

時(shí)間: 漫柔41 分享




 ?、? 情景反應(yīng),根據(jù)你所聽到的句子,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)膽?yīng)答語。(5分)

  ( ) 1.A.Yes,I did. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I don't

  ( ) 2.A,It's different B.I can read C,By reading aloud

  ( ) 3.A,Ugly B,beautiful C,cotton(棉花)

  ( ) 4 A,Yes,please B,Certainly C,No way

  ( ) 5 A,I eat them B,They are delicious C,It's kind


  ( ) 6.A.Join an English club B.Do more readin C.Study with a group.

  ( ) 7.A,Because it is a birthday of our country

  B.Because it is interesting.

  C,Because it is a great country.

  ( ) 8.A,He used to have curly hair.

  B,He used to have short hair

  C,He used to have long hair

  ( ) 9 A To the hotel B To the hospital C To the supermarket

  ( )10 A Shanghai B,Changchun C Changsha

 ?、? 圖文理解,看圖聽描述,選出與你所聽到的描述內(nèi)容相符合的選項(xiàng)。(5分)。

  A B C D E

  11 12 13 14 15

 ?、? .聽較長對話,選擇正確答案。(5分)聽第一段對話,作答16~17小題。

  ( )16 Where did Ann find the pencil box?

  A In the school shop. B In the classroom. C In the school library.

  ( )17 Whose pencil box is this?

  A Amy's B Dave's C Ann's


  ( )18 Who found the book?

  A Lucy B John C Jack

  ( )19 What class did they have just now?

  A The art B The English class C The gym class

  ( ) 20 Who does the book belong to?

  A John B Lucy C A student of Class Two

 ?、? 短文理解,根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。(5分)

  ( ) 21 Teachers are all very and friendly.

  A strict B serious C kind

  ( ) 22 There are students in our class and we all get on well with each other.

  A forty B forty five C fifty

  ( ) 23 We are not allowed to get to class .

  A late B early C on time

  ( ) 24 We have to wear school every day.

  A clothes B coats C uniforms

  ( ) 25 We can't go out with friends on school

  A days B nights C break



  26.If you want to keep the food cool, you can put it into a f .

  27.The box is heavy, I can't l it.

  28.Your m phone is so beautiful.

  29.Can you a party tomorrow?

  30.We will have a p in the park tomorrow.


  31. In winter (leaf) turn yellow and fall down from the trees.

  32. He thinks the car (invent) after the telephone.

  33. We aren't allowed (eat) anything in class.

  34. Please stop (talk), Mr. Wang is coming.

  35. Mr. Brown will go fishing, if it (not rain) tomorrow.


  ( )36. Lincoln's mother did what she can him.

  A. help B.to help C. helping D. helped

  ( )37. Listen, There is someone the guitar in the next room.

  A. playing B. is playing C. plays D. to play

  ( )38. — What are you going to do this afternoon?

  — My hair is long, I want to get my hair .

  A. cut B. to cut C. cuts D. cutting

  ( )39. It is silly you your car at such a low price.

  A. for; to sell B. of; to sell C. for; sell D. of; sell

  ( )40. I believe it I see it with my own eyes.

  A. won't; and B. will; but C. will; until D. won't; until

  ( )41. —If you work hard, you will one day.

  —.You are right. I will try my best to work.

  A. success B.succeed C. successful D. successfully

  ( )42. Liu Yu, a good runner, is serious running.

  A. of B. about C. at D. in

  ( )43. This kind of machine cutting paper.

  A. used for B. is using for C. is used for D. used to

  ( )44. The number of teachers 60,,and a number of them women teachers.

  A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is.

  ( )45. The girl is often heard happily in her home.

  A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings

  ( )46. can't go out on school nights

  A. Ten—year — old B. Ten—year —olds

  C. Ten year old D. Ten years old

  ( )47. We can't avoid many products made of China in many other countries.

  A. to see B. seeing C. saw D. see

  ( )48. Jim Tom like listening to light music.

  A. Both; and B. Neither; nor

  C. Either; or D. not only; but also

  ( )49. This kind of desk is wood, and it is made Hunan.

  A. made of; from B. made from; in C. made of; in D. made from; from

  ( )50. My sister and I look different, we are twins.

  A. unless B. as C. because D. even though

  三. 交際運(yùn)用。(共5分)

  Ⅸ. 完成對話,選擇正確選項(xiàng)。(有一個(gè)選項(xiàng)與對話內(nèi)容無關(guān))(5分)

  A: What's wrong with you, Linda? You look unhappy.

  B: 51

  A: Really? What happened to you?

  B: Well, I walked to school.

  A: Why? Didn't you go to school by bike?

  B:At first ,I rode bike.52 I couldn't repair it.

  A: So you were late for school?

  B: I'm not allowed to go to class late, and there was a big test today.

  A: 53

  B: That's right.54

  A: Well, Linda, the school has to have rules, you know.

  B: I know. But I should be allowed to take the test later. It's not fair.

  A: I agree.55

  B: Yeah. Maybe she'll understand, if I explain what has happened.

  A .Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school .

  B . A car hit me and I fell down .

  C . But on my way to school ,my bike broke down .

  D . And you weren’t allowed to take the test .

  E .But I know I would pass the test .

  F .I think I’m going to fail the English test ,Mum .


  四、 閱讀(共45分)



  Hearing is very important to all of us. We can 56 beautiful music, nice songs of birds, the laughter(笑聲) of people or other different kinds of 57 in the world with our ears. 58 we must try to protect our ears. The following will tell you 59 protect ears.

  Listening to 60 music a lot can be bad for ears,61 when headphones (耳機(jī)) are used. So 62 the volume(音)when you're wearing headphones or try not to wear headphones. You should give your ears a rest

  if you like wearing headphones. Before swimming, remember 63 earplugs (耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water 64 into your ears.

  If you are going to a concert, wear earplugs to protect your ears 65 the terrible music! 66 , special earp can be made for you if you go to concerts a lot or if you are a musician yourself.

  See a doctor if your ears 67 .68 some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so 69. the advice above now and you won't be saying “what?" when you are getting 70 .

  ( )56. A.listen B.hear C.listening D.hear of

  ( )57. A.sounds B.noise C.voices D.barks

  ( )58. A.Because B.Although C.So D.But

  ( )59. A.what B. how C. what to D. how to

  ( )60.A.loud B.aloud C.loudly D.quiet

  ( )61. A.specially B.especial C.special D.especially

  ( )62. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up

  ( )63. A. put B. to put C. putting D. to putting

  ( )64. A. get B. to get C with getting D from getting

  ( )65. A.for B.from C.with D.at

  ( )66. A.In fact B. In short C. In general D. In a word

  ( )67. A.break B.sick C.ill D.hurt

  ( )68. A.Drink B.Eat C.Take D.Have

  ( )69. A.Listen B.Hear C.Follow D.Fetch

  ( )70. A.young B.old C.sick D.tired



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初三的學(xué)生多做中考英語模擬試題將有助于提高成績,為了幫助各位考生提升自己的成績,以下是小編整理出來的2017年遼寧中考英語模擬試題及答案,考生可以針對以下試題多進(jìn)行練習(xí)。 2017年遼寧中考英語模擬試題 一、聽力部分(共25分) Ⅰ. 情景反應(yīng),根據(jù)你所聽


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