí)候,除了說再見,別無選擇。

  17) I love you more than I can say .

  18) -我愛你在心口難開

  19) Lonely are the free.

  20) 孤獨(dú)是免費(fèi)的





