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  1、Intel: Give the computer a Pentium core

  Intel's microprocessor was originally called x86, and not their own brand, in order to highlight their brand, from 586, the computer's running speed to define the number of Pentium. It is said that Intel Corporation to launch its own Pentium brand, gave the major computer companies 5% rebate, is to their products and packaging labeled "intel inside" words, and "to the computer a Pentium core" Pun intended to highlight both the brand and aptly reflect the Pentium microprocessor functions and surging driving force.

  2、Toyota: car to the Piedmont must have a road, there must be a Toyota car ~ ha ha own boast their shameless

  80 years, China 's road in addition to domestic cars in addition to only Japan' s imported cars. Toyota Motor as Japan's largest auto company in the Chinese market, the natural ear, and this wonderful slogan is very consistent with the situation at the time; ingenious to put together Chinese proverbs, reflecting the self-confidence and a domineering, and catchy .Today, Toyota has probably not dare to say so much, but many Chinese people still remember this phrase.

  Goldlion's success in addition to benefit from a good name lies in the success of positioning, their own products targeted at the success and identity of the men, perseverance over the years, and finally become a boutique in men's clothing, and this ad phrase The finishing touch generally embodies Goldlion's positioning and core values.

  Sassoon shampoo: my glory from your style ~ your style comes from my glory

  Sassoon P & G shampoo brand is a rising star, they invited well-known international hairdressing experts Vidal Sassoon to do their own brand ambassador, and Vader? Sassoon's own name as a brand, so as to establish a professional shampoo, hair care image, and "my glory from your style" is the finishing touch.


  1、Mentioned Swiss watch seems to think of only the valuable image and exquisite craft. However, the face of the Japanese watch the attack, the Swiss watch seems to be no longer valuable scenery. Swatch's emergence to break the unfavorable situation, they lead the fashion and affordable appearance, and many models and a limited number of production, that bright colors and beautiful shape as the ad shows as: wristOn the landscape.

  UPS Express: treasure entrusted, as pro-delivery said good hope to do better

  Courier company advertising often highlights a "fast" word, but UPS Express through a series of advertising to shape their more pro-and image, from greetings "good morning" handsome young people to a service staff smile , UPS pay more attention to the image of the appeal, "cherish the trust, as pro-delivery" is reflected in the humanities care and emotional communication.

  2、Philips: Let us do better

  Philips achieved remarkable results in the field of home appliances, and became the 500 most profitable electrical group. However, Philips advertising in addition to constantly emphasize their innovative technology, but also never forget the humble to say "let us do better", this gentle selling seems to be easier to win people's recognition, no wonder that year Of the love will be moved out of a fake version of the East "We have been working hard.

  3、Levi denim: different cool, the same pants

  Levi denim is the world's first jeans brand, has always been a personalized image, in the younger generation, the cool culture seems to be a never out of date culture, Levi's jeans to seize this group of people Cultural characteristics of the changing with the "cool" like the ad appears to impress those who are cutting-edge fashion new "cool" family, to maintain the brand's fresh and lasting vitality.


  1.Enjoy Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola) 請喝可口可樂。(可口可樂)

  2.Generation Next.(Pepsi) 新的一代。(百事)

  3.The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus) 追求完美永無止境。(凌志汽車)

  4.Communication unlimited.(Motorola) 溝通無極限。(摩托羅拉)

  5.Feast your eyes.(Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment) 滋潤心靈的窗戶。(龐氏眼貼片)

  6.Focus on life.(Olympus) 瞄準(zhǔn)生活。(奧林巴斯)

  7.Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste) 健康笑容來自佳潔士。(佳潔士牙膏)

  8.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)

  9.Obey your thirst. 服從你的渴望。(雪碧)

  10.The new digital era. 數(shù)碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)







廣告一詞,據(jù)考證是一外來語。它首先源于拉丁文advertere,其意為注意,誘導(dǎo),傳播。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編帶來較長的英文廣告詞,歡迎閱讀! 經(jīng)典英文廣告語大全 1、Intel: Give the computer a Pentium core Intels microprocessor was orig


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