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  1) If my life is a movie,then you are the pop-up ads 如果我的人生是一部電影,你就是那彈出來的廣告

  2) Hope never abandons you;you abandon it 希望從來不會放棄你,是你放棄了希望How much can we wait for in life?You don't retrieve me and I can't wait for you——人生能有幾多可等,你不挽回我,我等不了你。

  3) Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced并不是你面對了,任何事情都能改變。(勵志歌曲 wwwlzcn)但是,如果你不肯面對,那什么也變不了。

  4) If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow要想射中靶,必須瞄準(zhǔn)比靶略為高些,因為脫弦之箭都受到地心引力的影響。

  5) The nights I don't dream about you are the nights I stay up thinking of you 在沒有夢見你的晚上,我整晚都在想你。

  6) No matter how many miles stood between us, love has no distance in our hearts 盡管我們相隔千里,但在我們的心里面,愛是沒有距離的。

  7) Smile to cover up the sad and silent all the way ——微笑掩蓋悲傷,沉默詮釋一切。

  8) Sometimes the things that seems messed up to everyone else is what's right for you -Kristen Stewart——有時候,對別人都不適應(yīng)的方法,對你確是最合適的。

  9) He doesn't even know I exist他甚至,都不知道我的存在。

  10) Many things pass by,just like this love which is doomed to have no way back許多東西擦肩而過,就像這場愛情,注定沒有歸途


  1) The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long —— 在你想要放棄的那一刻,想想為什么當(dāng)初堅持走到了這里。

  2) memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past。—— 回憶是非常美好的事,只要你能讓過去的都過去。

  3) Passionate love is a quenchless thirst熱烈的愛情是不可抑制的渴望。

  4) Eternity is not a distance but a decision在回憶里繼續(xù)夢幻不如在地獄里等待天堂

  5) A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future真正的朋友會接受你的過去,力挺你的現(xiàn)在,鼓舞你的將來。

  6) In the past, I only wanted people to see the best of me Now, I find that I do not mind your seeing my faults because I want you to accept me the way I am 以往,我只在人前呈現(xiàn)出最好的一面。如今我不介意你看到我的缺點,因為我希望你接受的,是一個完整的我。

  7) A friend who betray you in the end, is never your friend from the beginning——最終背叛你的朋友,其實一開始就不是你的朋友。

  8) Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak愛比大衣更能驅(qū)走寒冷。

  9) Whatever happened in the past is gone, the best is always yet to come ------ 無論過去發(fā)生什么,最好的永遠(yuǎn)尚未到來。

  10) He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well 有本事任性的人,也會有本事堅強(qiáng)

  11) Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there 距離會讓你遺忘,但是回憶卻會永駐。

  12) If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry如果你希望成功,當(dāng)以恒心為良友、以經(jīng)驗為參謀、以謹(jǐn)慎為兄弟、以希望為哨兵。

  13) You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too不知道什么是憂傷,就不會真正感激幸福。

  14) Don't judge someone's past, when you haven't walked their journey!——如果你沒有經(jīng)歷過別人所經(jīng)歷的事情,就不要去評判一個人的過去!

  15) Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture 幸福是每一個微小愿望的達(dá)成。

  16) Life is a long journey Don\'t waste your time waiting for people who are not willing to walk with you------ 生活是一場漫長的旅行,不要浪費時間,去等待那些不愿與你攜手同行的人。

  17) Age wrinkles the body Quitting wrinkles the soul歲月使皮膚起皺,放棄使靈魂起皺。

  18) The face can speak a thousand emotions but it can easily mask what the heart truly feels The happiest face may be masking the most hurting heart 一張臉能訴說千種情緒,卻很容易掩飾心情。最快樂的面具下,也許是一顆最傷的心

  19) Why am i so afraid to lose you when you are not even mine? 為什么我還是如此的擔(dān)心失去你,即使你都已經(jīng)不是我的?

  20) I missed you but I missing you I missing you but I missed you I see you but I seeing you I seeing you but I see you ——明明已經(jīng)錯過你,但我卻還在想念你。當(dāng)我想念你的時候,但我不能再擁有你。明明已經(jīng)別離,卻又再次相遇。當(dāng)我們再次相遇時,卻不得不說再見。

  21) There is no fast track to success, and no highway to happiness All success comes from tireless effort and pursuit;and all happiness comes from daily struggle and perseverance成功沒有快車道,幸福沒有高速路。所有的成功都來自不倦的努力和奔跑;所有幸福都來自平凡的奮斗和堅持。

  22) Tell yourself everyday : I am really great /每天告訴自己:我真的很不錯!

  23) Every story has an ending But in life, every ending is a new beginning——所有的故事,都有一個結(jié)局。但幸運的是,在生活中,每個結(jié)局都會變成一個新的開始。

  24) Sometimes, I wish I can walk through timely, and meet the back was still a child有時候,真希望自己可以適時的穿越回去,去見見那個還是個小孩子的自己

  25) You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction——如果晚上帶著滿意入睡,早上就會更有決心起床!





