

時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  The True Hero

  When talking about the hero, people will think about the person who saves the world, such as superman and batman, they care about the public’s lives and interest all the time. In the real life, people believe that a hero at least can make great influence to the society, like the scientist. But in my opinion, some true heroes are easy ignored, they are doing the ordinary jobs while making great contribution to the society. The city cleaners are the classic ones, they beautify the city and bring comfort to the public. Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job. They are heroes and should be praised.



  English Club

  When I was in primary school, my parents had paid special attention to the English education, they thought it was the necessary language to learn. So I had access to the English movie and the relatived books. I fell in love with learning English, because speaking English made me stand out. Later I found an English club in my school, it was a place for the English learner to improve their speaking skill and gain their interest. I was so excited and we talked in English all the time, I learned a lot. When other students complain about the difficulty to learn the language, I have passion to learn it.



  The Special Class

  Since I go to school, the teachers gave us the class in the classroom, it seemed that sitting in the chair and looking at the blackboard are the only way to receive the knowledge. But my new Chinese teacher has showed me another way to learn knowledge. Last week, my Chinese teacher had asked us to write an article about protecting the environment, when she asked us how much we knew about the pollution, we shaked our heads. Then she told us to have the class in the reading room, we could some reading there and searched the information. It was so excited for us to do it, we like this special class and it is very helpful.



  Travel Politely

  The golden week is coming, it is a good chance for people to travel and take relax from their work. Most people choose to visit the hot tourist sites, like the Great Wall. But the problem comes, some tourists act very impolitely, they get used to make some marks on the tourist sites, so as to prove that they have visited here. It is a rude way to do it, everybody has the duty to protect these historical relics. If people leave some marks on these precious architectures, then the sites will be valueless and lose its meaning. It has been advocated to travel politely for a long time and we need to follow the rules.



  A Happy Cooperation

  I like teamwork because I can learn from others. Once, I was very shy and did not know how to get along with other students, so everytime when the teacher gave us the task and asked us to finish in the teamwork, I was very scared. Then my classmates helped me, they gave me a lot opinion and they respected me, making me the indispensable person. Then I became brave and gave my opinion, we were in a group, every opinion meant so much. During these days, I was so excited about the experiment, we shared our idea and talked happily. It was such a happy moment, I liked cooperation.










在我們寫中學(xué)生作文的時(shí)候,我們的英語(yǔ)的應(yīng)用頻率也增加了。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的中學(xué)生經(jīng)典英文作文,供大家參閱! 中學(xué)生經(jīng)典英文作文:真正的英雄 The True Hero When talking about the hero, people will think about the person who saves the


  • 中學(xué)生經(jīng)典英文作文

    在中學(xué)生的生涯中,考了多少次英語(yǔ),就寫了至少多少篇的英語(yǔ)作文。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的中學(xué)生經(jīng)典英文作文,供大家參閱! 中學(xué)生經(jīng)典英文

  • 中學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英文作文


  • 中學(xué)生英文作文


  • 中學(xué)生英語(yǔ)范文

    對(duì)比現(xiàn)在,還是中學(xué)生的時(shí)候,我們寫英語(yǔ)作文的頻率還是蠻高的。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的中學(xué)生英語(yǔ)范文,供大家參閱! 中學(xué)生英語(yǔ)范文:學(xué)會(huì)