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  1. A disease known is half cured.病情確診斷,治病好一半。

  2. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.健康的身體貴于金冠。

  3. A light heart lives long.無憂者長(zhǎng)壽。

  4. A little labor, much health.適量的勞動(dòng)有益于健康。

  5. A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健康的身體。

  6. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.午飯后坐一坐,晚飯后走—走。

  7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. —天一個(gè)大蘋果,醫(yī)生從來不找我。

  8. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.予頁防勝于治療。

  9. Bed is a medicine.睡好覺如服良藥。

  10. Bed is the poor man’ s opera.睡覺是窮人的誤樂方式。

  11. Better wear out shoes than sheets.與其臥病磨破床單,不如運(yùn)動(dòng)磨破鞋子。

  12. By the side of sickness health becomes sweet.生了病,才顯出健康的可貴。

  13. Care brings gray hair.憂慮催人老◦

  14. Care killed the cat.憂慮傷身。

  15. Diet cures more than the doctor.藥補(bǔ)不如食補(bǔ)。

  16. Different sores must have different salves.對(duì)癥下藥。(salves:藥膏)

  17. Disease,enemy and debt—these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow.疾病、敵人和債務(wù),這三樣事物一露苗頭便應(yīng)除之。

  18. Diseases are the price of i I I pleasures.疾病是縱欲的代價(jià)。


  1、A healthy mind is in a healthy body.健康的思想寓于健康的身體之中。

  2、A regular life is the secret of health and longevity。 ————Balzac有規(guī)律的生活原是健康與長(zhǎng)壽的秘訣。 ————巴爾扎克

  3、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每日一個(gè)蘋果勝過靈丹妙藥。

  4、An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, torment-ing himself with his own prickles.————British poet Hu de易怒的人像一只反過來卷縮的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。————英國詩人胡德

  5、Bitter pills may have blessed effects良藥苦口利于病。

  6、Cheerfulness is the promoter of health.心情愉快是健康的增進(jìn)劑。

  7、Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.心靈上的疾病比身體上的疾病更危險(xiǎn)。

  8、Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise .(Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 早睡早起會(huì)使人健康、富有和聰明。 (美國總統(tǒng) 富蘭克林. B.)

  9、Happiness lies, first of all, in health.健康是人生第一財(cái)富。—— Emerson 愛默生

  10、Care killed the cat.憂傷足以致命。—— William Shakespeare 莎士比亞

  11、Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.健康是這樣一個(gè)東西,它使你感到現(xiàn)在是一年中最好的時(shí)光。—— Franklin P. Adams 亞當(dāng)斯

  12、A man needs a purpose for real health.一個(gè)人需要有一個(gè)目標(biāo)來達(dá)到真正健康。—— Sherwood Anderson 安德森

  13、Cheerfulneis the promoter of health.心情愉快是健康的增進(jìn)劑。


  1) Money can not buy health, health more than money; money can not buy happiness, happiness must be healthy; happy life is not fame and fortune in the health, the body is not strong money in sports!金錢難買健康,健康大于金錢;金錢難買幸福,幸福必有健康;生命的幸福不在名利在健康,身體的強(qiáng)壯不在金錢在運(yùn)動(dòng)!

  2) Mental health makes me understand a lot of the true meaning of life, let me in the path of growth and achieved good results one after another。健康的心理使我領(lǐng)會(huì)了很多生活的真諦,讓我在成長(zhǎng)的道路上取得了一個(gè)又一個(gè)的好成績(jī)。

  3) Not the size of government, competent enough; not much money, enough to spend like; friend is not much, a confidant like; how many children are not, like filial piety; old age, not more, health is good!官不在大小,能干就好;錢不在多少,夠花就好;朋友不在多少,知己就好;子女不在多少,孝順就好;在多老,健康就好年齡不!

  4) Exercise like a bank savings, installment savings, Sekihisa Serve large sums of money; fitness regimen such as climbing mountains, continue to climb along, perseverance will prolong life!鍛煉身體像銀行儲(chǔ)蓄,零存整取,積久即成巨款;養(yǎng)生健身如攀登高山,不斷攀沿,持之以恒必益壽延年!

  5) Three very important things in life: with forgiving heart towards the world, towards life; to create a world with a happy heart, change of life; experience the world with a grateful heart, to experience life!人生極為重要的三件事:用寬容的心對(duì)待世界,對(duì)待生活;用快樂的心創(chuàng)造世界,改變生活;用感恩的心感受世界,感受生活!

  6) Smart people can read, see quasi-smart people, smart people see far。 Wise direction of the fool's voice is not to abandon the past ignorance, can not walk into the palace of wisdom, approach to health, bias is more frightening than ignorance!聰明人看得懂,精明人看得準(zhǔn),高明人看得遠(yuǎn)。智者的聲音是愚者的方向,無法放棄過去的無知,就無法走進(jìn)智慧的殿堂,對(duì)待健康,偏見比無知更可怕!

  7) The election of the cause can achieve a lifetime, the election can be intelligent life friends, selected on the environment can be a happy life, the election of a lifetime partner can be happy, you can choose to lifestyle healthy life!選對(duì)事業(yè)可以成就一生,選對(duì)朋友可以智能一生,選對(duì)環(huán)境可以快樂一生,選對(duì)伴侶可以幸福一生,選對(duì)生活方式可以健康一生!

  8) What do sick, no other money, lack of what they should not lack of health, health is not everything, but without health nothing。有什么別有病,沒什么別沒錢,缺什么也別缺健康,健康不是一切,但是沒有健康就沒有一切。

  9) Health is only a stick, we are lucky, gripping the stick sprint, we will stand on top of success!健康只有一棒,我們是幸運(yùn)的,緊握這一棒沖刺,我們將站立于成功之巔!

  10) Light taste less oil, salt, consciously stay away from alcohol and tobacco, ground control belly moving legs, good sleep, adequate rest, plus whole grains and vegetables, insist on good habits。 World Health Day, and I feel a little better, a little more healthy!口味清淡少油鹽,自覺遠(yuǎn)離酒和煙,勤動(dòng)腿腳控肚腩,充足休息好睡眠,五谷雜糧加果蔬,堅(jiān)持生活好習(xí)慣。世界保健日,心情好一點(diǎn),健康多一點(diǎn)!

  11) The biggest mistake in life is with a healthy return for worldly possessions; the greatest tragedy of life is life in exchange for personal troubles; the biggest waste of life, is to solve the problems of their own making life!人生最大的錯(cuò)誤,是用健康換取身外之物;人生最大的悲哀,是用生命換取個(gè)人煩惱;人生最大的浪費(fèi),是用生命解決自己制造的麻煩!

  12) Have a healthy body, we should start from every little bit! Such as: not a partial eclipse, not anorexia, not picky eaters! And to do physical exercises every day! Also drink plenty of water, eat more fruit。擁有健康的身體,應(yīng)該從一點(diǎn)一滴做起!如:不偏食、不厭食、不挑食!并且要做到每天體育鍛煉!還有多喝水,多吃水果。

  13) Only those with healthy mentality to overcome all kinds of difficulties, difficulties do not yield。只有擁有健康向上的心理才能克服各種困難,遇到困難不屈服。。

  14) Axis movement is healthy, to always turn; nutrition is healthy oils, to always increase; sentiment is healthy parts, to frequently changes; knowledge is the health of the mysterious, to always play。 World Health Day, blessing the four seasons of life bloom beauty day fresh fruit all year round。 運(yùn)動(dòng)是健康的軸,要常轉(zhuǎn);營養(yǎng)是健康的油,要常加;情緒是健康的配件,要勤換;知識(shí)是健康的玄,要常彈。世界保健日,祝福生活花開四季美,日子水果常年鮮。

  15) Cultivation best doctor is a friend, the best prescription beauty smiles, recuperate the best treatment is his best exercise regimen is walking!養(yǎng)性最好的醫(yī)生是朋友,養(yǎng)顏?zhàn)詈玫奶幏绞切θ荩B(yǎng)病最好的治療是自己,養(yǎng)生最好的運(yùn)動(dòng)是步行!

  16) Not the size of melons delicious, healthy people is not age, aging and age is not proportional, good health care person, perishable youth will slow down!瓜好吃不在大小,人健康不在年齡,衰老與年齡不成正比,善于養(yǎng)生保健的人,易逝的青春就會(huì)放慢腳步!

  17) Yang Xin body will be adjusted, exercise can make the spirit to rest, and health must be open-minded and optimistic attitude, fitness indomitable will need!養(yǎng)心會(huì)使身體得到調(diào)整,運(yùn)動(dòng)能使精神得到休息,養(yǎng)生要有豁達(dá)樂觀的心態(tài),健身需要堅(jiān)韌不拔的意志!

  18) World Health Day came, the key is still the st day, exercise often insist that the law of life physically and mentally smooth, proper diet disease elimination, happy and healthy not forsake。 I wish a happy happy every day, year after year happy and healthy。世界保健日來到,關(guān)鍵還在一日日,運(yùn)動(dòng)鍛煉常堅(jiān)持,規(guī)律生活身心暢,合理飲食疾病消,幸福健康不離棄。??鞓烽_心天天、幸福健康年年。

  19) Life more laws, the spirit will be doubled; more physical exercise, health will be doubled; more smile on his face, happy would be doubled; the World Health Day, wish you a speedy form good habits, health and leave your shadow。生活多些規(guī)律,精神便會(huì)加倍;身體多些鍛煉,健康便會(huì)加倍;臉上多些笑容,開心便會(huì)加倍;世界保健日,愿你早日養(yǎng)成好習(xí)慣,健康與你影不離。

  20) Living orderly, Diet, exercise well and keep within the spirit, cheerful, do this a few who will not pray for good and blessed, not for life but from the delay!起居有序,飲食有節(jié),運(yùn)動(dòng)有方,精神內(nèi)守,樂觀豁達(dá),能做到此幾條者,必是不祈善而有福,不求壽而自延!

  21) "Healthy mind in a healthy body。" Yes, please cherish health, then take to create and enjoy the colorful life!“健康之精神寓于健康之身體。”是的,請(qǐng)珍惜健康,然后再好好地創(chuàng)造并享受那絢麗多彩的人生吧!

  22) What can be bad, not bad mood, anything can be a lack of confidence is not lacking, and what can not, happiness can not do, anything can forget, fitness can not forget。什么都可以不好,心情不能不好,什么都可以缺乏,自信不能缺乏,什么都可以不要,快樂不能不要,什么都可以忘掉,健身不能忘掉。

  23) Some things will not fade because of the passage of time, some people do not often meet will not forget, in my heart you will always be my friend。 In the New Year approaching, friends wish peace and happiness。有些事不會(huì)因時(shí)光流逝而褪去,有些人不會(huì)因不常見面而忘記,在我心里你是我永遠(yuǎn)的朋友。在新年到來之際,恭祝好友平安幸福。

  24) A still, two kicks, regular physical activity bar。 A breath, two relaxation, contentment spirit stick。 A milk, two vegetables, a healthy balanced diet。 World Health Day, wish you good health, good spirit!一踏步,二踢腿,經(jīng)常鍛煉身體棒。一呼吸,二放松,知足常樂精神棒。一牛奶,二蔬菜,均衡營養(yǎng)保健康。世界保健日,愿你身體好,精神好!

  25) Is another big house repair temporary shelter, only the little wooden box is the permanent home, remember: do not pretend the heart wide, do not jump to the peace of mind, not as good as mind house wide width, body safety is better peace of mind!房子修的再大也是臨時(shí)住所,只有那個(gè)小木匣子才是永久的家,切記:不妄求則心寬,不妄做則心安,屋寬不如心寬,身安不如心安!

  26) Stopped one lazy river, build a health bar, accumulated a clear freshwater lake, all the way to initiate happy electricity, sent a happy light。 World Health Day, you would like to save the youth, to protect sleep, preservation happy, preservation nutrition, care of our health!攔住一方懶散溪,構(gòu)筑一道保健壩,蓄積一湖清淡水,發(fā)起一路快樂電,送來一片幸福光。世界保健日,愿你保存青春,保障睡眠,保全開心,保藏營養(yǎng),保重健康!

  27) When the mind calmed, the spirit will have to eternity! The desire to a minimum, the reason sublimation to the highest point, you will appreciate: peace is fortunate, health is a blessing, a pure heart is Paul, desires is life!當(dāng)心靈趨于平靜時(shí),精神便得永恒!把欲望降到最低點(diǎn),把理性升華到最高點(diǎn),你會(huì)體會(huì)到:平安是幸,健康是福,清心是祿,寡欲是壽!

  28) Wealth and fame are not equal, time is very fair to people, someone has gold and silver mines, do not necessarily have many happy returns, some coarse tea commoner, often happy hundred years!財(cái)富名利不會(huì)均等,時(shí)光對(duì)人卻很公平,有人有金山銀山,不一定有壽比南山,有人是粗茶布衣,也往往幸福百年!

  29) Jinshanyinshan not as good as you have a healthy Tarzan, diamond gold not as you have a healthy body。 Today is World Health Day, wish you good health, happiness resident!金山銀山都不如你有一座健康的泰山,鉆石黃金都不如你有一個(gè)健康的體魄。今天是世界保健日,愿你身體健康,幸福常駐!

  30) In the section of your diet, your reading in the fine, expensive exercise in constant! Section diet and stomach, more books to raise bile, hi sports and health!飲食貴在節(jié),讀書貴在精,鍛煉貴在恒!節(jié)飲食養(yǎng)胃,多讀書養(yǎng)膽,喜運(yùn)動(dòng)養(yǎng)生!





