

時(shí)間: 楚薇0 分享

  在托福寫作的備考過程中,掌握詞匯是托福寫作的前提,而對(duì)于詞匯的掌握來說,只是有限詞匯的積累是遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠的。只有熟悉了相關(guān)的場(chǎng)景詞匯,才可能在舉例和展開文段中有清晰的思路?,F(xiàn)在,小編就為大家整理托福寫作高頻場(chǎng)景詞匯:Culture and Leisure.

  托福寫作高頻場(chǎng)景詞匯:Culture and Leisure1

  1) 出國(guó)旅游 travel abroad/ overseas tourism

  2) 從日常事務(wù)中得到片刻休息get a moment to rest from the daily routine

  3) 訂閱報(bào)紙/雜志subscribe to the newspaper/ magzine/ journal

  4) 說與......不同的語(yǔ)言 speak another language

  5) 表現(xiàn)創(chuàng)造力 perform creative power/ ability

  6) 保全面子 save one’s face

  7) 尊重文化差異 respect differences

  8) 以......代替...... substitute by...

  托福寫作高頻場(chǎng)景詞匯:Culture and Leisure2

  9) 建議某人 suggest/ advise/ persuade

  10) 充電 charge a battery

  11) 演奏樂器play an instrument

  12) 以某人做榜樣 take... as example/ model.

  13) 創(chuàng)造歷史make history

  14) 預(yù)定 book/ reserve/ make a reservation for...

  15) 拍......電影 make films

  16) 點(diǎn)燃篝火 light a bonfire

  17) 引導(dǎo)公共輿論 guide the public opinion

  18) 備有急救箱first aid boxes/ emergency kit

  19) 舉辦聚會(huì)have a party

  20) 有機(jī)會(huì) have an opportunity to do...

  21) 有空 be available

  22) 對(duì)......有影響 have postive/ negative impact on...

  23) 有......的技能have ...skills

  24) 傳承傳統(tǒng) pass on the tradition

  25) 表達(dá)觀點(diǎn)give/express an opinion

  托福寫作高頻場(chǎng)景詞匯:Culture and Leisure3

  26) 讓某人搭載 give a ride to sb

  27) 有運(yùn)動(dòng)病(指暈車、暈船、暈機(jī)等)car sickness, ship sickness, air sickness, motion sickness

  28) 遵守規(guī)則obey/ follow a rule

  29) 遵循當(dāng)?shù)仫L(fēng)俗follow/ obey local custom

  30) 經(jīng)歷時(shí)差jet leg

  31) 發(fā)揮某人的想象力 use one’s imagination

  32) 享受戶外的活動(dòng)enjoy outdoor activities

  33) 參加、從事文化活動(dòng)engage in the cultural activities

  34) 休息時(shí)間 during recess

  35) 穿......衣服dress in the costume of

  36) 穿傳統(tǒng)服裝traditional costume

  37) 建立研究中心research center

  38) 發(fā)展文化develop a culture

  39) 慶祝法定假日national holiday

  40) 開展活動(dòng)carry on activities

  托福寫作高頻場(chǎng)景詞匯:Culture and Leisure4

  41) 成為青少年的偶像become an idol to teenagers

  42) 在......方面是某人的對(duì)手 one’s opponent (in the general selection)

  43) 展覽be holding/ putting on an exhibition

  44) 流行,時(shí)髦vogue/ fashion

  45) 被......吸引,沉迷于...... be attractive to/ be addicted to

  46) 去現(xiàn)場(chǎng)看演出attend a live performance

  47) 欣賞、鑒賞藝術(shù)appreciate arts

  48) 影響某人的行為affect / impact / influence one’s behavior/ have… on sth.

  49) 接納另一個(gè)國(guó)家的風(fēng)俗adopt a custom from another country

  50) 有導(dǎo)游陪同的旅游guided tour

  51) 文化遺產(chǎn)cultural legacy/ heritage

  52) 整天坐著看電視的人 a couch potato

  53) 模仿犯罪a copycat crime

托福寫作高頻場(chǎng)景詞匯:Culture and Leisure相關(guān)文章


