

時(shí)間: 劉惠25 分享



  第I卷(選擇題 共85分)





  1. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student

  2. How long ago did the speakers graduate from school?

  A. Ten years. B. Twenty years. C. Forty years.

  3. What will the man do first?

  A. Meet the woman. B. Go to the museum. C. See a doctor.

  4. What does the man think of Albert?

  A. He is dying. B. He is innocent. C. He is shameless.

  5. What is the problem for the speakers?

  A. The shop is too crowded. B. The weather is too cold. C. They’re too busy.


  聽(tīng)下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題, 每小題5秒鐘;聽(tīng)完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的做答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。


  6. What’s the man’s tone like?

  A. Friendly. B. Rude. C. Aggressive.

  7. Why did the woman admit her crime?

  A. They found her with proof.

  B. Her family persuaded her to do so.

  C. She didn’t want to argue with the officer.

  8. How did she get the ring?

  A. She stole it from the man. B. She stole it from a family. C. Her grandmother passed it on to her.


  9. What seems to have happened to the woman’s passport last time?

  A. It ran out of pages. B. It was stolen. C. It was damaged.

  10. What does the woman think of her new passport?

  A. It’s so-so. B. It’s complicated. C. It’s convenient.


  11. What caught the speakers’ attention?

  A. A bus. B. A plane. C. A crowd.

  12. How long was their flight delayed in total?

  A. 5 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 2 hours.

  13. Why didn’t the man read his books?

  A. He forgot to take the books.

  B. He wanted to relax after the test.

  C. He was absorbed in the scenery.

  14. Where have the speakers been?

  A. Beach. B. Mountains. C. Farm.


  15. Why can’t Karen concentrate on the book?

  A. She lacks interest in it

  B. The man keeps interrupting her.

  C. She’s worried about the seminar.

  16. What is her present major?

  A. Philosophy. B. English. C. Psychology.

  17. What is she thinking of doing?

  A. Changing her major. B. Leaving the university. C. Spending less of her parents’ money.


  18. What is the purpose of the sale?

  A. To help the poor. B. To recycle extra items. B. To promote the country’s economy.

  19. Which sales will attract the most attention?

  A. The January sale. B. The February sale. C. The March sale.

  20. How long does the sale last each time?

  A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours.

  第二部分:英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用 (共兩節(jié),滿分35分)



  21. No country could seek development on its own; and one sure path is through unity and ________.

  A. evolution B. cooperation C. satisfaction D. impression

  22. —How annoying it is to live in such a noisy neighbourhood!

  —You’d better find a quiet and comfortable room where you ________.

  A. aren’t disturbing B. won’t disturb C. won’t be disturbed D. aren’t being disturbed

  23. The direction ________ education starts a man will determine his future life.

  A. toward which B. by which C. in which D. under which

  24. Those thoughts are crazy and not worth thinking about so you might as well ________ them from your mind.

  A. recover B. protect C. distinguish D. dismiss

  25. We ________ your terms in the contract carefully but regret to say that we cannot accept them.

  A. will study B. have studied C. have been studying D. had studied

  26. The company was facing a financial crisis, and the situation ________ some tough decisions.

  A. called for B. cared for C. feared for D. ran for

  27. What a boring planet we ________ if there were only one culture in the world!

  A. would be B. were C. would have D. had

  28. —Has his third book been published yet?

  —No, it is currently ________.

  A. in store B. in preparation C. in use D. in place

  29. The rising house prices in most cities have aroused concerns among young migrant workers ________ they can’t afford themselves a house.

  A. whether B. where C. what D. that

  30. I’ve heard that students will take English listening and speaking tests twice a year, but nothing ________.

  A. ambiguous B. skillful C. dynamic D. definite

  31. Bob Dylan was reported ________ the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature for having created new poetic expressions.

  A. to award B. awarding C. to have been awarded D. being awarded

  32. Helping people academically can benefit them ________ you make them step up to a new level of studying.

  A. because B. unless C. while D. although

  33. When I first began applying a theory, the results sometimes didn’t ________ the way I intended.

  A. work out B. break out C. drop out D. cut out

  34. Only after we value growth enough to start enlarging ourselves ________ through a strong barrier.

  A. we have broken B. did we break C. have we broken D. we broke

  35. —James has something to do and can’t come tonight.

  —Well, ________, for he is a wet blanket.

  A. it’s very kind of you to say so B. that’s a relief

  C. that’s a problem D. it’s none of your business



  We read a story about a woman who moved to a small town. After being there a short time, she 36 to her neighbor about the poor service she received at the local drugstore. She was hoping her new acquaintance would repeat her 37 to the store’s owner.

  The next time the 38 went to the drugstore, the druggist greeted her with a big smile, told her how 39 he was to see her again, and said he hoped she liked their town. He also offered himself 40 a resource to the woman and her husband as they got 41 . Then he took care of her order quickly and efficiently.

  Later the woman reported the unbelievable 42 to her friend. “I suppose you told him how poor I thought the 43 was?” she declared.

  “Well, no,” the neighbor said. “ 44 —and I hope you don’t mind—I told him you were 45 at the way he had built up this small town drugstore, 46 that you thought it was one of the best-run drugstores you’d ever seen.”

  That woman’s neighbor understood that people 47 respect. In fact, most people will do nearly anything for you if you treat them 48 . And that means making it clear to them that their 49 are important, their preferences are respected, and their opinions are 50 . It means giving them the benefit of the doubt. Or as poet-philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson put it, “Every man is 51 to be valued by his best moments.”

  Where love focuses on giving to others, respect shows a 52 to receive from them. If you have had the opportunity to work in many environments, and you have 53 both types of people—those who have and those who have not shown you respect—you 54 how motivational respect can be. And you also know that you are more easily influenced by people who 55 you well.

  36. A. turned B. apologized C. pointed D. complained

  37. A. criticism B. pleasure C. guidance D. invitation

  38. A. acquaintance B. newcomer C. neighbor D. owner

  39. A. reluctant B. ashamed C. happy D. awkward

  40. A. to B. about C. with D. as

  41. A. served B. settled C. visited D. prepared

  42. A. discovery B. effect C. change D. dignity

  43. A. service B. medicine C. description D. partner

  44. A. In general B. In fact C. In turn D. In time

  45. A. shocked B. embarrassed C. frightened D. amazed

  46. A. and B. but C. so D. or

  47. A. cater to B. cope with C. respond to D. identify with

  48. A. luckily B. respectfully C. cautiously D. flexibly

  49. A. memories B. customs C. incomes D. feelings

  50. A. diverse B. personal C. valuable D. familiar

  51. A. entitled B. forced C. advised D. employed

  52. A. regret B. willingness C. compromise D. challenge

  53. A. agreed with B. differed from C. turned down D. worked for

  54. A. understand B. ensure C. guess D. mention

  55. A. believe B. treat C. amuse D. teach




  How to enroll if you are in Midhaven…

  We invite you to visit us and see the school. After an assessment you will be able to reserve a place on the next available course. We have two centres in Midhaven.

  56. When applying for a course at Ashwood College, students must __________.

  A. charge the college for sending money to all banks

  B. charge some money for making any changes of the bookings

  C. pay the rest of the fees by the end of the first week of the course

  D. pay a course or accommodation deposit along with registration forms

  57. What can we know from Conditions?

  A. There is hardly a break between each lesson.

  B. Classes are organized according to students’ ability level.

  C. Students may change courses at any time during the term.

  D. Any student is permitted to take a week’s holiday during a 12-week course.


  Natural disasters that were once anomalous (異常的) are becoming almost commonplace, and the country is clearly not prepared for them. Historic floods in Louisiana displaced thousands and led to the deaths of 17 people this month. Record-setting rain devastated (嚴(yán)重破壞) parts of West Virginia in June and South Carolina in October.

  It is risky to attribute (歸因于) any single storm to global warming, but the increasing frequency of these disasters is consistent with what most scientists have said we should expect from climate change. Warmer weather tends to increase evaporation (蒸發(fā)), adding moisture to the atmosphere and leading to heavier and more frequent rainstorms. And if more extreme weather events lie in our future, national, state and local policy makers need to improve the nation’s defenses. Existing flood protections will need to be improved, building codes made stricter and people dissuaded from living in the areas most vulnerable to floods.

  On Monday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency took an important step in that direction. It proposed rules that would require individuals, businesses and local governments that want to build in flood-prone areas with federal money to do so at higher elevations (海拔). Homes and businesses would have to be built at least two feet above the base flood elevation, up from the current requirement of one foot. And “critical” facilities like hospitals, nursing homes and 911 dispatch centers would have to be built three feet above the base elevation, up from two feet.

  Over time, these changes should make it less likely that such buildings will be flooded during big storms, saving lives and reducing property damage. But the rules would apply to only the relatively small number of buildings financed by federal grants and loans. Existing buildings would be unaffected unless owners substantially improved them with the help of federal money.

  Not surprisingly, some builders and other businesses are opposed to even these small changes, because they would increase the cost of construction even if they save money in the long run. Republicans in Congress are trying to scuttle(阻撓) a 2015 executive order issued by President Obama that directed FEMA to propose stricter rules.

  If anything, public officials need to go much further than this. One big problem is that many of the nation’s flood maps are outdated, and most do not take into account the impact of climate change and rising sea levels. FEMA is slowly updating the maps, and an advisory committee is helping to ensure that future climate threats are considered. Congress should speed up that process by providing more money for the agency’s mapping project.

  Another area of focus has to be restoring and enhancing natural defenses against flooding. Barrier islands can help protect coastal areas from storm surges. Wetlands and parks can soak up storm runoff and excessive rain.

  58. What should be expected from climate change according to what most scientists have said?

  A. The causes of anomalous natural disasters. B. The growing number of serious natural disasters.

  C. The historic floods and record-setting rain. D. The considerable improvements in extreme weather events.

  59. What’s the purpose of FEMA’s proposing the rules?

  A. To call on homes, businesses and local governments to improve their flood protections.

  B. To require hospitals and nursing homes to be built higher than 911 dispatch centers.

  C. To change the existing buildings less likely to be flooded during big storms.

  D. To apply to only the relatively small number of buildings funded by federal money.

  60. What do some builders think is the disadvantage of the rules set by FEMA?

  A. Updating nation’s flood maps. B. Accelerating money-providing process.

  C. Suggesting stricter rules. D. Spending more money on construction.

  61. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. Preparing for the Next Storm B. Improving FEMA’s Mapping Project

  C. Reducing Property Damage D. Building Houses at Higher Elevations


  A team of researchers from California and Japan has found that an essential amino acid plays a crucial role in the creation of blood stem cells—a discovery the scientists say could offer a potential alternative to chemotherapy(化療) and radiation in treating blood cancer patients.

  The amino acid valine(纈氨酸), which people obtain by eating protein, appears key to the formation of blood stem cells. Mice deprived(剝奪) of the protein building block for two to four weeks stopped making new blood cells altogether, according to the new study.

  In lab tests the study showed human blood stem cells also appear to be as dependent on valine, the researchers said. If this proves true, depriving patients of the amino acid before a bone marrow (骨髓)transplant might spare them the necessity of chemotherapy or radiation, both of which destroy blood stem cells to make room for new, transplanted ones. But with these procedures one in 20 transplant patients dies, sometimes from complications linked to the poisonous and harmful treatments.

  Additionally, depriving certain leukemia patients of valine might even kill off the cells that are causing their cancers, says Hiromitsu Nakauchi, a senior author on the new paper. “If such a simple and relatively less harmful therapy could be used to treat leukemias, that would be great,” says Nakauchi, a stem cell researcher at both the University of Tokyo and Stanford University. “That’s what I’m hoping at the moment.” Nakauchi adds that he was surprised to uncover such a basic biological process. “I couldn’t believe it myself,” he says.

  Camilla Forsberg, a blood stem cell researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was not involved in the research, says she was impressed with the results and thrilled there are still such fundamental discoveries to be made. “It’s pretty exciting how the basic things we think about are still giving us surprises,” she says, adding that it will be crucial to figure out why these blood stem cells—also called hematopoietic cells—are so sensitive to valine. Other cell types might have particular sensitivities to the other 19 amino acids active in the body, nine of which are vital and must be obtained via food, so Forsberg believes these must now be studied as well.

  Now Nakauchi says he hopes the work will lead to new approaches to cancer treatment. “There may be some other, similar amino acid–dependency in other stem cells and also cancer stem cells.Those are the things I’m very much interested in.” he says.

  62. What can we learn about the amino acid valine from the first two paragraphs?

  A. It prevents mice from forming new blood cells.

  B. It leads to a discovery of chemotherapy and radiation.

  C. It can create blood stem cells to help treat blood cancer.

  D. It can obtain protein to promote blood stem cell development.

  63. Valine deprivation can be used to treat cancer perhaps because __________.

  A. it seems to be linked to complications of harmful treatments

  B. it can be combined with radiation to destroy blood stem cells

  C. it is a basic biological process and might kill blood stem cells

  D. it may work well in bone marrow transplant without needing chemotherapy

  64. According to the passage, what does Camilla Forsberg intend to tell us?

  A. The fundamental discovery makes her confident of Nakauchi’s results.

  B. The role valine plays in blood should not come as such a surprise.

  C. She can understand the reason for hematopoietic cells being sensitive to valine.

  D. Another ten amino acids can’t be obtained via food and aren’t worth studying.

  65. What can we infer from what Nakauchi says in the last paragraph?

  A. Stem cells alone will be effective for treating cancer directly.

  B. He is hopeful of making more discoveries about stem cells depending on amino acids.

  C. He is interested in studying the relationship between blood stem cells and cancer stem cells.

  D. Stem cells lacking amino acid–dependency cause a disease characterized by low levels of cancer stem cells.


  I have always considered myself a positive thinker, an upbeat person and an optimist. I try to find the best in every situation. I’ve recently become aware of how two little words in my vocabulary have had a tremendous impact on people. I didn’t even realize it.

  I’ve been listening to myself lately, and I don’t like the way I sound. As a veteran (資深的)teacher, I know that praise can be a huge motivational tool. I realize the importance of developing a child’s self-esteem. I generously sprinkle(灑) uplifting comments around my classroom like I am fertilizing flowers. Each new school year brings a garden variety of students, and they all blossom (開(kāi)花)with praise and encouragement. I know how to thank my grown kids, my grandkids and my husband for a job well done. I toss praise to the unsuspecting if it appears someone needs a lift. I also yo-yo my positive comments right back when I use the word that makes my preschoolers giggle-BUT.

  When one of my students attempted to print her name, I oohed and ahhed. “Wow! That is a great A, and your letter, D is nice and tall, but your letter, E should be short; can you erase it and try to make it shorter?” I asked. She wasn’t crushed by my comment. She tried to live up to my expectation. I thought I was helping, preparing her for kindergarten, showing her the difference in size between upper case and lower case letters. I don’t believe that my comment would have any long term affect on her self-worth. I imagine though, if I’d substituted the word BUT with the word AND, she’d have been proud of her accomplishment instead of questioning the “right way” to print her name. I wish I had said, “I like your nice tall letters, AND I like how hard you are trying to make your letter E.”

  My recently divorced daughter called to tell me about a house she was interested in. I listened to her. I applauded her for moving forward with her life, and I said, “Honey, I am glad that you’ve found something you like, but…” There, I did it again!” Don’t you think, with the gas prices, you might want to buy closer to your work?” As she told me all about the prospective house, I could hear the excitement and joy in her voice. The moment I spoke the word, BUT, it was as if I pricked (刺)a balloon with a needle. I could hear her slowly deflate. I sure wish I’d used the word AND. “Honey, I’m glad you found a house in your price range, AND I’m happy for you.” She knows I freely express my opinions, and I know she’s used to my mouth. I suspect that if I had leashed(管住) my tongue, her emotions wouldn’t have flip-flopped, and we’d have both hung up feeling better.

  My dear husband helps around the house; he did the dishes, emptied the dishwasher, and folded the laundry. I was thrilled he had lightened my work load. I thanked him. I told him how wonderful he is, and I used that naughty word again. “BUT, why did you leave small pieces of bread all over the counter?” Why? Why? Why didn’t I say, “Thank you, AND I appreciate all you do around the house.”

  I’ve been doing some self-reflecting. I’ve given up on losing those twenty pounds. I’ve decided a walk around the neighborhood is a good substitute for vigorous exercise. I’ve watched dust bunnies pile up under the sofa. I’ve prayed in the dark instead of at church more often than not. In other words, all those New Year’s resolutions (決心;決定)are now null and void. I lose a pound; I eat a chocolate; I gain a pound. The bar on my treadmill(跑步機(jī)) makes a nice rack for hanging laundry. I’ve attended church for grand children’s christenings, and I pass the sanctuary(圣殿) on my way to the church office. I vacuum on weekends. I figure if the dust bunnies don’t mind snuggling(躺著) for another day, I don’t care either.

  My house isn’t spotless, my thighs are heavy, my soul, like my face could use some uplifting, but I have decided that I simply cannot keep all those resolutions I made on January 1st. I’m ready for some spring cleaning. I’m tossing those old resolutions out and I am making one, just one, which I intend to keep. I am going to refrain (忍住)from using the B word. I think I can do it, and I am going to give it my best. I know it will have a positive effect on others. BUT if I mess up, I will try again, and again, and again to remove that naughty little word from my vocabulary. I resolve to replace it with the word AND. This is a resolution I intend to keep!

  66. How does the author feel about her saying “BUT” to the people around?

  A. It is natural but disappointing. B. it is painful but understandable.

  C. She feels guilty and regretful. D. She feels hurt and embarrassed.

  67. Which of the following words can best describe the author?

  A. sensitive and caring B. emotional and straightforward

  C. confident and strong-willed D. positive and popular

  68. According to the passage, the author is ___________.

  A. quite optimistic about not using the word “and” in future

  B. proud that she can always give others some good advice

  C. sad because nobody around her can do things well enough

  D. ready to give people some encouragement when they are down

  69. What can not be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

  A. The author can’t keep all the promises made before.

  B. The author is determined to substitute AND for BUT.

  C. The author is always keeping her house clean and tidy.

  D. The author is probably very fat and wants to lose weight.

  70. Which of the following sayings can best express the main idea of the passage?

  A. A leopard cannot change its spots. B. Sometimes words hurt more than swords.

  C. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. D. People miss the silver lining when expecting gold.




  The key to the relationship between creativity and dishonesty

  A new study by Lynne Vincent and Maryam Kouchaki demonstrates that believing that you are a creative person can create feelings of entitlement when you think that creativity is rare and valuable. That feeling of entitlement can be costly for you and your organization as it can cause you to be dishonest.

  Many organizations now are recognizing the importance of creativity and are attempting to encourage their employees to be creative. However, there is a cost to that creativity when creativity is seen as a rare and unique attribute (屬性). The findings in this study are based on several laboratory experiments, in addition to a study of employees and supervisor pairs.

  While creativity is in most cases valued, such as other positive attributes, including practicality or intelligence, it may be over-valued compared to those other positive attributes because creativity is by definition (本質(zhì)上) rare. That sense of rarity then creates a sense of entitlement. People see their creative efforts as special and valuable and feel that they are worthy of extra rewards for their creative efforts. That entitlement can cause them to steal in order to get the rewards.

  However, it is naive (天真的) to assume that employees in companies that have developed a strong identity as creative, such as Apple, Google, and IDEO, would be necessarily more dishonest due to their creativity.

  “The key to the relationship between creativity and dishonesty is the sense of rarity,” said Vincent. “When individuals identified themselves as creative and believed that creativity was rare, entitlement appeared. However, if individuals believed that creativity was common, that sense of entitlement was reduced.”

  When people in the laboratory experiments believed that their creativity was rare compared to common, they were more likely to lie for money. However, when people believed that being practical was rare compared to common, the increased sense of psychological entitlement and dishonesty did not occur. The effect was seen in organizations too.

  Although creativity is important in the business world, the dark side of creativity has only partly studied. However, as creativity is becoming more important for organizations, it is important for organizations to understand how to encourage creativity. Encouraging creativity in organizations is not as simple as telling employees to be creative. Defining what it means to be creative and what creativity means in that context is important. When people define creativity in terms of being rare and valuable, seeing yourself as a creative person can cause entitlement and dishonesty. However, if organizations define creativity as a common and everyday behavior or an attribute that many people can have, organizations may be able to encourage employee creativity without encouraging employee dishonesty.

  第五部分 書(shū)面表達(dá)(滿分25分)

  My doorbell rings at 11 a.m. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady; she is small and slight, and she’s holding the hand of a little boy. In her other hand, she holds a paper carrier bag.

  I know this lady. It is by no means her first visit. She is the little boy’s grandmother, and her daughter bought the house next door last October.

  My visitor’s daughter, Nicole (who speaks fluent English), is currently in Shanghai, but her parents are in Vancouver for the summer with the little boy. Nicole has told her mother that I am having heart surgery shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided I need to be supplied with meals.

  I know what is inside the paper carrier bag—a thermos with hot soup and a stainless-steel container with a meal of rice, vegetables and either chicken, meat or shrimp, sometimes with a kind of pancake. This has become an almost-daily occurrence.

  She doesn’t speak English and all I can say in Mandarin is hello.

  So here we are, two grandmothers a world away from where we were raised, neither of us able to speak the other’s language but communicating one way or another (with some help from technology). The doorbell keeps ringing and there is the familiar brown paper carrier bag, handed smilingly to me by her.

  I’m working on some more Mandarin words. “Thank you” is, of course, the first one. Somehow, it seems inadequate.


  1. 用約30個(gè)單詞概述上述信息的主要內(nèi)容;

  2. 結(jié)合上述信息,用約120個(gè)單詞發(fā)表你的觀點(diǎn),內(nèi)容包括:




  1. 寫作過(guò)程中不能直接引用原文語(yǔ)句;

  2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校名稱;

  3. 不必寫標(biāo)題。





  1-5 BACCA 6-10 CABAC 11-15 BACAA 16-20 BABBB



  21-25 BCCDB 26-30 ACBDD 31-35 CAACB


  36-40 DABCD 41-45 BCABD 46-50 ACBDC 51-55 ABDAB


  56-57 DB 58-61BADA 62-65CDAB 66-70CBDCD


  71. cost 72. dishonesty 73.counts 74.Besides 75.generally/commonly/often/usually/frequently

  76. deserve 77. necessarily 78. reduced/decreased 79. Despite

  80. completely/fully/thoroughly/entirely


  One possible version:

  During her illness, the author has been taken care of by an old Chinese lady, who rings her doorbell and provides her with meals, which becomes a regular routine. Although she doesn’t speak English, her kindness needs no translation.

  After reading the story, I am deeply moved. What I feel is the love among people, which is powerful enough to break barriers. People can live in harmony regardless of their skin colors and languages. If I go abroad for further study and face the problem of how to communicate with neighbors, first of all, I will make efforts to learn their native language and establish sincere communication with them. Then learning about their cultures and taboos can better promote our understanding of one another.

  As an old saying goes, “a good neighbor is better than a brother far off”. When we study abroad, a neighbor may be of great help to us, especially in emergency. (155)









不必每分鐘都學(xué)習(xí),但求學(xué)習(xí)中每分鐘都有收獲。要注意勞逸結(jié)合,高考加油!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的高考2017陜西英語(yǔ)試卷,僅供大家參考! 高考2017陜西英語(yǔ)試卷 第I卷(選擇題 共85分) 第一部分:聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿分20分) 做題時(shí),先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄


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    想要有什么樣的明天,今天就要付出什么樣的努力。高考加油!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的福建省高考英語(yǔ)真題,僅供大家參考! 福建省高考英語(yǔ)真題

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    一心向著自己的目標(biāo)前進(jìn)的人,整個(gè)世界都會(huì)給他讓路。高考加油!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的福建省高考英語(yǔ)真題,僅供大家參考! 福建省高考英語(yǔ)真

  • 福建省高考英語(yǔ)真題參考答案

    今日披星戴月,明日成就夢(mèng)想。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的福建省高考英語(yǔ)真題,僅供大家參考! 福建省高考英語(yǔ)真題 第Ⅰ卷(滿分100分)