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  1. 答第I卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡上。

  2. 選出每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號。在本試卷上作答無效。

  第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.


  1. How many copies must the woman make?

  A. 80. B. 50. C. 30.

  2. What is Helen doing now?

  A. Eating a hamburger. B. Drinking coffee. C. Preparing dinner.

  3. When is the woman going to have a test?

  A. This Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. This Sunday.

  4. Where is the man now?

  A. In a suitcase shop. B. On a plane. C. In a baggage hall.

  5. What does the girl want to do after graduation?

  A. Be a singer. B. Be a teacher. C. Study abroad

  第二節(jié) (共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)



  6. What does the woman want to buy?

  A. Some papers. B. Some food. C. Some drink.

  7. What will the woman’s husband do?

  A. Write papers. B. Go shopping. C. Correct papers.


  8. Who is the woman speaking to?

  A. Her husband. B. A policeman. C. A firefighter.

  9. What has happened to the woman’s house?

  A. It’s been broken into.

  B. It’s been burnt down.

  C. It’s been damaged.


  10. What does the boy’s grandmother like?

  A. Travelling. B. Eating. C. Cooking.

  11. How is the boy’s train?

  A. It’s late. B. It runs slowly. C. It’s very crowded.

  12. Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. At home.

  B. At a railway station.

  C. At the woman’s mother’s.


  13. When did the woman buy the cell-phone?

  A. About a week ago.

  B. About a month ago.

  C. About two weeks ago.

  14. Who did the woman send the cell-phone to?

  A. Her husband. B. Her cousin. C. Her daughter.

  15. Why doesn’t the cell-phone work?

  A. The battery is dead.

  B. It may get wet in the rain.

  C. There is no signal in the woman’s house.

  16. What will the woman do next?

  A. Have the phone repaired.

  B. Go to the post office.

  C. Complain to the man.


  17. Where did the story take place?

  A. In London. B. In New York. C. In Washington.

  18. What kind of room did Mr. Brown ask for?

  A. The cheapest one. B. The biggest one. C. The best one.

  19. Who took Mr. Brown to the room?

  A. A waiter. B. His son. C. The manager.

  20. Why did Mr. Brown want such a room?

  A. Because he was poor.

  B. Because he wanted to give his son a lesson.

  C. Because he wasn’t generous to himself.

  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)




  Everyone hopes to have a healthy lifestyle. But do you know what a healthy lifestyle is like? Here are some ways to have a healthy life.

  Get active.

  This is the most important way of a healthy

  lifestyle. Walking, running, playing basketball and other sports will help you keep healthy.

  Keep clean.

  Keep the places around you clean. Unclean and untidy places can not only make you angry but also make you ill.

  Eat healthily.

  Our health depends on our food, so everyone should remember to eat healthy food. The healthier food you eat, the healthi er you will be.

  Live green.

  This is the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle. Plant trees around your house, try your best to use less water, and stop using things if they are bad for the environment.

  21.How many ways does the passage tell people to have a healthy lifestyle?

  A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

  22.From the passage, which of the following is the way to live green?

  A.Getting lots of exercise.

  B.Planting trees.

  C.Keeping clean and tidy.

  D.Eating more fruit and vegetables.

  23.According to the passage, which of the following is Right?

  A.You should try your best to use less water.

  B.You don’t need to keep your home clean.

  C.Getting active is the only way to keep healthy.

  D.Our health depends on our clothes.


  (NEW YORK) A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a 12-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didn’t think twice before diving into the freezing East River.

  Tuesday’s Daily News said 29-year-old Allen left the spot quickly after the rescue last Satur day. He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Scaport Museum. He handed the girl to her father, David Anderson, who had gone to buy something and soon ran to dive in t he water after him.

  “I didn’t think at all,” Allen told the Daily News. “It happened very fast. I reacted very fast.” Allen, an engineer on vacation, was walking with his friend along the river when he saw something falling into the water. He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he approached the river. In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.

  When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said. Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes.

  Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when she was taking photographs. An ambulance(救護車) came later for her, said Allen, who was handed dry clothes from onlookers(旁觀者). Allen caught a train with his girlfriend shortly after.

  The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Allen said he didn’t realize his tale of heroism when he was leaving the next morning.

  “I don’t really think I’m a hero,” said Allen. “Anyone would do the same thing.”

  24.Why was Allen in New York?

  A.To go on a business trip.

  B.To work as an engineer.

  C.To spend his holiday.

  D.To visit the Andersons.

  25.What did Allen do shortly after the ambulance came?

  A.He was interviewed by a newspaper.

  B.He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothes.

  C.He went to the hospital in the ambulance.

  D.He disappeared from the spot quickly.

  26.Who dived after Allen into the river to save the little girl?

  A.David Anderson. B.A passer-by.

  C.His girlfriend. D.A taxi driver.

  27.What is probably the headline of this news report?

  A.A Careless Father. B.Brave Frenchman Found.

  C.Warm-hearted Onlookers. D.A Poor Girl.


  It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The streams were long gone back into the earth. If we didn’t see some rain soon we would lose everything.

  I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six­year­old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. He was obviously walking with a great effort...trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house.

  Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow purposeful long step toward the woods. This activity went on for over an hour: walking carefully to the woods, then running back to the house. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me. I slowly stepped out of the house and followed him on his journey.

  He was c upping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill the water he held in them. Branches and thorns slapped(拍打) his little face but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much greater purpose. As I leaned in to spy on him, I saw the most amazing site.

  Several large deer appeared threatening in front of him. But Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. And I saw a baby deer lying on the ground, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water and tiredness, lift its head with great effort to drink the water cupped in my beautiful boy’s hand.

  I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save a life. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops...and more drops...and more. I looked up at the sky. It was as if God, himself, was weeping with pride.

  28.Why did the author follow her son?

  A.Because there might be danger.

  B.Because she was curious.

  C.Because her son was doing a good deed.

  D.Because she intended to help.

  29.What Billy did mainly showed that he was ________.

  A.caring B.beautiful C.childlike D.brave

  30.Which is the correct order of the development of the story?

 ?、賂he author was moved to tears.

 ?、贐illy fed the water to the baby deer.

 ?、跙illy walked towards the large deer.

 ?、躀t began to rain.

 ?、軹he author followed Billy into the woods.

  A.③②⑤①④ B.④①③⑤②

  C.⑤③②①④ D.⑤②①③④

  31.At the end of the story, the author might experience different feelings EXCEPT that ________.

  A.Billy was a pride

  B.God was touched by Billy’s activity

  C.Billy was so kind to the animals

  D.the rain should have dropped earlier


  “Beating is a sign of affection, cursing (罵)is a sign of love.”

  Many people may not expect to hear the words of the old Chinese saying in these modern times-with parents wealthier and better educated than they have ever been-but experts say they still ring true.

  Today, it seems, Chinese parents are more likely to send their children to pre­college military academies(軍事學院) in the United States in the hope that some tough love will pave the way to success.

  “Good education doesn’t mean offering your child a better future, especially our boys,” said Song Wenming, a rich businessman in Jinhua, East China’s Zhejiang provi nce. “They should be raised in tough conditions to know what to fight for in the future.”

  In August, Song sent his 17­year­old son to Valley Forge Military Academy (VFMA) in Pennsylvania. And he is far from alone, even though it takes a lot of money--- around

  , 000 per year-to send a child to a strict military school.

  Statistics shows that an increasing number of Chinese students have been registering with such academies.

  A few years ago, there were no Chinese students at Valley Forge. Today, there are 28. “All of the Chinese students at Valley Forge came from wealthy families, some of whom were spoiled (溺愛),” said Jennifer Myers, director of marketing and communications at the school.

  Song’s only son, Song Siyu, had a difficult start during his first six weeks at the school. The teenager said he was willing to go to the school but did not expect it to be so difficult.

  Now, three months later,he has perfected the art of taking a bath in 35 seconds, finishing a meal without looking at his food, and making his bed as required. He can even take criticism(批評), no matter how unreasonable.

  “The training is hard but I know it is good for self-development of the young,” said Song Siyu. “The endless training and scolding are just ways to build up our character, and they are not personal.”

  But his enthusiasm is not universal. Ten of the 13 Chinese students who joine d the academy this year have moved to other schools.

  But for those who stick with it , there is a reward for all the hard work.

  32.From the second paragraph, we can know the old Chinese saying ________.

  A.is out of date in modern times

  B.is disagreed by rich parents

  C.is still worth trusting

  D.is deeply believed by better educated parent

  33.The underlined sentence means that________.

  A.Song sent his only son to military school, so he feels lonely

  B.Song is the only one who sends his child to military school

  C.The fee of the military school is so high that only Song can afford it

  D.There are other people sending their children to military school besides Song

  34.Song Siyu got some achievements in the military school EXCEPT ________.

  A.taking a bath in a short time

  B.having his meal with his eyes closed

  C.taking unreasonable criticism

  D.improving his character

  35.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

  A.It’s likely that more and more Chinese students will attend VFMA.

  B.most Chinese parents approve of educating their children by beating and cursing nowadays.

  C.Song Siyu had no difficulty in becoming used to the life at VFMA.

  D.Most Chinese students support the way of education at VFMA.



  If you asked a teacher in China what makes a good student, he or she would probably tell you that a good student is someone who gets good grades in exams.

  It is true that most teachers share this opinion. 36 She says that she hates to see her students study day and night under the pressure of exams. These adolescents have no time to relax or hang around with their friends. 37 Shen Hong thinks a good student should have the following qualities.

  38 In other words, he never betrays his friends. If he does something wrong, he admits his mistakes, and then will quickly apologize. A good student is always ready to help his friends when they are in trouble, as well.

  A good student is one who focuses on his studies. 39 Hard work truly comes first no matter how brilliant he is. Besides studying, he also likes sport and takes part in after-school activities. 40

  A.They always think they should help the students to achieve high grades.

  B.However, one teacher called Shen Hong has a different attitude.

  C.A good student is willing to help others.

  D.A good student is honest and kind to others.

  E.In conclusion, he develops in an all-round manner.

  F.It is not right to judge a student only by his grades.

  G.He makes full use of his time to learn both in and out of class.

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


  As I held my father’s hands one night,I couldn’t help but notice their calluses (老繭) and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a 41 , including all his struggles.

  One summer,I remember, a drought (旱災) hit our hometown, turning it into a 42 desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last

  43 from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which 44 took twenty minutes. That morning,however, the process didn’t 45 quickly. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field,we 46 needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated(有挫折感) and 47 . Dropping the basket heavily, I declared,“If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves! ” Dad 48 , “Just think, my little girl, only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’ve 49 .” Such is Dad. Whatever problem he 50 , he never gives up.

  51 , the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country. It was a challenging time for everyone, but Dad remained 52 . He 53 to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates. Only then did I truly begin to 54 Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.

  Dad is also a living example of real 55 . From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to 56 our family. He always puts our happiness 57 his own, and never fails to cheer me up at my sports games 58 his tiredness after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and 59 , putting others first.

  Dad, the life 60 I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.

  41.A. teacher B.gardener C.farmer D.driver

  42.A. stormy B.lively C.disappearing D.burning

  43.A. order B.form C.gap D.position

  44.A. repeatedly B.normally C.finally D.really

  45.A. go B.begin C.occur D.change

  46.A. yet B.still C.even D.nearly

  47.A. surprised B.nervous C.angry D.frightened

  48.A. apologized B.cried C.complained D.laughed

  49.A. lost B.done C.gone D.touched

  50.A. come across B.brings up C.thinks about D.works out 51.A. Thankfully B.Hopefully C.Unfortunately D.Strangely

  52.A. happy B.upset C.disappointed D.optimistic

  53.A. happened B.seemed C.continued D.aimed

  54.A. face B.appreciate C.examine D.question

  55.A. love B.pride C.friendship D.honesty

  56.A. support B.settle C.start D.impress

  57.A. after B.before C.beside D.under

  58.A. in spite of B.in terms of C.in control of D.in place of

  59.A. careful B.regretful C.considerate D.humorous

  60.A. history B.motto C.patterns D. lessons



  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第二節(jié) (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)


  One day, Bruce invited his friends to suppe r. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 61 (find) that he had run out of salt. So Bruce called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it: neither too much 62 too little.”

  His son looked surprised. “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but

  63 I can pay less, why not save a bit of money?”

  “That would be a very 64 (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Bruce said.

  Bruce’s guests, 65 had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. Bruce replied,“The only reaso n 66 a man would sell salt at a lower price would be that he was very eager for money. And anyone who made use 67 this situation would be showing a lack of respect 68 the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.”

  “But such a small thing couldn’t possibly destroy a village.”

  “In the beginning, there was only 69 very small amount of unfairness in the world,but everyone added a little,always 70 (think) that it was only small and not very important,and look what the world is like today.”

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題:每小題1分,滿分10分)





  注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;


  Some of us are having problems with our parents. For example, they often looked into our school bags or read our diary. I fully understand that why we are not comfortable about it, but there’s no need to feel too sadly. Our parents are always checking our bags or diaries make sure we’re not getting into any trouble. We have probable heard some terrible stories about other kids and think we might do same. Or perhaps they just want to communicate with us and are doing it all wrong. Remember to tell them that we want them to trust us as many as we’d like to trust them. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lie around - they are bound to read it.

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  You are the editor of your school newspaper. You received a letter from Mary who has trouble making friends. Write a letter of advice to Mary, using the information in the table below.

  Problems Advice

  Shy * Smile at your classmates;

  * Start conversations with your classmates;

  Not very confident * Learn to be brave;

  * Try to communicate more with your classmates.


  (1). 詞數(shù)100 左右 (開頭和結尾已經為你寫好,但不計入總詞數(shù)) ;

  (2). 可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。









  第一部分:(共20小題;每小題1.5分, 滿分30分)



  21-30 CBACD ABBAC 31-35 DCDBA 36-40 BFDGE





  61. found 62. nor 63. if 64. reasonable 65. who

  66. why 67. of 68. for 69. a 70. thinking


  第一節(jié) (共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)

  71. looked→look 72. diary→diaries 73. why前的that刪去

  74. sadly→sad 75. make 前加to 76. probable→probably

  77. same 前加the 78. are前的and→but 79. many→much

  80. lie→lying


  Dear Mary,

  After reading your letter, I know that you worry about making friends. You are very shy, are not very confident and feel like you stick out from the group.

  In my opinion, you are shy, because you are not very confident. Learn to be brave and try to communicate more with your classmates. Smile at them first, and then try to start a conversation with them. You will find that your classmates are really nice people. The more you try to get to know them, the more they will try to get to know you. You will soon be able to talk to them about anything. You will become more confident as you get to know them, and you will suddenly find that you have many friends.

  Good luck in making friends.

  Best wishes.










沒有目標就沒有方向,每一個學習階段都應該給自己樹立一個目標。祝高考順利!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的高考英語試題,僅供大家參考! 高考英語試題 第I卷 注意: 1. 答第I卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡上。 2. 選出每小題答案后,用鉛


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