

時間: 漫柔41 分享

  A. 2:30 B. 4:45 C. 5:00 D. 7:00

  ( )57. At noon people can __________ this Saturday .

  A. see a film. B. have a picnic.

  C. go to a concert. D. watch a football game.

  ( )58.The food for the international picnic is __________ .

  A. expensive. B. not delicious.

  C. only from America. D. from the whole world.

  ( )59.We can infer( 推斷) from “Football game” that __________ this year .

  A. the weather will be very hot on November 16 .

  B.no football game will be held after November 16

  C. the tickets for the game will be free on November 16 .

  D. Another football game will be held after November 16

  ( )60.The rock band 's first concert will be given at __________ .

  A. Andersen Cinema . B. City Park.

  C. Colden Hall. D. The gym.

  ( D )

  閱讀短文,從A-E五個句子中選擇正確選項還原到文中,使 短文內(nèi)容完整,正確。

  61._____________________ One reason is that people become addicted(成癮) to cigarettes. The addictive substance(物質(zhì))in cigarettes is nicotine(尼古丁). 62.___________________________________.

  A smoker's body gets used to the nicotine, and if he stops smoking, he feels nervous. Many smokers try to stop smoking but because of the addiction to nicotine they feel so uncomfortable that they often find it too difficult to do so .

  63.______________________________. Having a cigarette for many people means taking a break. For some people smoking becomes part of certain social rituals (禮儀), for example, sending the cigarette after dinner. 64.____________________________Reaching for a cigarette, lighting it and flicking (彈掉) the ashes are special comfort in a situation where they feel nervous.

  Many people also like the taste of tar (焦油) in cigarettes. 65.___________________________.While governments and health experts have tried to get people to give up smoking completely, cigarette manufacturers (生產(chǎn)商) have tried to keep selling them by producing cigarettes with less tar. Many people in western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since they found it hard to stop smoking and wanted to reduce the danger to their health.



  take conversation enter deal easy lonely alone receive accept same other base

  Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, you can improve it if you are patient. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take action. You must first go where there are people. You won’t make friends staying home 66_________.

  Joining a club or a group, talking to those who like the same things as you do is much 67_________. Or join someone in some activities.

  Many people are nervous when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit unpleasant about the unknown. Most of fears about 68________ with new people come from doubts(懷疑) about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us—finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the 69________way. Try to 70_________ yourself as you are, and try to make others feel at home. You’ll all feel more comfortable.

  Try to be brave even if you don’t feel that way when you 71________ a room full of strangers. Walk tall and straight, look directly at 72_________people and smile.

  If you see someone you’d like to speak to, say something. Don’t wait for the other person to start a 73________.

  Just meeting someone new does not mean that you’ll make friends with that person. Friendship is 74______ on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”. It 74_________ time and effort(精力) for us to develop friendship. And there are things that stop a new friendship from growing.

  66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

  71. 72. 73. 74. 75.



  A: Hi, Lisa. Do you know that people are talking about the future dreams a lot these days?

  B: 76___________________________________________________________________

  A: Do you have a plan for the future? I mean what your dream is.

  B: Yes. I have a lot of dreams. But the greatest one is that I want to be a teacher.

  A: Sounds nice. 77_______________________________________________________.

  B: Well, I’m going to study hard and do well in all the subjects.

  A: Anything more ?

  B: And I’m going to play more sports to keep fit.

  A: Where are you going to work?

  B: I’m going to work in a village school in the poor area. 78______________________.

  I think to be a village school teacher is very great.

  A: That sounds exciting! But when are you going to start?

  B: 79_________________________________________________________________

  A: That’s good. 80______________________________________________________

  B: I hope so. Thank you.


  我們中學(xué)的課外活動應(yīng)該是很精彩的。你們學(xué)校的English Newsletter正在以My After-School Activities為題舉行英語寫作征稿活動,請根據(jù)下列表格提示的內(nèi)容,用英語寫一篇小文章。

  活 動 關(guān)注點

  以 前 1. 看電視;

  2. …… 自己。

  現(xiàn) 在 1. 和家長交流;

  2. 做志愿者;

  3. …… 家庭、……


  要求:1) 表達(dá)清楚,語法正確,上下文連貫; 2) 必須包括表格中所有的相關(guān)信息, 并適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;

  3) 詞數(shù):80詞左右(文章的開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù));4) 不得使用真 實姓名、校名和地名等。

  My After-School Activities

  As we grow, both our after-school activities and what we care about are becoming more and more.

  In the past, I _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  A C A C B A C C B A

  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

  B C B B C C D A E B


  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

  B D D C D B A B D B C C D A B

  三、完形填空 (10小題,每小題1分,共10分)

  36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

  B D A B C B D C A B


  46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

  B A C D C C B D C A

  56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

  A B D B C B D A C E


  66. alone 67. easier 68. dealing 69. same 70. accept

  71. enter 72. other 73. conversation 74. based 75. takes


  76. Yes. That’s a hot topic at present.

  77. But how are you goint to do that?

  78. I hear they need teachers very much.

  79. From now, and I’m going to finish high school and college first.

  80. I hope your dream will come true.

  七、書面表達(dá)(15分)One possible version:

  My After-School Activities

  As we grow, both our after-school activities and what we care about are becoming more and more.

  In the past, I often watched TV or played computer games at home. Sometimes I went out to play football with my friends. And I only cared about my own feeling and never cared about others.

  But now, I often have a communication with my parents, and let them know what I think and what I want to do. And now I am a volunteer. I often help people in need. I don’t think only about myself, but about others. This made me feel happy.

  We are growing up. We should think more about others, not only about ourselves. We should do some meaningful things.


  第一節(jié) 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案。每段對話讀兩遍。

  1. W: Have you decided how to go to New York?

  M: Yeah. A plane ticket costs five hundred dollars. But if I take a train, it’s only two hundred dollars.

  2. M: Good morning, class! I’d like you to meet your new teacher.

  W: Hi! I’m Grace from Canada. I’ll teach you English and French this term.

  3. W: It’s the third Sunday in June, a special day for fathers.

  M: I want to do something for dad. Can you teach me how to cook, mum?

  4. W: I wish to travel to Disneyland in Hong Kong.

  M: How cool! I think I’ll get to Italy to see the museums and enjoy the food.

  5. M: I’d like to return this book. I found some mistakes in it.

  W: I’m afraid you have to see the manager about that.

  第二節(jié) 聽下面幾段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。


  M: Would you like to go out this weekend?

  W: What’s special?

  M: I want to go to the lake on Sunday. The air is fresh there. We can also go boating.

  W: Sounds great! But I don’t know how to boat.

  M: Never mind. I’ll teach you.

  W: All right. Shall I take my twin sister together?

  M: Why not? Then my friend James can join us, too.


  I’m Sally. I’m leaving on business today. I’ll go to Hangzhou for 4days and in Xiamen for 2days. And I will go there by plane. I think Hangzhou and Xiamen are both good places. So I’m very excited.


  W: Dad, would you mind turning down the TV set a little bit? It’s already 10:00 p.m.

  M: Of course not, Susie. But what are you still working at?

  W: I’m studying for my science test tomorrow. I have to get all the lessons over.

  M: Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice that. But I want to watch the football match on TV.

  It will begin at 11:00p.m.

  W: Really? Is it my favorite team?

  M: Yes. It’s the national team. But anyway, you should go to bed early.

  W: I’ll finish the work in half an hour. May I watch the game?

  M: I’m afraid you can’t. Just go and get a good sleep.


  John was the only son of a rich American businessman. Usually he was taken to school by the driver in his father’s beautiful car. And then the driver took John’s father to his office. One evening, his father went into his bedroom, and told him that he would be on a business trip for a week. So he had to go to the airport early the next day. He would need his car. As a result, John had to go to school by himself. He also said that John’s mother who owned another car would still be in bed when he had to leave the house. “ Well, how will I get to school, if you need your car and mum is still in bed ?” John asked. His father thought this was a good opportunity to teach him a lesson about how hard life was for the less lucky people of the world. So he answered ,“ You will go in the same way as most children in the world do, by bus.”


  聽下面一篇短文。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,按圖片在文中出現(xiàn)的先后次序,重新給圖片排序, 并將其標(biāo)號(A. B. C. D. E.)填寫在題號后的橫線上。短文讀兩遍。

  I have a foreign friend. His name is Peter. Peter comes from America. Now he lives in Beijing. He is a student in Beijing No.22 Middle School. He studies hard. He is kind to his classmates. He often helps them with English. So he has many good friends and they help him to study Chinese. Peter likes music best. He wants to be a singer when he grows up. Peter’s parents also live in Beijing. They are both teachers in the collage. They love their son very much. They likes going fishing with Peter in their free time. On sunny days, they often go for a walk in the park near their home. If it rains, they often stay at home and do some reading.










A. 2:30 B. 4:45 C. 5:00 D. 7:00 ( )57. At noon people can __________ this Saturday . A. see a film. B. have a picnic. C. go to a concert. D. watch a football game. ( )58.The food for the international


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