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時(shí)間: 楚薇20 分享





TOEIC考試不對(duì)考生有任何報(bào)考資格限制。 TOEIC考試測(cè)試人們的工作環(huán)境中使用英語(yǔ)交流的能力,通過(guò)參加TOEIC考試可以了解自己的英語(yǔ)水平及英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)展?fàn)顩r。















  • 考生注冊(cè)前應(yīng)準(zhǔn)備好標(biāo)準(zhǔn)證件電子版照片,照片要求為:379_484像素,無(wú)白邊,建議淺色背景,報(bào)名時(shí)須在“個(gè)人信息”頁(yè)面上傳;

  • 考生申請(qǐng)帳號(hào)和密碼,請(qǐng)妥善保管。使用此帳號(hào)和密碼,可以查詢(xún)報(bào)考狀態(tài)、個(gè)人信息,下載準(zhǔn)考證、考試成績(jī)等;

  • 多次報(bào)考的考生,請(qǐng)使用同一個(gè)身份報(bào)考,以免造成因不同身份報(bào)考而導(dǎo)致身份無(wú)效問(wèn)題;

  • 如果忘記帳號(hào)和密碼,賬號(hào)可使用手機(jī)或郵箱登陸,密碼可以通過(guò) "密碼找回" 功能找回;

  • 在付款成功之后,不能在線修改姓名、性別、證件類(lèi)型、證件號(hào)碼、出生日期、國(guó)籍。




  • 請(qǐng)仔細(xì)核對(duì)個(gè)人信息以及報(bào)考信息,確認(rèn)無(wú)誤后,根據(jù)提示完成在線付款;

  • 考試報(bào)名截止日后將無(wú)法修改個(gè)人信息以及報(bào)考信息。


  • 托業(yè)公開(kāi)考試目前僅支持支付寶即時(shí)到帳付款;

  • 支付成功后,考試將立即被確認(rèn);

  • 在使用支付寶時(shí)遇到問(wèn)題,建議您直接聯(lián)系支付寶客服熱線:95188


  • 在每次公開(kāi)考試日期前1周(不包含周末,從工作日開(kāi)始),考生可通過(guò)登陸公開(kāi)考試“報(bào)名中心” 下載電子版準(zhǔn)考證;

  • 在報(bào)名時(shí)如果提交的個(gè)人信息(中英文姓名、生日、證件號(hào)碼、通信地址等)有誤,將反映在準(zhǔn)考證上,請(qǐng)考生在去參加考試之前,檢查這些信息并按照準(zhǔn)考證上的指導(dǎo)更改;

  • 考生準(zhǔn)考證用A4紙打印出來(lái)使用,考生需要在準(zhǔn)考證上簽字。(請(qǐng)考生盡早在周一到周五工作日打印準(zhǔn)考證,以確保必要時(shí)可聯(lián)系到相關(guān)客服。)


  • 攜帶有效證件(身份證、護(hù)照、軍官證、港澳居民身份證、臺(tái)灣居民往來(lái)大陸通行證。其它任何證件無(wú)效)、準(zhǔn)考證(打印出的準(zhǔn)考證上有上傳的證件照片)參加考試。有效證件,準(zhǔn)考證對(duì)于參加考試的考生來(lái)說(shuō),缺一不可,請(qǐng)考生一定攜帶齊全。

  • 考生報(bào)到時(shí)間為上午8:30,考試將在上午9:00準(zhǔn)時(shí)開(kāi)始。遲到的考生將被拒絕參加考試。

  • 第六步:成績(jī)查詢(xún)與接收證書(shū)

  • 考試結(jié)束后2周后,考生可登錄網(wǎng)站查詢(xún)成績(jī)(特殊考試服務(wù)可在考試結(jié)束1周后登陸網(wǎng)站查詢(xún)成績(jī));

  • 考試結(jié)束 40-45天后(特殊考試服務(wù)在考試結(jié)束10天后),考生可接受美國(guó)教育考試服務(wù)中心(ETS)的成績(jī)證書(shū)一張(郵寄地址僅限中國(guó)大陸境內(nèi))。

  • 其他重要規(guī)定:


  • 考生在考試報(bào)名截止日期前可免費(fèi)取消考試,但需要支付退款手續(xù)費(fèi)人民幣5元;

  • 在扣除手續(xù)費(fèi)后,剩余費(fèi)用將通過(guò)支付寶退回考生報(bào)名付款時(shí)使用的銀行卡;

  • 一旦考試報(bào)名截止,考生則不能取消考試,考試費(fèi)將不予退回;

  • 特殊考試服務(wù)一經(jīng)報(bào)名繳費(fèi)成功,不接受退費(fèi),考生可以聯(lián)系客服進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)考操作。

  • 更改考試規(guī)定

  • 在考試報(bào)名截止之前考生可以更改考試的日期和城市;

  • 如要更改考試日期和城市,需要先取消考試,再重新報(bào)考(參見(jiàn)“取消考試規(guī)定”);

  • 一旦考試報(bào)名截止,考生則無(wú)法再更改考試日期和城市,考試費(fèi)將不予退回;

  • 以上操作均需在報(bào)名截止之前進(jìn)行。

  • 成績(jī)復(fù)議規(guī)定

  • 考試結(jié)束后3個(gè)月內(nèi)考生可以要求成績(jī)復(fù)議;

  • 托業(yè)聽(tīng)力閱讀考試的成績(jī)復(fù)議費(fèi)為人民幣80元。費(fèi)用繳納方法:在線支付;

  • 收到申請(qǐng)表和費(fèi)用后1個(gè)月內(nèi),將安排對(duì)原始分?jǐn)?shù)重新判定,判定完畢后通過(guò)郵件方式發(fā)放成績(jī)復(fù)議結(jié)果;

  • 如果重新評(píng)定的分?jǐn)?shù)與原分?jǐn)?shù)相同,成績(jī)復(fù)議的費(fèi)用將不退還;如果重新評(píng)定的分?jǐn)?shù)與原分?jǐn)?shù)有區(qū)別,將退還成績(jī)復(fù)議費(fèi);

  • 考生要求成績(jī)復(fù)議需要預(yù)先繳納成績(jī)復(fù)議費(fèi),在線填寫(xiě)并提交成績(jī)復(fù)議申請(qǐng),收到申請(qǐng)后我們將立即為您辦理。

  • 申請(qǐng)額外證書(shū)規(guī)定

  • 考生可申請(qǐng)額外的美國(guó)教育考試服務(wù)中心(ETS)發(fā)放的成績(jī)證書(shū);

  • 申請(qǐng)每份額外成績(jī)證書(shū)需交納人民幣80元;

  • 收到申請(qǐng)和費(fèi)用后1個(gè)月內(nèi),發(fā)放所申請(qǐng)的額外證書(shū);

  • 考生可在線填寫(xiě)并提交額外證書(shū)申請(qǐng),收到申請(qǐng)后我們將立即為您辦理。

  • 索要發(fā)票

  • 考生可以在支付全額報(bào)名費(fèi)并在無(wú)退費(fèi)的情況下申請(qǐng)發(fā)票,發(fā)票金額為實(shí)際報(bào)名費(fèi)金額。

  • 考生應(yīng)在支付成功后一個(gè)月內(nèi)申請(qǐng)發(fā)票,電子發(fā)票將通過(guò)電子郵件的形式發(fā)送至考試注冊(cè)時(shí)填寫(xiě)的電子郵箱地址。


  • 1

  • 考生報(bào)名時(shí)必須填寫(xiě)個(gè)人的真實(shí)信息,對(duì)于使用虛假和他人信息者 ,考試主辦方有權(quán)取消該考生的考試成績(jī),五年內(nèi)禁止參加托業(yè)考試;

  • Candidates must provide valid personal information in test registration. The test organizer reserves the right to cancel the candidate’s score and prohibit the candidate for taking TOEIC test in five years if information provided is found invalid;

  • 2

  • 考生須按要求準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)考場(chǎng)。未按要求準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)考場(chǎng)的,遲到的考生不允許進(jìn)入考場(chǎng)參加考試;

    Candidates must arrive on time as requested. Candidates who arrive late after the test has started are not allowed to enter;

  • 3

  • 考生入場(chǎng)須出示準(zhǔn)考證及有效身份證件。中國(guó)大陸考生須使用二代身份證、護(hù)照或軍官證;港澳地區(qū)考生須使 用港澳居民身份證或護(hù)照;臺(tái)灣地區(qū)考生須使用臺(tái)灣居民來(lái)往大陸通行證;外籍考生須使用護(hù)照。托業(yè)考試有效證件限于上述證件原件,且須在有效期內(nèi)并附有可識(shí)別的照片。考生入場(chǎng)所持證件的類(lèi)型必須與注冊(cè)時(shí)保持一致。考生未攜帶準(zhǔn)考證、有效身份證件或證件照與本人面貌不符,均不能入場(chǎng)考試;持假證件參加考試、雇傭他人為自己代考或?yàn)樗舜嫉目忌?,一?jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)取消考試成績(jī),五年內(nèi)禁止參加托業(yè)考試;

    When entering, candidate will be asked to provide the admission ticket, and the valid ID . Chinese mainland candidate must bring the second-generation National ID, Passport or Military ID; Hong Kong and Macao candidate must bring the Hong Kong and Macao Resident Identity Card or Passport; Taiwan candidate must bring the Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents; Foreigner must bring Passport. The valid ID listed above accepted by TOEIC Test must be original and be current (Not expired) with a recognizable photograph. When entering, candidate's ID type must be consistent with the ID provided during registration. Candidate who fails to provide the admission ticket, valid identification or a matched photo will not be admitted. Candidate with fake identification and impersonated candidate will be prohibited to participate in any TOEIC Test in 5 years;

  • 4

  • 考生在進(jìn)入考場(chǎng)前須徹底關(guān)閉手機(jī)(包括關(guān)閉手機(jī)鬧鐘)、電腦、智能手表、耳機(jī)等電子設(shè)備,進(jìn)入考場(chǎng)后應(yīng)將所有電子設(shè)備連同其他物品一并放置于考生個(gè)人物品存放處??荚囬_(kāi)始后,如發(fā)生考生攜帶電子設(shè)備至考位,或發(fā)現(xiàn)考生放置于考生個(gè)人物品存放處的電子設(shè)備沒(méi)有徹底關(guān)閉(包括因手機(jī)、手表、電腦的鈴聲或震動(dòng)),考生將被取消考試成績(jī)。滋擾考試秩序、不配合考務(wù)處理、使用電子設(shè)備作弊的考生,還將被五年內(nèi)禁止參加托業(yè)考試;

    All cell phones (including alarm clock), PDAs, smartwatches and other electronic devices must be turned off before entering the test room. After entering the test room, allelectronic devices and other restricted items should be placed in the personal belongings area. If it is found that any candidate brings the electronic devices, or does not turn off any electronic devices (including the ringing or vibration caused by the alarm clock) during the test, his/her test score will be cancelled.The test taker who disturb the testing order, or do not cooperate with the testing processing, or cheat with electronic equipment will also be banned from taking the TOEIC test for five years;

  • 5

  • 考生進(jìn)入考場(chǎng)后將身份證件放置在桌面上方,以便檢查。除證件、鉛筆、橡皮外 ,所有其它個(gè)人物品,應(yīng)放置在考場(chǎng)內(nèi)指定的位置;

    After entering the test room, candidates must place the identification on the desk for inspection. Except Identification, pencils and erasers, all other personal belongings should be placed in the designated area in the test room;

  • 6

  • 考生需穿著在各種溫度下均舒適的衣物,考試當(dāng)天可能無(wú)法根據(jù)考生的要求調(diào)節(jié)考場(chǎng)的溫度;請(qǐng)考生不要將貴重物品帶到考場(chǎng),考試主辦方對(duì)考試期間丟失的個(gè)人物品不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任;

    Candidates shall wear proper clothes for the weather, in case the temperature in the test room could not be adjusted during the test.Do not bring valuables into the test room. The test organizer is not responsible for personal belongings lost during the test;

  • 7

  • 不要與其他考生發(fā)生不必要的沖突,對(duì)于考生之間出現(xiàn)的任何問(wèn)題,考試主辦方將不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任;

    Do not engage in unnecessary conflict with other candidates. The test organizer is not responsible for any problems happen between candidates;

  • 8

  • 在考場(chǎng)監(jiān)考人員宣布考生可以離開(kāi)考場(chǎng)之前,考生不能提前離開(kāi)考場(chǎng)??忌蛱厥庠虿荒芾^續(xù)考試,需要到現(xiàn)場(chǎng)考務(wù)辦公室等候,在考試結(jié)束后才能離開(kāi);

    Candidates are not allowed to leave the seat until the administrator instructs to do so. Those who are not able to continue the exam due to special reason will be asked to wait in the administration office and allowed to leave after the test is finished;

  • 9

  • 考試過(guò)程中可能出現(xiàn)任何意外情況,考場(chǎng)監(jiān)考人員都將按照托業(yè)考試考場(chǎng)管理規(guī)則提供現(xiàn)場(chǎng)解決方案,如果考生對(duì)解決方案有異議,需要在方案實(shí)施之前提出;否則,將被視為接受解決方案并承擔(dān)該解決方案所帶來(lái)的結(jié)果;考生接受現(xiàn)場(chǎng)解決方案后,對(duì)該情況及現(xiàn)場(chǎng)解決方案的投訴無(wú)效。 由于無(wú)法預(yù)料的情況,考試可能會(huì)被取消或推遲。對(duì)于因取消或推遲考試而給考生帶來(lái)的任何不便、成本(考試費(fèi)除外)和其他個(gè)人損失,托業(yè)考試主辦方不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任;

    The administrator will provide on-site solution according to the TOEIC Test administration regulations if any accident occurs during the exam. Objections must be raised before the solution is implemented, or else, candidates shall be deemed to have accepted the solution and take the consequences related; Complaints regarding the accident and solution are not accepted if candidates have accepted the on-site solution. The test could be canceled or delayed due to unexpected conditions. The test organizer is not responsible for any loss (except the examination fee) or inconvenience caused by the cancellation or delay of the test

  • 10

  • 有下列行為的考生,按照托業(yè)考試管理規(guī)定,將被取消考試資格、 取消考試成績(jī)并不退還考試費(fèi):

    According to the TOEIC Test administration regulation, candidates involved in any of the followings will be disqualified, whose score will be cancelled, and whose test fee will not be refunded:

    10.1 遲到的考生;

    Candidates who arrive late after the1 test has started;

    10.2 在入場(chǎng)過(guò)程中或考試過(guò)程中,被發(fā)現(xiàn)證件或照片不符合托業(yè)考試要求的考生;

    Candidates whose identification or photos are found unqualified when entering the test room or during the test;

    10.3 除證件、鉛筆橡皮以外,拒不將其他個(gè)人物品放置到考生個(gè)人物品存放處的考生;

    Candidates who refuse to place personal items (except identification card, pencils and erasers)in thedesignated area;

    10.4 無(wú)論是否對(duì)考試造成影響,在考試過(guò)程中被發(fā)現(xiàn)使用手機(jī)等電子設(shè)備或手機(jī)等電子設(shè)備沒(méi)有徹底關(guān)閉的考生;

    Candidates caught using cell phones or other electronic devices or whose devices are not turned off completely during the test, disregarding the influence;

    10.5 考試開(kāi)始前翻閱試題或作答、考試結(jié)束后繼續(xù)作答,或在考試過(guò)程中不按要求作答的考生;

    Candidates who read or write on the test paper before the test begin, keep writing after the test ended, or do not follow the test rules;

    10.6 在考試過(guò)程中,在試卷上做標(biāo)記的考生,跨部分作答的考生,有任何作弊行為的考生;

    During the test, candidates who have the behavior of marking on the test books, working on a section other than the current section, or using any cheating methods;

    10.7 抄襲他人或書(shū)籍資料等,或?yàn)樗顺u提供方便的考生;

    Candidates who copy from others or any book, or help others cheating;

    10.8 在考試過(guò)程中,有夾帶、傳遞紙條等物品及有任何作弊行為的考生;

    Candidates who smuggle, pass notes and other items or have any other cheating behavior;

    10.9 在考場(chǎng)內(nèi)交談、喧嘩或制造明顯噪音,干擾其他考生考試,經(jīng)監(jiān)考人員一次警告后,繼續(xù)干擾行為的考生;

    Candidateswho fail to stop talking, clattering, making noises or any other disturbances after a one-time warning by administrator;

    10.10 在考試結(jié)束前,擅自離開(kāi)考場(chǎng)的考生;

    Candidates who leave the test room without permission before the test ends;

    10.11 使用任何威脅語(yǔ)言或行為攻擊考試監(jiān)考人員,經(jīng)監(jiān)考人員一次警告后,繼續(xù)攻擊言行的考生;擾亂考試秩序,語(yǔ)言威脅或行為攻擊考務(wù)工作人員或其他考生的考生;

    Candidates who fail to stop using threatening language or behavior against administrators after a one-time warning;

    10.12 違反現(xiàn)場(chǎng)監(jiān)考老師給出的考試指令,或違反《考生手冊(cè)》和托業(yè)官網(wǎng)已經(jīng)列出的其他考試規(guī)定;

    Candidates whofail to follow the test orders given by the administrators or any rules listed on the Bulletin of Information or TOEIC official website;

  • 11

  • 有下列行為的考生,按照托業(yè)考試管理規(guī)定,將被取消考試資格、 取消考試成績(jī)、不退還考試費(fèi)、五年內(nèi)禁止參加托業(yè)考試,并會(huì)被追究法律責(zé)任:

    Candidates who have any behaviors listed below, will get their test results and qualification canceled, will not get refund, will be prohibited from taking TOEIC exam for five years and will be investigated;


    Candidates who usefake identificationor offer fake identification;

    11.2 有替考和被替考行為的考生;

    Candidates who are proxy testers or impersonated;

    11.3 使用電子設(shè)備作弊或提供作弊設(shè)備的考生;

    Candidates who cheat using any electronic device or offer cheating device for others;

    11.4 以任何方式對(duì)考試資料和考試內(nèi)容進(jìn)行刪除或復(fù)制,或?qū)⒖荚囐Y料或考試內(nèi)容帶出考場(chǎng),或?qū)⒖荚囶}目或答案泄露給其他人或其他機(jī)構(gòu)的考生。此類(lèi)行為將被追究法律責(zé)任;

    Candidates who are found taking test materials out of the test room will be held liable and prohibited to take any TOEIC test in 5 years;

  • 12

  • 考試后,成績(jī)因故無(wú)法計(jì)算的,將視情況安排免費(fèi)重考;

    If the test results could not be calculated or given due to various reasons after the test, the test organizer will arrange a compensate reexamination depending on the situation;

  • 13

  • 對(duì)于在考前,考試過(guò)程中或考試結(jié)束后發(fā)現(xiàn)有作弊嫌疑或異常成績(jī)的考生,托業(yè)考試主辦方有權(quán)對(duì)相關(guān)考生、考場(chǎng)、考區(qū)進(jìn)行調(diào)查處理(調(diào)查期間將暫緩發(fā)布成績(jī)),包括且不限于將有代考或其他作弊方式嫌疑的考生的相關(guān)信息提交至公安機(jī)關(guān)等第三方鑒定機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行鑒定,與考生所在單位聯(lián)系核實(shí)相關(guān)信息等;

    Before, during or after the test, the test organizer has the right to check the personal profile of any suspected proxy tester or other cheating methods, including but not limited to submit it to third-party identification bodies such as public security organizations, contact the candidate's company to verify the relevant information;

  • 14

  • 所有考生、考場(chǎng)、考區(qū)需要無(wú)條件積極配合托業(yè)考試主辦方對(duì)于考試過(guò)程中各類(lèi)舞弊行為的調(diào)查和相關(guān)行動(dòng)??忌?、考場(chǎng)、考區(qū)需配合調(diào)查的方式包含但不限于重新考試、信息提供等方式。對(duì)于拒絕配合的考生、考場(chǎng)、考區(qū),托業(yè)考試主辦方有權(quán)不發(fā)布成績(jī)直至取消成績(jī);

    All candidates, test centers, test administrators should cooperate with the investigate, including but not limited to re-test, provision of information, etc. Candidates, test centers, test administrators should be cooperative. We have the right to cancel the score of the candidates, test centers, test administrators if he/she is not cooperative in the investigation;

  • 15

  • 托業(yè)考試主辦方有權(quán)根據(jù)調(diào)查結(jié)果對(duì)相關(guān)違紀(jì)行為和異常成績(jī)作出處理,處理方式包括但不限于不發(fā)布成績(jī)直至取消成績(jī)、取消已發(fā)布的成績(jī)(要求被取消成績(jī)的考生退回成績(jī)證書(shū)),對(duì)于有作弊行為的考生禁止其5年內(nèi)參加考試。托業(yè)考試主辦方保留對(duì)一切違紀(jì)考生、考場(chǎng)、考區(qū)做出相關(guān)處理的權(quán)利;

    We reserve the right to further investigate, punish, or cancel the score of the candidate(s), test centers, test administrators who is/are caught cheating during the test or after the test;

  • 16

  • 如遇特殊疫情或其他突發(fā)情況,為保障全體考生的安全,本公司除遵守國(guó)家相關(guān)法律規(guī)定外,需要安排特別的考務(wù)防控措施(如:要求考生進(jìn)入考場(chǎng)時(shí)測(cè)量體溫、戴口罩、消毒、禁止疑似病例參加考試等),考生應(yīng)予以無(wú)條件遵照?qǐng)?zhí)行。

    To ensure the safety of all candidates, in case of the special epidemic or other unexpected emergencies, in addition to observing the relevant national laws and regulations, it is necessary to arrange special prevention and control measures (such as requiring candidates to take temperature when entering the testing room, wearing masks, disinfection, banning suspected candidate from taking the test, etc.). Please cooperate with the TOEIC test center.

  • 備注:本考試規(guī)則是托業(yè)考試的必要組成部分,考生必須同意遵守本考試規(guī)則方可進(jìn)行報(bào)名和考試,考生之報(bào)名行為視為對(duì)本考試規(guī)則的同意和承諾。任何人都有權(quán)利和義務(wù)維護(hù)托業(yè)考試的公正性,歡迎舉報(bào)一切違反考場(chǎng)規(guī)則的行為。

  • 考試反舞弊/投訴郵箱:anti-fraud-toeic@btseducation.cn

  • The rules above are the essential part of the TOEIC test. Candidates must agree to abide by these testing rules before they can register and take the test. The registration behavior of candidates is regarded as an agreement and commitment to these testing rules. Everyone has the right and obligation to maintain the fairness of TOEIC test. You are welcome to report violations of any kind that are against the Test Regulations.

  • Exam anti-cheating / complaint e-mail:anti-fraud-toeic@btseducation.cn

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