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時間: 若木631 分享


  1. 表示“剩下”“留下”“尚需”等,均為不及物動詞,因此不能跟有賓語,也沒有被動語態(tài),并且一般不用于進行時態(tài)。如:


  誤:Few houses were remaining after the earthquake.

  誤:Few houses were remained after the earthquake.

  正:Few houses remained after the earthquake.

  Today only a few stones remain of the castle. 今天這座城堡只剩下幾塊石頭。(=Today only a few stones of the castle remain.)

  2. 由于是不及物動詞,所以用于名詞前作定語時,不能用過去分詞,而應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在分詞(相當(dāng)于形容詞)。如:

  The remaining students will serve as audience. 剩下的學(xué)生將充作聽眾。

  比較:You may have all those that remain. 剩下所有的都歸你。

  He drank up the water that remained in the jug. 他把瓶里剩下的水喝完了。

  3. 由于是不及物動詞,所以類似下面句子中的that從句不是賓語從句,而是修飾其前the fact的同位語從句。如:

  The fact remains that she was lying. 事實是,她說的是假話。

  類似地,下面一句中的of the castle不是與remain搭配,而是與其前的a few stones搭配:

  4. 其后可接不定式,根據(jù)意思的需要選用主動或被動。如:

  Nobody remained to help him. 沒有人留下來幫助他。

  Much remains to be done. 要做的事情還很多。

  Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否對我們有害還要看一看。

  5. 與 there 連用,構(gòu)成類似于 there be 之類的句型。如:

  There remained in the village only women and children. 村里只剩下婦女和兒童。

  There remained just a little food. /There’s just a little food left. 只剩下一點點食品了。

  6. 用作連系動詞,意為“(繼續(xù))保持”“仍處于(某種狀態(tài)),其后可接名詞、形容詞、分詞、介詞短語等。如:

  He remains poor [a poor man]. 他仍然很窮。

  She remained sitting [seated]. 她一直坐著。

  There she remained under the care of Aunt Liu. 在那里她 一直受到劉大娘的照顧。