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  Little Princess;


  Long long ago,the Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White, she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape.

  One day , the queen dressed up as an old farmther’s wife, gave Snow White a poisonous apple.

  The Snow White ate the poisonous apple, fell into a deep sleep.The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin.By and by, a prince killed Snow White, she woke up. They got married and lived happily.

  小公主英語寫作:I Am Not the Little Princess

  I am a lazy girl, when my mother asks me to help her with her housework, I will find some excuses and then run away. Someday, my mother says to me that I am a little princess, then I am very angry, I argue that I am not a princess. Since then, I am not lazy anymore, I just want to show to my mom that I can be a useful person.



  The change in her life did not come about gradually, but was made all at once.

  The next morning, when she went down to breakfast she saw that her seat at Miss Minchin’s side was occupied by Lavinia, and Miss Minchin spoke to her coldly.

  “You will begin your new duties, Sara,” she said,“by taking your seat with the younger children at a smaller table. You must keep them quiet, and see that they behave well and do not waste their food.”

  That was the beginning, and from day to day the duties given to her were added to. She taught the younger children French and heard their other lessons, and these were the least of her labors. It was found that she could be made use of in numberless directions. She could be sent on errands2 at any time and in all weathers. She could be told to do things other people forgot. The cook and the house maids took their tone from Miss Minchin, and enjoyed ordering her about as she had been treated as someone special before. They were not servants of the best class, and had neither good manners nor good tempers, and it was convenient3 to blame someone else if something went wrong.

  During the first month or two, Sara thought that her willingness to do things as well as she could and accept the blame for things which weren’t her fault would change the harsh4 way the others treated her. In her proud little heart she wanted them to see that she was trying to earn her living and not accepting charity5. But the time came when she saw that no one was softened at all; and the more willing she was to do as she was told, the more they pushed her, and the more ready a scolding cook was to blame her.

  If she had been older, Miss Minchin would have given her the bigger girls to teach and saved money by dismissing a teacher; but while she remained and looked like a child, she could be made more useful as a reliable errand girl and muliti-skilled maid. An ordinary errand boy would not have been so clever and reliable. Sara could be trusted with difficult commissions6 and messages. She could even go and pay bills, and clean a room well and to set things in order.

  Her own lessons became things of the past. She was taught nothing, and only after long and busy days spent in running here and there at everybody’s orders was she grudgingly allowed to go into the deserted schoolroom, with a pile of old books, and study alone at night.

  “If I do not remind myself of the things I have learned, perhaps I may forget them,” she said to herself. “I am almost a scullery7 maid, and if I am a scullery maid who knows nothing, I shall be like poor Becky.”

  One of the most curious things in her new life was her changed position among the pupils. Instead of being a sort of small royal personage8 among them, she no longer seemed to be one of their numbers at all. She was kept so constantly at work that she scarcely ever had an opportunity of speaking to any of them, and she could not avoid seeing that Miss Minchin preferred that she should not be in contact with the students.

  “I will not have her forming friendships and talking to the other children,” that lady said, “Girls like to complain, and if she begins to tell romantic stories about herself, she will become an ill-used heroine9, and parents will be given a wrong impression. It is better that she should live a separate life—one suited to her circumstance. I am giving her a home, and that is more than she has any right to expect from me.”

  Sara did not expect much, and was far too proud to try to continue to be intimate with girls who evidently10 felt awkward and uncertain about her. The fact was that Miss Minchin’s pupils were a set of dull, matter-of-fact young people. They were accustomed to being rich and comfortable, and as Sara’s frocks11 grew shorter and older, and her shoes developed holes and she carried out the duties of a maid, the students began to treat her like a servant.

  “To think that she was the girl with the diamond mines,” Lavinia said. “She’s queerer12 than ever. I never liked her much, but I can’t bear that way she has now of looking at people without speaking—just as if she was finding them out.”

  “I am,” said Sara, promptly13, when she heard of this. “That’s what I look at some people for. I like to know about them. I think them over afterward.”

  The truth was that Sara had saved herself annoyance several times by keeping her eye on Lavinia, who was quite ready to make mischief14, and would have been rather pleased to have made it for the ex-show pupil.

  Sara never made any mischief herself, or interfered with anyone. She worked like a drudge15; she walked though the wet streets, carrying parcels and baskets; she labored with the children’s French lessons; as her clothes became more ragged, and she was told that she had better take her meals downstairs; she was treated as if she was nobody’s concern, and her heart grew proud and sore, but she never told anyone what she felt.

  “Soldiers don’t complain,” she would say between her small, shut teeth, “I am not going to do it; I will pretend this is part of a war.”


















  1. 弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內(nèi)特 (1849—1924),英國兒童文學(xué)作家。伯內(nèi)特夫人所創(chuàng)作的幾部兒童小說皆是經(jīng)久不衰的暢銷作品,多次被改編成話劇或搬上銀幕。她的代表作有《小公主》、《秘密花園》等。

  2. errand n. 差事

  3. convenient adj. 方便的

  4. harsh adj. 苛刻的

  5. charity n. 施舍;慈善

  6. commission n. 差事;委托

  7. scullery n. 碗碟洗滌處

  8. personage n. 名人

  9. heroine n. 女英雄

  10. evidently adv. 顯然

  11. frock n. 上衣

  12. queer adj. 古怪的

  13. promptly adv. 迅速地

  14. mischief n. 惡作劇

  15. drudge n. 苦力









電視上那些媽媽總是喜歡把自己的女兒叫做小公主,這樣的一個稱呼用英語如何翻譯?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的小公主的英文是什么,供大家參閱! 小公主的英文是什么 Little Princess; 小公主英語作文 Long long ago,the Snow White stay


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