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  After three months of internship in Kede Leather Co., Ltd., I applied the knowledge of international trade in my school to work. The professional knowledge of foreign trade brought me a lot of help in my work.Deepened the understanding of the post with a single, really understand the work with a single content and responsibilities, not only with the seriousness of a single, but also to have a sense of responsibility, the only way to truly integrate into the work.

  With a single is a meticulous work, not by the slightest sloppy, a little bit of error may bring greater losses to the company. In the specific work process, as a new Merchandiser, to work continuously in learning. At the same time, I feel this with the post is a cumbersome and hard work, heavy workload, and repetitive work. It is necessary to master product knowledge, production and processing knowledge, document knowledge, international trade practice, and also have strong comprehensive analysis ability, adaptability, coordination ability, communication ability, the level of English is also required.

  Very high, not only to write, and oral to cross the border, or communication with customers on the existence of the problem. In the work, every colleague will be patient with me to explain business knowledge, selfless sharing of their work experience, in the event of error, leadership and colleagues are in line with the principle of understanding and education, and I patiently explain. In view of the excellent internal environment and the external environment, I gradually progress, has been integrated into the team.

  Practice has always been able to make people grow faster and understand more, this internship let me a company's foreign trade processes, the work areas, the company operation, the management of all departments have a deeper understanding, let me benefit from non- Shallow, but also let me work more confidence in the future.


  In the work with the single, the most important two points is attentive attitude and good communication skills, first of all careful, foreign trade with a single work, from the initial pI production, to the final shipment, and digital dealings, Weight, the number of pieces, the amount, etc., a 0 or a decimal point gap can lead to a huge error, because exports related to customs, customs information and B / L must be completely consistent, 0.01KG differences are not allowed, So be very careful to check all the data; and each guest's requirements are not the same, there are common and personality, is the same time guests, at different times under the different orders, so we have a good communicationCapacity, to know the customer's request, but also to understand the characteristics of customers not through the region, according to the needs of different customers to sell. In the internship process, you can find the interpersonal skills is very important. First, we must learn to deal with the relationship between the various levels of work, and colleagues, relations with superiors, and customer relations, must lay a good relationship with the parties, into the collective, and try to maintain the collective harmony; The other is to strengthen the ability of external interpersonal friends, with a strong enough network of people will be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

  Through this internship, I deeply understand that they have the ability to do things themselves must do this profound meaning. Only to develop their own independent ability to do things themselves can do better to exercise their ability to work in order to find their own deficiencies in order to have more space to think about innovation in order to continue to progress in the work. At work, there are problems, do not understand it should be bold to consult colleagues and, rather than pretend to understand, self-righteous; also have team spirit, mutual cooperation, mutual help and solidarity. Independent thinking, serious lessons, and actively learn the advantages of colleagues, take the initiative to admit mistakes and correct, humbly accept other people's criticism and opinions, and finally get is the most suitable for their own things.


  I, as a merchandiser, want to see themselves can be faster, more different types of orders to take over, you can with the whole process.And other members of the company to strengthen communication and understanding, to become a good Merchandiser. Two months of a pause there is no sound of the passage of time, at this time need to come back to sum up the occasion suddenly aware of the day of the rush. The following summary of my work as follows:

  Two months of the grinding practice matrix, arguably, in the end is a sword or rust iron should be from these days bit by bit performance should be exposed to the shiny, but until now, I have no confidence in their own shiny luster - In the two months, I have 20 days in the workshop internship, familiar with the product, the second month, into the office familiar with the business process with a single.

  Two months, I seriously comply with the company's rules and regulations, consciously and effectively completed their handling of everything. And to see and hear their new projects every day to summarize back to class. But also insist on writing a work diary (the guests responsible for their own list of the situation in a timely manner).

  I have been in the day of things, the principles of doing that day, the things they are responsible for their own, more responsible for the company. After 20 days of workshop study, I can produce a lot of conventional products, can identify whether the product is qualified, know how to do the product will look more beautiful (small tips).Workplace in the workshop summary, before I sum up each workshop on a way to some managers, and here will not do a further summary.

  Below I would like to summarize my study during the office. On the overall work experience, I was quite satisfied. But there are also some time, will feel a bit no sense of manipulation without head. Some things seem to be done, but the tail in the end how? Some things simply in the middle, it is fool to manipulate.

  Work on the biggest shortcomings

  1, has not really into the large family of Wenzhou Petty. For many other colleagues in the company's topic, not much understanding. This may be due to the relationship here just arrived, a lot of ideas can not keep up with their rhythm. But I have come to realize that this subtle relationship virtually. I believe I can make progress in the coming days.

  2. The company's production operations do not know enough. Despite the current work of these bottlenecks, but I believe, as long as the persistence of learning, constantly sum up. I will certainly be able to make progress in the coming days.

  I am at work on the harvest

  1, in the preparatory EU delegation to come to the Division I is the process of inspection, I studied the various parts of the form of production;

  2, the study of the erp system and the basic method of Manpower system;

  3, familiar with the division of labor of the company. Although this period there have been more embarrassing situation, such as do not know their professional problems encountered should go to whom? But now can finally cope with;

  I know that the performance of the above may not be able to let the leadership feel satisfied, frankly, I do not have much confidence in the process of doing business with a single piece of the manipulation process; But I firmly believe that they can in future work will be better, to ensure that leadership to meet.








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  • 跟單英文自我評價


  • 個性與發(fā)展英文自我評價


  • 個性與發(fā)展的英文自我評價

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  • 個性與創(chuàng)新的英文自我評價

    個性與創(chuàng)新都是現(xiàn)代社會推崇的兩個主題,但是對此的自我評價要怎么寫呢?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)淼南嚓P(guān)范文,相信對你會有幫助的。 個性與創(chuàng)新