

時間: 劉惠25 分享






  第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分7. 5分)

  聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和 閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  1. Which suit does the woman suggest buying?

  A. The black suit. B. The dark blue suit. C. The grey suit.

  2. What did the man do this morning?

  A. He took a photo.

  B. He had a job interview.

  C. He went to the theater.

  3. Where will the woman probably go next?

  A. Back to her hotel.

  B. To a bank around the corner.

  C. To the bank near the train station.

  4. Who might Amanda be?

  A. The man’s wife.

  B. The man’s best friend.

  C. The man’s girlfriend.

  5. What will the man do about his sore throat?

  A. Drink some hot tea.

  B. Take some medicine.

  C. Stay at home and rest.

  第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分22. 5分)

  聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選 項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小 題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。


  6. What time is it now?

  A. 8 : 00 p. m. B. 7 : 20 p. m. C. 7 : 40 p. m.

  7. What will the woman probably do?

  A. Go to another hairdresser’s.

  B. Keep waiting for Mr. Smith.

  C. Come back tomorrow afternoon.


  8. Why did the man’s father move to Canada?

  A. To be closer to the man.

  B. To get away from his wife.

  C. To enjoy more activities in nature.

  9. What does the woman say about her parents?

  A. They get along well.

  B. They live in Canada.

  C. Their marriage has broken up.


  10. What’s the bad thing about the community pool?

  A. It’s expensive.

  B. It’s not big enough.

  C. The water is not very clean.

  11. What is important to the woman when it comes to swimming?

  A. Price. B. Cleanness. C. Depth.

  12. What can we learn about the man?

  A. He needs a better swimming teacher.

  B. He goes swimming at least three times a week.

  C. He hasn’t been swimming for a long time.


  13. Where did the woman use to work?

  A. In a kindergarten. B. In a middle school. C. At a university.

  14. Why did the woman learn two new languages?

  A. To do research for her books.

  B. To write in other languages.

  C. To speak them when traveling.

  15. What does the woman think her greatest advantage is?

  A. She is an experienced mother who reads a lot.

  B. She has written books for children.

  C. She has taken courses in children’s writing.

  16. What will the speakers probably discuss next?

  A. Money. B. Schedule. C. Children.


  17. What kind of group is Cirque du Soleil?

  A. A group of actors. B. Circus performers. C. A swimming team.

  18. According to the talk, where can you see the magic?

  A. In the “KA” show. B. In the “LOVE” show. C. In the “O” show.

  19. How many artists take part in the show for the Beatles songs?

  A. 6. B. 16. C. 60.

  20. Where will the group perform in the “O” show?

  A. In a bus. B. In the air. C. On the street.





  Life at home for me was desperately unhappy,and school wasn’t any better. I expected a place to hole up and wait until childhood was over. One day,aged 12,I arrived in the morning,tear-stained and exhausted after another hour-long argument with my parents. The only place where I could forget my sadness and loneliness was Harris library. That day,I found a new shelf: “teenage fiction”,as they called it.

  The first book I picked up had a fascinating title: Fly Pie and the Seventeen Million Pound Baby. I found my seat by the window and started to read. Unknowingly,I found myself stepping into that dark world the author Melvin Burgess had created for Sham and Fly—“rubbish kids, losers and orphans”一abandoned by their mother in a strange city. In a dangerous world of adults, the pair come across an evil figure who sets them to work picking through a rubbish tip. There, they take a priceless baby from a dying man. The book is strange,frightening and violent : it felt like the most real thing I had ever read.

  After reading the last page,I turned back to the first page and started again and wanted to find out how Burgess had stopped and stretched time,how he,d make a crack in the world just wide enough for someone like me to escape through it. My heart was in my throat.

  By the end of the second reading,something had changed,and I always hoped that writing could be the one thing I was good at and that I could make a place,with words, for someone else to be. And until that happened,I'd found my own place to wait out childhood, which didn’t last forever.

  21. In the first paragraph we can learn that the author went to Harris library to_.

  A. argue with his parents B. escape his family

  C. read his favorite fiction D. make some new friends

  22. The author found himself lost in the story because_.

  A. he expected a similar world full of challenges

  B. Melvin Burgess created an unbelievable story

  C. Sham and Fly were his favourite figures

  D. it felt like the most real thing although it was a fiction

  23. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

  A. The fiction book inspired the author to try writing something.

  B. It is no easy thing to make a living by writing teenage fiction.

  C. Harris library will increase its collection of teenage fiction.

  D. Writing can help people get away from troubled life.


  If you ever find yourself at the San Jose airport calling a taxi to take you into San Francisco,the ride will take about an hour and 40 minutes and cost $ 110 or more. The good news is that Uber plans to fix that——slashing the time to 15 minutes and the cost to $ 20 with a technology considered one of the modern world’s great dreams : the flying car.

  Back in October,Uber announced its Uber Elevate,an ambitious program to get cars off the road and into the sky. Yesterday the company went a step further, announcing that it had hired engineer Mark Moore, a 30-year expert of NASA,to develop the technology. With that, the easy part ended.

  Some challenges facing the Uber flying car plan have troubled every such plan ever proposed : safety. Filling the skies over city centers with cars is much more dangerous than filling the streets with traditional cars,since at least an accident on the ground stays on the ground. An accident in the sky threatens everybody below.

  Air traffic control, Uber itself admits, is a big headache, too. It will require the development of entirely new types of air traffic control systems to make air taxi a reality. The much bigger challenge will be the vehicles themselves. Small airplanes are obviously unacceptable. The aircraft needs to take off and land like a helicopter but fly horizontally like an airplane. However, more breakthroughs have to be made to keep cost, noise and emissions under control.

  It is a better thing that Uber has announced its ambitious blue map. But flying cars have been a world-of-tomorrow fantasy for so long. Promising them is one thing; producing them is another. Uber may well meet that challenge, but it’s not likely to be easy.

  24. Which of the following makes Uber Elevate sound appealing to people?

  A. It will help reduce the pressure of airports.

  B. It promises Uber users a personal service.

  C. It will be time-saving and cost-effective.

  D. It will be more exciting than average traffic.

  25. What does the author mean by saying “With that, the easy part ended"?

  A. Uber will still have a long way to go.

  B. It was hard to invite Mark Moore to join in.

  C. The original idea of Uber Elevate came from the expert.

  D. NASA is eager to push Uber to start the program.

  26. According to the passage, Uber will have to overcome many difficulties except_.

  A. traffic safety B. traffic control system

  C. the design of aircraft D. permission from NASA

  27. What does the author think of Uber’s flying car plan?

  A. He is optimistic about its promising future.

  B. It will be impossible to achieve the goal.

  C. He feels uncertain about its future.

  D. The plan is ambitious and practical.


  Jerome Kern is considered the father of American musical theater for the songs he wrote for musical plays. He gave artistic importance to American popular music and promoted the development of the first truly American theater music.

  Born in a middle-class family in New York in 1885, Jerome began learning to play the piano from his mother at a very young age. He became a Jerome was a quiet boy and not a top student. When he completed high school, his father said he would have to work in the family store. But he later came to realize that Jerome might do better in music than in business. So he let the boy go to Europe to study music, as almost all serious young musicians did at the time.

  Jerome began his career as a songwriter in theaters in New York. Success came quickly. By the early 1920s, Jerome had been a successful young composer for Broadway musical comedies. In 3 years alone, he wrote music for 19 shows.

  American musical plays at that time were still copied from European ones. Often the stories seemed foolish and the people in them did not seem real. Songs and dances often had no connection with stories. Kern wanted to try something completely new,thinking songs should help show a person’s feelings. He dreamt of doing a truly American musical with real American characters and real situations.

  In 1927, he found the story he wanted——“Shozv Boat” by American writer Edna Ferber, which takes place in the 1880s on a steam boat sailing along the Mississippi River. The story dealt with some serious issues for a musical—the hard lives of African-Americans in the South. The public and critics loved it. It became the greatest work of American musical theater. Kern!s effect on musical theater was revolutionary. It was Kern’s music that made the show a great success.

  28. What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A. The development of the American theater music.

  B. The basic elements of truly American theater music.

  C. The artistic features of the American popular music.

  D. Jerome Kern's contribution to American musical theatre.

  29. When Jerome Kern was a child,_.

  A. his father forced him to do business

  B. he developed a strong interest in musical theater

  C. many expected him to be a great musician

  D. he seemed ordinary even in music

  30. After Jerome Kern started his career as a songwriter, he_.

  A. struggled to get his works accepted B. gained his popularity overnight

  C. was ignored by the Broadway theaters D. got tired of living in New York

  31. What made Show Boat a success according to the passage?

  A. The tradition of European musical.

  B. The love of the public and critics.

  C. The truly American music for the story.

  D. The serious social issues it dealt with.


  Newspapers and TV broadcasts are filled with disasters, accidents or other bad news. Why do the media concentrate on the bad things in life, rather than the good? It may be because we,re drawn to depressing stories without realising it, says psychologist Tom Stafford.

  It isn’t that these are the only things that happen. Perhaps journalists are drawn to reporting bad news because sudden disasters are more eye-catching than slow improvements. But another strong possibility is that we, the readers or viewers, have trained journalists to focus on these things. Many people often say that they would prefer good news, but is that actually true?

  To explore this possibility, the researchers set up an experiment at McGill University in Canada. They invited participants to come to the lab for “a study of eye tracking”. The volunteers were first asked to select some stories about politics to read from a news website so that a camera could make some eye-tracking measures,but it didn’t matter what they read.

  After this “preparation" stage, they watched a short video, and then they answered questions on the kind of political news they would like to read.

  The results of the experiment, as well as the stories that were read most, were somewhat depressing. Participants often chose stories with a negative tone rather than positive stories. People who were more interested in current affairs and politics were particularly likely to choose the bad news. And yet when asked, these people said they preferred good news. On average, they said that the media was too focused on negative stories.

  The researchers present their experiment as solid evidence of a so called “negativity bias”,a psychologists’ term for our collective hunger to hear, and remember bad news. It isn’t just schadenfreude(幸災(zāi)樂禍). The theory goes, but we’ve evolved to react quickly to potential threats. Bad news could be a signal that we need to change what we’re doing to avoid danger.

  32. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. Why does bad news dominate the headline?

  B. How do more people become so pessimistic?

  C. Why do more bad things happen than good ones?

  D. How does the media influence people’s choices?

  33. The researchers conducted their experiment by_.

  A. training the volunteers to cover the good news

  B. asking volunteers to read only political news

  C. learning about people’s reading habits

  D. making a study of eye tracking for volunteers

  34. When asked about their preference for bad news, the participants_.

  A. admitted not making right choices

  B. placed blame on the media

  C. told the truth without hiding anything

  D. complained that they were misled

  35. The underlined phrase “negativity bias" in the last Paragraph refers to _.

  A. the media’s enthusiasm for collecting valuable news

  B. the readers’ strong desire to see all kinds of bad news

  C. the psychologists’ concern about what will be chosen

  D. the trends which represent the bad side of society


  根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填人空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項 涂黑。選項中有兩項為多余選項。

  Each year on Christmas, families around America gather around, exchange gifts and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Many Jews, meanwhile, feast on(盡情享用)Chinese food. 36 Jews flood to Chinese restaurants on Christmas because Jews regard eating Chinese food as a special occasion.

  The tradition has become something of a national one. 37 Interest in Chinese food increases considerably each and every year on Christmas, as evidenced by Google search trends. No other day during the year compares. The same phenomenon emerges each year, dating back at least to 2004, when Google trends data began to be available.

  38 But anyone searching for Chinese food on Google will see in the results tons of reviews and menu sites, such as Yelp and Menupages. In addition, online delivery service GrubHub has noted a significant jump in sales of Chinese food on Christmas.

  Jews are not the only ones eating Chinese food on Christmas. 39 Why eating Chinese food on Christmas has become a major part of the Jewish Christmas experience in America is unclear. There’s the fact that few other places are open for dinner that day. And then there’s the long-held relation for Chinese food among Jewish Americans throughout the year, not just on Christmas. 40 Its quality and price are some other reasons why Chinese food became so important to New York Jews.

  A. The convenience of the Chinese food is the greatest appeal.

  B. For American Jews, eating Chinese food reaches its peak on Christmas.

  C. It’s deeply-rooted not only in folk culture, but also shown in some big data.

  D. But few cultures or religions are as famous for the practice in America.

  E. Generally, many Chinese restaurants are designed in homely manners.

  F. And Chinese restaurants have to choose business locations where Jews gather.

  G. It’s hard to prove that those searches are driven purely by a desire to eat Chinese food.


  第一節(jié)完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A,B,C和D)中,選出可以填人空白處 的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  Before studying at university I took a year off to be a volunteer. Twice a week I 41 go to the City Mission Hall,preparing soup and sandwiches for the homeless, or simply offering a (an) 42 as they shared their stories. Working with the homeless, I 43 friendship with them which never left me.

  Two years later, while riding a bus, I had a chance 44 with a homeless man, an alcoholic, at the railway station. He looked much older though only in his forties. After I bought him a coffee, he 45 me photographs of his family and made a surprising 46 . He had been on the streets for three years, following the breakdown of his marriage due to his 47 . He hadn’t heard from his children since they moved to Canada with his ex-wife. Too 48 to speak to them directly, he asked me if I would 49 his home number to see if they were all right. “Just let my wife know that I am 50 and I think about the children every day," he 51 .

  I did make the 52 . As soon as I explained the reason for the call, all I could 53 on the other end was sobbing. I 54 for causing the pain, and his wife replied, “No, thank you very much. Please tell him we love him and just want him to get his life back on 55 . Maybe one day we can visit him when he’s in the right place." When I 56 to the stranger and shared the news with him, he burst into tears.

  I have no idea whether his story ended 57 or in tragedy, but for him, the offer of 58 and a listening ear was the greatest 59 he received that day. What he said to me in that station cafe shapes the way I approach 60 : “You can’t save souls in shiny shoes. ”

  41. A. can B. would C. must D. might

  42. A. meal B. head C. ear D. heart

  43. A. gave up B. sped up C. brought up D. built up

  44. A. encounter B. discovery C. accident D. argument

  45. A. took B. showed C. offered D. taught

  46. A. appointment B. suggestion C. request D. fortune

  47. A. application B. addiction C. contribution D. occupation

  48. A. confident B. astonished C. cautious D. embarrassed

  49. A. ring B. check C. list D. ask

  50. A. strong B. happy C. alone D. sorry

  51. A. begged B. warned C. remarked D. prayed

  52. A. call B. mistake C. progress D. promise

  53. A. imagine B. feel C. recognize D. hear

  54. A. regretted B. punished C. apologized D. hesitated

  55. A. vacation B. track C. schedule D. purpose

  56. A. phoned B. recovered C. promised D. returned

  57. A. bitterly B. differently C. happily D. suddenly

  58. A. opportunity B. friendship C. hardship D. harmony

  59. A. gift B. change C. warning D. excuse

  60. A. volunteering B. persuading C. promoting D. complaining



  第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分15分)


  Cultural TV programs have experienced a come-back at the start of the Chinese New Year. Two weeks after the hit show Chinese Poetry Competition, a new program, Readers,has become a nationwide sensation, 61 (inspire) fresh enthusiasm for literature in China.

  The weekly talk show, hosted by the famous TV personality Dong Qing, 62 (invite) people from all walks of life to read aloud poems, essays and book excerpts(節(jié)選) they like or wrote. The guests who 63 (participant) in it also share their own life stories explaining the reason 64 particular pieces touched their hearts.

  Three days after its first broadcast on CCTV-1, Readers has enjoyed 65 instant success and struck thousands of people. Through the poetic words, Readers has brought the 66 (lose) habit of reading aloud back into the public spotlight.

  Readers is one of the culture-themed TV programs to restore the country’s passion for literature in recent years. Its success is very 67 (encourage) in today’s television world where reality shows 68 (play) a leading part so far.

  69 more people reflecting on their own reading habits, the question now is: when is the last time you read a poem 70 book excerpts aloud?



  假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中 共有10處錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。

  增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(A ),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。





  As far as we know, more and more buzzwords(流行詞)are being used in our daily life. At the meanwhile, the buzzwords are so popular because some of them are used even in class. Different students has different opinions about it.

  As for me, it is useless to use buzzwords in daily life because buzzwords made it easy for people to tell their emotions. But I don’t agree to use them in class. First, what it is important for us is to improve our writing skills. Use buzzwords may not be good. Besides, we shouldn’t use these words on such formal occasion. Popular as buzzwords are, we shouldn’t use it everywhere. Instead, we are supposed to use them proper.



  A week ago I quarreled with my deskmate. He is always too noisy while I am studying, which makes me unable to concentrate on my lessons. I am afraid that I might not do very well in the coming exam. Now I am in great depression. What should I do now?


  I' m LiHua.


  第一部分聽力(每小題1. 5分,滿分30分)

  1—5 CBCCA 6—10 BACCC 11 一 15 BBCAA 16—20 ABACB


  21-23 BDA 24-27 CADC 28 — 31 DDBC 32 — 35ADBB 36-40 BCGDA


  第一節(jié)(每小題1. 5分,滿分30分)

  41-45 BCDAB 46-50 CBDAD 51 — 55 AADCB 56 — 60 DCBAA

  第二節(jié)(每小題1. 5分,滿分15分)

  61. inspiring 62. invites 63. participate 64. why 65. an 66. lost 67. encouraging 68. have played 69. With 70. or 第四部分寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)


  As far as we know, more and more buzzwords(流行詞)are being used in our daily

  life. At the meanwhile, the buzzwords are so popular because some of them are used even

  In that

  in class. Different students has different opinions about it.


  As for me, it is useless to use buzzwords in daily life because buzzwords made it easy

  useful make

  for people to tell their emotions. But I don’t agree to use them in class. First, what it is


  important for us is to improve our writing skills. Use buzzwords may not be good.


  Besides, we shouldn’t use these words on such formal occasion. Popular as buzzwords


  are, we shouldn’t use it everywhere. Instead, we are supposed to use them proper .

  them properly











沒有付出,就沒有收獲,高考加油!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的2017年陜西高考英語真題,僅供大家參考! 2017年陜西高考英語真題 第I卷(滿分100分) 第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)朿后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上


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    天道酬勤,以前的每一分付出,必將收到百倍回報。祝高考成功!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的2017年陜西高考英語試題,僅供大家參考! 2017年陜西高考英

  • 2017年陜西高考英語試卷及參考答案
