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時間: 小鈿1254 分享



  1.Sorry to hear that(聽到這個消息我很難受。)

  2.Come on, you can do that(來吧,你能做到的。)

  3.Use your head(動動腦筋。)

  4.You did a great job(你趕得很好。)

  5.That’s very nice of you(你真好。)

  6.I’m very proud of you(我為你感到自豪。)

  7.I like your style(我喜歡你的風(fēng)格。)

  8.I love you guys(我愛你們。)

  9.How do I look?(我看起來怎么樣?)

  10.You look great!(你看上去棒極了!)

  11.That’s fantastic!(那真是棒極了!)

  12.That’s really something(那真是了不起!)

  13.It’s a pleasure working with you(與您合作很愉快。)

  14.Congratulations on you success(祝賀你的成功。)

  15.I’d like to propose a toast(我提議干杯!)

  16.Are you married or single?(你結(jié)婚了嗎?)

  17.I’ve been dying to see you(我非常想見到你。)

  18.I’m crazy about you(我為你瘋狂/癡迷/神魂顛倒。)

  19.I love you with all my heart(我全心全意愛你!)

  20.You’re everything to me(你是我的一切!)

  21.You’re in love!(你戀愛了!)

  22.I’m tired of working all day(整日工作使我厭煩。)

  23.You work too much(你做得太多了。)

  24.Money will come and go(錢乃身外之物。)

  25.Are you crazy?(你瘋了嗎?)

  26.Have you got it?(明白了嗎?)

  27.I’ve got it(我懂了。)

  28.I can’t afford that(我承擔(dān)/買不起。)

  29.I did it, I’m so happy now(我做到了,現(xiàn)在我很滿意

  30.I don’t care(不關(guān)我的事/我不管。)

  31.I don’t think so(我不這么想/我看不會/不行/不用。)

  32.I guess so(我想是吧。)

  33.I have no other choice(我別無選擇。)

  34.I will do my best!(我會盡力的!)

  35.I mean it(我是認(rèn)真的。)

  36.I’m so scared(我怕極了。)

  37.It’s hard to say(難說。)

  38.It’s a long story(說來話長/一言難盡。)

  39.It’s a small world(世界真小。)

  40.It’s against the law!(那是違法的!)

  41.It’s a good opportunity!(好機會!)

  42.It’s dangerous!(危險!)

  43.May I help you?(我能幫忙嗎?)

  44.No doubt about it(毫無疑問。)

  45.That’s bullshit!(廢話!)

  46.Think it over(仔細(xì)考慮一下。)

  47.Time will tell(時間會證明的。)

  48.What a surprise!(太令人驚訝了!)

  49.Whatever you say!(隨便你!)

  50.You are the boss!(聽你的!你說了算!)