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  Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day 1642, in the rural English county of Lincolnshire. Isaac's early years were spent in the care of his grandmother. At age 12, he was sent away to school in the town of Grantham.


  Living in the house of an apothecary called Clark, young Isaac showed a keen interest in the man's chemistry books and laboratory. He also built devices to amuse Clark's stepdaughter. Newton was said to be attracted to amuse Clark's stepdaughter. Newton was said to be attracted to the girl, but she later married someone else, while he remained single all his life.


  Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661 After graduating in 1665, Newton planned to study for a master's degree, but the university was closed due to an outbreak of the plague. He returned to his home village for 18 months, during which time he did most of the thinking that led to his later work on gravitation and optics.



  Newton returned to Cambridge in 1667, completed his studies, and at the age of 27, became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics there. He was given this position on the recommendation of his predecessor, and held it for 27 years.

  Newton's experiments in optics led to improvements in the effectiveness of telescopes. He sent his results to the Royal Society, England's most prestigious scientific organization. The Society's positive reaction encouraged him to send in a paper outlining his experiments on light.


  Some of the Society's more conservative members objected to Newton's revolutionary conclusions. Always sensitive to criticism, he became discouraged and almost quit scientific work altogether. The great astronomer Edmund Halley eventually persuaded Newton to put together the results of his work on the laws of motion.


  The outcome was the famous "Principia Mathematica", which Publishecl in 1687, in which Newton presented solutions to most of the problems of motion that had concerned earlier scientists. This was the high point of his professional life, though he continuously revised and improved the work until his death in 1727. The papers Newton left behind testify to the incredible powers of concentration of the genius who opened the door to the age of technology.

  牛頓的研究成果在1687年首次出版的《自然哲學(xué)的數(shù)學(xué)原理》一書中發(fā)表。在這本書里牛頓對以前科學(xué)家所關(guān)心的大部分力學(xué)難題做出了解答。雖然他在 1727年去世前仍持續(xù)地修正、改進他在這方面的研究著作,可這段時期仍是他事業(yè)的巔峰時期。牛頓留下的研究論述證明了這位開啟科技時代大門的天才擁有驚人的專注力。


  In 1915 Einstein made a trip to Gottingen to give some lectures al the invitation of the mathematical physicist David Hilbert. He was particularly eager--too eager, it would turn out--to explain all the intricacies of relativity to him. The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, "I was able to convince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."


  Amid all of Einstein's personal turmoil(焦躁) at the time, a new scientific anxiety was about to emerge. He was struggling to find the right equations that would describe his new concept of gravity, on that would define how objects move through space and how space is curved by objects By the end of the summer, he realized the mathematical approach he had been pursuing for almost three years was flawed. And now there was a competitive pressure. Einstein discovered to his horror that Hilbert had taken what he had learned from Einstein's lectures and was racing to come up with the correct equations first.

  It was an enormously complex task. Although Einstein was the better physicist, Hilbert was the better mathematician. So in October 1915 Einstein threw himself into a month-long frantic endeavor in which he returned to an earlier mathematical strategy and wrestled with equations, proofs, corrections and updates that he rushed to give as lectures to Berlin's Prussian Academy of Sciences on four successive Thursdays.


  His first lecture was delivered on Nov. 4. 1915, and it explained his new approach, though he admitted he did not yet have the precise mathematical formulation of it. Einstein also took time off from furiously revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango (方丹戈雙人舞) with his competitor Hilbert. Worried about being scooped (搶先), he sent Hilbert a copy of his Nov. 4 lecture. "I am curious to know whether you will take kindly to this new solution," Einstein noted with a touch of defensiveness.

  這是一個極其復(fù)雜的任務(wù)。雖然愛因斯坦是一位優(yōu)秀的物理學(xué)家,但希爾伯特更是一位優(yōu)秀的數(shù)學(xué)家。因此,在 1915年10月愛因斯坦投身于一個月瘋狂的奮斗中,他返回到較早的數(shù)學(xué)戰(zhàn)略并全力解決方程、證明、更正和更新中存在的問題,而且他在四個連續(xù)的星期四中急切地給柏林的普魯士科學(xué)院做了講座。



  A little scotch boy was sitting in his grandmother's kitchen. He was watching the red flames in the wide open fireplace and quietly wondering about the causes of things. Indeed, he was always wondering and always wanting to know.


  "Grandma," he presently asked, "what makes the fire burn?" This was not the first time he had puzzled his grandmother with questions that she could not answer. so she went on with her preparations for supper and paid no heed to his query. Above the fire an old-fashioned teakettle was hanging. The water within it was beginning to bubble. A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout. Soon the lid began to rattle and shake. The hot vapor puffed out at a furious rate. Yet when the lad peeped under the lid he could see nothing.


  "Grandma, what is in the asked. "Water, my child—nothing but water." "But I know there is something else. There is something in there the lid and makes it rattle." The grandmother laughed. "Oh, that is only steam," she said. "You can see it coming out of the spout and puffing up under the lid." "But you said there was nothing but water in the kettle. How did the steam get under the lid?" "Why, my dear, it comes out of the hot water. The hot water makes it."

  “奶奶,壺里裝的是什么呀?”他問道。“水呀,孩子,沒有別的東西。”“但是我知道還有別的東西,里面有東西在把壺蓋頂起來,而且使壺蓋格格響。” 奶奶笑了起來,說:“啊那是整齊。你可以看見蒸氣從壺口冒出來,還在壺蓋底下噗吱噗吱著。”“但你剛才說壺里只有水,沒有別的東西。那么壺蓋底下的蒸氣又是打哪兒來的呢?”“噯,親愛的,它是從熱水里出來的。熱水產(chǎn)生蒸氣。”

  The grandmother was beginning to feel puzzled. The lad lifted the lid and peeped inside again. He could see nothing but the bubbling water. The steam was not visible until after it was fairly out of the kettle. "How queer! " he said. "The steam must be very strong to lift the heavy iron lid. Grandma, how much water did you put into the kettle?" "About a quart, Jamie." “Well, if the steam from so little water is so strong, why would not the steam from a great deal of water be a great dea1 stronger?


  Why couldn't it be made to lift a much greater weight? Why couldn't it be made to turn wheels?" The grandmother made no reply. These questions of Jamie's were more puzzling than profitable , she thought. She went about her work silently, and Jamie sat still in his place and studied the teakettle.









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