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  尊敬的xxxxxx學(xué)校諸位老師: 您好,我是xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx公司的禮賓部經(jīng)理xxxxx。得知我公司優(yōu)秀實習(xí)員工xxxxx想要出國深造,我感到非常高興和無比欣慰。在我看來這樣一個上進的年輕人應(yīng)該接受良好的教育擁有更輝煌的未來。因此,我很榮幸向貴校強烈推薦這位優(yōu)秀青年。

  xxxxx在大四的時候來我公司報告實習(xí)。他利于閑暇時間大量閱讀參考有關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)的書籍,虛心向其他員工請教,相比其他實習(xí)員工更快的融入了公司的工作節(jié)奏。漸漸地,他開始精通各項業(yè)務(wù),并取得一定成績。對此他并沒有滿足更沒有驕傲自大。相反,遇到難題,他仍然虛心與同事交流討論直到找出解決方案為止。鑒于他在實習(xí)期的出色表現(xiàn),我公司準(zhǔn)備招收他為正式員工(通常我公司不予考慮應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生)。 xxxxx給我的印象是工作態(tài)度端正,為人誠實可靠,因為我單位外賓較多,大多對本地情況不熟悉,有一位客人需要買一根電源線,拜托xxxxx幫助他,并交給他1000元現(xiàn)金,xxxxx按照客戶要求買到了電源線并將找零的錢全數(shù)還給了客人,事后我收到了客人對他的表揚信。 xxxxx另一大優(yōu)點是學(xué)習(xí)能力強,他熟記酒店到各著名旅游景點的交通路線及費用等信息,對客人做到有問必答,有答必諾,為此,他曾多次收到客人的表揚信和希爾頓美好時刻卡片。(可以再展開一些事跡)

  現(xiàn)在,做為我公司的一名業(yè)務(wù)骨干,xxxxx工作更加認真,負責(zé),努力。為所有同事樹立了榜樣。付出就有獲得,他因此被評為本公司優(yōu)秀員工,并享有高額獎金。 雖然從某種程度上來說,如此優(yōu)秀的員工即將踏上留學(xué)之途是我公司的損失,但是考慮到他的前途,我依然毫不猶豫的支持他遠赴貴校深造。真誠期望貴校能同樣支持他,給他一個提升自己實現(xiàn)夢想的機會。謝謝。




  您好,我是**,**會計師事務(wù)所副所長、合伙人。美國蒙東那大學(xué)工商管理學(xué)碩士。 得知我公司優(yōu)秀實習(xí)生**準(zhǔn)備出國深造,我感到非常高興和無比欣慰。在我看來這樣一個上進的年輕人應(yīng)該接受良好的教育擁有更輝煌的未來。因此,我很榮幸向貴學(xué)校強烈推薦這位優(yōu)秀青年。



  雖然從某種程度上來說,如此優(yōu)秀的實習(xí)生已經(jīng)踏上留學(xué)之途是我公司的損失,但是考慮到她的前途,我依然毫不猶豫的支持她遠赴貴學(xué)校深造。真誠期望貴學(xué)校能同樣支持她,給她一個提升自己實現(xiàn)夢想的機會。謝謝。 合伙人:**

  2013年1月6日 電話: 郵箱:


  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for xxx. From July 2011,XXX had been an intern student of mine in YunNao Astronomical Observatory [Chinese Academy of Sciences] Observatory for 2 months. He majored in Engineering and Automation when he is in college, so he has a strong Engineering background.

  He gave me a very profound impression while he was practicing in the observatory. The first thing I want to point out is that he has the determination which bears hardships and stands hard work. The circumstances here arc really bad. The altitude at GagMciGu is more than 3500 meters so that it is freezing all the year round; moreover, the air is too thin for people to breathe. But xxx can bear all these bad circumstances, therefore, it has led to the fact that he is a man who has strong will power and can endure hardships.

  XXX is the best intern student which I have ever had. While he was working with us, he had a desire to learn and he learned quick and well. He always took notes while we were teaching him something new, furthermore, during his rest time he will review what he have learned that day and discuss with us about what he was not quite understand. I considered that this is really a good way of learning. I also found that he has a strong team spirit, he fitted into our group quickly and he got along with them well.

  X\x has proactive working attitude and dedication to achievement. During his internship, he was assigned to collect the scientific data by using 2.4m Telescope for stars observation. In each observation assignment. h« tried his best to testify different approach to obtain most relevant information and data, and also utilized his excellent computer skills to do information classification. No matter the matter assigned was big or small, he could do well.

  Based on his good performance in our observatory, I therefore strongly recommend xxx to your programme. I would appreciate it if you could give this sman boy application a positive consideration. Please contact me if you have any more questions about his application.

  Sincerely yours

  Director, GaoMcjQii Observatory, {Sub-Observatory of Yunnan Astronomical Observatory)

  Chinese Academy o! Sciences


