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  Li Lin (1915.11.15-1940.4.26), formerly known as Li Xiuruo, female, Fujian Longxi County people. Li Lin childhood aristocratic Javanese, 1929, returned to the United States and secondary school, 1933, Shanghai patriotic women, and actively participate in student anti-Japanese national salvation movement. 1936 to participate in the revolution, to participate in the creation of Yanbei revolutionary base, against the Japanese. April 26, 1940 sacrifice in Shanxi Province Shuozhou City Pinglu District, Ping Lu District to commemorate Li Lin martyrs, the establishment of "Li Lin secondary school." 2009 was selected as one of the 100 heroes who made outstanding contributions to the founding of new China.


  Ten years of residence

  Li Lin, was born in 1915 was abandoned in Fujian Zhangzhou tower mouth Temple. 40 days after the adoptive mother tea adoption, 3 years old with the nostalgia Dutch Java 10 years, suffering from colonial rule oppression, knowing that no strong motherland to do the pain of backing. 9-year-old scholar Li Xiuruo, into the father-in-law founded by the overseas Chinese primary school, to resist the Dutch colonial authorities not allowed Chinese school teaching Chinese and Chinese history, geographical ban.

  Go back to study

  In the spring of 1929, Li Lin with his mother back home, into the Xiamen Jimei school, and joined the Jimei anti-Japanese national salvation team.

  In the winter of 1933, Li Lin attended the patriotic women in Shanghai, participated in the "anti-Japanese national salvation youth group" led by the Communists, and wrote the vow of "willing to fight for bloodstained clothing and injustice pirates".

  In 1936, Li Lin came to the center of the anti-Japanese national salvation movement, admitted to the Department of Political Economy of Peking University. She read Marxist-Leninist writings, participated in various anti-Japanese national salvation activities, and joined the Chinese Communist Party's peripheral organization "Chinese national liberation vanguard". In the same year on December 12, Peking Union to protest the Kuomintang government in Shanghai to arrest the National Salvation "seven gentleman" incident, organized a large-scale demonstrations. Li Lin served as the flag-for-law team of the Republic of China, in the face of police violence to stop, and resolutely protect the flag does not fall.

  Participate in the revolution

  At the end of 1936, Li Lin joined the Communist Party of China and responded to the call of the Peking Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to Taiyuan to participate in the military training course of the National Normal School, which was held by Shanxi Sacrifice and National Salvation Association, and received military training. secretary.

  Propaganda war

  1937 seventy-seven Marco Polo Bridge incident broke out, Li Lin asked to the front of the enemy, was sent to Datong, sacrifice to save the National League Datong Central District Propaganda Department minister. After the Jin Sui Border Area Working Committee to Yanbei anti-Japanese front, publicity and organization of workers, farmers, students to participate in anti-Japanese armed. Organize training courses, prepare military, political textbooks, teach in person, educate and armed youth.

  Yanbei anti-Japanese

  In November 1937, Ren Yanbei anti-Japanese guerrillas detachment of the 8th detachment and political director, led his troops and the puppet troops to fight, to open up a new war zone.

  In the spring of 1938, Li Lin was reorganized after the reorganization of the independent detachment cavalry battalion instructor, led his troops to Yanbei, Sui Nan and Japanese and puppet troops fighting, surprise "long water" stronghold, swept Hongtao mountain, break Dai Yuezhen. In the autumn of the same year, he was the Minister of Publicity of the Special Committee of the CPC Jin Sui Border Region and the local armed forces.

  March 1939 to participate in Yan Xishan in Yichang Qiushuan town held in Shanxi Jin Sui military ministers meeting, with the Kuomintang diehards were tit for tat struggle to iron facts and personal experience, about the Eighth Route Army and Shanxi New Army in the enemy , Born into death, against the Japanese and puppet troops heroic feat. Yan Xishan had personally sent to her to coercion and inducement, Li Lin unmoved, adhere to the facts, causing strong public attention, smashing the Kuomintang anti-communist plot.

  In January 1940, he was appointed as the secretary of the 11th Executive Committee of the Jinsui Border Region and was elected as a member of the Administrative Committee of the Border Area Administrative Office.

  Heroic justice

  In April 1940, the Japanese and puppet troops concentrated 12,000 troops, the Jinsui border area "raids." 26, Jin Sui border special committee, the 11th administrative commissioner organs and mass organizations, such as more than 500 people were surrounded. In order to cover the organs and the masses break through, she regardless of pregnant with 3 months of pregnancy, the rate of cavalry even rushed to kill, the Japanese puppet troops to open, but they were besieged in the small Guojiazhuang shady hilltop. In the legs and chest after a number of wounded, still heroic fight, killed and killed 6 Japanese puppet troops. Was surrounded by Japanese puppet troops, she would rather die, with the last bullet shot into the throat and sacrifice.

  Li Lin sacrifice, thousands of anti-Japanese warriors and resident masses, held a grand memorial meeting for her. Li Lin sacrifice when the blood soldier was removed, sent to the revolutionary holy Yan'an. In order to sustenance of people's infinite grief, the local thousands of anti-Japanese military and civilian held a grand memorial meeting, in Hongtao Mountain East Lake Village at the foot of the mountain, built Li Lin martyrs tomb. Tombstone engraved with: "Hao Qi Guan Hong Tao, Bi blood stained mulberry. Loyal to the national record, Yong live in the world.


  In December 1936, "Seven Gentlemen" outbreak of injustice, Li Lin served as the Republic of China procession team flagpell, and the police in a fierce conflict, causing the head injury, but still adhere to the end of the procession, the demonstrations for the "seven gentlemen" Fair trial provides strong mass support.

  March 1939, Yan Xishan held "Qiulin meeting" to create rumors, vain attempt to lift the anti-Communist climax. Li Linnan went to the meeting, with his own experience and saw and heard, in front of Yan Xishan three times to speak, refuted the Kuomintang diehards rumors, causing the press, the film industry attention, the KMT created a strong public pressure, To contain the Kuomintang's anti-communist plot.

  In September 1939, in the face of the seventh day of the Japanese and puppet troops quickly raids, Li Lin led the cavalry company, the use of "tigers from the mountains" strategy, surprise Japanese Daiyue town stronghold, forced the Japanese puppet troops back to aid, lifted the sweep crisis, Yanbei party and government organs head.





