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not only…but的省略及其變體

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not only…but的省略及其變體

  not only...but also 是英語中常見的一對連詞, 相當中文的“不僅……而且”。Not only…but also是英語中較為常見的一個關(guān)聯(lián)詞組。由于它的用法比較復雜,本文擬對其用法及其使用中應(yīng)注意的問題作一歸納。
  1.Not only…but also中的also可以省略。有人認為該句型所連接的第二部分最高級形容詞或它所表示的范圍、程度、影響等超過第一部分時,常將also省略。例如:

  He was not only a successful writer but (also) the greatest poet of his time. 他不僅是一位成功的作家,而且是他那個時代最偉大的詩人。

  He is famous not only in China but (also) in the whole world. 他不僅聞名中國,而且聞名全球。

  Not only do they suffer less pain than most women in labor, but the town boasts an unusually

  low rate of infant mortality. 這不僅使她們比大多數(shù)產(chǎn)婦受痛苦,而且使城市嬰兒死亡率大大降低。

  2.not only…but also句型一般只省略also,但在連接句子時,有時也可見到省略but甚至but also的情形。例如:

  Not only was I tired, I was also cold.我不光困倦, 還感到很冷。(省去了but)

  George not only made an important friend, he also learned about the frontier. (省去了but)

  Since moisture is needed for rain, dry air in the morning not only allows the spider to get an early start, is also means a dry day. 有了濕度才會下雨,因此,早晨空氣干燥不僅使蜘蛛早點開始結(jié)網(wǎng),而且意味著這一天不會下雨。(省去了but)

  Not only bas she been an excellent wife, she has been a better husband than I’ll never be.

  她不僅是一個極其出色的妻子,而且是一個我永遠也做不到的好丈夫。(省去了but also)

  Not only were there no traces of drinking water in the room, there was not sufficient water found in the dead star’s stomach to have comfortably taken the tablets with. 不僅房內(nèi)沒有飲用水的痕跡,在這位已故影星的胃里也沒發(fā)現(xiàn)有把這些藥丸舒適地送下去的水。省去了but also)

  3. not only…but also的形式比較固定,但也會出現(xiàn)but與also被分隔開來的情形。例如:Not only the mother but the children are also sick.

  Not only is his right lung affected but his left lung is also.他不但右肺被感染,而且左肺也被感染了。

  4.not only A but also B的替代式常見的還有not only A but B…as well, not only A but B too, not merely A but also B, not just A but also B, not…alone…but 等。例如:

  Not only my mother was unhappy, but Mary, too. 不但我媽媽不高興,瑪麗也不高興。

  In jurisprudence it is a well-known principle that justice should not merely be done but should also be seen to be done.在法理學方面,人所共知的原則是:對受害者不僅應(yīng)當公正對待,而且應(yīng)當讓人們看到他得到了公正的對待。

  Not just the people of our nation, but all the people of the world have profited from his work.不僅我們國家的人民,而且全世界所有的人民,都從他的研究工作中得到了好處。

  Not poets alone, nor artists, nor that superior order of mind which arrogates to itself all refinement, feel this, but dogs and all men.不僅詩人,藝術(shù)家以及那些自命不凡、思想杰出的人覺得如此,連狗和普通人也有同感。