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  As a teacher of class teacher, I am very happy now, because the students with a calm mind and nervous review together to support the May bright sky, and will be confident to usher in the harvest of June passion. Now you have to leave this hard work, full of sweat of the classroom, we must go to the examination room, and today the theme will be identified as:

  Backpack, to their own life

  Perhaps this way is not smooth, perhaps the voice of criticism is still echoed in your ear, maybe your inspection is still on my desk, perhaps inadvertently stabbed everyone. But I want to say: I am so in love with everyone!

  I can not bear to let you take the way, so the supervision of more than praise; I could not let you spend time, so gentle eyes into sharp eyes; I can not bear you in the low hovering, so try to hold up your wings, make you change Into the eagle in the high altitude soar. So I said: Please understand the teacher's earnest hope!

  In this is about to enter the examination room at the moment, I would like to remind you how many points:

  First of all for the knowledge of things, must not be too exaggerated in the past few days the teacher talk about the content of knowledge and answer skills, of course, listen carefully and absorb the knowledge or necessary, I want to emphasize is: to try to remind themselves of the subjects Knowledge pressure to the same psychological time on the plane, so that it is conducive to the examination room to make their comprehensive ability to fully reflect, because in such a short period of time, the teacher will not be able to talk about more and more sparse, smart students should In this period of time weaving a three-year comprehensive and balanced knowledge of the power network, the final maximum harvest is necessarily yours.

  Second, to adjust their own mentality: college entrance examination is the candidates knowledge and ability, problem-solving strategies and skills of the competition is the psychological quality of competition. So students should pay attention to the following:

  (1) a correct understanding of the college entrance examination, in the college entrance examination, there must be many people to retire. There is no way out of retreat? Practice has proved that people from the college entrance examination on the battlefield, as long as there is the courage to overcome life, still make a difference in the community. Admitted to the University of course, the future is bright, not on the future is still bright, it is important that we have to take the usual mentality of the success of the examination, realize that college entrance examination is only an important way to achieve the ideal, but not the only way. Before the college entrance examination to think of a few retreat, you can ease their psychological pressure.

  (2) a correct understanding of their own, you have prepared very full, as long as the target is reasonable, you can face the best in college entrance examination. For the college entrance examination, there must be a peace of mind, acting in people, things in the day, reduce the target, let it be.

  (3) appropriate tension and anxiety is not a bad thing, but it is conducive to raising awareness of the degree of awareness and the sensitivity of thinking, not nervous is not anxious but not normal.

  Third, in the knowledge of the knowledge to determine the circumstances, the level of the score depends mainly on the spot to play, to remember the previous test some successful experience and failure of the lessons learned. There are college entrance examination success of some important weight 1, the trial is slow, the answer is fast 2, the operation should be accurate, courage to big 3, the first easy, dare to give up 4, pre-mature, reasonable time 5, writing norms, both On all 6, easy to lose points, mid-range questions as much as possible without losing points, how many points can be divided on how many points.

  Fourth, keep the regular way of life. On the eve of the exam and during the examination, the students still need to maintain a regular way of life, to ensure that sleep is too heavy. This formal examination will be clear-headed, smooth thinking, access to the desired results.

  I believe that you can do these, the college entrance examination of the victory must belong to you! In this moment of concern our teachers have to send for everyone to wish and asked: I wish you college entrance examination Kim name.


  Teachers, classmates:

  Hello, my name is "the quality of success" - self-confidence.

  Edison said: "self-confidence is the first secret of success." Self-confidence is very important in learning. Especially for those of us in the state of war students is particularly important. In the study, stop and be able to seriously study, do the problem; psychological positive can continue to pressure into power, to promote their own progress.

  The same, trust yourself, do not blindly think that they are right, you can not casually guess yourself have done the answer. This seems to be small, but it plays a vital role. First, when the exam, you will save to check those who believe that the correct title of the time, the second is after the examination of your heart will become very bottom

  In fact, self-confidence is a way of life, is a must have the quality of success. Believe that they have the ability to solve the problem. It is the role of your ability to have a great play out, I really hope that all of their own lack of confidence and loss of confidence in the students from the revelation.

  Will be all the physical and mental into the study, the potential of their wisdom to play to the best level, re-tree confidence, challenge themselves, win in the college entrance examination. Those who never bow to the fate of the face of the never admit defeat, in the face of frustration never discouraged strong, is the real top heavenly × × secondary school students.

  Famous modern educator Carnegie used a very simple daily life experience to explain the question: a person climbing stairs, respectively, to six as the goal and to twelve as the goal, its fatigue is sooner or later is not the same The

  Set the target at the 12th floor, the fatigue will appear late, when climbing six layers, your subconscious will suggest yourself: there are half of it, now can not be tired, so he began to courage to go up. Great ambition is the goal of life, is the driving force of progress, is the progress of the internal combustion engine.

  In our school, a large number of students into the Peking University, Tsinghua and other well-known institutions. With impressive achievements to build a Can if the stars of the × × secondary school students. Summed up their successful experience, it is important that the starting point in high school, they have locked their own ideal of life, locked the ideal of the heart of the university, perseverance to persevere.

  In fact, the success of any one thing is accompanied by hardship and frustration. College entrance examination is Phoenix Nirvana, no purgatory experience will not be reborn, a person can withstand the college entrance examination of the bitter, what can suffer, to a large extent this is a quality, it will make you benefit for life.

  To meet the college entrance examination review of the unusual hardships, psychological pressure, learning time is long, fast pace of life, test endless test, endless questions, but the heart as long as there is a lofty goal, every day tired to adapt, like Climb a mountain, only with perseverance and perseverance and perseverance in order to board the summit, only the climbers can enjoy the infinite scenery.

  Success and failure is often depends on whether to hold on, there must be "insisted Castle Peak does not relax" determination, adhere to the victory.

  Everyone has a lot of dreams in their hearts, who knows how many dreams will be fulfilled, and how many dreams will come as soon as possible! In many cases you must have enough confidence and patience to wait. Many of the dreams will be achieved in the future one day.

  I firmly believe that: the 2015 college entrance examination will be due to your efforts and shine; 2015 college entrance examination will certainly carry the history of school development. You will certainly create a new miracle for the college entrance examination!

  In order to dream of the ideal, we work together, the success of the college entrance examination in 2015 must belong to tenacious struggle, hard-working progressive × × secondary school students.

  My speech finished, thank you!


  Today is an unusual day. After another 100 days, we will accept the baptism of the college entrance examination. In order to meet its arrival, yesterday, our students Zhicheng lofty, race against time, cold window hard to read; our teacher Fu Ye after school, painstakingly, instructed tireless. Here, on behalf of the third year math teacher solemnly swear: we will always bear in mind the heavy trust of parents, carry forward the solidarity and forge ahead, dare to be the first glorious tradition, with full of enthusiasm, pragmatic style, put into the work ; Willing to study, carefully lesson preparation, scientific explanation, careful counseling, patient counseling, loyalty, willingness and cooperation, co-operation, surmount, "Gan will be blood when the rain, run out of peach red." Do not miss every question, not Give up every student. At any time concerned about the test dynamic, collecting the latest test information, Heiner rivers, wide my mind. We all the teachers will always be with you, with the best quality of teaching, the most advanced educational philosophy, the most selfless investment, the most sincere feelings with you in the same boat! In short, for all of you, we go through fire and water, in the No word!

  Students have been filled with your smile, carries a colorful dream, into the real door, for this ideal, we are wearing stars on the month, cold and heat non-stop, chilly and cold in our persistent pursuit, summer rain Majestic in our trekking figure, the autumn wind in the strange we have the passion, winter snow flying in our firm footprints. We have read the stack of books into the mountains, done the sky fly papers. And then one hundred days, you will meet the first challenge of life! We firmly believe that the new glory will be open to the wings. Nine years of hard to read the hardships, three years in the tempered, your hands are no longer delicate, your shoulders are no longer tender, your eyes never as strong as today, persistent, your thoughts have never been like this Mature enough, your mind has never been so passionate, your dreams have never been so real, gushing out. In the test is quietly came to you, expect the students will be heroic heroic and clanking oath into a pragmatic action to sprint, to meet, to the real story in the test of a new chapter!

  Classmates, in this critical moment of success or failure, in this short hundred days, please you hard to pay, perseverance courage, water drops stone wear perseverance, for their own to win flowers and applause! Is the strong who can stand out, is the winner Can beat the pack. The exam will open your life in a new page, it will make your dreams gorgeous picturesque, so that your future bright as the stars, so that your life perfect song, and all this possible, only hard to achieve!

  Bitter war hundred days, will be extremely Ling; struggle for a while, breaking the wave show glory.

  Repay the teacher's hard work, we only hard work, water war;

  Do not live up to the expectations of parents, we only overcoming all obstacles, full of a stroke.

  Students, review the past, we fruitful; look to the future, we are full of pride. We are convinced that: in the joint efforts of all our teachers and students, the college entrance examination arena, we will be able to students such as Tigers down the mountain, such as the dragon out of the sea, tiger jump dragon, gold won the silver, create greater glory.

  Students, the horns of the college entrance examination has been sounded, fighting it! Youth footsteps, for us knocked out of the war drums; oath of the arm, for us raised the hoof of the whip. Let us put down the pride of the past, lost tomorrow's fantasy, start flying wings, take a firm pace, cross the threshold of fate, toward our ideal -

  Fight 100 days, give parents a surprise!

  Fight 100 days, give the school a miracle!

  Fight 100 days, to the future a bright!

  Finally wish you success college entrance examination, dreams come true. thank you all!





