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Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot is located across Longhai, Zhangpu and Dongshan, adjacent to Taiwan Strait in the East, Xiamen and Zhangzhou Port Area in the north, and Shantou Special Economic Zone in Guangdong Province in the south. Its coastline is nearly 300 km long and consists of three peninsulas (Gulei, liuao and Quanwei), many bays and many islands. With convenient transportation, it is a good tourist attraction. There are mainly five wonders, namely, the landscape of sea eroded volcanic canisters, the landscape of volcanic vent group - sea eroded buried lava lake, the landscape of sea eroded basalt large columnar joints, the landscape of granite spherical weathering sea eroded sky "abstract Gallery", the landscape of sea eroded special wind rock group, and the ancient cultural heritage of Southern Fujian with zhaojiapu as the main body, which constitute the coastal Geopark, the coastal Stone Park, and the coastal wind park Dongshi Park and Grand View Garden of ancient dwellings.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform National Geopark is one of the first batch of 11 National Geoparks in China and the only one with marine landform in China. It covers an area of more than 100 square kilometers and has a coastline of more than 20 kilometers. It is mainly distributed in Niutoushan, Linjinyu, Nanding Island, Xiangshan, yandunshan, qianhuwan and other sea areas. According to the investigation of experts, it is confirmed that there were 15 volcanic eruptions in three periods in Zhangzhou coastal area from 26.44 million to 4.1 million years ago, which eventually formed a rare, perfect and precious volcanic landscape in the world. Among them are:

Niutoushan ancient crater sea erosion volcanic landscape - "volcanic bonsai";

Linjinyu volcanic exhalation crater group - the landscape of sea erosion buried lava lake;

The landscape of large columnar joints of sea eroded basalt in Nanding island is "lava stone forest" and "lava Coral";

The ancient forest remains of qianhuwan more than 8000 years ago;

Xiangshan lava cone scenic spot (the best place to watch the sea, sunrise, Bay Beach);

There are also a large number of unique landscapes, such as volcanic eruption discontinuities, volcanic agglomerates, "watermelon peel" structure, mantle derived xenolith basalts, sea erosion "Overpass", "a line of sky", marine "terracotta warriors" and other scenic spots, forming a diverse, lifelike and lifelike group of rocks.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, there is also a unique landscape of sea eroded granite. The landscape here is composed of 23 islands, including Gulai Caiyu archipelago, Shazhou Island, Jing'an island and Hongyu island. On the island, there are various kinds of granite wind-driven stone groups with different shapes. In addition, the "abstract Gallery" formed by the sea eroded stone landform and granite spherical weathered stone in Laoya mountain of liuao has high tourism value.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, many beaches along the coast, such as Qisha Bay, Houcai Bay, Jiangkou Bay, Jiangjun Bay and DAAO Bay, are crescent shaped, with small slope, fine sand, snow white and no mud. Besides, there is no pollution in the surrounding environment and no shark disturbance in the coastal area. The beach here is large in scale, excellent in quality and beautiful in scenery. It is the best gold coast on the coastline of East and South China Sea.

Rich historical and cultural heritage is another feature of Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic area

Two national cultural relics protection units, zhaojiabao and yiancheng, and six provincial cultural relics protection units, form a concentrated and continuous cultural tourism route: zhaojiabao is the descendant of the king of Zhao and Song Dynasties, and lived together during the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty__ The castle built in 1949 has a grand scale, unique layout and rich culture. Yi'an city has a well preserved, scientific planning and reasonable layout of the city walls and ancient buildings. Moreover, the owner of the castle is closely related to the history of Taiwan. The key cultural relics protection units at the provincial level are lantingzhen mansion, zhenhaiwei, one of the "four Davids" in the Ming Dynasty, huangdaozhou lecture hall built 390 years ago to teach the book of changes, Shigou Tiandi pan, huangdaozhou tomb, Jinjiang tower, a three circle and four story round earth building, and liuao ancient city built 600 years ago and well preserved.


Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Zheng. Today, I'm taking you to Linjinyu, Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark includes Linjinyu ancient volcanic island, Niutoushan ancient volcanic pass, Nanding Island, Yulinshan, etc. Today, I will take you to appreciate the special geological features of Linjinyu, an ancient volcanic island.

How did the name "Lin Jin Yu" come from? There is a legend here: long ago, there was a man named Lin Zhen in Changtai County who suffered from leprosy and was abandoned on this island by his people. He eats the animals and plants on the island, drinks the water on the island, and concentrates on reading. Later, he recovered from his illness. Soon, he won the number one prize and worked in liupin. He worked in the capital for eight years. He was indifferent to fame and wealth. He was unwilling to flatter and said he was ill. This nameless island is called "linzhenyu" by later generations. In order to avoid it, it is also called "Linjinyu".

Now we have landed on Linjinyu, please be careful. Alkaline olivine basaltic rocks can be seen locally on the island. In the long process of geological evolution, a rare volcanic landscape in the world has been formed: first, basaltic rock group with complete mechanism; second, lava lake phenomenon; third, giant columnar joints.

In the middle of the island are lush peaks, 72.7 meters above sea level. The spring on the island is clear, and there are goats running in the forest. The island is surrounded by basaltic rocks formed after volcanic eruption. On the island's Beihai beach, you can see that 16 craters are closely connected to form a circular ring, like VCT floppy disks. You feel that you can read its great changes in the past thousands of years. The craters here are small and numerous, there are giant columnar joints of basalt, and there are neat "giant columnar stone forest". How can it be controlled? You can think about it.

The island is full of rocks formed after volcanic eruption. The rocks here are not as orderly arranged as the "stone pillars" in Niutoushan, but they are of various shapes.

Linjinyu in Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark is an old and energetic island. It is not only a scientific research base and creative base, but also a good place for sightseeing, leisure and vacation.

Here you are. Next you can visit freely. Please pay attention to safety.


Volcanic sea erosion landform is developed, which is a part of the Western Ring Pacific volcanic rock belt. It belongs to the fracture zone of the eastern margin of Eurasian plate. Basalt ejected from 26 million to 7 million years ago is exposed on the coast and islands, with clear eruption sequence and typical characteristics, such as crater, vent, stomatal column group, majestic columnar joint group, sea erosion mushroom stone, sea erosion platform column, sea erosion cliff, sea erosion cave, etc There are dozens of wide and flat beaches with high quality and white, and 8020 of them are buried underground due to the subsidence of sea rock__ The ruins of the ancient forest, ancient dwellings and ancient military fortresses are also beautiful scenery for people to browse.

20__ On March 6, 2006, the Ministry of land and resources of the people's Republic of China approved Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark as one of the first national geoparks.

Zhangzhou coastal volcano natural and ecological scenic spot is set off in the blue sky, blue sea, sand beach and green forest. It integrates sightseeing, leisure, sea entertainment, adventure, scientific research and popular science education. It is a comprehensive tourist resort returning to nature. The area retains the typical features of the tertiary central volcanic eruption structure and the landform landscape of the later weathering erosion, represented by four rare volcanic geological relics in the world, namely the columnar basalt of Nanding Island, the ancient crater, the beaded volcanic vent group and the basalt watermelon peel structure. It is a natural volcanic geological museum with high ornamental and scientific value Universality and interest.

Zhangzhou coastal volcano tourist area

It is the only coastal volcanic geological landscape tourist area in China. It is located in the coastal area of qianting Town, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, on the west side of the Taiwan Strait. The planned area of sea and land is about 100 square kilometers. There are two magical volcanic islands in the scenic area: Linjinyu island and Nanding island. Linjinyu is an ellipsoid like island composed of volcanic rocks (basalts). To the southeast of the island, there is an island formed in the 20th century__ There are as many as 16 volcanic vents and several thousand square meters of rivet shaped stomatal columns on the Northeast beach, which constitute a rare ancient volcanic island landscape in China. Nanding island is ellipsoidal in shape. The whole island is composed of more than 1.4 million columnar jointed basalts originating from 70-130 kilometers underground. It is a coastal volcanic island with the most columnar basalts in the world. The basaltic rock columns are 20-50 meters above sea level. The columnar shape is like a neat row of daisy. It plunges into the sea from the top of the cliff. It is magnificent and spectacular, which can be called the natural wonder of the world View. There are three high-quality beaches of Qisha Bay, Jiangkou Bay and Houcai Bay on the coastline of more than ten kilometers in the scenic area. The clear sea water, gentle beach, fine and even sand quality and well protected original ecological vegetation constitute a picturesque coastal scenery.

Volcano square

There is a volcano square in the park. In front of it is an antique building, the water Pavilion corridor, which is called Xuanwu Pavilion. It was built to commemorate the earth's history of volcanic eruptions over a long geological period. Its background is the towering Xiangshan Mountain, located on the lava platform at an altitude of 30 meters, which is a volcanic heap. Looking to the East, this ancient pavilion is Xianggu Pavilion. There are two pools under it, one is Tianchi, the other is Dichi. I don't know if you have noticed why there are plants growing beside the volcano after watching for so long. Many people think that the place where the volcano passes is barren, but the volcanic ash terrain gives you the opposite answer. Volcanic ash is the material of volcanic eruption, which contains a lot of minerals and carbon dioxide, so as long as there is water and sunlight, plants can still grow.

green corridor

There is also a unique landscape - green corridor. There are more than 600 kinds of exotic flowers and all kinds of bamboos planted here. The whole garden is mainly represented by Casuarina, Xiaoshun bamboo, Acacia and pengjiju. You can enjoy it slowly. What's more, the content of negative oxygen ion here is very high, which is good for physical and mental health. It's a good place for tourists to enjoy the forest bath.

From the green corridor to the distance, the volcanic landscape over there is known as "Queen's milk". The queen lies on her back, has a strong body, and is a standard modern woman. Queen milk Shuangfeng is Yandun mountain, Yanlou mountain, 30 meters high, is a typical shield like volcanic landform. It happened that there was a royal concubine in the local history. In the past, it's jiangkouwan beach. To the west is houcaiwan beach, and there is a stone beach beside the wharf. The antique building in the northwest corner is our tourist restaurant here. Its special flavor is "wild" seafood from the Strait, which is purchased by fishing boats on the sea.

Beautiful scenery in Xiangshan

Xiangshan Shengjing hundred tree garden, Xiangsi Lake, Wenyue Pavilion. You must be very tired all the way climbing. Let's have a rest here. By the way, I'd like to introduce a famous tree friend, that is, the tall and thick tree, "seaweed king". His age is about 100 years old. In order to transplant this tree king, it costs a lot. It costs 100000 yuan.

Xiangshan castle. From a distance, does the building in front look like an ancient castle? That is Xiangshan castle. It was designed by a famous architect and has become the symbol of Xiangshan scenic spot. In the scenic spot, there is Minnan folk show hall. Go in and have a look at Zhangzhou puppet show and Zhangpu paper-cut show.


The museum also has something to open your eyes to. That's our temple of science, the Museum of Geosciences. We live on the earth, but there are still many mysteries about the earth. I think our geoscience museum will be able to solve them for you. For example, how volcanoes formed, how the sea rose, how mountains piled up and so on can be answered there.

The witness of love

"Eight trigrams lotus plate" and "vow to the throne". The eight trigrams lotus plate is a masterpiece of nature. It is formed by crustal movement and magma eruption. It is mainly composed of several volcanic vents. Its shape is very similar to the eight trigrams and lotus, so it is called "eight trigrams lotus plate". Let's look at this pledge platform. It looms with the tide. It is said that this is the best place to prove love, so young lovers, happy old people, or friends who yearn for love can come here to make wishes, which can prove your love.

Basalt wall

Basaltic rock wall is 200 meters long and 30 to 50 meters wide. It is called dragon vein by local people. When the tide rises and falls, it will appear and disappear like a dragon going to the sea. Therefore, it is known as the "little dragon head" and can be compared with the "old dragon head" of Qinhuangdao.

Niutoushan ancient Huoshankou

It is an important scenic spot of Zhangzhou coastal Volcano National Geopark. It is located in the southeast of Baitang village, Longjiao she Township, Longhai City. Niutoushan ancient crater is famous for its complete eruption mechanism, clear layers and complete preservation at home and abroad. It has experienced 15 eruptions with a total thickness of 178.5 meters. The last three eruptions in the upper part of the middle part of the third epoch can be seen now. It is 24.6 million years ago. The shape of the ancient crater is like an oval trumpet opening with a diameter of 50 meters at the top and a depth of 3 meters at the bottom Now. Within the area of 0.7 square kilometers around the ancient crater, the volcanic neck, crater, eruptive facies and overflow area are quite complete and clear On the surface, the basalt with hexagonal columnar joints formed by magma, as well as the basalt with watermelon like, rhyolite like and pillow like joints, presents a unique and magnificent landscape, which is praised by geologists as "a rare ancient volcano museum at home and abroad" and "a soldier horse servant", and is one of the rare and best preserved submarine ancient craters in China and the world; With the scientific research value of geological structure, volcanology, paleogeography, earthquake, geotectonics and other disciplines, it is a scenic spot integrating the scientific research of geological heritage protection and tourism. It is separated from Xiamen Special Economic Zone by water in the north, Shantou port in the south, Taiwan Strait in the East and Bank of China Zhangzhou Economic Development Zone of China Merchants Group in the West. There are also Haiwei ancient city of bingxu town built in the 20th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty; the majestic and spectacular South Taiwu mountain, which is famous for its first peak in South Fujian, with 24 scenes echoing the North Taiwu mountain in Jinmen; there are cultural and historical sites and natural landscapes such as zhenhaijiao lighthouse, the largest lighthouse in East China, the beautiful southwest courtyard of artificial lake, and the 12 kilometer long clean and wide Longjiao Bay day bathing beach.


Hello, friends from afar! Did you enjoy the scenery along the way just now? What's your impression of Zhangzhou? Ha ha, let's introduce myself first. I'm Xiao Xiao, the designated commentator here. Today, I'll take you to uncover the mystery of coastal volcano.

There are many coastal cities and islands in our motherland. Why is the sea so attractive to tourists? Moreover, after visiting, every tourist still praises it and remembers it vividly. Many tourists told me this, saying: Xiao, I came to you before I knew what lush mountains and pure sea are

Once upon a time, our stretch of beach and magical island, although it is naturally beautiful, has always been "raised in the boudoir, people do not know". It was not until March 2001 that Zhangzhou coastal volcano became one of the first batch of National Geoparks in China. It was known for its charm and tenderness that this magical land attracted a lot of attention and curiosity. Zhangzhou coastal volcano natural ecological scenic spot is set off in the blue sky, blue sea, sand beach and green forest. It integrates sightseeing, leisure, marine entertainment and popular science education. It is a comprehensive tourist resort that returns to nature and experiences life. At the same time, the scenic spot is also the largest, best preserved and most characteristic coastal Volcano National Geopark in China.

Zhangzhou coastal volcano includes Xiangshan, Linjinyu, Nanding island and three bathing beaches, namely "one mountain, two islands and three bays". Now we are going to Linjinyu, one of the ten most beautiful islands in China. Linjinyu is a quasi ellipsoidal Island composed of volcanic rocks [basalt]. There is an ancient crater formed more than 20 million years ago in the southeast of the island. There are as many as 16 volcanic vents and several thousand square meters of rivet shaped stomatal columns on the Northeast beach, forming a rare ancient volcanic island landscape in China. The origin of the name of Lin Jinyu Island stems from such a story: it is said that there was a Changtai man named Lin Zhen in the late Ming Dynasty. His parents died when he was young, and he lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. One year, the plague spread, and Kobayashi was unfortunately infected. But his brother and sister-in-law had to put him on this isolated island. Xiaolin Zhen lived on the island's conches, animals and wild fruits. Before long, his plague was miraculously cured, and later he was admitted to the number one scholar. Because Lin Zhen and Lin Jin pronounced Lin Jin in the pronunciation of Minnan dialect, later generations called this island Lin Jinyu in memory of this number one scholar. In takou'an and Changtai County of Zhangzhou, there are also Zhuangyuan square, the remains of Zhuangyuan well and the imperial edict from the emperor.

Now we have landed on Linjinyu, please be careful and pay attention to safety. The volcanic landscape here is divided into three parts: basaltic rock group, lava lake phenomenon and giant columnar joints. The lush peaks on the island, perhaps you can't imagine the volcanic eruption that took place tens of millions of years ago. Look at these basalts, carved by the waves, forming a variety of forms. Interested friends can take photos here. Now on the beach where we are, we can see 16 craters closely connected. The crater is concave in the middle to form a ring. They are different in size. Do you think this ring looks like a VCD floppy disk? You have to admire the uncanny workmanship of nature. According to geological experts, this circular structure is formed by the steam explosion caused by the heating of the aquifer under the lava, just like when we usually boil water, we always leave a small hole on the cover. Some experts also call this state "lava lake". Well, the peculiar landscape in front of us is the columnar joints of basalt. It is mainly hexagonal and polygonal, hanging on the cliff of 20 to 50 meters. From a distance, does it look like a girl's vertical hair? On the island of Linjinyu, there are many stones formed by volcanic eruption. The arrangement of the stones here is not regular, but strange and different in shape. So, it has the reputation of "mythical world" and "abstract Gallery". Please expand your imagination. Look, is this stone like a horse? Ah, it's like a dolphin. You can all find your favorite animals here. You can find them.

The rocks here are strange, the sea water here is blue, and the seafood here is also very delicious. Because this sea water is polluted by pure matter. Once upon a time, I heard such a joke: Several tourists eat seafood here, and then begin to compete who eats the freshest fish. A said: the fish I eat is the freshest! Because my home is close to the vegetable market, the pot is hot, so I can buy fish in time. The fish are alive when they are in the pot. Of course, they are fresh. B: the fish I eat is the freshest! I invite some friends to go fishing on the beach. At the same time, I go to make a fire on the beach. As soon as I catch the fish, I immediately cook it. Of course, it's fresh. C said: the fish I eat is the freshest! It's a thousand years ago. I had the honor to eat it once. I went out to sea by boat and cooked in the bow. When the water boils, I lift the lid. At this time, a fish jumped out of the water, impartial, just fell into the boiling pot. It was only a few seconds after the fish left the sea, and then it went into the pot to cook. Of course, it was the freshest. Ding said: the fish you mentioned are not the freshest. Submarine volcanic eruption, the fish has not yet come out of the water, it was cooked, so Zhangzhou coastal volcanic fish the freshest!

These are all jokes. You can enjoy the sea and the sea breeze here. When you are tired and hungry, you can sit down in our cabin and taste our authentic kungfu tea and seafood. I hope Zhangzhou coastal Volcano National Geopark can add some pure happiness to your life.


Zhangzhou city is located in the southeast coast of Fujian Province, adjacent to Xiamen and Shantou Special Economic Zones and across the sea from Taiwan. It is a prefecture level city in the southernmost part of Fujian Province. It has one city, two districts, eight counties and 120 townships, towns and streets. The city has a land area of 12600 square kilometers and a sea area of 18600 square kilometers, with a total population of 4.58 million, including 34 square kilometers of urban built-up area and 340000 permanent residents.

Zhangzhou, founded in 686 ad (the second year of Tang Dynasty), is a famous cultural city with a long history. It is rich in natural and cultural resources and has many places of interest. There are more than 280 revolutionary historical sites and places of interest in the city. Among them, there are 11 state-level key cultural relics under protection: Guandi temple in Dongshan, Tzu Chi palace in Longhai, Eryi building in Hua'an, stone archway in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Dacheng Hall of Zhangzhou Confucian temple, East Bridge of Longhai River, zhaojiabao in Zhangpu, Yianbao in Zhangpu, tianluokeng Tulou group in Nanjing, hegui building and Shengwu building. Zhangzhou has five tourism resources with its own characteristics: beautiful and magical coastal scenery represented by Dongshan and Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform national geoparks; gorgeous and attractive flower and fruit gardens represented by Huashi street and Makou Flower Expo; long and splendid cultural relics represented by Tulou and Kaizhang holy relic Jiangjun mountain; HUBOLIAO National Nature Reserve and Mayang River rafting As a representative of the green ecological lush, pleasant; to the Millennium Temple Sanping temple as a representative of the religious pilgrimage is famous. There are 2 national 4A tourist areas (Dongshan fengdongshi scenic area, Zhangpu Tianfu Tea Museum), 1 National Geopark (Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform National Geopark), 3 National Forest Parks (Hua'an County, Dongshan County, Changtai Tianzhu Mountain), 2 National Nature Reserves (Nanjing Huboliao, Yunxiao Zhangjiangkou Mangrove), 5 provincial key scenic spots There are three scenic spots (Dongshan fengdongshi - Lantau scenic spot, Longwen yundongyan scenic spot, Zhaoan Jiuhou mountain scenic spot, Pinghe lingtongyan scenic spot, Zhangpu qianting - Gulei Bay scenic spot). Zhangzhou is famous for its rich culture. In ancient times, there were Chen Yuanguang, Zhu Xi and Huang Daozhou. In modern times, there were Lin Yutang, Yang Sao and Xu Dishan. Zhangzhou's Xiang opera, Chaozhou Opera, puppet and puppet carving art are well-known at home and abroad. There are rich and colorful traditional folk arts, such as paper-cut, lantern riddle, drum dance and woodcut New Year pictures.

Zhangzhou is located at 23.6-25 N and 117-118 e. it is a rich land with mountains, rivers and plains. It has superior natural conditions and good agricultural foundation. The city has 2.5 million mu of cultivated land, 12.3 million mu of mountainous areas, and 1.8 million mu of inland waters and shallow sea beaches. The coastline is 680 km, and there are many good natural ports. Zhaoyin port area, Gulei port area and Dongshan port area are deep-water harbors, many of which can be used to build berths of more than 100000 tons. The second largest river in the province, the 19long River, runs through the whole province. Zhangzhou plain is the largest alluvial plain in the whole province. Zhangzhou has a subtropical monsoon humid climate, with an annual rainfall of about 1500 mm, an average temperature of 21 ℃ and a frost free period of 330 days. It is a natural "big greenhouse", evergreen in all seasons and rich in products. It is known as the "hometown of fish, rice, flowers and fruits". Rich in "six famous fruits": citrus, litchi, banana, longan, grapefruit, pineapple, "three famous flowers": daffodils, camellia, orchids, as well as shrimp, grouper, abalone, lobster, scallops and other marine treasures. The beautiful Narcissus, "national treasure medicine" and "light of national products" are known as "three treasures of Zhangzhou".

Zhangzhou is one of the key hometown of overseas Chinese in Fujian Province. The advantages of Taiwan Overseas Chinese are outstanding, and it is the main ancestral home of Taiwan compatriots. One third of Taiwan's current population is from Zhangzhou. There is a close relationship between the folk traditional culture of Zhangzhou and Taiwan, such as Gezai Opera and lantern riddle. Zhangzhou is located in the golden triangle of Southern Fujian, facing Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao in the south. It is between Xiamen and Shantou special economic zones. Since ancient times, Zhangzhou has been a transportation hub connecting Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces and leading to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and Southeast Asia. As early as 1985, Zhangzhou was listed as an open area by the State Council. In 1992, Zhangzhou was listed as an open area by the State Council In 1993, the State Council approved the establishment of Dongshan Economic and Technological Development Zone. In 1994, the State Council designated Zhangzhou as a national export-oriented agricultural demonstration zone. In 1997, the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, the Ministry of agriculture and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council jointly approved Zhangzhou as a cross-strait agricultural cooperation experimental zone. At present, the city has 15 national and provincial development zones, forming an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level pattern of opening up to the outside world. It has carried out economic and trade exchanges with more than 140 countries and regions in the world, and has utilized more than 6 billion US dollars of foreign capital.

Zhangzhou is an important transportation hub in the south of Fujian Province: Yingxia railway passes through the area and national highway passes through the area Lines 319 and 324 run across the north and south, Xiamen Zhangzhou Expressway and Zhangzhao expressway have been completed and opened to traffic, and Zhanglong expressway is speeding up construction; the distance from the urban area to Xiamen airport is less than 50 km, and it takes only half an hour to one hour from several counties in the South to Shantou airport; Zhangzhou Port is listed as one of the first batch of pilot ports for direct flights to Taiwan by the state, and Zhaoyin port and Dongshan port are two national ports Class a ports have been opened to the outside world, and the throughput capacity of the city's ports exceeds 13 million tons. Houshi Power Plant, the largest Taiwan funded project in China, has been built and connected to the power grid, making Zhangzhou an important power base in Fujian. The post and telecommunication facilities are advanced and the development is ahead of time. The city has perfect infrastructure and superior investment environment.

After the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, Zhangzhou's national economy has been developing rapidly and healthily, and its comprehensive economic strength has been significantly enhanced. According to the argumentation of relevant national departments and experts, 12 of the 13 indicators of agricultural development in Zhangzhou are higher than the national average. The comprehensive development of agriculture has achieved remarkable results. The city has formed eight export bases of fruits, flowers, vegetables, edible fungi, aquatic products, livestock and poultry, drinks and spices. Among them, fruit, aquatic products and vegetables are the top three agricultural products in China. At present, there are more than 4000 agricultural products processing enterprises in the city, and a number of national and provincial leading enterprises have emerged. The city has built the largest green food production base in Fujian, with a total of 11 categories and 99 products obtaining the right to use the green label, accounting for more than 45% of the province. "Zhangzhou Narcissus", "Zhangzhou citrus", "wangguanxi pomelo" and "Tianbao banana" are famous at home and abroad. The city has cultivated and expanded a number of key industries, backbone enterprises and famous brand products, and formed an industrial system dominated by food, electric power, machinery, electronics, household appliances, pharmaceuticals and other industries. There are three listed companies including Zhangzhou Development, Longxi shares and Pianzihuang pharmaceutical. They have two national famous trademarks, 22 provincial famous trademarks and 36 famous brand products. The city's utilization of Taiwan capital is in a leading position at the municipal level. As of April 2003, 1664 Taiwan funded projects have been approved in the whole city, of which 6.63 billion US dollars were contracted and 3.43 billion US dollars were actually utilized, accounting for 47.2% of the total number of three funded enterprises, 54.3% of the contracted foreign capital and 57% of the actually utilized foreign capital. The number of large projects and mega projects with Taiwan investment is increasing, of which 94 have invested more than 10 million US dollars and 3 have invested more than 100 million US dollars. Among the 100 large enterprises and listed companies in Taiwan, Formosa Plastics, cankun, uni president, Taishan and Tianfu have invested and set up factories in our city. The total number of Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises introduced in the city is 731, accounting for 1 / 10 of the total number of the whole country. The actual utilization of Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises is 635 million US dollars, accounting for 1 / 3 of the province's total.

While firmly grasping the center of economic construction and accelerating economic development, Zhangzhou city has always adhered to the principle of "two hands" and "two hands". The construction of the party and spiritual civilization has achieved actual results, and a number of influential advanced models have emerged in the whole province. Zhangzhou 110 has become a banner of the national spiritual civilization construction; the party branches of Xikeng village and Dongshan primary school in Pinghe county have been rated as the national advanced grass-roots party organizations; the construction of "three-level core network" of rural Party organizations has been fully affirmed by the Organization Department of the Central Committee; it has taken the lead in carrying out the construction of organ efficiency in the whole country, and established the municipal administrative service center of "one window, one-stop service" in the whole province It has been awarded the honorary titles of "national advanced city of building spiritual civilization", "national model city of double support" and so on, and has been rated as "national advanced city of landscaping" and "China's excellent tourism city".

Today's Zhangzhou is standing on the starting line of the new century. In accordance with the goal of building an "ecological industry and Trade City", it is speeding up the implementation of the central city development strategy of "building a new area, developing along the river, and improving the old city", striving to build an ecological brand, improve the urban quality, and create a high living environment. A new Zhangzhou with rapid economic development, comprehensive social progress and people's living and working in peace and contentment is rising on the West Bank of the Straits!









