

時(shí)間: 謝樺657 分享




  乙方: ____________________
















  4、乙方必須嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行甲方所制定的教學(xué)大綱,并及時(shí)向甲方通報(bào)教學(xué)計(jì)劃的執(zhí)行情況 ;





































  甲方:中國某大學(xué)Party A: A China University (China)


  乙方:美國某大學(xué)Party B: US University (United States)

  地址:124 Street, New York, WV 26426


  Through friendly negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on issues of international education cooperation.

  一、合作雙方The Two Parties



  As one of 211 Project universities directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of P.R.China , Party A is a higher educational institution having the qualification of running a school independently. The international education exchange and cooperation can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of preparatory courses as well as running a school with foreign counterparts.

  USA University, institution of higher learning in the United States, is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. As a regular university of U.S.A, its academic credentials have also been admitted by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

  二、合作目的與宗旨Purpose & Aim


  Taking mutual trust, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit as the principle, both Party A and Party B shall cooperate on one’s own resource advantages in order to reap favorable social and economic benefits, and promote one’s own social influence power. Party A shall offer the educational platform and educational hardware, and Party B shall introduce high-quality educational resources and advanced ideas in educational administration from U.S.A. Both sides shall develop the education market in both China and the U.S. cooperatively.

  三、合作內(nèi)容及方式Content & Mode

  1. 甲乙雙方合作,在甲方開辦赴美留學(xué)的培訓(xùn)項(xiàng)目。

  Both sides shall cooperate in launching a training program at Party A for the student to study in the US.

  2 赴美培訓(xùn)項(xiàng)目為非學(xué)歷教育,引進(jìn)全美大學(xué)通用的,可替代托福成績的ESL英語證書培訓(xùn)課程,目的是為了使留美學(xué)生到美國后,其英語水平能夠達(dá)到與母語為英語的學(xué)生一起上課的要求。

  Being a non-academic credential education program, the U.S.A training program shall introduce ESL ---English certificate training course, which is commonly recognized among American universities and can substitute TOEFL scores. Its purpose is to ensure that the students acquire an English language proficiency level high enough for taking classes together with those native English speaking students after they go to the U.S.A.

  3 由甲方提供場所及教學(xué)設(shè)施,負(fù)責(zé)招生,乙方提供課程的全部師資、教材、教育教學(xué)軟件和證書。

  Party A shall offer classrooms and teaching facilities and is responsible for recruiting new students, while Party B shall provide the overall teaching materials, educational software, teachers of ESL course as well as ESL English certificate which is universally recognized among US universities.

  4. 招生人數(shù)少于 人不得開班。

  The new class shall not be started in case the enrollment is less than

  四、甲乙雙方的權(quán)利與義務(wù)Rights & Obligations of Both Parties

  (一)甲方Party A:

  1. 負(fù)責(zé)赴美留學(xué)項(xiàng)目開辦的相關(guān)立項(xiàng)和報(bào)批手續(xù)。

  To be responsible for relevant formalities in launching, reporting and obtaining approval for the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL.

  2. 負(fù)責(zé)提供赴美留學(xué)英語培訓(xùn)項(xiàng)目的教學(xué)設(shè)施及相關(guān)服務(wù)。

  To be responsible for offering teaching facilities and relevant services for the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL.

  3. 負(fù)責(zé)教學(xué)質(zhì)量的監(jiān)控,確保教學(xué)計(jì)劃的順利實(shí)施。如乙方所提供的師資質(zhì)量出現(xiàn)問題,甲方有權(quán)保留提出整改并進(jìn)一步更換師資的權(quán)利

  To be responsible for the supervision and control of the teaching quality to ensure the smooth implementation of the program. Should the teachers dispatched by Party B not match the quality requirements, Party A reserves the right to demand correction and change the teachers concerned.

  4. 負(fù)責(zé)項(xiàng)目宣傳和招生。

  To be responsible for propagating and enrolling new students of the Program.

  5. 負(fù)責(zé)收取學(xué)生的學(xué)費(fèi)、住宿費(fèi)等。

  To be responsible for gathering tuition fees and dormitory charges from students.

  6. 負(fù)責(zé)按照本協(xié)議的約定,將乙方應(yīng)分得學(xué)費(fèi)及時(shí)、足額地支付給乙方。

  To be responsible for paying in full and in time the part of tuition fees due to Party B according to the terms of this Agreement.

  7. 負(fù)責(zé)教學(xué)安排和學(xué)生管理。

  To take charge of teaching arrangement and managing students.

  8. 負(fù)責(zé)美方教師的食宿安排,并支付規(guī)定的食宿費(fèi),共計(jì)每人每年人民幣 元,其中住宿費(fèi)為人民幣 元/年/人,伙食費(fèi)為 元/年/人。

  To be responsible for arranging dormitory for US teachers and pay the living expenses as stipulated, i.e. RMB yuan in total per person per year, of which hotel expense is RMB yuan / year / person, board expenses for RMB year/ person.

  (二)乙方Party B:

  1. 同意甲方以與美國大學(xué)合作的名義開展赴美留學(xué)英語培訓(xùn)項(xiàng)目。

  To agree for Party A to launch the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL in the name of cooperating with US University.

  2. 負(fù)責(zé)為甲方提供招生宣傳資料和招生簡章的主要內(nèi)容。

  To be responsible for offering the main content of the propaganda material and school admission brochure for Party A.

  3. 負(fù)責(zé)提供留美預(yù)科班的全部師資、教材、教學(xué)軟件和全美大學(xué)通行的ESL英語證書,并確保提供師資的質(zhì)量,自愿接受甲方的教學(xué)監(jiān)控。

  To be responsible for providing all the teachers of the Study in U.S.A preparatory course Program, teaching materials, teaching software and ESL English Certificate commonly recognized among US universities.

  4. 負(fù)責(zé)美方教師往返中國的機(jī)票和薪酬。

  To be responsible for the US teachers’ plane tickets and salary to China.

  5. 負(fù)責(zé)美方教師在中國期間的人身意外和醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)。

  To be responsible for the US teachers’ personal accident and medical insurance during their stay in China.

  6. 負(fù)責(zé)為參加赴美留學(xué)英語培訓(xùn)班學(xué)習(xí)的學(xué)生申請美國大學(xué),并為美國大學(xué)錄取。

  To apply for students who participate in the Program of Studying in U.S.A training program of ESL, and ensure that they are admitted by a US university.

  7. 負(fù)責(zé)為赴美留學(xué)英語培訓(xùn)班的學(xué)生申請到美國大學(xué)給予國際學(xué)生最優(yōu)厚的獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金。

  To be responsible for applying for the best scholarship which the US university can grant to international students for students in the Program of Studying at U.S.A training program of ESL.

  8. 負(fù)責(zé)為赴美留學(xué)英語培訓(xùn)班的學(xué)生提供赴美簽證培訓(xùn)和代理赴美簽證服務(wù)。

  To offer the necessary training and service of visa application to students in the Program of Studying in U.S.A training program of ESL to facilitate their obtaining the US entry visa.

  五、收費(fèi)和雙方利益分配Charges and Profits Distribution

  1. 學(xué)費(fèi): 培訓(xùn)、考試及證書費(fèi)用為每人每期 元人民幣,報(bào)到注冊時(shí)一次性交清。其中甲方分得 %,乙方分得 %;各自用于辦學(xué)成本開支。學(xué)費(fèi)由甲方統(tǒng)一收取,在每個(gè)學(xué)期開學(xué)后15個(gè)工作日內(nèi)由甲方將乙方應(yīng)分得部分劃入乙方在北京的指定賬戶。

  Tuition fee: RMB yuan per student for the program, collected at the time of registration. Party A shall get a proportion of % from the tuition and Party B shall get %, each side shall use it to cover the respective education cost. All the tuition shall be collected by Party A, and within 15 work days at the beginning of the each semester, Party A shall transfer the part of tuition due to Party B into the designated account of Party B in Beijing.

  2. 教材費(fèi):由乙方以合理價(jià)格收取。

  Textbook charge shall be collected by Party B at reasonable price.

  3. 學(xué)生住宿費(fèi):按甲方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)收取。

  Dormitory shall be charged at the standard set by Party A.

  六、合作期限Cooperation Term


  The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both sides, and it shall last for two years since the signed date. If both sides consider it necessary to continue the cooperation, then an official written agreement of extension shall be signed three months before the expiration.

  七、協(xié)議的變更Change of the Agreement


  Any change or affairs not stated in this agreement shall be covered by written supplemental agreement reached between both sides through negotiation. The supplemental agreement has the same legal effect as this agreement.

  八、協(xié)議的終止和不可抗力Termination and Force Majeure

  1. 本協(xié)議有效期滿時(shí),自動(dòng)終止。

  The agreement will be automatically terminated upon expiration.

  2. 由于政治原因、自然災(zāi)害、戰(zhàn)爭及其它不可預(yù)見因素,或?qū)ζ浒l(fā)生及后果不能防止或避免的不可抗拒因素影響本協(xié)議的履行或不能按預(yù)定條件履行的,遇上述不可抗拒因素的一方應(yīng)立即通知對方,并應(yīng)在三十日內(nèi)提供詳情及有效證明文件。因不可抗力致使本協(xié)議中止時(shí),簽約雙方互不承擔(dān)經(jīng)濟(jì)責(zé)任。因不可抗力致使本協(xié)議中止時(shí),簽約雙方應(yīng)共同對參加本教育項(xiàng)目學(xué)習(xí)的學(xué)生做出妥善安排,并將學(xué)生的損失降到最低限度。

  When unpredictable circumstances like political policy, natural disasters, war or other force majeure whose occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented, and which leads to the situation in which the agreement cannot be carried out or be implemented as planned, the Party who suffers one of the above shall notify the counterpart without delay and provide details and valid supporting documents within thirty days. If the agreement has to terminate because of force majeure, neither side shall bear the economic responsibilities. In addition, both Parties shall make proper arrangements for participants of the education program, and do their best to minimize the students’loss.

  3. 本協(xié)議執(zhí)行期間,任何一方如有不規(guī)范操作,違背協(xié)議約定,在對方提出三次整改要求后仍未改正的情況下,對方有權(quán)提出解除本協(xié)議。但甲、乙雙方應(yīng)繼續(xù)履行各自職責(zé),完成未完成的培訓(xùn),不得侵犯已入學(xué)學(xué)生的合法權(quán)益。

  During implementation of the agreement, if any Party’s improper conducts breach the agreement, and the said Party makes no corrections after the counterpart’s warning for three times, the counterpart shall have the right to suggest terminating the agreement.

  Nevertheless, both sides have duties to complete the ongoing training and must not violate the legal rights and interests of the enrolled students.


  Establishment of Breach Responsibilities and Indemnifications

  1. 簽約的任何一方,不能按約定的時(shí)間、方式和要求履行本協(xié)議應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任、義務(wù),均視為違約。

  It shall be regarded as breach if any side cannot implement the agreement and perform its own duties or responsibilities in accordance with the time, manner and requirements stipulated.

  2. 違約方因其違約行為造成本協(xié)議目標(biāo)不能實(shí)現(xiàn)或給簽約對方造成經(jīng)濟(jì)損失,均應(yīng)承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的賠償責(zé)任。

  If behaviors of the breach side cause the objective of the agreement not being realized or cause economic loss for the counterpart, the breach side shall bear the relevant compensation duties.

  3. 違約方因其違約行為或因已方不當(dāng)行為侵害了教育項(xiàng)目的學(xué)生合法權(quán)益,或社會相關(guān)方面合法權(quán)益,或違反了中國法律及政府法令,均應(yīng)獨(dú)自承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的法律責(zé)任。

  If the breach behavior or improper behavior of the breach side violates the legal rights or interests of the students in this education program, or the relevant legal rights or interests of related organizations in the society, or the laws or government decrees of PRC, the breach side shall undertake the related legal duties independently.

  4. 違約方因其違約行為或因已方不當(dāng)行為引發(fā)與第三方糾紛,致使無責(zé)任的簽約方被要求承擔(dān)連帶賠償責(zé)任時(shí),無責(zé)任的簽約方有權(quán)要求有違約責(zé)任或?qū)嵤┎划?dāng)行為的簽約方賠償相應(yīng)的損失。

  .If the breach behavior or improper behavior of the breach side causes dispute with a third Party and involves the counterpart into the compensation affairs, the Party who has no fault shall have the right to request the breach side (or the side which has improper behaviors) to indemnify the relevant loss.

  十、爭議的解決Dispute Settlement

  1 在履行本協(xié)議的過程中,甲、乙雙方欲告之對方的重要事項(xiàng),以書面確認(rèn)函的內(nèi)容為準(zhǔn)。

  In the process of agreement implementation, notification of important matters by one Party to the other shall be based on the content of the confirmation letter.

  2 本協(xié)議在執(zhí)行過程中如發(fā)生爭議時(shí),先由甲、乙雙方協(xié)商解決。

  Any dispute in the implementation of the agreement shall first be resolved through negotiation by the two Parties.

  3 不能協(xié)商解決的爭議,甲、乙雙方可向有管轄權(quán)的人民法院起訴。

  As to disputes which cannot be solved through negotiation, both sides may appeal to the People’s Court with jurisdiction.



  The agreement is drawn up in both the Chinese and the English languages in quadruplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold two copies respectively and each copy has equal legal effects.

  甲方::Party A中國某大學(xué) 乙方:Party B美國大學(xué)

  代表(簽章) 代表(簽章)

  Representative (signature) Representative (signature)


隨著全球化的發(fā)展,國際教育合作項(xiàng)目越來越來多,特別是西部貧困地區(qū)近期獲得了不少國際組織以及企業(yè)團(tuán)體的教育資助。以下是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家精心準(zhǔn)備的:教育項(xiàng)目合作協(xié)議相關(guān)模板。歡迎參考閱讀! 教育項(xiàng)目合作協(xié)議模板一 甲方:北京____


  • 項(xiàng)目投資合作協(xié)議書范本模板


  • 多人合伙經(jīng)營的協(xié)議書范本


  • 營銷策劃合作協(xié)議書范本3篇


  • 軟件項(xiàng)目合同范本3篇
