

時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  The Young Girl’s Dream

  When I was very small, I dreamed to be a princess and when I was in primary school, I dreamed to be a teacher, because I admired my teachers so much. My dream changes as I grow up. Now I am in high school, I want to be a fashion designer. I love fashion so much, when I see the models wearing the beautiful dresses on the stage, I am so envious. I wish I could design these dresses and create the fashion. I have been paying attention to the fashion for a long time, when I see the good style, I will keep them in my mind. When the idea occurs my mind, I will write it down and draw it in the picture. Now I have collected many pictures, they stand for my dream, I believe that someday I can make my clothes.



  Gunshot In French Magazine Office

  During the last decade, many gunshot cases were reported, though people around the world were against the violence and called on the government to limit the sell of the gun, still the gunshot incidents threaten people’s security all the time. A serious gunshot happened in a French magazine office, 12 workers were killed, the gangsters rushed into the office and then shot the workers, they ran away and with killing the policemen. Hearing the news, people were shocked, they never thought the gangsters were so unscrupulous, they just carried out their violent plan in the daytime and despised the justice. Though we have come to the new century, it is the fact that the world is still not peaceful enough, we must go against the violent act. The peaceful environment needs everyone to work on, gunshot is very serious crime, the gangsters have no right to take away others’ lives, they will be punished someday.



  Put Down Smart Phone

  With the development of technology, today we live in the world with high technology. People seem to can’t live without computer and smart phone, once they don’t have smart phone at hand for a while, the seem to be lost and feel something miss in their life. When I talk to my friends at table, I find them always play smart phones or check on the text all the time. Though we sit face to face, the distance between us is so far. The high technology brings isolation between people. Some people don’t often visit their parents and friends, for they believe that a call can solve all the things. Communication in face to face is far more important than a call. It is time for some people to put down their smart phones for a while when they are communicating to others.

  隨著技術(shù)的發(fā)展,今天我們生活在一個(gè)高技術(shù)的時(shí)代。似乎人們的生活離不開(kāi)電腦和智能手機(jī),一旦智能手機(jī)不在手上,他們似乎感到失落,感覺(jué)到有東西缺失在他們的生活中。當(dāng)我和朋友們吃飯時(shí) ,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他們總是在玩智能手機(jī),或者在檢查信息。雖然我們面對(duì)面坐著,但是我們之間的距離是如此的遙遠(yuǎn)。高科技帶給人們帶來(lái)了隔離。有些人不經(jīng)常看望他們的父母和朋友,因?yàn)樗麄兿嘈乓粋€(gè)電話能解決所有的事情。面對(duì)面的交流比電話更重要。是時(shí)候?qū)σ恍┤藖?lái)說(shuō)去放下手中的智能手機(jī)一會(huì),當(dāng)他們?cè)诤蛣e人交流的時(shí)候。


  Gender Imbalance

  It has been long recognized that the population between men and women lost balance, especially in the future, this problem will be more obvious. The result is that more men are thought to be the leftover men, which means being the bachelors. The root of this problem traces back from the traditional culture.


  In the old days, men were meant to everything, they were the most important person in the family. They raised the family, what’s more, it was believed that only men had the right to make a deal. So women were in the very low status, they did not make a big difference in the society. Every family at that time only wanted to have boys, so some babies girls were even killed when they gave birth, how cruel it was.


  As the traditional idea have been implanted in people’s mind deeply, so even the government tried hard to advocate the equality between men and women, still some families only want to have boys. Education plays the very important role in improving the young generation’s mind. The gender imbalance can be reduced by educating the next generation.



  Does Foreign Education Help You Win?

  Nowadays, more and more parents like to send their children study abroad. It is believed that the companies are trend to hire the employees with foreign education. It seems that studying abroad can help you a winner. While the fact is not.


  As more young people study abroad, the standard of the foreign degree has been adjusted. Many students just find some fun to play and don’t focus on their study, so when they graduate, they learn nothing. But the universities that have been in the first class are always accepted by the companies, for it means the students must be excellent, or they can’t get the degree.


  There is no doubt that the one with foreign education is trend to be given more chances. But they still need to come the to final round in the job interview. The employers will ask them the questions and test their ability. It is nothing to do with the education.










高中時(shí)期寫(xiě)出一篇優(yōu)秀的英語(yǔ)作文,證明了我們的英語(yǔ)文筆也不賴。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的高中英語(yǔ)優(yōu)秀作文帶翻譯,供大家參閱! 高中英語(yǔ)優(yōu)秀作文帶翻譯:少女夢(mèng) The Young Girls Dream When I was very small, I dreamed to be a princess and when I w


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