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時間: 斯祺1212 分享




  1. 讓我們的校園更文明,讓我們的心靈更高尚。

  Let’s make our campus environment even more civilized and our sour even more exalted.

  2. 英語常說才流利,漢語常說才練達。

  English becomes more fluent with much practice; Chinese becomes more brilliant with much use.

  3. 靜心才能虛心,虛心方可進步。

  Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.

  4. 學習的興趣源于學習的過程。

  Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning.

  5. 樂于學習,善于溝通,敢于承擔,勇于創(chuàng)新。

  Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.

  6. 忌滿地挖坑,要鉆井出水。

  Never give up easily; dig the tunnel through.

  7. 只有永遠的努力,沒有永遠的成功。

  There is no constant success without constant effort.

  8. 不怕困難,就怕畏難。

  Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.

  9. 把失敗當作起點,把成功也當作起點。

  Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.

  10. 一個人成功的過程就是一個人不斷修煉的過程。

  The process of one’s success is a course of constant perfection.

  11. 打倒你的不是挫折,而是你面對挫折時所持的心態(tài)。

  Study is the prerequisite for survival, the foundation for development and the capital for innovation.

  12. 成功者永遠在做事,失敗者永遠在許愿。

  The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising.

  13. 學生的笑臉就是校園的陽光,家長的滿意就是學校的生命。

  Student’s faces bring life to the campus; parent’s contentment brings a hope for the school .

  14. 讓家長省心放心,讓孩子成人成才。

  Save the parents from anxiety and prepare the children for their brilliant futures.

  15. 教師的敬業(yè)就是學校的希望,社會的認可就是學校的成功。

  The teacher’s devotion is the hope of the school and the society’s acceptance is the success of the school.


  1. 尊重學生的人格,尊重學生的發(fā)展,尊重學生的選擇。

  Respect the student’s personalities, development and choices.

  2. 嚴在防患于未然,愛須真誠到細微。

  Discipline is about nipping things in the bud while love is always subtle and sincere.

  3. 成績不說跑不了,問題不說不得了。

  Achievements remain even when unnoticed; problems, however, becomes worse when not pointed out.

  4. 成功永遠屬于用心做事的人。

  Success always goes to those who do their job painstakingly.

  5. 我們不會被對手打敗,只會被自己打敗。

  We are not defeated by our adversaries, but by ourselves.

  6. 所謂的成功就是把每一件具體的事都做好。

  Success means to do every job well, no matter how small.

  7. 讓學生從你的目光中找到自信,讓孩子從你的微笑中體會溫馨。

  Let the students find confidence in your eyes and let children feel the warmth of your smile.

  8. 要盡量多地要求學生,也要盡量多地去尊重學生。

  One should respect the students as much as demanding respect from them.

  9. 愛是教育的翅膀。

  Love is the propeller of education.

  10. 孩子不犯錯誤才是錯誤。

  It is an erroneous belief that children make no mistakes.

  11. 坦坦蕩蕩做人,扎扎實實做事。

  Be frank and honest with people; be persistent and practical with work.

  12. 只有你想到,你才能做到。

  You can hardly do what you have not even expected.

  13. 以平常心,做非凡事。

  Be common in mind, do uncommon wok.

  14. 天下興亡,我的責任。

  Everybody is responsible for the rise of fall of the nation.

  15. 用心做事,方能成就大事。

  No pains, no gains.





