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  Bing Xin (October 5, 1900 - February 28, 1999), female, formerly known as Xie Wanying, Fujian Changle people, China Democracy Association (people) members. Chinese poets, modern writers, translators, children's literature writers, social activists, essayists. Pen name Bing Xin from "a Bingxin in the jade pot." August 1919, "Morning News", Bing Xin published the first prose "twenty-one hearing of the feelings" and the first novel "two families." In 1923 before and after studying abroad, began to publish the total name of "send a small reader" communication prose, become the foundation of Chinese children's literature. In 1946 in Japan by the University of Tokyo hired as the first foreign female professor, teaching "Chinese new literature" course, in 1951 to return to China.

  February 28, 1999 21:12 Bing heart died in Beijing Hospital, at the age of 99, known as the "century old man."


  October 5, 1900 Bing heart was born in Fuzhou three square seven road Xie house (now Gulou District Yangqiao East Road on the 17th), the house is also the former residence of Lin Chueh-min, is the ice heart grandfather Xie Luanen Lin family from the purchase of Lin. The following year in May, the family moved to Shanghai.

  In 1903, because his father Xie Baozhang ordered the naval training camp commander, at the same time responsible for organizing the naval school, with the father moved to Yantai, lived in 8 years spent her happy and colorful childhood. In Yantai, she began to study, home private school during the study, has been in contact with Chinese classical literature, 7 years old read the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin" and so on. At the same time, also read the Commercial Press published "said the Department of books", including the famous British writer Diego's "piece of meat," and other nineteenth century critical realism works.

  1911 (one said to 1912), into the Fuzhou Women's Normal School began preparatory study.

  In 1913 the father moved to Beijing, living in the iron lion alley in the scissors Lane, his father Xie Baozhang came to Beijing as the Republic of China Military Department of Military Affairs Director.

  In 1914, he was enrolled in the Beijing school.

  In 1918, he was enrolled in the science and technology of the Concord Women's University, and began to become a student and was influenced by the May Fourth Movement and the New Culture Movement. He was chosen as a student council, student movement, and therefore, The work of the Union Propaganda Unit. During this period with the novel "Sri Lanka independence haggard", poetry "star spring water", short story "Superman".

  In August 1919, "Morning News", Bing Xin published the first essay "twenty-one hearing of the feelings" and the first novel "two families." The latter for the first time using the "Bing Xin" the pen name. As the work directly related to major social problems, soon affected. After the written "Sri Lanka alone haggard" "to the country", "autumn autumn rain worry" and other "problem novel", highlighting the feudal family of human nature, the face of the new world two generations of fierce conflict and warlord The pain of the people.

  In 1921 to participate in Mao Dun, Zheng Zhenduo, who initiated the literary research, and strive to practice the "life" of the artistic purpose, published a novel collection "Superman", poetry "stars" and so on.

  In 1923 to enter the Yanjing University, Yan large period, Bing Xin in a priest home baptized home. After graduation, to the United States Boston Wellsley College for British literature, specializing in literary studies. Before and after studying abroad, had the journey and foreign knowledge written in prose sent back to the domestic publication, gathered as "send a small reader", is China's early children's literature. In the same year, with excellent results to obtain the United States Wellesley Women's University scholarship.

  In 1926, received a master's degree in literature returned, successively in Yanjing University, Peking University Women's College of Arts and Tsinghua University Department of Chinese teaching.

  1929 and Wu Wensheng marriage, married with her husband to travel to Europe and the United States, has in Japan, the United States, France, Britain, Italy, Germany, the Soviet Union and other places for a wide range of visits. For example, in the United Kingdom, Bing Xin and creative stream novels pioneer writer Wool on the literature and the Chinese issue of a long talk.

  1929 to 1933 wrote "points", "South", "winter girl" and so on. Also translated the Syrian writer Kellogg Gibran's "Prophet". At the end of 1933, "the living room of our wife" was written, and the content was suspected to be a forest emblem.

  During the war of resistance, in Chongqing with "men" pen wrote "on women", and in Kunming, Chongqing and other places to actively engage in creative and cultural salvation activities.

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he taught at the New China Literature Department of the University of Tokyo from 1949 to 1951, taught the history of Chinese new literature, and published some essays in the local press.

  In 1951 from Japan to return to China, during the Cultural Revolution was copied, and into the "bullpen", under the hot sun to accept the criticism. In early 1970, Bing Xin was decentralized to the five or seven dry schools in Xianning, Hubei to accept the transformation of labor until 1971, when President Nixon visited China, Bing Xin and her husband Wu Wen-sai returned to Beijing to accept the translation task. At this time she and Wu Wencong, Fei Xiaotong and other co-translation "World History" "World History" and other works.

  After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the motherland entered a new historical period, Bing Xin ushered in the second creation of the climax. In June 1980, Bing Xin first suffering from cerebral thrombosis, after the fracture, but she still insists on the creation, during this period published short story "empty nest", won the national outstanding short story award. And then created the "all things are top grade ... ..." "distant monk" and other works. Prose, in addition to "three send a small reader", the continuous creation of four series of articles, that is, "think of writing" "my autobiography" "on men" "stalemate". The number of works, the rich content, creative style unique, making her literary achievements reached a new realm, there has been a magnificent view of old age. Nearly nine years when the "I asked", "I thank", "to a reader's letter" and other works.

  In September 1994, Bing Xin was admitted to Beijing Hospital due to heart failure. On February 13, 1999, the disease deteriorated and died at the Beijing Hospital at 9:00 pm on February 28 of the same year. After the ice heart reported the crisis, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu Jintao and other central leaders and the Chinese Writers Association leaders and writers representatives have personally went to the hospital to visit her.



  Bing Xin in the characterization of characters, most do not have to rejuvenate, but also less carved, only sketch of the brushwork, light number of pen, the character image as if the water of the hibiscus, fresh spirit on the surface. "Six one sister", "winter girl", "small orange lamp" were shaped three living in different times the girl image. Bing Xin in the novel to shape a series of ideal, perfect young women's image. They are mostly kind-hearted, gentle and beautiful, lively and generous, stable and dignified. They are full of youth, full of vitality, with their own wisdom and talent, to win the dignity of women; to their own career on the brilliant achievements, access to men's respect. In addition there are a series of young people love the motherland, mercy of the gentle mother, sensible grandmother, as well as learned the old professor and many other images, revealing the warmth.

  In the artistic performance, Bing Xin good at drawing and using lyrical techniques. In the works, sometimes to narrate the tone directly to express emotions, and sometimes through the characters of the language or character of the psychological activities to reveal the author's subjective state of mind, so that the novel with a strong lyrical color.

  Bing Xin often like to use the first person narrative techniques. To "I" as a clue to the story, full of affectionate, talk to me see, heard, by, feel, touch, so that readers feel what happened in the novel, all life is true, no fiction Weaving the composition, there is no romantic color, no man-made dramatic conflict, no kitsch witty, with realistic and intimacy. This gives the author more freedom, can be more flexible to start, turn, change, the author's strong feelings to express, you can express more handy.

  Bing Xin's novels, less macro articles masterpiece, mostly fresh and timeless treasures. Many of her works seem simple, but far-reaching, leaving people endless memorable. She captures a fragment of real life, a journey in life, showing a side of the intricacies of social life. There is no bizarre story, no Jin Ge iron feat, but with a philosophical pursuit. She often with smart eyes, to observe the community, look at life; from the impact of interpersonal relationships, the outbreak of sparks, to capture the philosophy of life, sustenance of their own emotions, full of fresh philosophy and poetic.

  In the structure of the novel, most of the use of two-way structure of the framework, mutual mapping format. She often to two families, two people, two events, the two sides of the ocean as the main line, balanced development, development of the outcome, but it is very different. Through a clear contrast, to the people to inspire, thought-provoking. In the description of the novel, she often used white way to the simple pen and ink, without contrast, outline a clear image, the performance of her unique poetic love.

  Bing Xin's works are often arranged in the early morning, evening, moonlight; the scene of the event set in the beach, lake, park, mountain, ship; with the natural scenery of the description, the beauty of the characters and the environment As one, to meet the situation of the scene, resulting in a specific warm atmosphere.


  Bing Xin's prose, subject matter wide, meaning deep. Bing Xin through their own experience of the delicate description, vivid and vividly reflects a century, China's turbulent complex social life of some aspects. In the prose of Bing Xin can be seen in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China, imperialism, feudalism, bureaucratic comprador class oppression ravaged the Chinese people's misery, and heroic people, patriotic youth rise up against the heroic struggle of the screen. At the same time, the theme of Bing Xin's prose extends to the history, geography, culture and customs of many countries in the world, as well as the suffering and struggle of the masses. The readers can obtain rich international knowledge, such as ancient culture of Egypt and India. Japan's folk art and the development of cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world, and the deep friendship between the peoples of the world and the Chinese people have given new inspiration.

  Bing Xin's prose embodies the unique style that Bing Xin himself emphasizes. Bing Xin good at capturing the fragments of life, weaving in their own emotional waves, by virtue of a keen eye and fine emotions, the inner affection and foreign objects trigger together, love in the scene, the scene blend, to Readers enjoy the lofty beauty. Bing Xin attaches great importance to the beauty of prose. Her prose is novel and innovative. In the seemingly ordinary subject matter, creative surprising, framed fickle. This is by her ideological accomplishments and living environment cohesion from the beauty of love.

  Bing Xin in the prose of the creative process, with particular attention to the expression of feelings of the text. Bing Xin often their own aesthetic psychology and aesthetic ideals, with the help of the natural scene of the dye show.

  Bing Xin prose is not only clear words everywhere everywhere, and the full text is written very essence. Bing Xin is good at picking the essence of literary language, those who are refined, vivid, accurate, fresh language, woven into the works, so that the heart of the poem with poetry as beautiful language. And the inner rhythm and rhythm, like the "third (second)" of the third and tenth, from the level of emotions to Yang, to the rhythm of the speed, the length of the sentence, are very particular about. Bing Xin's prose, not just can see, and can chant, read rhyme natural, so that readers in the Yin, feel the beauty of music.

  Children's literature

  Bing Xin's children's literature is full of love and hope for children. Bing Xin from the characteristics of children, the education in the fun among the emotional people. Bing Xin never appeared in the face of the education of young children, not to vague preaching, blunt admonition to educate children, but with the way children talk to the heart, with cordial, euphemistic tone, tell their own life in the knowledge and Inner feelings, and narrative was so interesting, so sounds like, like there is a magic to attract small readers. Bing Xin in pouring their own feelings is so emotional and honest, leisurely, faintly affect the hearts of young children, prompting them in the excitement, happiness, excitement, unknowingly by the works of the theme of the idea of inspiration, Learn from it. Patriotism education for children and adolescents, inspiring children's national pride and national pride, is an important part of Bing Xin's children's literature. However, Bing Xin's work is not directly about how our country is great, how cute, why should patriotism and so on, but with sophisticated ideas and vivid scenes, to express love for the motherland.

  In the children's literature after the founding of the People's Republic of China, patriotic sentiment was more intense. The author of the motherland sincerely praise, not abstract, volley, but through the Bingxin personal feelings, naturally express it. This feeling is heard and heard, new and old contrast based; with the author's fine observation, the combination of art, vivid, vividly reflected.

  Bing Xin in their children's literature, but also often based on the characteristics of children's desire for knowledge, art interspersed with some astronomy, geography, history, science, all aspects of knowledge, instilled to small readers. But Bing Xin is not simply imparting knowledge, neither as a textbook system nor as a popular science book, but in a streamlined description, there is a wealth of knowledge. Can be said to be knowledge in the image of the way to art, through vivid, lively image of the description, so that children in the fun of reading, expand the knowledge, add a new wisdom.

  Bing Xin to children's literature works on the education of young people, but it is not an abstract conceptual, but with a specific social life, closely linked. Such as the verdant trees, neatly like a green carpet like wheat fields, the sun set the golden artificial lake, this magnificent fish and rice town, is hard-working, brave, smart people, the desert mud plot of the earth, converted up of. There are flowers and mountains of the United States, the beauty of urban and rural areas. In the natural beauty, into the beauty of social life. This kind of aesthetic education can inspire children to love life, love life, love the cause, motivate them to fight for the transformation of the world, and strive to create a better future. Children's literature and other arts, "to help fight, up, beautify the various actions."








冰心,原名謝婉瑩,中國民主促進(jìn)會(民進(jìn))成員。中國詩人,現(xiàn)代作家、翻譯家、兒童文學(xué)作家、社會活動家、散文家。筆名冰心取自一片冰心在玉壺。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的冰心英文簡介,供大家參閱! 冰心簡介 Bing Xin (October 5, 1