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Hello, tourists. Welcome to Henan. I'm your guide Xiao Zhang. You can also call me Zhang Dao. A stable elder brother will escort your safe travel. That's Master Li who is driving behind me. This trip to Shaolin will be served by the two of us. There is a place in need We will try our best to solve the problem. Your satisfaction is the greatest affirmation of our work. Here, I wish you a happy and smooth journey. I also hope you can have a good time.

As the saying goes: "together is fate!" Here, I hope you can cherish this friendship, in the days of gathering, can care for each other, love each other, leave a beautiful and unforgettable memory for this journey!

Next, I'd like to give you a brief introduction of our trip today: we have already set foot on the journey, driving on Zheng Shao Expressway, passing through Xinmi and Dengfeng for about 90 minutes, and then we arrive at our destination today - Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Temple was first built in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty, that is, in 495 ad. it was built by Emperor Xiaowen to settle the Indian monk Batuo. Because it is located in the dense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it is called "Shaolin Temple". Thirty two years later, that is, in the third year of Xiaochang in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Bodhidharma, the 28th generation of Sakyamuni Buddha, came to Shaolin for three years to preach Zen for the first time, which had a great influence. Therefore, Shaolin Temple was collectively referred to as "Zen ancestral court" in the Buddhist circles, especially after "13 stick monks saved the king of Tang" in the early Tang Dynasty, which gained the attention of the Tang Dynasty and the reputation of "the first temple in the world". Today's Shaolin Temple is not only famous for its ancient and mysterious Buddhist culture, but also for its exquisite and practical Shaolin Kung Fu. In 1983, the film "Shaolin Temple" was released, which made Shaolin Temple famous all over the world. Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts.

While talking, the car has arrived in Xinmi. Xinmi has a long history and splendid culture. Liu Bang, the founder of the Western Han Dynasty, first set up Mi County. Until 1994, he withdrew the county and set up the city, which was called Xinmi. In the territory, there are Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor Palace, where the Yellow Emperor trains his troops and performs eight battle strategies, one of the largest Han tombs in China, the Han tomb at Dahuting, and the ancient county yamen in Mi County. Xinmi City is rich in coal reserves, known as the "hometown of Wujin". Xinmi's Honeysuckle and Miyu are also very famous. They were once offered to the palace as tribute.

After passing Xinmi, we entered Dengfeng. Dengfeng is a thousand year old county. In 690 ad, Wu Zetian ascended Songshan Mountain and granted Zhongyue mountain. After great success, she changed Songyang into Dengfeng, which is still in use today. Dengfeng is rich in tourism resources. Backed by Songshan Mountain, there are more than 150 cultural landscapes and more than 30 natural landscapes. Shaolin Temple, the most famous temple in the world, Yue Temple in the Taoist cave, and Songyang academy, the holy land of Confucianism, are all located on Mount Song, making Mount Song the only famous cultural mountain among the five mountains that integrates Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

Songshan is composed of two mountain groups with 72 peaks. It is roughly bounded by the Shaolin river. In the East is Taishi mountain, the main peak is Junji peak, with an altitude of 1494m; in the west is Shaoshi mountain, the main peak is liantian peak, with an altitude of 1512m, which is the highest peak of Song Mountain. Songshan Mountain is a natural geological museum. After many times of orogeny, Songshan Mountain has experienced "Archean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic", forming a unique geological phenomenon of "five generations together". Traveling in Songshan mountain can span hundreds of millions of years in one step.

Friends, now that we have arrived at the parking lot of Shaolin Temple scenic area, please take your belongings with you and get off with me. After entering Shaolin Temple, I hope you can keep up with the team, don't make noise, so as not to disturb the purity of Buddhism, and don't smoke, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. Well, friends, our activity time in the temple is three hours, and we will gather at the gate of the temple in three hours. Now, please come to visit with me.

You see, this is the first entrance building of Shaolin Temple, the mountain gate. The three words "Shaolin Temple" on the forehead of the gate were written by Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. The mountain gate was originally called "three gates", implying "three extrications" of Buddhism. Buddhism believes that people have "three poisons", namely "greed", "anger" and "infatuation". Greed is greed. Anger refers to narrow-minded and cynical, while infatuation refers to obsession, which should not be persistent but too hard to let go. Buddhism believes that after three courses, we will eliminate the three poisons and become a happy free man psychologically. You can see that the word "Zen and martial arts" on the mountain gate is exactly the annotation of Shaolin Temple, which is the ancestral court of Zen Buddhism and Shaolin martial arts. Zen is the soul and martial arts is the clothing. Practicing martial arts and practicing Zen, using Zen into martial arts, practicing both Zen and martial arts, "if you enter the temple, you will serve the country and save all living beings, if you retreat, you will participate in Zen, practice martial arts and practice Taoism.".

When you enter the Mountain Gate hall, the first thing you see is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly, also known as Yingbin Buddha. He graciously welcomes you. A couplet is called: "big belly can accommodate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world", "kind face often smiles and laughs at ridiculous people in the world". That's the Buddha. Let's look at the back of the niche. It's Bodhisattva Weituo, also known as Dharma protector. It holds a gold and steel pestle, and its duty is to protect the safety of the "Buddha, Dharma and monk" in the temple.

Dear friends, what we are seeing now is the second building of Shaolin Temple, the temple of heavenly king. The two vajras outside the hall are called "vajras", the Buddhist Dharma protectors. Under the influence of the romance of the gods, the masses call them the two generals of hem ha, whose duty is to protect the Dharma. The four heavenly kings, commonly known as the four vajras, are worshipped inside the hall. Their duty is to inspect the good and evil behaviors of all living beings, help the poor and subdue the world. The magic weapons they hold represent the good times and the good times, which also represents the feudal society Under the agricultural economy, people's most simple desire.

Now you can see two symmetrical tall buildings, the second floor of the bell and drum in Shaolin Temple. The bell tower is in the East and the drum tower is in the West. What we often call "morning bell and evening drum" is a signal of monks' daily life and Buddhist activities. Shaolin Temple is famous all over the world. It has attracted many celebrities to stop here and left many famous inscriptions. Please follow me to see this stone tablet of Shaolin Temple in Songyue of the huangtang Dynasty. It is commonly known as Li Shimin's stone tablet. It was written by Li Shimin in recognition of the thirteen stick monk's rescue. It is also the basis for shooting the film Shaolin Temple. In the fifth line from the right, there is Li Shimin's autograph "Shimin", The inscription "emperor taizongwen Yushu" was written by Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. Because of this, Shaolin Temple was highly valued by the Tang Dynasty, and Shaolin temple also won the reputation of "the most famous temple in the world".

Dear friends, we have come to the main building of the temple, the Mahavira hall, which is an important place for monks to carry out Buddhist activities. Please follow me to visit the hall. These three Buddhas are the real Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, the past Buddha, the pharmacist Buddha, and the future Buddha Amitabha Buddha. If you want to burn incense for your deceased relatives, you can go to the right side Amitabha, the future Buddha of Bian, advocates that the world is the Western Paradise, that is, no matter what position you are in the world, the paradise after you pass away is a place without worries and worries. In that world, everyone lives in peace, and the blind and deaf will not suffer any more, but will be worshipped in the middle It's the real Buddha - Sakyamuni Buddha. The world he advocates is a world where you can get something as long as you give, which is just in line with our present world. On the left is the Buddha of the past, the pharmacist Buddha of dongfangjing glass world. He advocates that the world is a world where there will never be disease, a world where there will never be medicine, away from the invasion of disease. Sakyamuni's Tathagata Buddha is his first and second disciples, JIAYE and Alan. The difference between the main hall and other temples is that on both sides there are standing statues of Bodhidharma and King jinnara, the founder of Shaolin cudgel. Why? The answer is in the next visit. Curious friends may find that there is a statue of Kirin under the pillars of the main hall, which indicates that Zen Buddhism is a completely sinicized Chinese Buddhism.

Well, friends, the explanation of Shaolin Temple is here first, and then you can visit it freely. Thank you for your support.


Ladies and gentlemen, the place we are going to visit is Shaolin Temple, the birthplace of Chinese Zen. Shaolin Temple was built in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (495 AD). It was founded by Yuanhong, Emperor Xiaowen, in order to settle Batuo, an Indian monk. Because it is located in the dense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it is called "Shaolin Temple". Bodhidharma, the 28th generation Buddha of Sakyamuni, arrived at Shaolin Temple in the third year of Xiaochang (527 AD) of the Northern Wei Dynasty and spread Zen Buddhism for the first time, which had a great influence. Therefore, Shaolin Temple is called "Zen ancestral court" by the world Buddhism, and develops rapidly on this basis. Especially after the thirteen stick monks rescued Li Shimin in the early Tang Dynasty, Shaolin Temple has been highly valued by the Tang Dynasty and won the reputation of "the first temple in the world".

Today's Shaolin Temple is famous not only for its ancient and mysterious Buddhist culture, but also for its exquisite Shaolin Kung Fu. "Chinese Kung Fu is the best in the world, and the world's Kung Fu is the best in Shaolin.". This is the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin martial arts is also recognized as the authentic School of Chinese martial arts.

Shaolin Temple is also one of the famous tourist attractions in China. In 2000, Shaolin Temple scenic spot was first recognized as the most advanced 4A tourist area in China by the National Tourism Administration.

Shaolin Temple scenic spots include Shaolin Temple, talin, Chuzu temple, erzu temple, Damo cave, Shifang temple, martial arts hall and other major tourist attractions.

Now the first thing we see is that Shaolin Temple is often hospitalized.

Shaolin Temple often hospitalized is the core of Shaolin Temple. It is the place where monks and deacons conduct Buddhist activities, with a total area of more than 30000 square meters. It is a seven entrance building. Now the first thing we see is:

Shanmen: Shanmen is the gate of Shaolin Temple. It was built in the Qing Dynasty and renovated in 1975. The word "Shaolin Temple" on the forehead was written by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. There is a square seal of "treasure of Kangxi's imperial pen".

The stone lions on both sides of the steps of the Mountain Gate hall are carved in the Ming Dynasty, which not only shows the style of Buddhism, but also symbolizes the suppression of evil and auspiciousness. On both sides of the mountain gate are East and West Stone squares built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty.

You see, the shrine in Shanmen hall is dedicated to Maitreya Buddha, also known as Yingbin Buddha. He is kind-hearted and welcomes you with a smile. We call Maitreya Buddha "dignified and solemn Mountain Gate, happy to see the world shining, laughing and greeting people, blessing endless bliss".

At the back of the niche in the Mountain Gate hall is the Bodhisattva Wei Tuo, known as the Dharma protector, who holds a diamond pestle to protect the three treasures of Buddhism, Buddhism and monks.

We can see that there are many inscriptions on both sides of Shanmen corridor, which are called Shaolin Temple stele forest. These are famous original inscriptions since Tang and Song dynasties. On the east side of the stele forest is the former site of Ciyun hall, which is now the stele corridor of Shaolin Temple. It not only records the rise and fall of the temple, but also has high research value in history, sculpture and art. There are 108 stele inscriptions in the stele forest and stele corridor of Shaolin Temple.

The western part of the tablet forest is the hammer spectrum hall, which has 42 corridors in one week. It shows the origin, development, practice, elite routine, national defense function, monks and soldiers, martial arts activities and so on by using clay sculpture and wood carvings, etc., displaying 14 sets of 216 hammer images in Shaolin Temple. There are meditation, running around the Buddha, Baduanjin, xiaohongquan, dahongquan, liuhequan, tongbangquan, luohanquan, zhaoyangquan, practicing basic skills, thirteen stick monk rescuing the king of Qin, Xiaoshan monk going out to battle, master yuekong pingwokou and laity disciples practicing martial arts. As the saying goes: five minutes in the hammer music hall, you can practice Shaolin Kung Fu by comparing these statues.

Tianwang Hall

What we see now is the second building of Tianwang hall. The original building of Tianwang hall was burned down by Shi Yousan in 1928. It was rebuilt in 1982. The two great vajras outside the hall are said to be "hum" and "ha" generals, whose duty is to protect Buddhism. Inside the hall are the four heavenly kings, also known as the four vajras. Their duty is to inspect the good and evil behaviors of all living beings, help the poor and help the poor, and bless the world. According to the combination characteristics of the four heavenly kings, it means "good weather".

main hall

It is the central building of the whole temple and an important place for monks to carry out Buddhist activities. Like Tianwang hall, it was burned by warlord Shi Yousan in 1928. It was rebuilt in 1985. The hall is a five room wide double eaves Xieshan style building. In the center of the hall is the present Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, on the left is the past Buddha, the pharmacist Buddha in the Oriental pure glass world, and on the right is the future Buddha, Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. On the East and West gables of the hall is the eighteen Arhats, and on the back of the screen wall is the Avalokitesvara. The difference between the main hall of Shaolin Temple and the main hall of other temples is that there are standing statues on the left and right of the third Buddha and the king jinnaro, known as the founder of Shaolin's cudgel art. In addition, there are two pillars in the middle of the hall, and there are Unicorn statues under them, which indicates that Zen Buddhism is a completely sinicized Chinese Buddhism.

The buildings on both sides of the main hall are the second floor of the bell and drum, the bell tower in the southeast and the drum tower in the southwest. The original buildings were destroyed in 1928 and rebuilt in 1994. They are the fixed buildings of the temple. We often say "morning bell and evening drum" is a signal for monks to live and carry out Buddhist activities.

In front of the bell tower, this tablet is called "emperor Songyue Shaolin Temple tablet", commonly known as "Li Shimin tablet", which was carved in the 16th year of Kaiyuan (728 AD) of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. On the front, Li Shimin's message to the master of Shaolin Temple and others praises Shaolin monks for their contribution to the Tang Dynasty's pacification of Wang Shichong. In the fifth line from the right, Li Shimin's initialed word "Shimin" is inscribed on the tablet. The seven characters "emperor's imperial script" are the imperial script of Emperor Xuanzong Li Longji of Tang Dynasty. The inscription on the back is Li Shimin's inscription on the imperial script of baiguzhuang in Shaolin Temple, which records the story of thirteen stick monks saving the king of Qin. It is also the historical basis for the film Shaolin Temple.

To the north of Li Shimin's stele is Xiaoshan Zen master Xingshi stele, which records the experience of the 24th generation Zen master of Cao Dongzong in Shaolin Temple and the merits of reviving Shaolin Zen. On the back of the stele is the tuzan stele of the three religions of Hunyuan, on which is engraved the image of the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. This stele reflects that Songshan is a place where the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism gather together, and embodies the important idea of the three religions merging. Further north, we can see the Qianlong imperial stele carved in 1750. The inscription on the tablet is a five character poem: to see Zhongyue tomorrow, to stay in Shaolin tonight, to be quiet in the heart according to the six Chan, to be deep in the mountains, to be quiet in the ancient trees, to be overcast in the night, to be taught half rock rain, and to sing from my window at night.

On the east side of the main hall is jinnaro hall, which was rebuilt in 1982. Jinnaro king is the unique Dharma protector of Shaolin Temple. It shows the three different images of King jinnaro: the body of Bao, the body of Dharma and the body of Ying.

On the west side of Daxiong hall, opposite to jinnaro hall, is liuzu hall. It was rebuilt in 1982. On the front side of the hall are Bodhisattva dashizhi, Manjusri, Guanyin, Puxian and dizang. On the two sides are Bodhisattva Dharma, Huike, can, Daoxin, Hongren and Huineng, the first ancestor of Zen. They are called the sixth ancestor worshipping Guanyin. On the west wall of liuzutang is a large-scale painted sculpture "Dharma walking only in the west".

Sutra Pavilion

Also known as FA Tang, it was built in the Ming Dynasty. It was destroyed in 1928 and rebuilt in 1994. It is the place for monks to collect scriptures. It is a white jade Buddha statue presented by a Burmese disciple of Shaolin Temple in 1996. There is a big iron pot under the platform of the Sutra Pavilion, which was cast in the Wanli year of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that it was a small pot used by Shaolin monks to fry vegetables at that time. From this pot, we can imagine the prosperity and prosperity of Shaolin Temple at that time.

The East and West chambers of the Sutra pavilion are the East Chan hall and the West Hakka hall respectively. The East Chan hall is a place for monks to meditate, while the West Hakka hall is now a place for guests.

The Abbot's room is the place where the abbot monk (the abbot) of Shaolin Temple lives, lives and administers. On September 29th, the 15th year of Qianlong, Qianlong stayed here when he visited Mount Song. The bell on the east side of the door of the Abbot's room was cast in the Yuan Dynasty. It can only be struck in case of emergency to give an alarm.

Dharma Pavilion

It is also called Lixue Pavilion. Inside the shrine, there are bronze seated statues of Dharma, on both sides of which are Huike, sengcan, Daoxin and Hongren. The word "snow print heart pearl" hanging in the hall is the title of Emperor Qianlong. There is another touching story about Damo Pavilion. According to Buddhist classics, after Dharma came to Shaolin Temple, a Chinese monk named Shengguang followed him. He humbly asked Dharma for advice, but was refused by Dharma. Shengguang was not disheartened. Dharma went to the cave to meditate on the wall. After that, Dharma went back to the temple to take care of Buddhism, and the light followed him. The light took good care of Dharma. Every move of Zen master, heart happy oral, so day after day, year after year. One night in the winter of 536 ad, Dharma was meditating in Dharma Pavilion, and the divine light was still standing outside the pavilion. At this time, there was heavy snow in the sky, and the snow covered the divine light's knees. The divine light still put his hands together and did not move. The next morning, when Dharma opened, he saw the divine light standing in the snow and asked him, "what are you doing in the snow?" The divine light replied, "please teach me the true dharma." "Dharma said:" I want to pass the Dharma to you, unless Tianlong red snow

Shenguang took out the sword and cut off his left arm. The blood suddenly turned red and snow white. Dharma was moved. So he passed the Almighty weapon to Shenguang as the evidence of spreading the Dharma, and named it "Huike". This is the origin of the idiom story of "true story of the alms". The story of "seeking the Dharma by breaking one's arm" has also been recited by Zen scholars. At the same time, in memory of Huike, the second patriarch, who broke his arm to get Buddhist dharma, people also called "Dharma Pavilion" as "Lixue Pavilion".

On the east side of Dharma Pavilion is Manjusri hall, in which Manjusri Bodhisattva is worshipped. Please follow me to visit the highest Hall of Shaolin Temple, which is also the most precious hall.

Thousand Buddha Hall

The thousand Buddha Hall, built in the Ming Dynasty, is the last building of Shaolin Temple, also known as Pilu Pavilion. The hall is more than 20 meters high and covers an area of more than 300 square meters. It is the largest Buddhist hall in the temple. The shrine in the hall is dedicated to Pilu Buddha (the Dharma body of Sakyamuni Buddha). The plaque of "Fa Yin Gao ti" hanging on the shrine is the imperial book of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The East, northwest and three walls of the hall are painted in the Ming Dynasty The large-scale color paintings of Pilu in the Luohan Dynasty were produced by unknown painters in the Ming Dynasty. They are exquisite and bold in design, and have high artistic research value. We can see from the ground that there are four rows of 48 stake pits on the bottom of the brick pavement in the hall. They are the footpits where Shaolin monks practiced boxing and martial arts over the years. From these footpits, we can see that Shaolin Kung Fu is extraordinary.

To the east of thousand Buddha Hall is Guanyin hall, also known as hammer spectrum hall. In the hall is dedicated to the great master in white, namely Guanyin Bodhisattva. On the wall of the hall is the boxing Manual of Shaolin Temple drawn in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.

On the west side of the thousand Buddha Hall is the dizang hall, and in the middle of the hall is the dizang king. On the south side of the dizang king is the defense elder, and on the north side is the Daoming monk. On the north and south walls of the hall are the "ten halls of Yan Jun", and on the west wall are the "twenty four filial piety pictures".

Dear friends, please go back the same way. We are going to visit the state key cultural relics protection unit - Shaolin Temple Pagoda.

The Pagoda Forest of Shaolin Temple is the tomb of the eminent monks of Shaolin Temple in the past dynasties, with a total area of more than 14000 square meters. In 1996, the State Council announced it as a national key cultural relics protection unit. There are more than 240 brick and stone tombs in talin in Tang, song, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, of which 2 are in Tang, 2 in song, 10 in Jin, 46 in Yuan and 148 in Ming, and the rest are in Qing and unknown in song. The pagoda of Shaolin Temple is the largest and most numerous group of existing ancient pagodas in China. The height of the pagoda is generally less than 15 meters, ranging from one level to seven levels. The height, size, level and shape of the pagoda are determined by the monk's status in Buddhism, Buddhist attainments, the number of Buddhists, prestige, economic status and historical conditions.

The famous pagodas in the Pagoda Forest of Shaolin temple include: the Dharma Chan Master Pagoda in 791 A.D., the common Pagoda in 1121 A.D., the Xitang Pagoda in 1157 A.D., the calm stone pagoda in 1580 A.D., the Bi'An Pagoda in 1666 A.D., and the ju'an elder Pagoda in 1339 A.D . Tallinn is a precious treasure to study the history of Chinese ancient architecture, sculpture, calligraphy, art history and religious culture.

Next we continue to visit Chuzu temple.

Now I'd like to briefly introduce Chuzu nunnery. Chuzu nunnery is located at the foot of wuru peak of Shaolin Temple, on the hillside behind Shaolin Temple. It was built by descendants of Dharma to commemorate Dharma's face wall. Covering an area of 7760 square meters, the main hall of chuzu'an is a typical wooden structure building in the Song Dynasty, and now it is a national key cultural relic protection unit. Now we take a cableway to visit erzu temple.

Erzu nunnery is located on Boyu peak of Shaolin Temple. It is the highest building of Shaolin Temple. It was built by erzu Huike. Because it looks north and south from Chuzu nunnery, it is also called Nan nunnery. It is said that Huike, the second patriarch, once lived here after breaking the snow wall.

Dharma cave is located on wuru peak in the northwest of Shaolin Temple. It is about 7 meters deep, 3 meters high and 3.5 meters wide. From 527 to 536, Dharma cave faced the wall for nine years. Finally, it became a positive result. It became a great pioneering work in the history of Buddhism. Here is a ten square cave built in the Ming Dynasty. On the rocks on both sides of the cave are many stone carvings left by celebrities of past dynasties.

Next, we'll visit the Shifang Temple opposite Shaolin Temple.

On the South Bank of Shaoxi river opposite to Shaolin Temple is Shifang Buddhist temple. It was built in 1512, and rebuilt in the 10th year of Shunzhi reign of Qing Dynasty. It is the Post Pavilion of the temple. It is the accommodation for the monks. It collapsed in 1958 and rebuilt in 1993. The new Shifang temple is different from the past. It is a new group of Buddhist scenes - 500 arhat hall.

Ten directions are four corners and ten directions up and down.

Si Zheng: there are four single eaves Xieshan style temples in the East, West, South and North.

Four corners: spring, summer, autumn and winter have four distinctive scenery circles.

Shifang temple is one of the main tourist attractions of Shaolin Temple with exquisite design, simple and elegant.

Well, tourists, the visit to Shaolin Temple is coming to an end. Welcome to visit Shaolin temple again to learn boxing and martial arts. Thank you.


Under the blue sky and white clouds, you will see a vivid picture of flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, galloping horses and skillful herdsen on horseback brandishing horsewhips. Do you want to go for a ride ? If you are skilled at riding ,why not ride a Mongolian horse for a while or wander about on camelback?If you are afraid of riding horses or camels,never mind .You still can enjoy the nomandic life by taking a special Mongolian vehicle called a “Lele”.

Located on the subtropical zone, Guangdong enjoys a mild climate and a rich rainfall, with an average annual temperate of 22.3℃ centigrade and a rainfall of 1,700 mm.

Now we’resetting foot on Hunlunbeier Grassland. All of us have escaped from the city and its clamour and entered a place like a dreamland,Look! The grassland looks like asoft, green cerpet, Nowyou can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the distance; numeros kinds of wild flowers are in bloom, and wisps of smoke are rising continuously from the yurta scattered on the grassland. When the gentle breeze brushes against the grass, herds of horses and cattle and flock of sheep seem to be drifting from here ro there. What a beautiful picture!

Shaolin Temple is china's famous temple, and Chan sect. It is located at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain and got its name from its location. Shaolin Temple has a reputation for its Zen Buddhism and Shaolin Gongfu, which is the main attraction of the scenery spot. Shaolin Temple was built for Indian monk Patuo in 495 or 19 of the Yaihe year in the Northern Wei Dynasty by Xiaowen Emperor.

Shaolin was built against the hills. In the period of its great prosperity, seven buildings lined the central line of the temple, but in the war among warlords in the period of Kuomingtang, some main buildings were burnt by Shisanyou, including the Hall of Heavenly King, the Abbot's room and the Hall for preaching the Buddhist doctrines and the Bell Tower and many precious Buddhist sutras pugilism charts were destroyed as well. In the late 20th century, Shaolin Temple was rebuilt to the old system.

The stone tablets in Shaolin Temple are also well known, which are mainly in the Ciyun Hall, or the Tablet Passage. About 120 pieces of handwriting works are stored here, dating from the Northern Qi Dynasty. Many famous masters, such as Caijing, Mipei, Zhao Meng Fu and Dong Qichang, ever left their handwriting here.

Now, the Jutting Pier has become a famous attraction and symbolic structure of Qingdao. After the founding of People Republic of China, Qingdao Municipal Government has paid much attention to the maintenance and protection of the Jutting Pier. In the 1950s, the Water Returning Pavilion was once called Sino USSR Friendship Pavilion. In the daytime, the Pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.

Tower Forest is where the monks were buried. The one in Shaolin Temple is the biggest in China, 232 all together. It is of great value in the study of Buddhism scriptures, buildings and Zen Buddhism.

Xihu is such beautiful, certainly is breeding many marvelous movingfables. Hands down before very the long time, the space had jade LongHejin on phoenix's to find a Baiyu nearby Milky Way immortal island,they pondered over very many years, Baiyu turned a light shining inall directions the pearl, where did this no. 3 gunpowder tea pearlyluster according to arrive, where trees evergreen, the hundred flowerswere in full bloom. Day after tomorrow the news will pass to theheavenly palace, queen mother of the west sends the gifted general tocome to snatch the bead. Jade Long Hejin the phoenix hurries to therope bead, encounters the grandmother to reject, thereupon youstruggle me to seize, the grandmother is thrown off in the place, atwo pine, the pearl falls the world, turned crystal clear limpid Xihu,jade Long Hejin the phoenix also descended along with it, turned jadeMt. Longshan (namely Jade Emperor mountain) with Pheonix mountains,forever protected shore of in the Xihu..

Besides, some other famous places include the Buddhist Convent, built in memory of Damo Buddhist meditating facing the wall; Damo Cave and the Sweet Dew Tower, where Batuo ,the founder for the Shaolin Temple, translated the sutras.

Of course you can enjoy natural beauties as well. The pearl Spring drops big and small beads continuously, just like the pearls crawling in the plate. And 醉鳥 Swell, whoes name means letting the birds get drunk, has a strange function. When there are birds flying above it, the birds will fall down and fall asleep. It’s really interesting.

A legend claims that the mountain was where Samantabhadra gave lectures on Buddhism and most temples house a statue of Samantabhadra. The main scenic spots on the mountain include the Baoguo Temple, Wannian Temple, Fohu temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Heilongjiang Tunnel, Hongchun Platform, Xianfeng Temple (Jiulao Cave), Xixiang Pond and Golden Summit. These places are at different altitudes and have different climates. Temperatures at the top of mountain are 15 degrees lower than at the foot. Emei Mountain is a well-known natural museum with more than 3,000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animals including groups of monkeys that appear on the mountain roads and fascinate the tourists.

In addition to the visit to the historic buildings, Shaolin would give performance of Shaolin gongfu, which will broaden your outlook and let you have a taste of the charm of Shaolin martial arts.

Its long history endows Luoyang with a profound sense of culture. The city is the cradle of Chinese civilization where many Chinese legends happened, such as Nvwa Patching the Sky, Dayu Controlling Flood and the Chinese ancestor Huangdi Establishing the Nation. The city is also famed as the 'Poets Capital' as poets and literates of ancient China often gathered there and left grand works, including 'Book of Wisdom' ('Daode Jing'), 'Han History' ('Han Shu') and 'Administrative Theory of Admonishing Official' ('Zi Zhi Tong Jian'). Religious culture once thrived here. Taoism originated there and the first Buddhist temple set up by the government was located there. Luoyang is also the hometown of many of the scientific inventions of ancient China, such as the seismograph, armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass.

Chinese Kungfu: Chinese is a general designation of Chinese Wushu and Gongfu, a culture developed from the long practice in life and the knowledge of the body. It's a traditional precious heritage, and at the same time a special sport of great value.

With China's reform, Chinese Gongfu has spread over the world. To promote its development worldwide, the Olympic Committee has included Chinese Wushu in the events of the 2000 Sydney Olymipcs.


Hello, tourists!

Today, I will lead you to visit Shaolin Temple, which is a famous temple in China. First of all, please allow me to introduce the general situation of Dengfeng City and Shaolin Temple.

Dengfeng city is located in the central and western part of Henan Province, south of Songshan mountain. It has a total area of 1220 square kilometers and a total population of 610000. Dengfeng is a famous historical and cultural city at the provincial level. It is a famous cultural relic town and martial arts town in China. Dengfeng has a long history. According to historical records, the first slavery country in China, the Xia Dynasty first established its capital in Yangcheng (today's Gaocheng town), Yudu Yangcheng. Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty Liu Che visited Songshan and formally established Gaoli County, which was changed to Songyang County in the Sui Dynasty. In 696 A.D., Wu Zetian ascended Songshan and granted Zhongyue a great success. She changed Songyang County into Dengfeng County and Yangcheng County into Gaocheng county. In the Jin Dynasty, the two counties were merged into Dengfeng County. Since 1983, it has been subordinate to Zhengzhou. In 1994, it has been set up as a city instead of a county.

Dengfeng has unique tourism resources, such as Zhougong observation platform, Zhongyue temple, Songyang academy, Zhongyue Songshan, etc. Song Mountain is divided into two parts: Taishi mountain and Shaoshi mountain. It is said that song mountain is the two wives of King Yu. Shaoshi mountain is steep and difficult to climb. The famous Shaolin Temple at home and abroad is named after its dense forest.

Shaolin Temple was built in 495 A.D. in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It was built by Emperor Xiaowen after he moved his capital to Luoyang to settle the Indian monk sambata. It is the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts and is known as the first temple in the world. It was founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty and flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, the king of Qin, was rewarded by Li Shimin for his meritorious service in fighting against Wang Shichong. Thanks to the strong support of the imperial court, Shaolin Temple developed rapidly and became a famous big Buddhist temple at home and abroad, winning the title of the first famous temple in the world. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were two thousand people in Shaolin Temple. The Ming Dynasty was the heyday of Shaolin Temple. After the end of Qing Dynasty, Shaolin Temple gradually declined. Especially in 1928, Shi Yousan set fire to Shaolin Temple, and all the main buildings, scriptures and cultural relics in the temple were burned. After the founding of new China, Shaolin Temple has been renovated and taken on a new look. In the 1980s, the film star Jet Li shot the famous film "Shaolin Temple" here. With the promotion of master Shi Yongxin, the abbot of Shaolin Temple in recent years, Shaolin Temple has gradually regained its past fame.

Now, we have come to the Mountain Gate of Shaolin Temple. Please close your Windows, take your valuables, get off with me and visit Shaolin Temple.

Now you can see this temple gate is the Mountain Gate of Shaolin Temple. Because most Buddhist temples are located in deep mountains, they are called mountain gates. They symbolize the three emancipations of Buddhism, and they are also called three doors and three emancipations. The word "Zen and martial arts" on the wall is an annotation of Shaolin Temple as the ancestral court of Zen Buddhism and Shaolin martial arts. Zen is the soul, martial arts is the clothing, practicing martial arts, practicing Zen and martial arts, practicing Zen and martial arts, and protecting the temple and serving the country To save all living beings, to retreat is to practice Buddhism, martial arts and Taoism.

When you enter the Mountain Gate hall, you will see Maitreya Tatu, also known as Yingbin Buddha. He is kind-hearted and welcomes everyone. He is dignified and solemn. He likes to see the light of the world. He laughs and welcomes people. His bliss will last forever. A couplet represents that only when you treat all the people with a smile can you be qualified to join the Buddhism. Behind him is Bodhisattva Weituo holding a diamond pestle to protect the temple's three treasures.

On the east side of the corridor is the stele gallery. Shaolin Temple has a history of 1511 years since it was built. Among the 108 steles, there are not only records of the prosperous times of the southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also the burning and disaster of the late Sui, yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic of China and cultural revolution. In 1928, warlord Shi Yousan burned the temple for more than 40 days, burning the ground buildings, while Shaolin's The spirit of Zen and martial arts is rooted in Mount Song and in the minds of the people of the whole country.

Please follow me into the mountain gate. The building we see now is the heavenly king's hall. The two statues in front of us are guard Buddhas. It is said that the Buddhas have 500 followers when they travel, and they are mainly the two secret King Kong and naroyan King Kong. However, according to the jokes in the romance of the gods and their mouth patterns, people call the two King Kong the two generals of hum ha. This is the origin of the hum ha sound made by Shaolin martial monks when they practice martial arts. The four heavenly kings worshipped in it are the eastern heavenly king, the southern heavenly king, the Western heavenly king of Guangmu, and the northern heavenly king of Duowen. Their duties are to help the poor and the poor, and to bring happiness to the world. The magic weapon in hand represents good weather, which also represents the most simple wishes of people under the feudal agricultural economy.

After five minutes in the hammer spectrum hall, we came out with Shaolin skills. Now we come to the hammer spectrum hall. Wooden statues or plaster idols are eager for a fight. Strike while the iron is hot. The 4 groups of 216 hammer images are shown in the form of clay sculpture. They are shown in the origin, development, practice, elite routine, national defense function and monk soldiers' achievements. They are Zen meditation, running around the Buddha, eight segment brocade, Xiaohong boxing, big red boxing, six and boxing, cross arm boxing, Luo Han Quan and Zhaoyang boxing. Shaolin Kung Fu.

Now we come to the central building of the temple, the Mahatma hall, which is an important place for monks to carry out Buddhist activities. In front of the southeast corner is the bell tower, and in the southwest corner is the drum tower, which is the fixed building of the temple. We often say that the morning bell and evening drum is a signal for monks to live and carry out Buddhist activities.

Beside the bell tower, there are three important stone steles. This stone stele, the stele of Songyue Shaolin Temple in the huangtang Dynasty, is Li Shimin's achievement in commending the monks for helping to pacify Wang Shichong in the Tang Dynasty. On the back is the stele of giving the imperial script of baiguzhuang in Shaolin Temple, which tells the story of thirteen stick monks saving the king of Tang Dynasty. It was Li Shimin, the then king of Qin, who was rescued by the monks in Shaolin Temple, who helped to pacify Wang Shichong and Wang Shichong In the end, tanzong was appointed as a general and allowed the Shaolin Temple to build its own barracks to prepare 500 monks, which was also the basis for the shooting of Shaolin Temple starring Jet Li in the 1980s.

What we see below is the stele of Xiaoshan Zen master Xingshi, which talks about his public morality in leading the army and revitalizing Shaolin Zen. On the back is the stele of Hunyuan Sanjiao Jiuliu tuzan. From different aspects, we can see the statues of Laozi, Confucius and Sakyamuni respectively. Coincidentally, these three lives live in the same era. Confucius once went to Zhou state to learn rites and music from Lao Tzu, who served as the head of the national archives. Now there is a stone tablet in Luoyang, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, where Confucius came to inquire about the rites. Sakyamuni is 12 years older than Confucius. This monument reflects that Songshan is a place where Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism gather together, and also reflects the thought of the confluence of the three religions.

Please follow me to visit the Mahatma hall. You can see that the real Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha is worshipped in the center of the Mahatma hall. On the left is the past Buddha, the pharmacist Buddha of the Oriental quiet glass world, and on the right is the future Buddha, Amitabha Buddha of the Western Paradise. Different from other temples, there are Bodhidharma on both sides and jinnara king, known as the founder of Shaolin cudgel Why? The answer is in the next visit. Curious friends may find that there is a statue of Kirin under the pillars of the main hall, which indicates that Zen Buddhism is a completely sinicized Chinese Buddhism.

Entering the jinnara hall, we can see three different images of jinnara King: holding the Dharma, protecting the Dharma and responding to the body. King jinnaro is the unique Dharma protector of Shaolin Temple. Jinnara in Sanskrit means flying in the Buddhist God. It is said that on March 26, 1351 A.D. (one day in the Yuan Dynasty), the red scarf army raided Shaolin, and many monks were beaten back. At this critical juncture, a disheveled and unkempt burning monk came out of the kitchen with a burning stick. His voice was like roaring and flashing, and he retreated in an instant. After that, he claimed to be close to Luo Feixian. The monk respected him as the first person to show his martial arts.

After listening to the story of King jinnara, let's take a look at the history of the Bodhisattva. When I walk into the sixth patriarchal hall, I worship the sixth patriarch Guanyin, the first patriarch Damo, the second group Huike, the third patriarch Seng can, the fourth patriarch Daoxin, the fifth patriarch Hongren and the sixth patriarch Huineng. When it came to Hongren, the fifth patriarch, and the flourishing Tang Dynasty, Zen was divided into two schools, the north and the south. Always wipe to avoid dust. It is the opinion of Shenxiu, the representative of the northern school, that Zen needs long-term and continuous practice. But Huineng of the southern school advocates epiphany, that as long as the heart is sincere, everyone can become a Buddha on the spot. There is no Buddha outside the heart. I am not a Buddha in the world, but in people's heart. A Bodhi is not a tree, and a mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in it. Where can it cause dust? It has established his position as the sixth ancestor. On the Western gable is a picture of Dharma walking only in the West. During the reign of emperor Xuanwu of Wei Dynasty, Bodhidharma, the 28th generation descendant of Sakyamuni and a Buddhist monk in nantianzhu, crossed the sea three years ago. He came to Jinling of Nanliang and talked with Emperor Wudi of Liang Dynasty. Later, he crossed the Yangtze River with a reed and went north to Luoyang. After nine years in front of the wall of Shaolin Temple, he passed on Zen Buddhism for the first time. When he died, someone found Dharma wearing a shoe on the journey. When he opened the tomb, there was only one shoe of Dharma.

Next we come to the library of the temple, the Sutra Pavilion. Behind it is the Abbot's room, where Emperor Qianlong stayed when he visited Shaolin.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zen combined with Confucianism and formed Neo Confucianism in Songyang Academy. The allusion of Cheng menlixue was widely praised. In Buddhism, there are also stories of seeking Dharma with broken arms. It is said that our Dharma patriarch first preached Zen in Shaolin and had many apprentices. One of them, a Luoyang monk named Shengguang, was sincere in learning Dharma. On a snowy day, Shengguang said in front of the Abbot's room: please teach Buddhism to all living beings. At that time, it was snowing like a goose feather, and it didn't take long for Shengguang to become a snowman. Dharma said: it's OK to spread the Dharma. When will it be snowed red. After a while, Shen Guang took out his sword and cut it off to his left arm without hesitation. Suddenly, he dyed the snow red. Dharma said: Hui - Ke, has become his name and his second ancestor of Zen. It is also the embodiment of Zen's idea of directly pointing to people's heart, becoming Buddhists by seeing one's nature and not standing on words. From then on, Shaolin monks built a snow pavilion to commemorate his sincerity in learning Dharma.

In the Manjusri hall on the right, in addition to offering Manjusri Bodhisattva, there is also the treasure of Shaolin Temple, the shadow stone of Dharma face wall. Our father Dharma has been in front of the wall for nine years. After he settled down, the bird built a nest on him. He didn't know it. His eyebrows fell off and formed a kind of silver eyebrow tea. Water droplets can penetrate hard rocks, and the shadow of our Dharma ancestors can also leave a shadow on them. In fact, his body is reflected by ultraviolet light and radioactive radium light in the mountains, and his shadow is engraved on the rocks for a long time.

Now you can see the largest building in the temple, the thousand Buddha Hall, with a width of seven rooms and a height of 20 meters. It is dedicated to the Dharma Buddha of Sakyamuni, Pilu Buddha. Behind him is a large-scale painting of 500 Arhats in pelu Dynasty. The amazing thing is that the color of these Arhats' faces changes at any time. Every 12 years, one arhat's face changes.

Well, dear friends, this is the end of the tour of Shaolin Temple. Please have a free tour. We will gather on the bus in half an hour.


shaolin temple is china's famous temple, and chan sect. it is located at the foot of shaoshi mountain and got its name from its location. shaolin temple has a reputation for its zen buddhism and shaolin gongfu, which is the main attraction of the scenery spot. shaolin temple was built for indian monk patuo in 495 or 19 of the yaihe year in the northern wei dynasty by xiaowen emperor.

shaolin was built against the hills. in the period of its great prosperity, seven buildings lined the central line of the temple, but in the war among warlords in the period of kuomingtang, some main buildings were burnt by shisanyou, including the hall of heavenly king, the abbot's room and the hall for preaching the buddhist doctrines and the bell tower and many precious buddhist sutras pugilism charts were destroyed as well. in the late 20th century, shaolin temple was rebuilt to the old system.

the stone tablets in shaolin temple are also well known, which are mainly in the ciyun hall, or the tablet passage. about 120 pieces of handwriting works are stored here, dating from the northern qi dynasty. many famous masters, such as caijing, mipei, zhao meng fu and dong qichang, ever left their handwriting here.

tower forest is where the monks were buried. the one in shaolin temple is the biggest in china, 232 all together. it is of great value in the study of buddhism scriptures, buildings and zen buddhism.

besides, some other famous places include the buddhist convent, built in memory of damo buddhist meditating facing the wall; damo cave and the sweet dew tower, where batuo ,the founder for the shaolin temple, translated the sutras.

in addition to the visit to the historic buildings, shaolin would give performance of shaolin gongfu, which will broaden your outlook and let you have a taste of the charm of shaolin martial arts.

chinese kungfu: chinese is a general designation of chinese wushu and gongfu, a culture developed from the long practice in life and the knowledge of the body. it's a traditional precious heritage, and at the same time a special sport of great value.

with china's reform, chinese gongfu has spread over the world. to promote its development worldwide, the olympic committee has included chinese wushu in the events of the __ sydney olymipcs.












