

時(shí)間: 鳳梅1137 分享



  I.詞匯訓(xùn)練營。(10分)(B) 從方框中選擇詞組或表達(dá),并用其正確形式完成句子。

  lots of, thanks for, family name, call… at,school ID card

  6. —Where is my ? —It’s on the desk.

  7.I like playing ping-pong, and I have ping-pong balls.

  8. —What’s her ? —Miller.

  9. —Do you know the phone number of Li Hong?—Yes. You can Li Hong 253-8597.

  10. your books. I like them very much(非常).

  Ⅱ. 選擇填空。(15分)

  1. Mum, my teacher(老師), Mr Wang.

  A.she is B.this is C.here is

  2. —Are you Mr Li?


  A. Yes, I am B. No, you’re not C. Yes, you are

  3.—Is this _____ basketball?

  —No.It's _____ basketball.

  A.you;my B. my;you C.your;his

  4. —What are those?

  — are their books.

  A.That B. They’re C.They

  5.Please these things to your brother.He is at school

  A.bring B. look C.take

  6. — are my keys?

  —They are on the sofa.

  A. What B. Where C.Why

  7. —Do you like English?

  —Yes, it's .

  A.boring B. interesting C.difficult

  8.—What’s this in English, Miss Zhang?

  —It’s ______ eraser.

  A. an B. the C.a

  9.—Do you have a tennis racket?

  —______. But I have a baseball bat.

  A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.Yes, you do

  10. —What do you have ______ breakfast?

  —I eat eggs and hamburgers.

  A. in B.for C.on

  11. — Where is your ruler?

  —_______ in the pencil case.

  A.They are B.It’s C.This is

  12. — Is that man(男人) his uncle?


  A. Yes, he is B.Yes, it is C. No, she isn’t

  13. —_______ are your pens?

  —________ black.

  A. What; It’s B. What color; They’re C. Where; Them

  14. He can sing(唱) lots of songs(歌曲) ________ English.

  A. in B. with C. on

  15. Gina likes tomatoes for lunch and _________ for dessert.

  A. broccoli B. hamburgers C. ice cream

 ?、? 完成下面的句子。(30分)

  A) 將下面的單詞重新排序,使其成為完整的句子(注意句尾標(biāo)點(diǎn))。

  1. color, your, what, is, pen


  2. an, he, card, ID, need, does


  3. is, family, on, my, the, dresser, photo


  4. like, you, food, do, what


  5. does, pears, she, have, not


  B) 按要求完成句子,每空一詞。

  6. These are pencils.(改為單數(shù)句)

  ________ ________ ________ ________.

  7. He plays sports every day.(改為一般疑問句)

  ________ ________ ________ sports every day?

  8. The card is in the drawer.The book is in the drawer. (合并為一個(gè)句子)

  The card ________ the book ________ in the drawer.

  9. Are they your father and mother? (改為同義句)

  Are they your ________?

  10. She has a white tennis racket. (對劃線部分提問)

  ________ ________ she ________?

  C) 將下面的漢語句子譯為英語,每空一詞。

  11. 請撥685-6026找瑪莉。

  Please ________ Mary ________ 685-6026.

  12. 我爸爸有三個(gè)哥哥和一個(gè)姐姐。

  My father ________ ________ brothers and one ________.

  13. —我的鑰匙在哪兒?


  —________ ________ my keys?

  —Sorry, I ________ ________.

  14. 咱們打籃球吧!

  ________ us ________ ________.

  15. “手表”這個(gè)單詞怎么拼寫?

  ________ do you ________ the word “watch”?

  IV. 下面是Tim和Mary的對話,請從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥友a(bǔ)全對話。(10分)

  M: Hello, Tim.How are you?

  T: 1 What about you, Mary?

  M: I’m OK, thanks.Do you like some tea?

  T: 2 Do you have any orange juice(果汁)?

  M: Of course.3

  T: Thanks very much.Is this the photo of your family?

  M: 4

  T: And is the boy with a basketball your brother?

  M: 5

  A.Let me get you some orange juice.

  B.I’m fine, thank you.

  C.Yes, he likes basketball very much.

  D.No, thanks.

  E.Yes, it is.

  V. Match the following sentences. 從B欄中找出與A 欄各句相匹配的答語。(10分)

  A B

  ( ) 1. How are you? A. No, she doesn’t.

  ( ) 2. Good morning! B. Fine, thanks.

  ( ) 3. Do you have a ball? C. It’s an alarm clock.

  ( ) 4. What’s your name? D. Amy.

  ( ) 5. What color are the pens? E. Nice to meet you, too!

  ( ) 6. Nice to meet you! F. Good morning!

  ( ) 7. Is this a green pen? G. Yes, I do.

  ( ) 8. What’s this in English? H. Yes, it is.

  ( ) 9. Where’s my baseball? I. They’re green.

  ( )10. Does your mother watch TV? J. It’s on the sofa.


  This is the room of Li Lei. It’s a 1 (nice/well) room.You can see a bed,two 2 (tables/table), a chair and a soccer ball on the floor. What can you see 3 (on/in) the wall? You can see some 4 (picture/pictures).Where's 5 (a/the)light(燈)? It’s on 6 (a/the/an) table.Some books are on this table 7 (to/too).Where 8 (are/is) his pencil case and pens? They are on the other(另一個(gè))table.You can see a clock 9 (under/on)it.Under the chair is 10 (his/her)soccer ball.

  VII. 閱讀理解。(20分)

  A) 閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷句子的正誤(T/F)。

  My uncle likes sports very much.He loves soccer ball, basketball, baseball, tennis and more. He plays baseball and basketball very well.He likes to watch the sports games on TV. He plays sports every day.He has a small(小的)sports collection.He has 3 tennis rackets, 2 baseballs, 3 basketballs and a soccer ball.

  (  )1. My uncle doesn’t like sports, but he has a sports collection.

  (  )2. He plays baseball and basketball very well.

  (  )3. He likes to watch the sports collection on TV.

  (  )4. He watches TV and plays sports every day.

  (  )5. His collection is small: 3 tennis rackets, 2 baseballs, 3 basketballs and a soccer ball.

  B) 閱讀下列電子郵件,然后選擇正確答案。

  Dear Peter,

  My name is Frank.I am from(來自)America. Here is a picture of my class(班).We are in Class One, Grade Seven.

  You can see my friends in the picture.Jimmy likes to play basketball. He likes to eat apples and French fries.Helen likes math.Her favourite food is hamburgers.Sandra doesn’t like math. But she can speak French(法語). She likes ping-pong.Sally is a black(黑人的) girl. She likes to swim(游泳).She likes to eat ice cream. I like math too.Can you find(尋找) me? I like to eat bananas.Maria likes computer very much.She plays computer games very well.Nick is fun.He can play football.He likes strawberries best.

  Can you send(發(fā)送) me a picture of your class?



  1.Frank has friends.

  A.seven B.six C.five

  2. like sports.

  A.Jimmy, Sandra and Sally B.Maria, Nick and Jimmy

  C.Sally, Nick, Jimmy and Sandra

  3. and like math.

  A. Helen; Frank B.Sandra; Peter C.Helen; Sandra

  4. and like fruit.

  A.Nick, Maria; Jimmy B.Nick, Frank; Peter C.Jimmy, Nick; Frank

  5. is the e-friend of Frank.

  A.Sally B.Sandra C.Peter

  VIII. 書面表達(dá)。(15分)



  姓名: 劉軍






  Let me introduce myself(介紹我自己).I have a big(大的) family.


 ?、?(A) 1. computer 2.pencils 3. pencil case 4. apples 5. backpack

  (B) 6. school ID card 7.lots of 8. family name 9. call; at 10. Thanks for

  Ⅱ.1-5 BACCC 6-10 BBABB 11-15 BABAC

 ?、? A) 1.What color is your pen?

  2.Does he need an ID card?

  3.My family photo is on the dresser.

  4.What food do you like?

  5. She does not have pears.

  B)6.This is a pencil 7.Does he play 8.and; are 9.parents10. What does; have

  C) 11. call; at 12. has three; sister 13. Where are; don’t know14. Let; play basketball 15. How; spell

  IV. 1-5 BDAEC

  V. 1—5 BFGDI 6—10 EHCJA

  VI. 1.nice 2.tables 3.on 4.pictures 5.the 6. a 7.too 8.are9.on 10.his

  VII. A) 1-5 FTFFT B) 1-5 BCACC

  VIII. 略





