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時間: 楚欣650 分享


  MODULE7 A famous story

  1、Alice had nothing to do. 愛麗絲沒什么事做。

  have/has sth. to do有事可干

  have/ has nothing to do沒事可干

  2、A white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her.有粉色眼睛的白色兔子從她身邊跑過

  3、There was nothing strange about that沒什么奇怪的。

  Strange奇怪的 be strange to sb.對某人來說是陌生的 stranger陌生人

  The city is strange to me.這座城市對我來說很陌生

  4、She did not think it was strange.她認為這并不奇怪

  5、It was too dark for her to see anything.太黑了以至于她什么都看不見。

  6、A girl called....一個叫。。。。的女孩



  8、fall(fell、fallen) fall off = fall down from從......落下

  9、Stop停止、停下stop doing sth. 停止做某事

  Stop to do sth.停下來去做某事

  10、think of doing sth.考慮做某事= think about doing sth.

  語法:過去進行時構(gòu)成:由 was/were+v.-ing 構(gòu)成

  過去進行時: 表示過去某一時刻正在進行或發(fā)生的動作。

  時間狀語:this time yesterday, at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, then, a moment ago

  Module8 Accidents

  1、you look pale.看起來蒼白 pale adj.蒼白的

  2、The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.


  in time及時 in time to do及時做某事

  Fall off從。。。處跌落 fall down摔倒

  3、pay attention注意、留心 pay attention to+n./v.ing

  4、Don’t ride side by side with your friends.并排的、肩并肩的

  5、It climbed out and hid somewhere. Climb out爬出來climb out of從....爬出來

  6、I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again


  be doing.....when表示一個動作正在進行的時候另一個動作突然發(fā)生了

  Pick sth. up撿起某物 pick sb. up接某人


  7、As the doctor were checking him, the pain get worse.

  as當。。。。時 get worse 變得更糟

  8、As he was lying there in great pain,....

  In pain表示“疼痛” in great pain極其疼痛

  9、as soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and.....他們一知道是什么種類的蛇咬了他,他們就給亨利適當?shù)厮?,并且。。。。?/p>

  Module 9 population

  1、The population of China is about 1.37billion.中國的人口大約有13.7億

  2、I’m preparing some notes for a report called “Our growing population”

  Prepare to do sth.準備做某事 prepare for sth.為。。。做準備

  a report called一個叫.......的報告


  1,000 one thousand

  1,000,000 one million

  1,000,000,000 one billion

  billion十億 million百萬 thousand千

  1,300,000,000 one billion three hundred million

  4、that causes a lot of problems, such as too much traffic and noise.那引起了很多問 題,諸如交通擁擠和噪音

  too many + 可數(shù)名詞 太多

  too much + 不可數(shù)名詞 太多

  much too + adj/ adv. 非常=very

  The story is______difficult to understand.

  A. too much B.too many C.much too

  5、that’s almost one fifth of the world’s population那大約是世界人口的五分之一


  6、hang on a minute! I’ll write that down too!等等,我要把這點也記下來!

  7、But in the future, China’s population won’t grow so fast, because families are getting smaller.


  Module 10 the weather

  1、Are you joking?你在開玩笑嗎?

  2、What’s the weather like in America in winter, Betty? 美國冬天的天氣怎么樣

  3、I like snow as well. as well 固定搭配“也”

  4、It’s probably sunny and hot there.那里可能陽光明媚,而且很熱

  5、Come on, better get going!最好現(xiàn)在去

  6、The best time to visit New England is in September. 參觀新英格蘭最好的時候是九月、

  the best time to do sth.干某事的最好時候

  7、bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees.帶著你的相機,你可以給秋天的樹拍照。take photos of給。。。。拍照

  8、If you want to visit Alaska, you had better go in summer.如果你想?yún)⒂^阿拉斯加州,你最好夏天去 had better do sth.=may/ might as well do sth. 最好做某事

  9、In Texas and the southeast, it is usually very hot and sunny compared to other places.


  Compared to/ with和。。。。比較

  10、there are storms from time to time in summer and autumn.在夏天和秋天有時會有暴風雨。

  Module11 way of life


  1.多么驚喜呀!What s surprise! 2.打開我的禮物open my present/gift

  3.接受我的禮物accept a gift 4.打掃衛(wèi)生do some cleaning

  5.太過于注意Pay much attention to 6.例如for example

  7.在春節(jié)的第一天on the first day of the Spring Festival 8.理發(fā)have hair cut

  9、有興趣做某事be interested to do sth 10、你最好做某事you’d better do sth

  11、accept與receive的區(qū)別:receive 只是客觀上收到,但不一定接受。accept 表示主觀上接受了


  1、Oh, you remembered! What a surprise! 噢,你還記得,好驚訝!

  英語的感嘆句通常以how和what開頭,其中what修飾名詞,how 修飾形容詞、副詞


  e.g. What a clever boy he is! (他是個)多么聰明的男孩啊!

  How kind you are! 你心腸真好!

  2、we usually don’t pay much attention to that.我們通常不太重視那個

  3、you’d better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.


  you’d better do sth. 最好做某事

  you’d better not do sth 最好不要做某事

  4、You can't be serious! 你不是認真的吧!serious在此處的意思是“認真的,不開玩的”。


  must 必須 must’t不準、不允許 can能 can’t不能 need需要 needn’t不必,不需要

  (1)情態(tài)動詞后面+動詞原形 I can play basketball.

  (2)情態(tài)動詞沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化 Amy need buy a book.

  (3)否定式構(gòu)成是在情態(tài)動詞后面加 "not" ,I can not play basketball.

  Module 12 Help

  1、First of all, find out what’s wrong with him.首先查查他怎么了。

  first of all首先

  2、but he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.他可能在聽你說和跟你說方面有麻煩

  have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻煩

  3、Make him comfortable.使他舒服 make使役動詞,后接形容詞或動詞原形作賓語補足語

  4、List him up.把他抬起來

  5、Make sure he is warm. Cover him with a coat. make sure確保 cover.....with用。。。覆蓋。。。

  6、Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.遠離窗戶和重的家具。

  7、It’s difficult to warn people about them.提醒人們注意它們是很困難的。

  It’s +形容詞+to do sth. 意為“做某事怎么樣”。

  8、Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake.通常人們在地震時不知道該做什么。

  9、If you are in a bus or car, stay in it.如果你在公共汽車上或者車上,就待在里面

  10、jump out of 跳出 keep clear of fires不接觸火 keep clam保持冷靜

  Be careful of小心 think about考慮 stop doing sth.停止做某事