學習啦 > 熱門句子 > 個性簽名大全 > QQ個性簽名 > qq英文簽名經(jīng)典語句


時間: 方婷698 分享




  1) And missing you is like fighting a war想念你像是一場爭戰(zhàn)。

  2) If deep will not be disappoint.倘若深情不被辜負.

  3) I will always love, even if you are not 我會一直愛,就算你不在

  4) Smiled and said goodbye, tears never fall.笑著說再見,眼淚決不掉。

  5) I want you stay with the love?!疚蚁肽愫蛺垡黄鹆粝?。】

  6) If yesterday is memory, today I want to memory loss 如果說昨天是回憶,今天我卻想失憶。

  7) I miss the old days我想念過去的日子。

  8) Why take dignity to retain a changed heart何必拿尊嚴去挽留一個變了心的人。

  9) You can smile, but not empathy 可以微笑,卻無法感同身受

  10) And forever has no end.永永遠遠,永無止境.


  1) Know that he is a dream 深知他是夢。

  2) Is your pale I wait, irony, my obsession是你蒼白了我的等待,諷刺了我的執(zhí)著

  3) Learn to sorrow blind eye。學會熟視無睹對于悲傷。

  4) Love you love a good pain 愛你愛的好痛

  5) You bring color into my life! 是你讓我的生活五彩斑斕起來!

  6) You have to learn how to accept rejection and reject acceptance你必須學會接受拒絕和拒絕接受。

  7) My heart is blind but I do not care】 -我的心已經(jīng)壞了,但我不在乎。

  8) My grave is not short of you to burn incense.我的墳墓還不需要你來上香。

  9) Without you I can also live well every day沒你我也可以過好每一天。

  10) Let go of what you can’t change放棄那些你改變不了的。

  11) Beauty is to fight for rather than to wait for.只有拼出來的美麗,沒有等出來的輝煌。

  12) Is you insufficiently rigid, I give you insufficiently profoundly.是你不夠執(zhí)著,還是我給你的不夠深刻。

  13) Life is like a playAnyone who acts too much would feel tired.生活就像一場戲,演太多,誰都累。

  14) Do all things with love.帶著愛意去做所有的事。

  15) To forgive is easy,but to trust again is not that easy原諒是容易的。再次信任,就沒那么容易了。

  16) If you are not here, to whom is my happiness gonna show? 如果你都不在了,我要幸福給誰看。

  17) Fear is stupid,so are regrets恐懼是愚蠢的,悔恨也是一樣。

  18) One shows up in your dream,it is becau se he/she is thinking of you你們夢到了一個人,是因為那個人在想你。

  19) If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me如果我用你待我的方式來待你,恐怕你會恨死我。

  20) No matter what I do, all I think about is you無論我做什么,想的都是你。

  21) There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure在每一次失敗里都藏著秘密機遇。

  22) What others think of you is none of your business別人怎么看你,與你無關。

  23) You want change Then learn how to compromise你想改變,就得學會妥協(xié)。

  24) How I wish to know how to quit you.我多想知道怎么戒掉你。

  25) Do everything in love做每一件事,都帶著愛。

  26) So long as a person no longer wants, anything may lay down一個人只要不再想要,就什么都可以放下。

  27) Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn有時候你會贏,有時候你則會得到教訓。

  28) Don’t let the past steal your present別讓過去悄悄偷走了你的當下。

  29) People who hide their feelings usually care the most隱藏情感的人往往在意的也最多

  30) Life is a beautiful struggle生命是一場美麗的掙扎。

  31) Shout it from the sea來自深海的呼喊

  32) I've been hdding their cry to helpless我曾抱著自己哭到無助

  33) My happiness is you我的悲喜都是你

  34) I have been,never left我一直在,從未離開。

  35) I don't wanna end up losin my soul我不想結束我的靈魂會輸

  36) I missed you but I missing you明明已經(jīng)錯過了你,但我還在想念你





