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  For the late return to the point of a warm lamp

  "Beijing Philips" radio advertising copy

  (1'05 ') central station

  Music from the (Dutch-style music), pressure, mixed

  Boy: "Grandpa, what 's the matter with you?

  "Oh, this is my grandfather when studying in the Netherlands, when I like to listen to the song, then, I use the Netherlands Philips audio, it is accompanied by how much I spent the nostalgia of the night what!"

  Daughter: "Dad, you say the Dutch Philips audio has been settled in Beijing, we now listen to the Beijing Philips audio"

  Music from the male voice: Beijing Philips, evoke your warm memories!

  Creative Unlimited: TV advertising album


  (Philips cooker), blowing hair for his wife (Philips thermostat hair dryer), to accompany his wife to brush their teeth (Philips acoustic wave toothbrush), to the child (the father of a child), to his wife, After the birth of a family of three to play with the house stood (Philips air purifier), and (Philips echo type home theater), to grow up with children to learn (Philips eye lamp), lit the child's future. Concluding remarks: healthy life, in fact, as long as a small step, Philips, every step of my healthy life. The overall look down, I feel particularly warm, and these small appliances are particularly applicable.

  First of all, it provides to consumers the purpose of life is to be healthy, will be happy. This is today's consumers are most concerned about, but also advocated by the home appliance industry, the ad is a very classic ad copy; followed by a family of three to reflect the practicality and necessity of home appliances, people feel warm but also on The brand have a good impression; the last home appliances are closer to the lens, so that consumers see the fine and practical appliances, produce heart. At the same time advertising everywhere full of love, the health of his wife and children's future, are more concerned about the Chinese family. I asked around the students, everyone on the home appliance industry, the brand is willing to buy the question of which there is a great favor of Philips, not only because of its good performance, and advertising touched. Although the advertising is not well known with the big star, but the effect should be closer to life, better able to achieve the purpose of the consumer heart.

  I think an ad, the most important thing is to impress people, so that consumers have a good impression, will think of when the consumer think of the brand, willing to buy it. When the end of the deep words accompanied by the kite with the sky, I think of a better life, warm and steady, the last few will feel the music to the highest point, which is presented to the audience Philips home appliances experience and new definition. I believe this is the best advertising, will attract more consumer attention, Philips' s visibility and reputation will be greatly enhanced, the prospects for the market will be more open.


  Philips really soft light bulb

  Midnight, a lamp a put out

  The dense night drowned the lights of the first break

  All things sleep

  How willing to return the person

  Alone in the night hurry

  And point on a lamp

  Point home on the warmth and expectations

  Let the late return of the children

  Feel lonely

  Philips really soft light bulb







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