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  第十條 違約責(zé)任 article 10 breach liability

  1. 乙方違反本合同第八條第3款和第4款規(guī)定的時(shí)限解除勞動(dòng)合同,必須支付相當(dāng)于乙方一個(gè)月收入的賠償金。

  If party B violates the provisions relating to the time for terminating the contract prescribed in article 8. regulation 3 and 4 to terminate the contract, such party shall pay one-month income of party B to the other party As compensation.

  2.無(wú)論雙方以任何形式解除勞動(dòng)關(guān)系,乙方必須及時(shí)根據(jù)甲方的要求辦理完整工作交接手續(xù),否則甲方將要求乙方支付相當(dāng)于乙方一個(gè)月收入乘以乙方在甲方工作年限數(shù)的賠償金。 Party B shall completely hand over the job in time to party A no matter under which condition to terminating the contract, otherwise party B should pay party A a compensation, amounting to one month income of party B multiplying the amount of years party B has been working for party A.

  3. 乙方如違反本合同第九條任意一款,乙方必須支付甲方至少50,000元人民幣。

  If party B violates any regulation of article 9. party B shall pay at least 50,000 rmb a penalty to party A.

  第十一條 勞動(dòng)爭(zhēng)議 article 11 dispute

  本合同在上海簽訂. 甲乙雙方發(fā)生勞動(dòng)爭(zhēng)議時(shí),由爭(zhēng)議的一方或雙方向上海市 區(qū)勞動(dòng)爭(zhēng)議仲裁委員會(huì)申請(qǐng)仲裁。

  this contract is signed by both parties in shanghai. if any dispute arises between party A and party B, the dispute can be solved by applying for arbitration with the district’s labor arbitration committee of shanghai.

  第十二條 其他 article 12 miscellaneous

  1. 本合同一式二份,甲乙雙方各執(zhí)一份,經(jīng)甲方法定代表人或授權(quán)人簽字和乙方簽字并加蓋甲方公章后生效。兩份合同具有同等的法律效力。雙方間的勞動(dòng)關(guān)系正式從乙方的招工錄用手續(xù)辦理完畢之日起開(kāi)始計(jì)算。

  The contract is made in 2 originals, each party holding one. this contract becomes effective upon the execution of the legal representative of party A or authorized persons and party B, together with the company seal of party A. both originals have the same legal force. the labor relationship between both parties shall formally commerce as from the date of the completion of recruitment of party B.

  2. 本合同簽署后,乙方應(yīng)配合甲方辦理其招工錄用手續(xù)。如因乙方個(gè)人原因?qū)е抡泄や浻檬掷m(xù)無(wú)法及時(shí)辦理完畢,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)由此引起的一切后果。

  After the execution of this contract, party B shall cooperate with party A to handle the procedure of recruitment. in the event that party B’s personal reason causes the failure of completion of such recruitment, party B shall bear all liability incurred.

  3. 如果與合同條款有關(guān)的國(guó)家法律法規(guī)有所變更, 該合同其他部份將繼續(xù)有效。

  If any clause or regulation of this contract is or will become invalid due to the change of national laws and regulations, the rest of this contract will remain valid.


  The internal rules and employee handbook stipulated or modified by party A from time to time constitute a part of this contract.

  甲方: party A: 代表: representative: 蓋章: stamp

  乙方 party B: 身份證號(hào)碼

  2. 合同附件(1) appendix no. 1

  1: 乙方工資待遇 1.乙方的稅前月工資為:工資 人民幣 元, 試用期內(nèi)為人民幣 元。甲方實(shí)行新的工資制度時(shí),乙方的工資待遇按新的制度予以調(diào)整

  The monthly gross income structure of party B is like following. the basic income is rmb x in the probation and will be after it. party B’s income is subject to relevant policies and regulations of party A, which can be modified at any time.

  2.未經(jīng)甲方書(shū)面批準(zhǔn),乙方不得以任何方式從公司客戶處私自收取或扣留公司應(yīng)收貨款。一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),甲方有權(quán)立即要求乙方歸還,及對(duì)乙方要求相當(dāng)與乙方一個(gè)月收入的違約金。 Without the written approval of party A, party B is not allowed to collect the money or keep the receivable in cash from the customers of party A in any kind of way. other wise party A has the right to ask party B give back immediately and the penalty amount one month income of party B.

  甲方party A: 代表: representative (stamp):

  乙方: party B: 身份證號(hào)碼: id number:

  3.補(bǔ)充協(xié)議(2) :保密協(xié)議 appendix no.2 non-disclosure agreement of party B

  根據(jù)甲乙雙方于 2007年 11月 19日簽訂的勞動(dòng)合同以下簡(jiǎn)稱(合同),甲方聘請(qǐng)乙方擔(dān)任甲方公司的辦公室經(jīng)理職務(wù),鑒于乙方擔(dān)任該職務(wù)將了解到甲方的商業(yè)秘密和技術(shù)秘密,經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,雙方就乙方在甲方任職期間以及離職后一定期間內(nèi)保守甲方商業(yè)秘密和技術(shù)秘密事宜達(dá)成以下協(xié)議:

  According to the employment contract (hereinafter referred to as “contract”) made by both parties on nov. 19th, 2007, party A employs party B as a position of office manager. considering that party B can have access to know-how and secret of party A’s commerce and technology during the term of employment (“know-how and secret”), through friendly consultation, for non-disclosure of party A’s know-how and secret during the term of employment and certain time after party B leaves party A, both parties hereby make the following contents:

  一、 乙方在甲方任職期間,對(duì)其以任何方式獲得的有關(guān)甲方的商業(yè)秘密和技術(shù)秘密,負(fù)有不向其他任何第三方泄露的義務(wù)。

  During the term of party B’s employment, party B shall be responsible for not disclosing, laying out to any third party know-how and secret which party B has access to in any way.

  二、 如果由于甲方工作的需要,乙方必須向第三方提供與上述秘密有關(guān)的信息時(shí),乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)事先向乙方的上司通報(bào)并獲得書(shū)面許可后方可進(jìn)行。

  In cases where, according to working needs of party A, party B has to provide a third party with said information in respect of know-how and secret, party B shall give a report to its supervisor and obtain a written consent before such provision of information.

  三、 如果乙方因合同期滿或其他原因致使其合同被解除而離開(kāi)甲方,甲方可以在支付乙方競(jìng)業(yè)禁止補(bǔ)償金人民幣二萬(wàn)八千八百元整(28,800)元后,有權(quán)要求乙方在離職之日起兩年內(nèi),不得為與甲方同行業(yè)的企業(yè)工作或提供任何服務(wù),無(wú)論該企業(yè)注冊(cè)或位于在何處。

  In the event that party B leaves party A upon the expiration of contract or the termination of the contract caused by any other reasons, after party A pays party B a compensation for non-competition, amounting to rmb 28,800, party A shall have the right to demand that party B shall not work for or provide any services to any enterprise in the same industry as party A’s for 2 years, wherever such enterprise is registered or located.

  四、 如果乙方違反本協(xié)議第一、二條的規(guī)定,甲方有權(quán)要求乙方向甲方支付違約金人民幣五萬(wàn)(50,000)元;如違反本協(xié)議第三條規(guī)定,乙方應(yīng)向甲方支付違約金人民幣十五萬(wàn)(150,000)元;除了上述違約金責(zé)任外,乙方應(yīng)同時(shí)賠償由于乙方的違約行為給甲方造成的一切經(jīng)濟(jì)損失,包括但不限于律師費(fèi)用等。如乙方行為觸犯我國(guó)刑法,除了上述民事責(zé)任外,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的刑事責(zé)任。

  If party B breaches the stipulation set forth in article 1 and 2, party A has the right to require party B to pay a penalty fee, amounting to rmb50,000; if party B breaches the stipulation set forth in article 3, party B shall pay party A a penalty fee, amounting to rmb150,000; save the said liability for the payment of penalty fees, party B shall compensate party A all losses and damages incurred from activities of breach of party B, including but not limited to attorney fees etc. in the event that activities of party B breach the criminal law of china, save said civil liability, party B shall bear corresponding criminal liability.

  五、 本協(xié)議中,(1)商業(yè)秘密和技術(shù)秘密是指:乙方在甲方任職期間所接觸到的所有信息,包括但不限于,甲方原材料進(jìn)貨渠道、產(chǎn)品銷售渠道、客戶名單、合作伙伴信息、產(chǎn)品的成本、銷售價(jià)格、生產(chǎn)工藝、生產(chǎn)設(shè)備等相關(guān)的信息,以及其它與甲方生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營(yíng)、商業(yè)、技術(shù)、物流、財(cái)務(wù)、管理、采購(gòu)、人事有關(guān)所有信息;(2)本協(xié)議所指上司是:xxx 先生;(3)合同是指:以上提到的勞動(dòng)合同以及該合同的修改、補(bǔ)充或延續(xù)。

  In this agreement, (1) know-how & secret refers to all information party B has access to during the term of employment with party A, including but not limit to party A’s raw materials outsourcing channels, products sale channels, information relating to cooperative partners, list of customers and clients, cost of products, sale price, and production techniques and procedure, manufacturing equipment, together with all information relating to party A production, management, commerce, technology, logistics, finance, operation, procurement and human resources; (2) the supervisor mentioned in this agreement is mr. xxx; (3) the contract means the above mentioned contract and all amendments, supplementary documents and renewing documents of the contract.

  六、 乙方在此完全理解本協(xié)議第三條是否實(shí)施的決定權(quán)在于甲方;其次無(wú)論甲方是否執(zhí)行第三條都不免除乙方在本協(xié)議項(xiàng)下其他義務(wù)的履行。

  Party B hereby fully understands that the decision on carrying out article 3 of this agreement shall be made by party A; secondly, whether or not to carry out such article shall not release any liability of party B under this agreement.

  七、 本協(xié)議系合同的補(bǔ)充,如果本協(xié)議和合同的內(nèi)容存在沖突,應(yīng)以本協(xié)議為準(zhǔn),未盡事宜參照合同。

  This agreement is a supplement to the contract. if any discrepancy between this agreement and the contract exists in conflict, the agreement shall prevail. unmentioned matters in this agreement shall refer to the contract.

  八、 本協(xié)議一式兩份,甲乙雙方各執(zhí)一份,具有同等法律效力。

  This agreement is made in two originals, each one holding one with same effect.

  九、 本協(xié)議自雙方簽字蓋章后生效。

  The agreement shall become effective upon the signature and seal of both parties.

  甲方: party A: 代表representative:

  乙方(簽字)party B: 簽約日期/date






